Irena's Children

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Irena's Children Page 36

by Tilar J. Mazzeo

  Czuperska-Śliwicka, Anna. Cztery Lata Ostrego Dyżuru: Wspomnienia z Pawiaka, 1930–1944. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1965.

  Danow, David. The Spirit of Carnival: Magical Realism and the Grotesque. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 2005.

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  Domańska, Regina. Pawiak, Więzienie Gestapo: Kronika, 1939–1944. Warsaw: Książka I Wiedza, 1978.

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  Filipowicz, Bogusław. “Nadzieja spełniona: dzieło Ireny Sendlerowej,” Quarterly Research 1, no. 1 (2010),

  Fox, Frank. “Endangered Species: Jews and Buffaloes,” The Scrolls,

  Furth, Hans G. “One Million Polish Rescuers of Hunted Jews?,” Journal of Genocide Research 1, no. 2 (1999): 227–32.

  Głowiński, Michał. The Black Seasons, trans. Marci Shore. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2005.

  Góra, Barbara. “Anna Braude Hellerowa,” Warsaw: Association of “Children of the Holocaust” in Poland, 2011, 38–39.

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  Grabski, August, and Piotr Grudka. “Polish Socialists in the Warsaw Ghetto,” Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw,

  Grochowska, Magdelena. “Lista Sendlerowej: Reportaž z 2001 Roku,” Gazeta Wyborcza, May 12, 2008, n.p.

  Grodin, Michael A., ed. Jewish Medical Resistance in the Holocaust. New York: Berghahn, 2014.

  Grubowska, Halina. Ta, Która Ratowała Żydów: Rzecz o Irenie Sendlerowej. Warsaw: Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma, 2014.

  Gutembaum, Jakub, and Agnieszka Lałała, eds. The Last Eyewitnesses: Children of the Holocaust Speak, vol. 2. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2005.

  Gutman, Israel. The Encyclopedia of the Righteous Among the Nations. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2007, vol. 5 (Poland).

  Halter, Marek. Stories of Deliverance: Speaking with Men and Women Who Rescued Jews from the Holocaust. Chicago and La Salle, IL: Open Court, 1997.

  Haltof, Marek. Polish Film and the Holocaust: Politics and Memory. New York: Berghahn Books, 2012.

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  Hirszfeld, Ludwik. The Story of One Life, trans. Marta A. Balińska. Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2014.

  Hryniewicz, Bohdan. My Boyhood War: Warsaw: 1944, Stroud, UK: History Press, 2015.

  Hugman, Richard, ed. Understanding International Social Work: A Critical Analysis. New York: Palgrave, 2010.

  Jackl, Klara. “Father Boduen Children’s Home: A Gateway to Life,” Museum of the History of Polish Jews, June 11, 2012,

  Jankowska-Tobijasiewicz, Barbara. “Irenę Sendlerową i Barbarę Ditrich: Niezwykłe sąsiadki z ul: Ludwiki wspomina,” Urząd Dzielnicy Wola, January 28, 2010,,internetowe-wydanie-kuriera-wolskiego—-wszystkie-numery.html?date=2010-01-00&artykul_id=394.

  Jockusch, Laura and Tamar Lewinsky. “Paradise Lost? Postwar Memory of Polish Jewish Survival in the Soviet Union,” Holocaust and Genocide Studies 24, no. 3 (Winter 2010): 373–99.

  Kaufman, Michael T. “Marek Edelman, Commander in Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Dies at 90,” New York Times, October 3, 2009,

  Komorowski, Bronisław. “Maria ‘Kama’ Stypułkowska-Chojecka popiera Komorowskiego—a Ty?,” recorded by Bronisław Komorowski, May 27, 2010,

  Komorowskiego, Krzysztofa. Polityka i Walka: Konspiracja Zbrojna Ruchu Narodowego, 1939–1945. Warsawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza “Rytm,” 2000.

  Korczak, Janusz. A Child’s Right to Respect. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, 2009,

  Korczak, Janusz. Ghetto Diary. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003.

  Korczak, Jerzy. Oswajanie Strachu. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Muza, 2007.

  Kroll, Chana. “Irena Sendler: Rescuer of the Children of Warsaw,” Chabad,

  Kurek, Ewa. Your Life Is Worth Mine: How Polish Nuns Saved Hundreds of Jewish Children in German-Occupied Poland, 1939–1944. New York: Hippocrene Books, 1997.

  Kurzman, Dan. The Bravest Battle: The 28 Days of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Boston: Da Capo Press, 1993.

  Land-Weber, Ellen. “Conditions for the Jews in Poland,” To Save a Life: Stories of Holocaust Rescue, Humboldt State University,

  Land-Weber, Ellen. To Save a Life: Stories of Holocaust Rescue. Champaign-Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2002.

  Lerek, Wanda D. Hold on to Life, Dear: Memoirs of a Holocaust Survivor. n.p.: W. D. Lereck, 1996.

  Lewin, Abraham. A Cup of Tears: A Diary of the Warsaw Ghetto, ed. Antony Polonsky. Waukegan, IL: Fontana Press, 1990.

  Lifton, Betty Jean. The King of Children: A Biography of Janusz Korczak. New York: Schocken, 1989.

  Liv, Andras. “1912–1942: Korczak Orphanage Fate in Warsaw: Krochmalna 92—Chłodna 33—Sienna 16,” January 2, 2012,

  Marcinkowski, Robert. Warsaw, Then and Now. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Mazowsze, 2011.

  Meed, Vladka. On Both Sides of the Wall: Memoirs from the Warsaw Ghetto, trans. Steven Meed. Jerusalem: Ghetto Fighters’ House, 1972, review by Rivka Chaya Schiller, Women in Judaism 9, no. 1 (2012),

  Meed, Vladka. On Both Sides of the Wall, trans. Steven Meed. Washington, DC: Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1999.

  Michlic, Joanna B. Poland’s Threatening Other: The Image of the Jew from 1880 to the Present. Lincoln: University of Nebraska, 2006, 2008.

  Mierzejewski, Marcin. “Sendler’s Children,” Warsaw Voice, September 25, 2003,

  Mieszkowska, Anna. Irena Sendler: Mother of the Children of the Holocaust, trans. Witold Zbirohowski-Koscia, Westport, CT: Praeger, 2010.

  Mieszkowska, Anna. Prawdziwa Historia Ireny Sendlerowej. Warsaw: Marginesy, 2014.

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  Mórawski, Karol. Warszawa Dzieje Miasta
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  Museum of the History of Polish Jews, 2010, “Irena Sendler,” Polscy Sprawiedliwi (Polish Righteous),

  Nagorski, Andrew. “ ‘Vera Gran: The Accused’ by Agata Tuszynska” (review), Washington Post, March 22, 2013,

  Oelkers, Jürgen. “Korczak’s Memoirs: An Educational Interpretation,” Universität Zürich, Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft, Lehrstühle und Forschungsstellen,

  Pagis, Ada. “A Rare Gem,” Haaretz, May 9, 2008,; review of Ir Betoch Ir, diary of Batia Temkin-Berman, trans. Uri Orlev, Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2008.

  Paul, Mark. “Traditional Jewish Attitudes Toward Poles,” January 2015,

  Pawiak Prison Museum, public exhibition materials.

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  Powell, Lawrence N. Troubled Memory: Anne Levy, the Holocaust, and David Duke’s Louisiana. Charlotte: University of North Carolina Press, 2002.

  Prekerowa, Teresa. Żegota: Commision d’aide aux Juifs, trans. Maria Apfelbaum. Monaco: Éditions du Rocher, 1999.

  Rajchman, Chil. The Last Jew of Treblinka: A Memoir. New York: Pegasus, 2012.

  Rajchman, Chil. Treblinka: A Survivor’s Memory, 1942–1943, trans. Solon Beinfeld. London: Maclehose Press, 2009.

  Rejak, Sebastian and Elżbieta Frister, eds. Inferno of Choices: Poles and the Holocaust. Warsaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza “Rytm,” 2012.

  Richie, Alexandra. Warsaw 1944: Hitler, Himmler, and the Warsaw Uprising. New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, New York, 2013, review by Irene Tomaszewski, Cosmopolitan Review 6, no. 1 (2014),

  Ringelblum, Emanuel. Notes from the Warsaw Ghetto. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1958.

  Ringelblum, Emanuel. The Journal of Emanuel Ringelblum, trans. Jacob Sloan. New York: Schocken Books, 1974.

  Roguszewski, Mirosław. Powstańcze Oddziały Specjalne “Jerzyki” w latach, 1939–1945. Bydgoszcz: n.p., 1994.

  Rozett, Robert. “The Little-Known Uprising: Warsaw Ghetto, January,” Jerusalem Post, January 16, 2013,

  Russell, Sharman Apt. Hunger: An Unnatural History. New York: Basic Books, 2006.

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  Sacharewicz, Janina. “Irena Sendlerowa: Działanie Z Potrzeby Serca,” Słowo Żydowskie, April 20, 2007.

  Seeman, Mary V. “Szymon Rudnicki: Equal, but Not Completely,” Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, book review, June 7, 2010,

  Sendler, Irena, “O Pomocy Żydom,” excerpted from Władysław Bartoszewski and Zofia Lewinówna, eds., Ten jest z ojczyzny mojej. Polacy z pomocą Żydom (This Is My Homeland: Poles Helping Jews), 1939–1945, 2d ed., Kraków: Znak, 1969, archived at Lewicowo,

  Sendler, Irena. “Testimony of Irena Sendlerowa,” Association of “Children of the Holocaust” in Poland,

  Sendler, Irena. “The Valor of the Young,” Dimensions: A Journal of Holocaust Studies 7, no. 2 (1993), 20–25.

  Sendler, Irena. “Youth Associations of the Warsaw Ghetto: A Tribute to Jewish Rescuers,” ZIH archives (Materialy Zabrane w Latach, 1995–2003, sygn. S/353), trans. Stanisław Barańczak and Michael Barańczak.

  Shtokfish, David, ed. and trans. Jewish Mlawa: Its History, Development, Destruction. Tel Aviv: Mlawa Societies in Israel and in the Diaspora, 1984, 2 vols.,

  Shulman, Abraham. The Case of Hotel Polski: An Account of One of the Most Enigmatic Episodes of World War II. New York: Holocaust Library, 1982.

  Skarbek-Kruszewski, Zygmunt. Bellum Vobiscum: War Memoirs, ed. Jurek Zygmunt Skarbek, n.p: Skarbek Consulting Pty Ltd, 2001,

  Skinner, Mary. Irena Sendler: In the Name of Their Mothers (documentary film), 2011.

  Śliwówska. Wiktoria, ed. The Last Eyewitnesses: Children of the Holocaust Speak, trans. Julian and Fay Bussgang. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1999.

  Smith, Mark. Treblinka Survivor: The Life and Death of Hershl Sperling. Mt. Pleasant, SC: The History Press, 2010.

  Stelmaszuk, Waleria Zofia. “Residential Care in Poland: Past, Present, and Future,” International Journal of Family and Child Welfare, 2002/3, 101.

  Szarota, Tomasz. “Ostatnia Droga Doktora: Rozmowa z Ireną Sendlerową,” Historia 21, May 24, 1997, 94.

  Szpilman, Władysław. The Pianist: The Extraordinary True Story of One Man’s Survival in Warsaw, 1939–1945, trans. A. Bell, with extracts from the diary of Wilm Hosenfeld. New York: Picador, 1999.

  Thite, Abhijit. The Other Schindler . . . Irena Sendler: Savior of the Holocaust Children, trans. Priya Gokhale. Pune, India: Ameya Prakashan, 2010.

  Tomaszewski, Irene and Tecia Werbowski. Code Name: Żegota: Rescuing Jews in Occupied Poland, 1942–1945: The Most Dangerous Conspiracy in Wartime Europe.New York: Praeger, 2010.

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