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7+Us Makes Nine: A Nanny Single Dad Romance (Baby Makes Three)

Page 16

by Nicole Elliot

  “Where do we go from here?” I asked.

  “Nowhere. It’s done. The judge is already aware of what Anya got caught doing. There are scores of pictures with her drinking at all hours of the night last night and plenty of camera footage at stoplights I can have pulled at the drop of a hat to prove she was driving drunk. I know this judge. Once I bring all of this to him, he won’t even hear the case.”

  “When are you supposed to see him?”

  “An hour. I’m walking out the door now. I’ll let you know once it’s over. And Jace?”

  “Yeah?” I asked breathlessly.

  “It’s almost over.”

  “Call me the second you walk out of there,” I said.

  “Already got you on speed dial. Talk soon.”


  I put the phone down by my body and stared blankly at the television screen. I didn’t know what to think. How to feel. Part of me was relieved that this was almost over, but part of me still hurt. Anya used to be such a vibrant, beautiful woman. And the Hollywood glitz and glamour of drugs and alcohol had destroyed her. My children had no mother. And by the sound of it, they wouldn’t again. At least, not with the woman that helped raise them. I sighed and relished in the silence of the house. The soft snores of my family wafted into the hallway and I closed my eyes.

  I sat on the edge of the bed until my phone rang.

  “This is Jace,” I said.

  “The judge tossed the case out. Ruled her an unfit mother before I even showed him half of what I had to show him. The custody agreement still stands, and I’m working on amending it a little bit to make it even more ironclad.”

  “How so?” I asked.

  “I’m adding Catherine into it.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  “Yes it is. You’ll need her to be protected when she’s out and about with the children as well. Even though it looks like Anya won’t be getting out of jail for a while, she will eventually get out. Let me work on making sure there are no loopholes in this thing, then I’ll get you an amended and judge-approved copy over to you.”

  “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and my family,” I said.

  “It’s not a problem. It’s a joy for me to help families like yours, Mr. Logan. A word of advice?”


  “Stay away from the television for a few days. Let this news cycle take its course. It’s not a good look. I’ve told you what you need to know about what’s happening to her. No use in torturing yourself.”

  “Trust me, the television stays off if I can help it,” I said.

  “Good. I’ll get in touch once the custody document has been tightened. Talk soon.”

  “And good morning to you, too,” I said with a chuckle.

  “Good morning, Mr. Logan.”

  I hung up the phone and relief rushed through my veins. It was over. This fucking nightmare was finally over. Finally, after seven months of battling everything and batting away the media and being frightened about my children being taken from me, it was over. I could rest.

  I closed my eyes and placed the heels of my palms against them. I could focus on my babies. On Catherine. On the love I had for her. I could finally go into all of this with a clear mind. I could finish the nurseries and treat Catherine to nice dinners out while I still could and whisk us away on a vacation to get away from everything.

  Finally, I could give Catherine what she wanted.

  I could make this about her.

  I made my way downstairs with every intent to start. I pulled out some liquid tofu to scramble up and pancake mix, then pulled some veggie sausage from the refrigerator. I began frying everything up and seasoning it just the way I knew she liked, making plans in my head as I went along. I brewed a nice cup of decaf coffee as well as squeezed up some orange juice, then I put everything on a tray and began my ascent upstairs.

  After weeks of fighting with her, I finally got Catherine to agree to sleep with me at night. I wanted to hold her changing body close and splay my hands along her growing stomach. I wanted to wake up to her hair tickling my nose and her ass pressed into my groin. But mostly, I wanted her next to me in case she needed something. Her size with the quadruplets was hindering a lot of the things she did on a regular basis. Bending down was a chore, and if she dropped something it usually stayed on the ground until I could get home. Every time she had to get up to go to the bathroom, I had to get up and help her. And after walking up and down the stairs multiple times a night, I finally convinced her to sleep with me for just one night.

  And one night turned into two.

  Then two turned into three.

  And pretty soon, we were hauling her clothes up the steps and making room in my closet for them.

  I pushed the door open and saw her there, her legs cocked and her stomach resting against the bed. Her hair poured over her face and her mouth hung slightly open, and I stood there watching her. Listening to her sounds. Reveling in how incredible she was. Growing four of my children while running after the other three, and the only thing she complained about after our fight a few months ago was how much her feet hurt at times.

  I walked across the room and sat the tray on the bedside table.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” I said as I smoothed her hair back.

  She groaned and turned towards me as I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  “What time is it?” she asked.

  “Nine o’clock.”

  “Wait, are the kids up?” she asked.

  “Nope. Apparently, staying up until midnight makes them sleep later. Who knew?”

  “Mmmm, what is that wonderful smell?”

  I pressed a kiss to her cheek before I helped her to sit up. I wrapped my arms underneath hers and hoisted her up, watching the sheet fall from her body. Her breasts were naked and her stomach was thick with stretch marks. I had to stare. I couldn't help it. The way her body had swollen with my children made me want her all the more. I gazed at her naked body as she propped herself up, groaning and grunting and trying to get comfortable.

  “Enjoying the view?” she asked.

  I licked my lips as my eyes panned back up to hers.

  “You know I always do,” I said. “I made breakfast.”

  I grabbed the tray and set it on top of her stomach. It always made her laugh, and the wondrous sound filled our bedroom as I smoothed my hand over her leg. She drew in a deep breath before grabbing her orange juice, and I watched her gulp it down. Chug it like she hadn’t had anything to drink in days. I reached out and wiped away a trickle of the juice that didn’t quite make it between her lips, then listened as she polished the glass off.

  “Want me to go get you some more?” I asked.

  “No,” she said breathlessly. “Sorry. I was really thirsty.”

  “No need to be sorry. You can have whatever you want. You know that.”

  “This really smells good. What’s the special occasion?”

  I looked into her eyes and I saw her expression morph. Her brow began to furrow and her lips turned themselves down into a frown. She placed her tray off to the side-- but not before taking a bite of the veggie sausage. Then she took my hand within hers and stroked her skin against mine.

  “Jace. What’s going on?” Catherine asked.

  “It’s Anya,” I said.

  I watched her draw in a deep breath as I squeezed her hand.

  “She won’t be bothering us any longer,” I said.

  “Wait, what?” she asked.

  “She was caught last night partying and buying heroin off an undercover officer. And when they arrested her and took her downtown, they drug tested her. Found a concoction of pills in her system, heroin, and a stupidly high blood-alcohol level.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Very. I got off the phone with my lawyer about thirty minutes ago. The judge has tossed the case out, deeming her an unfit mother. And the custody agreement is being amended to include protection for you

  I watched her jaw drop open as tears welled in her eyes.

  “Do the kids know?” she asked.

  “They haven’t even gotten up. I have no idea how I’m going to start that conversation with them, or even if I should. But my lawyer’s advice was to stay away from the television for a few days. To let the story die down. So I figured I could take you and the kids somewhere.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “A vacation. Some time for all of us before the quadruplets come along.”

  “I’m seven months pregnant. I can’t do much, Jace.”

  “Then we’ll sit on the couch while the kids run amok somewhere. I’ve spent your entire pregnancy so focused on this shit with Anya and what she was doing to Michaela and the boys that you’ve taken a backseat during one of the most incredible moments of your life. And I know I can’t make that up to you. I know I can’t take back all of the times I had to drop time with us to deal with the backlash of her. But I’d like to try. I’d like to start making this about you, if you’ll let me.”

  She brought my hand to her lips to kiss and fire rushed through my veins.

  “I’d go anywhere with you,” she said breathlessly.

  “Then I’ll start making the plans. I thought we could go north. Get a cabin in Washington State or something and just be lazy. Eat in. Sleep. I could get one with a hot tub for the kids and we could load up their toys. Two weeks, all of us, and no work or Anya or news or telephone calls from lawyers.”

  “Sounds like a dream,” she said with a whisper.

  The tears brewing in her eyes broke my heart.

  “I love you, Catherine. And I’m so sorry for what I’ve put you through.”

  “You didn’t put me through anything. You played defense. Anya was the one that came at us. At this family. At our family.”

  Our family.

  Our. Family.

  Maybe my children did still have a mother after all.

  “I love you too, Jace,” she said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

  I reached out to catch it with my knuckle before I leaned up to kiss her.

  “Now, you eat that breakfast and feed those children of mine. I’m going to go downstairs and start making plans. If I can arrange it, we’ll be leaving tonight.”

  “Tonight?” she asked with a giggle.

  “Yes. Tonight. I’ll drive, you sleep, and the kids will wiggle in their seats until we get there. It’ll be the perfect impromptu trip we all need after this fiasco.”

  “Sounds wonderful,” she said.

  I bent down and kissed her stomach four times. One for each of my growing babies. Then I kissed Catherine one last time before she reached for her breakfast plate. I made my way downstairs and got on the phone, arranging the time off so I could plan the greatest vacation ever.

  And after the plans were solidified and the cabin was booked, I woke the kids up so they could start packing.

  Two weeks with no one but my family.

  I couldn't fucking wait.



  “It’s so awesome!” Dmitri exclaimed.

  “I’m gonna go find my room!” Ivan said.

  “Swim now?” Michaela asked.

  “I think some night time swimming would be fun. What do you say, boys?” Jace asked.

  “Yeah! I’m gonna go get in my bathing suit,” Dmitri said.

  “Last one there gets to eat poop!” Ivan exclaimed.

  “Well that doesn’t sound appetizing,” I said.

  “Are you going to come swimming with us?” Jace asked.

  He walked over and wrapped his arms around me before pulling me into a kiss. It was almost comical, how he had to kiss me now. Even with his massive stature, he had to stand on his tiptoes just so he could mold himself to the massive protrusion sticking out from my body. His lips pressed against mine as I felt a small hand slip into my palm.

  “Pwease?” Michaela asked.

  “I guess I could come stick my feet in,” I said with a smile.

  “Great. I’m going to go get the boys in their suits. Do you need help with Michaela?” Jace asked.

  “Nope. I’ve got her,” I said. “Come on. Let’s go find a bathing suit for you to wear.”

  The cabin was beautiful, but not really a cabin at all. It was more like a wooden mansion in the middle of the woods. It had a heated pool and a hot tub off the back balcony as well as a beautiful private balcony off the master bedroom upstairs. And I had a feeling that would be my favorite spot. It overlooked the forest of trees that surrounded us and had the perfect little clearing to watch the sun set every single evening.

  Jace had really outdone himself with this vacation.

  I wiggled Michaela out of her clothes and helped her step into her bathing suit. Then, I went and put on a skirt that would let me stick my feet in. Hot tubs and pregnancy were a no go. Besides it was well past dinner time and my body was already giving out. But the idea of soaking my aching feet in some warm water sounded fantastic. The boys ran past Michaela’s room and she took off to join them, a chorus of giggles resounding as the door slid open. I watched Jace stride past, holding up floaties in his hands and calling out names.

  I shook my head and smiled as I started out of the room.

  “Last one in’s a rotten egg!” Jace exclaimed.

  I heard the splashing of water before all the kids jumped in after him. But when I stepped out onto the porch, I gasped. It wasn’t a hot tub, it was a pool. And the pool wasn’t just any pool. It had cushioned seating inside the pool. I could get in, lay down, and have the heated water wash against my body at the same time.

  Tears of happiness filled my eyes at the sight.

  Jace got out and held my hand, helping me walk into the water. He settled me down onto the chair, then bent over and planted a kiss against my lips. We’d grown more comfortable showing affection in front of the children. Especially after we told them I was pregnant. I smoothed my fingers through his hair and gazed into his reverent eyes, enjoying every fleeting second with him.

  Then a wall of water came rushing our way as the kids began to splash us.

  “Oh, you guys are going to pay for that,” Jace said.

  “Oh no! Michaela exclaimed.

  “Swim away!” Ivan yelled.

  “Daddy’s coming! Run!” Dmitri shouted.

  I threw my head back and laughed as he began to dunk the kids. They splashed and played around. They hopped on Jace’s shoulders and tried to dunk him as best as they could. They swam around and jumped off the diving board and did flips off the sides of the pool.

  It felt so good, relaxing with them like this.

  It felt so good, spending time with them without the looming threat of Michaela being taken from us.

  “Miss Caffy?”

  “Yes sweetheart?”

  “Come swim with us?” Michael asked.

  “I can’t honey. I’m not very stable right now,” I said.

  “What if I held onto you?”

  I panned my gaze over to Jace as he walked out of the water. Droplets of crystal clear liquid fell off his shoulders and ran down the divots of his chiseled muscles. Every single part of me wanted to take him then and there. His legs flexed with his movements and his arms bulged with veins. His hair was soaking wet and pouring down his forehead, dripping water down to a pair of lips I was determined to suck on more than once over the course of our two-week stay.

  “I’m not sure you can,” I said with a giggle.

  “Let me be the judge of that,” Jace said.

  He held out his hand for me and I took it. He helped me to my feet and guided me into the water in nothing but my skirt, my panties, and my t-shirt on. I gripped his hand tightly, trying not to topple over onto my stomach in the water. The kids’ eyes began to light up the deeper I came, and soon I was standing in chest-deep water with the warmth of the pool relaxing every muscle in my body.

  Then, I felt it.

’s lips come down against my neck as his hands slid around my body.

  I leaned into him as the kids continued to splash around and jump from the diving board. I cheered them on and clapped at their amazing tricks as Jace peppered me with kisses. Small little dots of love that cascaded over my skin and trickled up my neck. He nuzzled my ear and whispered sweet nothings. Phrases that shot electricity through my veins and made that sweet spot between my legs pulse.

  It was all so wonderful, and the feel of his strong arms around me brought such comfort.

  We swam until well past eleven, then it was time to get the kids to bed. I told them they could take showers in the morning, but I didn’t want them falling asleep in their wet clothes. Jace told me to go change while he got the kids ready for bed and I was thankful for it. My body ached with exhaustion despite the fun we’d had that day. The songs we all sang while traveling still echoed in my ear, bringing a smile to my face as the lights slowly turned off in the cabin.

  But I had struggled so badly to get my wet clothes off that I decided to pile into bed naked.

  “Oh, what a beautiful sight,” Jace said.

  I laid on the bed with my arms and legs flopped out.

  “I’m so tired I can’t even get dressed,” I said.

  “No problem with that. I can sleep naked, too.”

  I heard the door shut before the sounds of wet clothes hitting the floor graced my ears.

  “Yeah, but you don’t bust a sweat taking off your clothes.”

  “Trust me, you look gorgeous all sweaty and mussed up,” he said.

  I giggled as his shadow loomed over me.

  “What are you doing?” I asked. “I’m tired. Come cuddle with me.”

  “Just admiring your beauty, Catherine. Can a man not do that with the woman he loves?”

  My body shook willingly at his words.

  “Did you like hearing that?” he asked.

  “Hearing what?”

  “How much I love you?” he asked.

  I felt his hand fall to my inner thigh as he sat on the edge of the bed.


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