Bet On It

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Bet On It Page 7

by Elizabeth Perry

  Well, let’s just say that it moves him up a notch in my book. A lot of professional athletes, or just famous people in general act like fans are something that they stepped in on their way off the red carpet.

  But not Jake. He crouches down so that he is at the boy’s level, and as I turn, he is giving him high five.

  “Thanks, man. That really means a lot. Do you want an autograph?”

  “Yes!” He exclaims, before looking up expectantly at his mom. “Mom? Do you have a pen?”

  The woman rummages frantically around in her purse, trying to find something, coming up empty handed.

  “Oh honey, no I don’t. I’m so sorry.”

  “Oh.” His face falls, and I step forward.

  “Hold on bud. Maybe I have something in here.”

  I set my gigantic purse on the ground and begin to rifle through it.

  “Geez.” Jake stares down at me and laughs, as I produce a marker, plus a Rays promo t-shirt.

  “Is there anything that you don’t have in that magic bag?”

  “It’s missing tolerance for men who act like babies.” I tell him sweetly, before rising and hoisting my bag back over my shoulder.

  He cuts his eyes jokingly at me before turning back to the kid.

  “What’s your name, bud?”

  “Bobby.” The kid is literally jumping back and forth on his feet, from one foot to the next. “Oh my gosh. I can’t even believe this is happening right now. I watch you all of the time!”

  “Yeah?” Jake grins. “You ever come to a game?”

  “No.” he looks down at his feet. “My mom says maybe for my birthday, if she can find good deals on seats. The tickets are kind of expensive.”

  “When’s your birthday?” Jake asks him, as he hands the t-shirt back to the kid.

  Bobby acts as though Jake has just given him a million dollars, he grins so widely. I can’t help but smile, watching this exchange.

  I would have never pegged Jake to be a nice guy. Yet here he is, paying full attention to such a tiny fan.

  “June 15.” Bobby tells him before he throws his arms around Jake and squeezes him.

  Jake returns the hug, before glancing up at me.

  “Laci? Do we have any games around that date?”

  I’m already scrolling through my phone. “Checking that right now, boss.”

  “Boss?” he flashes me a killer smile before winking at me. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Easy there, hot shot. Don’t let it go to your head.” I continue to scroll through our game schedule on my phone, before snapping my fingers. “Yes! We do play on that day… but, crap. We’re away. At Minnesota.” I continue to scroll.

  “We’re home the week before and the week after though.”

  Jake nods, and strokes his chin.

  “Alright. Why don’t you give your information to my friend Laci here, and we will make sure you have tickets to a game for your birthday.”

  “Really?” Bobby now for real jumps up and down. “Oh my gosh! This is the best day ever!” He exclaims, as his mom steps towards me and rattles off their info. I save it into my phone, before turning on my camera.

  “Done.” I tell Jake, before motioning to Bobby. “How about you get in a picture with Jake? We’ll post it to our Instagram page so that all of your friends can see.”

  Instead of crouching down, Jake lifts the kid up and smiles wide for the camera. Since Jake is number 4, they both hold up four fingers. It’s adorable. I forward the picture to the mom, Jake and Bobby exchange another high five, and then, suddenly, I am alone with him again.

  “That was really sweet. I have to be honest. I didn’t peg you for that kind of guy.”

  “What kind of guy is that?”

  I just shrug. “One that’s nice to little kids. You literally just made that kids day. Or hell, probably his entire year. That was really sweet.”

  “Thanks. He seemed like a cool kid. But for real? You thought that I would be mean to a little kid? I’m hurt.”

  He does look kind of hurt, and I feel a little bit bad for saying it. But honestly, it’s the truth. I figured that he was way too full of himself to give a crap about some little kid.

  “I’m sorry. That was mean of me.”

  “When I was a kid, I met Mike Williams. It was totally random, I was just walking home one day from school, and decided to swing by the candy store. He was walking out, with his kid. I about died, and probably acted even more excited than Bobby just did. But he was so cool. He sat down with me and shared his candy. His kid did too. He told me that his sister lived by me, and that they were there visiting.” He raises an eyebrow to me before tilting his head. “Do you know who Mike Williams is? He was an all-star pitcher for the…”

  “Yes, Jake.” I roll my eyes. “I know who Mike Williams is. All-star pitcher for Toronto. Still holds the record for the most strike outs in a single game, and the record for the fastest curveball in the history of baseball. He started out playing for Florida on their farm team, before Toronto caught sight of him and made him an offer that he couldn’t refuse. He stayed with Toronto his entire career, which is uncommon in baseball. He was a family man to the upmost respect, and was never rumored to have stepped out on his wife, even though he was a massive celebrity in his day.”

  Jake whistles, before shaking his head. “Damn, woman. You know how to turn a man on with your words.” He teases, making me blush, before he continues.

  “Ok, well, so I met him, and it was pretty much the reason I decided to pursue baseball. He treated me so good…and was so damn cool. I promised myself right then and there, that if I ever made it to the pro’s, that I would always have time to talk to a fan.”

  “That’s awesome.”

  He just shrugs as we continue walking towards my townhouse.

  “Did you ever meet anyone famous?”

  “Yes.” Too many to count.

  “Yes? Who?”

  “I actually met Mike too.”

  “No way!” he nudges me with his elbow. “Was he super nice to you too?”

  I just nod, offering no more information.

  “That’s crazy, huh? That we both met the same famous person as kids?”

  “Yeah. Crazy.”

  “It means that we are supposed to be friends.” He winks at me, making me groan.

  “Easy, hot shot. Let’s just try to get along for now, ok? Friendship is a big step.”

  I say it in a joking tone, and he at least agrees.

  “True. We could very well hate each other again tomorrow.”

  “Probably not tomorrow. We have a two-day break from each other.”

  “Ah, yes. You get the weekend off. I my dear, do not. I have practice bright and early in the morning.”

  “Nice. Maybe tomorrow you guys can order a whole damn carnival, instead of just the food trucks.”

  I wink at him, as we arrive at my front steps.

  “Well, this is me.”

  “This is you?” he tilts his head, and glances up towards my door.

  “Yep. I’m sure it’s not as nice as your place, but not all of us make multimillion dollars in a year.”

  His eyebrows crinkle. “That’s not what I meant. It’s just that…well. It’s on the first floor.”


  He quickly waves his hand. “Never mind. Ignore me. I watch too much CSI.”

  He shrugs before trotting up the stairs.

  “Oh. Well, thanks I guess? For the concern, and for the walk home. You’ve completely reassured me that I chose the right neighborhood to live in.”

  He at least laughs. “I’m sorry. Just ignore me. This neighborhood isn’t bad by any stretch. I have two little sisters.” He shrugs, as if that statement explains it all.

  When I don’t reply, he rushes on.

  “I tend to be a little overprotective of the women in my life.”

  “Oh. That’s, ah. Sweet.” I don’t bother to tell him that I am in no way a woman in his life,
merely a blip on the radar of the life of Jake Matthews. Hell, we aren’t even friends, and I don’t even like the guy.

  Ok, well maybe I like him a little.

  But it’s just a teeny tiny little bit…

  “You think I’m a nut, don’t you?” His hands go into his pocket and he rocks back on his heels, as I move to unlock my door.

  “No, not really. I’m just surprised by you, that’s all.”

  “Surprised? As in, pleasantly surprised, right?”

  I have no idea. All I know is that here we are, standing on my front porch, all alone. He’s staring at me with those huge blue eyes and his killer smile, and it is taking everything that I have not to let my knees go weak. Because honestly?

  He’s dangerous for me.

  “Sure.” I tell him, before pushing my way through my front door. I glance back at him once, before giving him a tight smile.

  “Thank you for walking me home. Have a good night.”

  He simply nods, before flashing me another grin, turning on one heel and trotting down my front steps and back off into the night.


  “So, what?”

  Brock rolls his eyes at me before completely dropping his towel to the ground, and standing before me completely buck ass naked as he rifles through his locker for clothes.

  “Are you for real?” I grumble, turning and facing my locker, as he begins to whistle.

  “What’s the matter, Matthews? Does seeing me in all my glory make you nervous? Inadequate? What’s the problemo, brother?”

  “Please.” I grab my shirt out of my locker before tugging it over my head. “You act like I’m trying to see that.”

  “Jesus Edwards, are you fucking kidding me?”

  Eric roars behind us, as I hear his locker crank open. “Dude. Your mom must have dropped you on your head one too many damn times when you were a baby.”

  “Listen, don’t hate just because I’m comfortable in my own skin.” Brock quips back, before sitting down on the bench, still butt ass naked, and turning his attention back to me.

  I only know this because I can feel his eyes burning into the back of my head, since no fucking way am I turning around to see him without clothes.

  “So, Matthews, I heard you left with Cuntmaster last night. Are we Mom free? Because if so, you son, are getting a gold star for bagging that so damn quick.”

  I grimace. I have no idea why, because, hell. I’m supposed to be hooking up with her so that we can get rid of her.

  The problem is, that Laci really isn’t so bad. I mean, yes. She’s rough around the edges, and speaks to us in a condescending tone most of the time, but last night, when I was walking her home?

  I saw a glimpse of the woman underneath the steel exterior, and for some reason, it spiked all of my protective instincts.

  I mean, what kind of woman has been on her own since the age of sixteen? When she dropped that bomb, she had quickly rushed on as if she regretted saying it. But it left me to wonder a whole hell of a lot about her, and what kind of life she has led up until now.

  And don’t even get me started on how fucking beautiful she is, because when I was with her last night, and she smiled? Damn. More parts of me than just my dick took notice.

  And while it was brief, I enjoyed being around her.

  I’m not even sure why, but for whatever reason, I felt a connection to her, on a different level than I planned on.

  But no fucking way am I admitting that.

  “Nope. I just walked her home.”

  “You just walked her home? And you didn’t talk her into a romp in the sack? Dude. That’s bad.”

  “It’s not bad. I’ve got to work up to it, you know? She isn’t the type to just jump in the sack. I can already tell that about her. I’ve got to make her trust me.” I turn towards him, trying to ignore the way that my words make me feel, still finding him completely naked.

  “Fucking A, man, you are just not right in the head. Put some damn clothes on!”

  “Not right at all.” Eric mutters, before slamming his locker shut and stomping down the aisle. “I’d love to stick around and talk about this, but fuck. I cannot have a normal conversation with anyone when Edwards baby snake is hanging out.”

  “You mean Edwards anaconda?”

  “I swear to God, man.” I slam my locker shut as well, before following Eric out of the locker room. “Sometimes I worry about you.”

  “The only thing you need to worry about Matthews is getting it on with you know who. No need to worry about me and Mr. Edwards the boa constrictor. We’re both just fine.”


  I pull my baseball hat down further on my head and grab a pair of dark sunglasses. I love my fans, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes, being in the spotlight can be a real pain in the ass.

  Fame is something that I very well may never get used to. At first, I loved it. Craved it really. When I first went pro? I was on a mission to prove to myself, and to the world that I had made it. Honestly, I was trying to prove it more to my ex Alexa than anyone, basking in the spotlight and making every appearance that I could just to prove to her how badly she had fucked up by doing me so wrong.

  But after a while, I’d be lying if I said that it didn’t get old.

  There’s something to be said for peace and quiet, privacy, to go on about your day without constantly being stopped by fans, or having someone shove a camera in your face when all you’re trying to do is live your life.

  So, over the years I’ve developed ways to try to stay hidden as much as possible.

  For starters, a plain old hat does wonders. Of course, it’s not a Rays hat, which would draw attention to me.

  It’s a beat up old hat for the University of South Carolina. A pretty common thing to be sporting around here, and it makes me blend right in. Add into that a pair of plain basketball shorts and sneakers, along with a solid t-shirt and dark shades, and I almost fit right in.

  My practice already ran late today, and add into that dealing with my mentally challenged teammate trying to have a conversation with me while his dick swayed in the wind has put me a little bit behind today.

  I have a hot date, and she’s waiting on me, just like she does every Saturday morning that I’m around.

  I hop out of my car, sliding the sunglasses onto my face as I jog the short distance up to the doorway to the no kill shelter located just outside of town.

  I swing the door open, and am instantly met with the sweet sound of barking. I can already hear my girl. She can always seem to sense me coming.

  Jessica, the woman who runs the kennel, says that Daisy starts barking and going nuts about ten minutes before I even set foot through the front door.

  And that fact makes me smile.

  I slip my shades off and flash a smile to Jessica, before stopping dead in my tracks.

  The woman standing at the counter also looks shocked as her eyes flash over to mine, before her mouth drops wide open.

  Jesus. All the air leaves my lungs as I take her in. Standing at the counter, in a short black flowy tank top that barely meets the top of her emerald green shorts, with her long hair hanging in waves down her back, and a pair of strappy sandals on her feet, she looks gorgeous.

  Good enough to eat, which, hell. Makes my dick take full attention.

  “What are you…” she starts, as I cross my arms across my chest.

  I blink, forcing myself to get the thoughts of pure, hot, sex out of my mind, before meeting her stare and winking.

  “I should ask you the same thing. Please tell me you aren’t taking your job to the extreme now by stalking me.”

  Laci huffs before rolling her eyes and matching my stance, folding her arms slightly across her chest.

  “Please. Stalk you? I was here first. Maybe you’re stalking me.”

  Jessica bites her lip, glancing between the two of us nervously, but relaxing when my face breaks out into a grin.

  “Maybe I am, Laci. Maybe I am.

  Her eyes widen again, as her hands drop down at her sides.

  “Really? How…I came from the store. And you had practice!”

  I smirk again before a chuckle leaves my lips.

  “I’m just messing with you. I come here every Saturday that I can. I have a hot date lined up.”

  “Oh.” Her eyes fall slightly before widening again, as she glances between Jessica and I. “Ok, got it. Do you need a form or did you grab one? I have extra’s in my car. I could grab one for you.”

  I can’t even contain my eyeroll, as I cross the distance to her. “My hot date is with Daisy the bulldog.”

  I stop just in front of her, so that we are nearly sharing the same air. Being this close, I can see how fast her breathing has become, as her chest heaves up and down, while her eyes widen as they lock on mine.

  “Oh. Ok.” Her voice is so soft, so out of the ordinary for her, that all the hair on my body rises, my dick of course, taking the most notice.

  Jesus. What this woman does to me with just a simple look. My entire body feels like it’s on fire, red hot lust coursing through my veins, just from her looking the way that she does.

  “Uh, hey Jake.” Jessica interrupts, thankfully, because it causes me to take a step back and Laci to turn her attention back to the desk. “Welcome, Daisy is, ah,” she waves her hand once towards the back of the building where Daisy is lodged.

  “She’s ready for you.”

  “Thanks.” I nod at her, before taking a few more steps backwards and glancing back at Laci.

  “What are you doing here? Are you adopting a dog or something?”

  It’s actually a fantastic idea. Every single woman should have an attack dog, in my opinion. Especially the ones that look like Laci.

  “I wish.” She shrugs. “I don’t think that it would be fair for me to adopt a dog right now. I won’t be home enough to properly care for one. But I saw the commercial this morning, and couldn’t resist. I just came here to walk Beatrice the bulldog.

  “Beatrice?” I glance over to Jessica, who just shrugs. “Why Beatrice?”

  Laci grins wide, before shrugging. “I saw her on the commercial, and she looked way too sad. I decided that since I didn’t have anything else going on today, I would spend it making Beatrice happy.”


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