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Paranormal Dating Agency: Someone Different (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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by Gina Kincade

  "No, actually, I appreciate the simplicity of that. In fact, my mother would scoff, not consider such a thing a proper date, so maybe that will calm the lion in her once she finds out who I'm on a date with." Tallan chuckled, glancing again over Luke's well-toned body with a sweep.

  "So, she'll be happier if your date with a bear sucked, you're saying." Luke frowned.

  "Yes. She's a complicated woman, one we kids have learned to somewhat navigate around." Tallan shrugged. They'd grown used to their mother's ways and it no longer phased her or her siblings much.

  "She's going to be really pissed then," he said with a grin that made her body tense, not out of fear, but anticipation, and that had to stop. She remained determined not to enjoy this date.

  "You are a confident one."

  At first, he only shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans, redirecting her attention to the bulge in the front of the denim. Then he shrugged, at least encouraging her gaze to flow upward to again caress the way his pecks defined the landscape of his shirt. She had to stop looking at him. Her body had already awakened far too much in his presence. The throbbing ache beginning in her core meant nothing good when she had no intention of diverting from her virgin status to a man bound to leaving in a few days time. Nope, not going to happen.

  "Sometimes. When I have to be, and one of us has to have faith in this evening, in Gerri calling this match, too. Seems that burden lands on me. So, come, follow me, your delicious roll of mystery meat with all the toppings awaits. That is, if you were game for the hot dog, too." He winked at her, sending more heat to settle between her thighs.

  "Lead the way, bear boy." She sighed, " Guess, we do need to start this date if it's ever going to end."

  He shook his head at her dramatic expression and comment, but with that almost irresistible boyish grin quirking the corners of his mouth and making his dark eyes sparkle. Almost.

  Regardless of how he felt about the nickname, he grasped her hand, and began to lead her toward the vendors. A ripple of electricity shot up her arm at the contact, making the tiny hairs stand on end. She took a quick look at their joined hands, accusing her limbs of some strange betrayal as she pushed aside any thoughts that went about explaining the phenomenon. While she thought about forcing him to let go, she couldn't if she'd wanted to given the warmth of his solid grip and her frozen hand seeming content to stay there. The trader didn't want to leave the embrace of his.

  When they arrived at his favorite vendor, she told him just to order two of whatever he was having, and then found her heart skip a beat at the way he looked at her as if the suggestion was something sweet, had meant the world to him. Ignoring her treasonous body, she convinced herself it wasn't the bear boy that stimulated and excited her so much as the fact that she was spending time with a man at all. It had been a long time, and, of course, her body craved the human touch just like anyone else did. The contact of skin-to-skin being the one thing her battery-powered boyfriend couldn't provide. Plus, the way he looked at her, his eyes intense yet sensitive, like he wanted to know everything about her, her likes, dislikes, everything actually inside her heart and mind, well, that would curl any woman's toes. She wasn't used to getting those type of looks, ones that left no doubt in her mind the man wanted to devour her, and not just her body for a good fuck. Apparently this boost to the ego went a long way to add to her attraction to this man. Still, the common sense side of her brain wondered what a guy like him could possibly be interested in. Not that she wasn't interesting, but not to guys like him. And, damn if he didn't seem to have both a body and a personality. A girl could be shit out of luck to fall for that rare combo, but she fancied herself stronger than that, if only due to being so jaded. She found pride in the term.

  Having all that mentally explained away, thought through, and having found some solace in her conclusions for the time being, she followed him to a picnic table away from the crowds. The one he chose had character, just like him, plus it sat far away from anyone else. It sat lopsided on a hill alone, like a reject. Maybe the guy had a thing for those. Everyone had to have a flaw, and damned if she'd yet to find on in him.

  He'd carefully balanced the purchased meal over wide, firm hands to get here, and after setting down the two drinks he'd bought for them, he placed the two monster things he'd called a hot dog on one side of the scarred wooden table.

  "I am guessing there is actual meat under all of those toppings," she teased, though in truth the meal intrigued her. Her mouth watered but she swallowed and continued, "They do look delicious. Regardless, that bun is never going to hold all of those toppings once we pick them up. How does one go about eating one of those?"

  "You just shove it in your face any way you can manage. I like to use the container, just peeling back enough to haul the rest to my mouth. My theory is, the messier the food, the better it tastes."

  Tallen giggled. "I'd say I have to agree with you there, but to chose such a thing on a first date?"

  "What does it matter? Nothing is going to come of it, right? I leave in a few days, you've made it clear you are not interested in me, so let the toppings fall where they may. I grabbed a stack of napkins so you can clean yourself up before we move toward the public again." He winked.

  "Okay. Okay. Well, I'm not shy about eating, if you can't tell by my waistline," she said.

  "Is that your mother talking?" he accused, both his hands forming fists on the table framing his hot dog.

  She glanced up at him, a flush filling her face and neck with the expectation of something about to go wrong now, only to see genuine concern, maybe anger, crinkle the sides of his darkening eyes. She puzzled at his concern, not sure how to respond, since he'd hit the nail on the head and few others had ever cared enough to think differently when she joked off her weight. When she said such things, using words as a barrier of protection against men, saying them first, directing the narrative, she did, in fact, hear her mother's voice.

  "I see I guessed correctly. I'm sorry she has poisoned your mind with such crap. You are beautiful. Whether you believe me or not, you are. I'm allowed to think so. You have to give me that right. I love each and every one of your curves. Guess this leaving town thing gives me a license to be more open and honest with you right up front. You are a real woman, by my standards, gorgeous inside and out despite your defenses where men are concerned. Makes me want to hunt each of them down who made you feel this way and beat the shit out of them. If I had longer, I promise you, I'd continue to pursue you, delve deeper into exploring every single inch of your luscious body. Though it's entirely inappropriate to say, especially on our first, and apparently only date, I want you, Tallan. I have from the minute I laid eyes on you."

  Luke moved his hand to cover hers where she'd rested it on the table and stopped a moment, sucking in a deep breath, his gaze searching her eyes that had to be wide as saucers.

  She focused on her breathing, calming the jagged, sharp intakes of breath as she waged a game of who can go without blinking the longest with this unbelievable guy sitting beside her. Maybe he was just a good actor, good with delivering a line, but she held the shitty comment in, cared enough all of a sudden not to ruin the evening by accusing him of such a thing, not after the epic performance he'd just given.

  She forced herself to try to ignore the heat of his hand covering hers, his thumb brushing over the back of her wrist sending electric zings running up her arm and, it seemed, straight to her core. His gentle touches unnerved her, to say the least, and right now she could almost believe the words coming out of his mouth. The sincerity in which they were spoken cemented by the heat flickering in his gaze combined with the feather touch of his digits over her skin, and it scared the shit out of her. No chance of being prepared for dealing these kind of repressed feelings, she guessed.

  "While I can see that that makes you uncomfortable," he continued, having blinked first. "I will apologize for that only and move on. What shall we discuss? First, though, try the hot dog."<
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  He patted her hand once and pulled away. She found herself instantly missing the unexpected stimulation that fled at the loss, even though she'd convinced herself it remained unwanted.

  He picked up his hot dog, making her laugh as he took a large bite, ketchup and relish and onions, and who knew what else running down the side of his mouth and his hand holding the container.

  Unable to respond to anything he'd said yet anyway—in fact, she wished to ignore it all, not sure where to compartmentalize it all—she picked up her own meal and took a hearty bite. The flavor burst in her mouth as the toppings slimed through her hands. She didn't mind any of it when he reached over, his hand still covered in the gooey mess, with a wad of napkins to wipe something off her face.

  As Luke dabbed the side of her mouth with the thin paper wipe, he looked her in the eyes, his dancing with something mischievous, making her stomach do flip flops as she chewed and demanded her throat to swallow.

  "Good, right?"

  "Amazing," she managed with her mouth full, talking behind her one clean hand.

  Laughter and conversation seemed to fill every moment as they devoured every bite of food. He felt like an old friend the minute the laughter started and she finally let her guard down. When they took a walk after, her hand clasped in his, she focused on the scenery around her instead of the storms brewing inside her. She had been without a real man too long, which made this evening with someone who turned out to be a legitimately nice guy very dangerous.

  As she was loath to admit it, human touch, specifically a man's, she did miss. She hated him a second for making this fact stand out to her. Yet, he only had to talk, smile, make her laugh with his apparent quick wit and humorous side, and she instantly forgave him. She couldn't imagine anyone could stay mad at Luke. Everything he said, every sensitive observation, every rather brilliant remark, served to solidify him as a true man of integrity with a real heart and concern in spades for those around him, acquaintance or stranger. Damn him, she thought, then couldn't stop the grin from covering her face, filling her heart, opening her mind. Dangerous!

  They walked, Luke pointing out every rut, bump, every fallen twig on the footpath so she wouldn't stumble. He put a hand on her back, and one on her arm, leaving her hand bereft, as he helped her climb over a fallen log on the trail. She found herself grateful for the storms that had hit earlier in the week, leaving significant debris around the trails, since it meant more of his touches, additional electric like zings over parts of her flushed skin and through her body. She found herself looking forward to the next potential obstruction on the pathway with giddy anticipation.

  They'd managed to make it to the highest point in the trails, one where if you stood on the edge of the land you could look down upon the majestic island of trees, sparkling sand dunes, and surrounding water. Someone had built a walkway and deck that hung out over the outcrop of the land to give you a better, bird's eye view of the whole lush area. Even from her spot, back away from the tree line edge, she could see the sun dancing on the ultramarine water, but the beauty of it did nothing to stop her fears.

  He looked back at her when she suddenly stopped dead, refusing to go any closer to the bridge, forcing them both to a stand still.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I'm not a big fan of heights," she answered, waiting for the typical teasing to ensue.

  "Oh, I'm sorry," he said, stepping back, letting go of her hand to wrap his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in to the reassuring comfort of his side.

  With that serious look that made him rather fierce-looking, he offered her the option of moving on without asking. The idea that he had comforted her first, without one ounce of mockery of her fear of heights, something she knew by her profession to be irrational but an issue her whole life nonetheless, as if he could not even have thought of saying anything nasty or teasing her before giving her the option to move on, touched her in ways she couldn't identify as emotions or lust or cravings or whatever. Her heart skipped a beat before thumping away at an elevated rate. Her breath hitched, breaths coming a little faster now, leaving her feeling dizzy and confused. Her hands ached to touch him in places she shouldn't think about. One ounce of comfort, given willingly, sincerely, and she wanted to pull him down to the ground on top of her and thank him in any way her body could come up with. At this point, her mind set to conjuring mental images of many of those naughty ideas, too.

  However, while a slut to battery-powered toys, she was a virgin as far as a real man was concerned. Her knowledge of them came from movies and sappy romance novels, both of which she frequented without apology. But, in real life, she had no practical experience to apply to this moment. She needed to chill out anyway. Thoughts such as these were neither practical nor productive toward this date being the disaster she needed it to be. Damn, Gerri, you have skills, woman!

  "Tallan. Are you okay? Here, let me get you far away from here. I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I should have asked."

  His sweetness only confounded her more as he led her into the woods further, moving them until he could put her back against a tree, though he held on to both of her arms.

  "I have you. You are on solid ground again."

  "You are so kind. So tender. I don't know what to say. "Tallan glanced down, heat infusing her cheeks, and her heart at his honest kindness. This situation, the concern he'd shown, was entirely foreign to her.

  "You act like no man has ever treated you in such a way," he said, shaking his head. The faint start of a smile deadpanned when he caught a glimpse of the look on her face.

  "No man ever has." He stated, realizing that fact now. "Shit, really?"

  The anger radiating in his deep voice, the firmer way he now gripped her arms, shocked her, making her tense further and start to pull away.

  His touch immediately turned gentle again, his grasping hands loosening, thumbs caressing over the back of her wrists in comfort. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to let my anger get the better of me. It's just...well...that is just such a shame. So wrong. I apologize for my species. We can be complete asses."

  "Don't," she interjected. "Don't apologize for others or dare lump yourself in with them. Truth be told, after those few assholes I've probably never really given any others a real chance. At least, I haven't for a long time anyway. Including you at first. I should apologize. In fact, I'm sorry, too, that I'm not sure what to do with this development. With you. I don't date. I'm not good at it. You being...well, you, it complicates my usual responses. You have been nothing but kind, and I suck."

  "Don't say that. Tallan, when you let yourself go, drop the barrier you shield yourself behind just as you have these past few miles, you are an amazing woman. I wish I had the time to get to know you better."

  "Me too," she said, the sting of tears in her eyes shocking the hell out of her, making her grip the bark of the tree until pain distracted her.

  She looked beyond him, over his shoulders at the scenery beyond. Their surroundings were spectacular, full of trees rich with thick, dark green, red and gold leaves, some with interesting twists to their trunks. Their varying colors lined the azure skies as the last remnants of the wildflowers of all colors lined the trails around them. At the moment, she stood calf deep in them, against a white oak, its branches and umbrella shading them from the rest of the world, and protected by a beast of a man with more tenderness than any she'd ever met.

  So far, though, she had little to compare this date to. This simple hot dog and walk in the woods had been the most romantic outing she'd ever been on, ever read about, or ever watched on television. Or at least it felt that way right now and this whole thing scared her beyond reason. She could not fall for this man. He was leaving in a few days.

  Something inside her snapped, broke in that moment, with those revelations. With a sigh, maybe of relief, she looked into his eyes, mirroring the sorrow that had been in hers.

  "Take me home?" she asked, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth.

  "Sure, if you want to go. I don't have a car but I can call a cab, get you there. I'm sorry if I have done anything to upset you in any way. Memories, whatever is haunting you, I am sorry for my part in bringing them up."

  "No, you are wrong. That's not what's haunting me. You. You are what's haunting me. I've never been treated like this before. I don't even know what to say or do. Thank you seems pathetic." She stopped to suck in a big breath before continuing with her truth, setting herself up for heartbreak she was sure. "I have my car. Come home with me, I should have said. You said you wanted me."

  "I do. But, are you sure?" He brought his hand up to cup her cheek, press a strai hair back behind her ear.

  "I am. This has been the most amazing date I've ever been on. In fact, I can appreciate the poetry of the reality that it took place in a beautiful park built upon trash. Truth be told, I don't want it to end. Not yet. Take me home, Luke." she said, her voice pleading, although she didn't fear the vulnerability.

  "Okay. Let's get you home. But, if at any point on the way there you change your mind, you just say the word. Just do it before we get to your place, when I can still call a cab, because once I get you alone in a bedroom, all bets are off. I'll have you," he said, the growl that followed the words coming from deep within his chest.

  She nodded. Not trusting herself to say more right now.

  Luke gave her one long last look, staring deep into her eyes, looking for confirmation of her words, and then he grasped her hand in his and led her out of the trails to her car.

  Chapter Three

  He paused in her doorway, his hands gripping the frame, fingertips so white she feared for the wood trim. She'd stopped when his footsteps did, turning to find the man filling the space. His face appeared tight as he leaned against one side of the doorframe with his hip, his biceps so tight veins popped. He stared at her with an intensity she didn't understand. Her breath caught in her chest, assuming he'd changed his mind on the ride over.


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