Irena's Children

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Irena's Children Page 35

by Tilar J. Mazzeo

  In 1945, Warsaw was bleak and treeless: A. M. Rosenthal, “The Trees of Warsaw,” New York Times,

  Irena’s wartime journals and account books, like so much else in the city, were lost: “Fundacja Taubego na rzecz Życia i Kultury Żydowskiej przedstawia Ceremonię Wręczenia Nagrody im. Ireny Sendlerowej,” 2013 program. Also archives of Mirosława Pałaszewska and personal correspondence.

  Irena gave the list to Dr. Adolf Berman: Ibid. See also obituary, “Irena Sendler, Saviour of Children in the Warsaw Ghetto, Died on May 12th, Aged 98,” Economist, May 24, 2008,

  “Let me stress most emphatically that we who were rescuing children are not some kind of heroes”: “Irena Sendlerowa,” Association of “Children of the Holocaust” in Poland.

  Jaga Piotrowska and Jan Dobraczyński also made their own lists of the Jewish children: Archives of Mirosława Pałaszewska and personal correspondence; also Michał Głowiński, The Black Seasons, 87.

  “When Poland was liberated in 1945, a Jewish community was established”: Archives of Mirosława Pałaszewska; also Michał Głowiński, The Black Seasons, 86.

  “During the conversation,” Jaga said, “we were told”: Ibid.

  When Mietek returned to Poland from a prisoner-of-war camp in Germany, Irena was already five months pregnant: Iwona Rojek, “To była matka całego świata—córka Ireny Sendler opowiedziała nam o swojej mamie,” Echo Dnia Śilętokrzyskie, December 9, 2012,,to-byla-matka-calego-swiata-corka-ireny-sendler-opowiedziala-nam-o-swojej-mamie,id,t.html.

  his Jewish mother, Leokadia, was furious: Anna Mieszkowska, Prawdziwa Historia Ireny Sendlerowej.

  “the brightest star in the black sky of the occupation”: Michał Głowiński, The Black Seasons.


  “There are times when she avoids me,” Irena wrote of that long postwar friendship: Irena Sendler, “Youth Associations of the Warsaw Ghetto.”

  “In my dreams,” Irena said, “I still hear the cries”: Joseph Bottum, “Good People, Evil Times: The Women of Żegota,” First Things, April 17, 2009,

  When Adam Celnikier died of heart trouble in 1961: Anna Mieszkowska, Prawdziwa Historia Ireny Sendlerowej, 20.

  Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial organization in Israel, awarded Irena Sendler: Alexandra Sližová, “Osudy zachráněných dětí Ireny Sendlerové.”

  So, too, in time were Jaga Piotrowska, Maria Kukulska: “Fundacja Taubego na rzecz Życia i Kultury Żydowskiej przedstawia Ceremonię Wręczenia Nagrody im. Ireny Sendlerowej,” 2013 program.

  “We estimate (today after 40 years it is difficult to determine it exactly) the number of children”: Magdelena Grochowska, “Lista Sendlerowej.”

  “Every time people said that she saved 2,500 Jewish children’s lives”: Yoram Gross, personal correspondence.

  “I want everyone to know that, while I was coordinating our efforts, we were about twenty”: Joachim Wieler, “The Long Path to Irena Sendler.”

  After the war, when Irena made a list of all the people in Warsaw: Magdelena Grochowska, “Lista Sendlerowej.”

  “If we knew,” he told the crowd that day, “the names of all the noble people who risked their lives to save Jews”: Hans G. Furth, “One Million Polish Rescuers of Hunted Jews?,” Journal of Genocide Research 1, no. 2 (1999): 227–32.

  “I only have recourse to the memories burned into my mind by the events of those days”: Irena Sendler, autobiographical notes, ZIH archives, Materialy Zabrane w Latach, 1995–2003, sygn. S/353, file IS-04-85-R.

  In 2003, some of the children she helped to save wrote a joint letter: Aleksandra Zawłocka, “The Children of Ms. Sendler,” Polish-Jewish Heritage Foundation of Canada,; also Museum of the History of Polish Jews, 2010, “Irena Sendler,” Polscy Sprawiedliwi (Polish Righteous),

  “Heroes,” she said, “do extraordinary things”: Scott T. Allison, George R. Goethals, Heroes: What They Do and Why We Need Them, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, 24.

  “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history”: Anil Dutta Mishra, Inspiring Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi, Delhi: Concept Publishing, 2008, 36.

  Additional sources consulted for this book include: Halina Grubowska, Ta, Która Ratowała Żydów: rzecz o Irenie Sendlerowej, Warsaw: Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma, 2014; Wladyslaw Bartoszewski, “Powstanie Ligi do Walki z Rasizmem w 1946 r.,” Więź (1998): 238–45; Tomasz Szarota, “Ostatnia Droga Doktora: Rozmowa z Ireną Sendlerową,” Historia, vol. 21, May 24, 1997, 94; Janina Sacharewicz, “Irena Sendlerowa: Działanie z Potrzeby Serca,” Słowo Żydowskie, April 20, 2007; Mary Skinner, Irena Sendler: In the Name of Their Mothers (documentary film), 2011; “Bo Ratowała Życie,” Gość Warszawski, no. 6, February 11, 2007; and Abhijit Thite, The Other Schindler . . . Irena Sendler: Savior of the Holocaust Children, trans. Priya Gokhale, Pune, India: Ameya Prakashan, 2010.


  [Anon.] “50 Razy Kara Śmierci: Z Jadwigą Piotrowską,” May 11, 1986, ZIH archives, Materialy Zabrane w Latach, 1995–2003, sygn. S/353.

  [Anon.] “Ala Gołąb [Golomb] Grynberg,” Warsaw Ghetto Database, Polish Center for Holocaust Research,

  [Anon.] “Bo Ratowała Życie,” Gość Warszawski, no. 6, February 11, 2007.

  [Anon.] “Edwin Weiss,” Warsaw Ghetto Database, Polish Center for Holocaust Research,

  [Anon.] “Grojanowski Report,” Yad Vashem,

  [Anon.] “Irena Sendlerowa,” Association of “Children of the Holocaust” in Poland,

  [Anon.] “Jadwiga Maria Józefa Piotrowska,” Geni database,

  [Anon.] “Janusz Korczak,” Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Warsaw,

  [Anon.] “Marek Edelman: Last Surviving Leader of the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Against the Nazis,” Independent, October 7, 2009,

  [Anon.] “Nachum Remba,” Warsaw Ghetto Database, Polish Center for Holocaust Research,

  [Anon.] “Rediscover Polish Scouting,” Polish Scouting and Guiding Association,

  [Anon.] “Stanisława Bussold,” Museum of the History of Polish Jews,,bussold-stanislawa/.

  [Anon.] “The Warsaw Ghetto: Stroop’s Report on the Battles in the Warsaw Ghetto Revolt (May 16, 1943),” Jewish Virtual Library,

  [Anon.] “The Woman Who Smuggled Children from the Ghetto,” Jewniverse, February 15, 2013,

  [Anon.] “Zamordowani w różnych rejonach Warzawy,” Więźniowie Pawiaka [Victims of Pawiak in Warsaw data],

  [Anon.] “Życie Juliana Grobelnego,” October 3, 2007,

  [Anon.] “Fundacja Taubego na rzecz Życia i Kultury Żydowskiej przedstawia Ceremonię Wręczenia Nagrody im. Ireny Sendlerowej,” October 23, 2013 program, Museum of the History of Polish Jews, http://nagrodairenysendler

  [Anon.] “Terror Against the Intelligentsia and Clergy,” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,

  [Anon.] Transcripts of the Eichmann trial, Nizkor Project,

  [Anon.] “Life and Activity of Helena Twóczość Radlińskie,”

  [Anon.] “Adam Żurawin,” Warsaw Ghetto Database, Polish Center for Holocaust Research,

  [Anon.] “Adolf Abraham Berman,” Yad Vashem,

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  [Anon.] “Directive No. 1 for the Conduct of the War,” Avalon Project: Yale Law School,

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  [Anon.] “Gestapo Torture of Jews in Warsaw Prisons Reported, List of Guilty Nazis,” October 19, 1942, Jewish Telegraphic Agency,

  [Anon.] “Irena Sendler Award for Repairing the World,” program description, Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej,

  [Anon.] “Irena Sendler, Saviour of Children in the Warsaw Ghetto, Died on May 12th, Aged 98,” Economist, May 24, 2008,

  [Anon.] “Judischer Ordnungsdienst,” This Month in Holocaust History, Yad Vashem,

  [Anon.] “Janusz Korczak: A Polish Hero at the Jewish Museum,” Culture 24, December 7, 2006,

  [Anon.] “K. Dargielowa,” Warsaw Ghetto Database, Polish Center for Holocaust Research,

  [Anon.] “Maria Palester,” Museum of the History of Polish Jews,,palester-maria/.

  [Anon.] “Nachum Remba,” Warsaw Ghetto Database, Polish Center for Holocaust Research,

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  [Anon.] “Otwoccy Sprawiedliwi,” Gazeta Otwocka, July 2012,

  [Anon.] “Piotrków: Pamiątkowa tablica ku czci Sendlerowej,”,,2801.

  [Anon.] “The 72nd Anniversary of the Creation of the Council to Aid Jews,” Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw, December 3, 2014,

  [Anon.] “Warsaw,” Holocaust Encyclopedia, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,

  [Anon.] “Aktion Erntefest (Operation “Harvest Festival”),” Holocaust Encyclopedia, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,

  [Anon.] IPN TV, “Relacja Piotra Zettingera o Ucieczce z Warszawskiego Getta” (video interview with Piotr Zettinger),

  [Anon.] Jewish Historical Institute Association of Warsaw, Virtual Shtetl Project, “Janusz Korczak’s Orphanage in Warsaw,” trans. Ewelina Gadomska,,heritage-sites/3518,janusz-korczak-s-orphanage-in-warsaw-92-krochmalna-street-until-1940-/.

  [Anon.] State University of New York at Buffalo/Jagiellonian University, “Slow Extermination: Life and Death in the Warsaw Ghetto,” Info Poland,

  [Frank, Hans.] Diary of Hans Frank, National Archives of the United States, Washington, DC, publication T992, microfilm,

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