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Seraphina: Initiation

Page 4

by Sheena Hutchinson

  “Are you trying to kill me?!” I scream scrambling to my feet.

  “I’m not the only one!” he hollers back over the second whoosh passes me. I take a deep breath and just when I’m about to leap out across the beam, instead I pause and jump onto the swinging axe. I swing with it back and forth until I leap off of it and lap on the level below. Taking a deep breath in I slowly climb to my feet glancing around for my next obstacle. I feel a disturbance on the beam and look over to eye Nate across from me.

  “So how’d I do?” I mock a ballerina twirl indicating my expert balance to emphasis my point.

  “It’s not over yet,” he mutters before running at me and twisting into a kick aimed at my face. What’s with this guy and my face? Ducking in time I grab his ankle and swing it back around to him. He twirls with my added force going in for a punch this time I block and block again each time pushing him closer and closer to the edge. Just when I think I have him cornered he drops into a low swinging kick aimed to knock me off my feet. I jump upwards just in time, my hands grip a bar on the beam above and I swing myself across like a child in the playground. Nate grabs hold of my ankle and tries to pull me down. I put up a pretend fight before jumping down on top of him. Not expecting that we fall so that I’m on top of him once again. Our noses centimeters from each other distracts him enough so that I flip over him and run off the beam lifting my hands in victory.

  Chapter 5: The Perfect Night

  After I finished training, I find myself upstairs. Stepping into the shower I let the water cascade down my back and wash the day away. The memory of Nate gasping for breath on the floor is the first thing I let seep out of my mind and down the drain. Instead, I focus on the good discoveries of the day, like the fact that I’ve never felt so alive before. Pushing myself to my limits never felt so freeing. Then I remember the feeling of nature, feeling the heartbeat of the earth. I find myself wondering how I was so blind before, no wonder I felt like something was missing.

  After I finish with my shower, I brush my hair into a single braid down my back and put a pair of jeans and white tee shirt on before heading down to dinner. Only when I get there, Nate is nowhere to be found, the kitchen lights are off and all is silent. I begin to take a step back into the foyer when I hear a door creak open. Across the dining room I eye Nate coming out of a room without a doorknob and closing the door behind him.

  “Hungry?” he asks changing the subject from the obvious.

  “What’s in that room?”

  “My office,” he responds nonchalantly.

  “An office?” I feel the crease form across my forehead.

  “Yea you know, computer, pens, paper, office stuff,” he shrugs off the topic like it’s dull.

  “What were you doing in there?” I ask as I follow him up the three stairs into the loft style kitchen.

  “Research,” he replies with his one word-deterring tactic as he flips the lights on, “What would you like for dinner?” he officially changes the subject now.

  I sigh admitting defeat with my line of questioning before responding, “I want mashed potatoes!”

  “That’s it? Just potatoes?” he chuckles, “Okay… potatoes coming up for the little lady!”

  I climb into my spot in the kitchen nook again he places the empty plates on the table and sits down across from me. He closes his eyes and I watch him curiously this time before I glance down to see my plate covered with steak, mashed potatoes, and asparagus.

  “You know I’m not going to eat those right?” I mutter pushing the asparagus to the side.

  “Eh, It was worth a shot!” he jokes with a shrug.

  “Is this what you called conjuring?” I poke my fork into the steak as if making sure it was real.

  “Yup,” he responds in between bites of mashed potato.

  “Can you conjure anything?” I inquire continuing to push around the steak in front of me.

  “If I have enough energy and imagination,”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It takes a lot of energy and concentration to use the power of the mind, you have to picture something with enough clarity and then to force it out into existence.”

  I can’t help but sit there staring at my food processing his words, How is any of this possible? Can I do it? I guess only time will tell, I finish my own train of thought before picking my fork back up and eating my mashed potatoes.

  I’m so deep into thinking about conjuring and how that is inhumanly possible, when I realize I’m full. Pushing my plate away, I also notice I only really ate the mashed potatoes… in my defense, I did warn him. I look up to eye Nate with a sly smile on his face like he was thinking the exact same thing. I stand to leave when I hear Nate snap his fingers, reflexively I look back, what I find leaves me staring. The table is completely cleared, all that sits in the little breakfast nook is the plain oak table. I guess it makes sense, if I can conjure something with my mind—I should be able to make it disappear as well. Shaking my head as I wander back down the steps into the dining room. Nate follows close behind I feel his eyes on my back, watching me the entire way.

  “Nate…” I turn around to meet his eyes.

  “Yes,” he automatically responds as if it was a command.

  “Will I ever see my family again?” I finally let the words out of my mouth, something I’ve been trying so hard not to do. Once words are spoken they are out there in the universe to come to fruition. He see’s the pain behind my eyes and pulls me into the living room. We sit simultaneously on the couch before he says a word.

  “Truth is I don’t know Sera, right now is not the time to involve them. Maybe if things calm down we can try to work something out, but that won’t be for a while.”

  I know this is true, it wouldn’t be anytime soon. The fact that he believes things will calm down, things will get better makes my heart smile. “Promise me…” I whisper holding out my finger for yet another pinky promise. I don’t know why I like them so much, maybe it’s because I feel that if you promise while making contact with someone it means just a little more. Plus, I would use any excuse to touch Nate.

  He flashes me his bright smile as he links his pinky with mine, “I promise that when there is no evil in sight for an extended period of time…” he lets the words sink in making sure that he could hold up to it himself, “that we can see your family again.”

  With the excitement of all the news I jump up and wrap my arms around his neck. Snuggling my face into the nape of his neck. I feel the warmth of his hands wrap around me and hold me like he never wants to let me go. After a few seconds, I have to be the one to pull away slightly. When he doesn’t seem to loosen his arms all the way I’m forced to look up into his blue eyes. The eyes that remind me of the endless sea of the Caribbean. The gorgeous blue that is the only indication that he is not of this world. My breath hitches in my throat when I notice him looking down to my lips. My own lips purse in response, inviting him in. Within seconds his body reacts and I find his mouth on mine. Fire shoots through me at the contact, my once pounding heart is silenced, and there is nothing in the world but Nate and I. The heat from the fire is nothing compared to the blaze building up between us as his hands trace their way down my curves. Before I feel the passion getting too out of hand, I place my finger to his lips as I pull away. His eyes tell me he didn’t want the kiss to ever end and a part of me didn’t either, but I need to have a clear head for what’s coming. I know that now.

  “I don’t want to complicate things,” I blurt out ruining any moment we did have. “Sex, I mean. I know you don’t know what I’m talking about, but I do—sex just… complicates things. At least for women, I can’t exactly speak for men, but with women it’s different. I mean we are letting someone inside of us in more ways that one. It’s just more… intimate.” I take a deep breath before adding, “I just don’t want things to get complicated, I know I can’t let myself be distracted right now.”

  “You’re right, I don’t know what you mean
, but there are a few things I do know.”

  “Oh yea, like what?” asking sarcastically, what could he possibly know about sex that I don’t?

  “Well, first of all, I know that there is absolutely no way we could ever possibly complicate things further,” he jokes to lighten the mood and I have to laugh because he’s completely right. “Second of all, I know for a fact that there is no way anything could ever create, alter or destroy what it is I feel for you,” he states honestly before kissing my forehead. I don’t know what to say to that. I’m still staring at him when he breaks the silence, “But I’ve waited this long, I will wait until it’s right… for both of us.”


  It seems like forever we sat up talking about things on the couch. I practically had to pry myself away from him to go to bed. I’m climbing the steps by the time I notice Nate isn’t following me. Once I reach the landing I peek over the railing of the upstairs hallway to notice the door to his “office” is open a crack and light is peering through onto the dining room floor. Working late, hmm should I be worried? Truth is tonight, I don’t want to worry about anything. I want to focus on the good things of the day. The fact that I learned how to defend myself, I kind of kicked Nate’s butt, and the future promise of seeing my family again makes me grin from ear to ear. Whatever tomorrow may bring I’m going to appreciate the here and now.

  I’m in my closet changing for bed when I hear my phone chime. I bounce out into my room and grab the phone off the nightstand by my bed. Laying back on my bed as I look at Amanda’s text.

  Listen whore! I don’t want to be caught in your love triangle, I can’t even go to get coffee anymore because Jack bombards me with questions about you. He said you haven’t been returning his calls. Sera, man up and tell that guy the truth!

  I’m in shock, I didn’t even think about it. I’ve been so busy lately. I always meant to text Jack back, I just… I just never had a chance. I hit delete and I see a few more texts pop up from earlier. They are all from Jack.


  Hi…Call me.

  Sera, why aren’t you returning my calls, please tell me your okay?

  I saw Amanda, she said she saw you Friday that was days ago! Please tell me your… still you.

  My eyes tear as I put my phone back on the night table, I’ll deal with it tomorrow. Nothing is going to ruin my perfect day.

  Chapter 6: Angelic Disappearance


  Staring out the front window of my coffee shop at the dark clouds rolling in across the night sky, my hands brace themselves against the window as my mind automatically wanders to the worst possible scenario. I shake my head vigorously and my curls roughly brush against my face as I try to scare away any remaining doubts. She’s fine. That’s what I keep telling myself, but my anxiety climbs with each passing day. I haven’t seen Sera since Thursday when she told me she was attacked by a Demon at her former office. It’s been three days, she hasn’t returned a phone call, a text, or even came in for coffee. Believe me, I checked the tapes religiously! My head falls as my hands drop to my sides. I eventually turn and head back around the counter I’ve got a million things to do. Every time I hear the bell chime indicating a new customer I hope to see her gorgeous hazel eyes or her long scarlet hair making its way to me with that shy smile she always seems to have. Why is it that you never know how much someone means to you until they are gone? Is that what she is? Is she gone?

  “Do you want me to get her for you?” I look up to eye the smoky grey shadow of a woman sitting provocatively on the edge of a table. The way she sits with her legs crossed I can’t help but think that is what she must have done to get men to bow at her feet when she was alive. After all these years you’d think I’d get used to them popping up from out of nowhere, but sometimes they still make me jump.

  “No, she’ll eventually contact me,” Every piece of me hopes that that is true. I know this was not all one sided, I know she cares about me somewhere in that thick skull of hers.

  “Are you sure Jacky? I can find where she is for you?” she toys with my name in her mouth as she leans across the table onto her side looking her hollow eyes at me. I don’t know why it aggravates me, but it does. I will never use my spirits against Sera, I made a promise her.

  “I said, NO!” I scream as the bell chimes that someone has entered the shop. I glance up expectantly and I’m happily surprised to see Amanda, Sera’s best friend. I watch as she looks around to find out whom I was talking to before her forehead wrinkles in confusion and she heads over to place an order. I can’t help it, I keep looking behind her waiting for the flash of red hair to come through the door and make all my worrying seem silly.

  “Helloooo Jack?” Amanda is waiving her hand in front of my face now.

  “Sorry, zoned out for a sec,” I mutter shaking my head again.

  “She’s not with me,” Amanda looks down at her fingers tapping against my countertop.

  “Uh, who do you mean?” I try and recover my disappointment when I hear the shadow behind her fall to the floor in hysterical laughter.

  “You know exactly who I mean, Jack.” She whispers softly still not able to make eye contact with me.

  “Is she okay?” I whisper back almost afraid of the answer. It seems like ever since Thursday the air here has changed. It’s like thick and cold, well colder than usual for December in New York. It’s a cold that seeps into your bones and makes you think that you’ll never thaw out.

  “She was when I saw her Friday—”

  “FRIDAY?!” I scream running my fingers through my hair, “That’s three days ago!” I try to compose myself lowering my voice with my hands.

  “Jack…” Amanda whispers not wanting to get into details, but I think I already know the answer from her bright brown eyes. No, it’s not possible. I can’t even think about her with that Abercrombie and Fitch Angel wannabe.

  “Anyways, what can I get for you?” I change my tone and grab a cup off my dispenser next to the register.

  “Caramel Latte,” she states glancing around nervously.

  “Coming right up,” I respond turning around and making Sera’s favorite drink. I’m happy to keep my hands busy, the more I’m active the less I think. The less I think the less I worry about Sera. By the time I turn around to hand it to Amanda she has her wallet in her hands, “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Oh come on Jack…” Amanda’s slender fingers are toying with the zipper on the top of the wallet, “Let me pay you!”

  “You can repay me by getting Sera to return my calls.” If I know one thing, it’s that these two keep no secrets. Amanda will most definitely find out if she’s okay.

  “Fine,” she mutters not happy about it, “Take care Jack!” she calls over her shoulder as she heads out the door. The door chimes with her departure and my heart has fallen back to pieces once more.

  “Well, that wasn’t awkward or anything!” The spirit woman mutters popping up on the other side before bursting into laughter again. “Don’t worry about it Jacky Poo, lets make a deal…” she offers slowly walking through the countertop before her shadowy fingers graze their way across my bicep. “I’ll go find Sera for you and all you have to do is tell the police that my boyfriend killed me.”

  “I don’t make deals with spirits!” I yell loud enough for all the lingering shadows to hear.

  “FINE!” She screeches gathering her spiritual energy and throwing my pile of cups on the floor. “I hope you die of worry and see what we do to you then!” She threatens pointing her crooked shadow finger at me.

  “At least I’ll have peace from all of you!” I retort back sliding my phone out of my back pocket and shooting Sera one last text:

  I saw Amanda, she said she saw you Friday that was days ago! Please tell me your… still you.

  There, I resolve. If she doesn’t respond, I’ll have my answer. That’s what I told myself three texts and two calls ago. I sigh in defeat, because I know I’ll probably never stop trying.

  Chapter 7: Dreams No Longer a Gift

  I’m walking along the long cliff in my new backyard, enjoying the gorgeous scenery. I’m basking in the sun, breathing in the fresh outdoor air, and feeling the wind whip my hair around my face. I look back at my new home behind me and sigh as my mind automatically thinks of Nate. I lie down in the grass, feeling the wind whipping around my hair and the grass grazing my legs ever so slightly. Again I let my mind wander to thoughts of wondering if I ever would have moved out of my parent’s house had it not been for Nate. What would my life have been like? Would I have stayed at the office until retirement in quiet misery? Breaking me out of my moment I think I hear someone shouting my name. I look around, but I’m alone here in my new backyard. Where is that noise coming from? I shrug my shoulders and try to continue my thought processes, but a part of me is still on alert. There it is again, my name, Sera! I finally climb to my feet and look through the glass wall of our house. Nate isn’t there. I must be imagining things. Maybe my senses are just extra sensitive today. I begin to walk along the cliff and I hear it a little louder now. Sera! I glance out over the cliff and the winding river below that continues far into the distance. SERA! Finally my eyes lock on something in the river below, Nate.


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