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Rescued: A Navy SEAL Secret Baby Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book #5)

Page 4

by Flora Ferrari

  I stayed low and exited the bathroom, waiting for the other dirt bags to come looking for him.

  It didn’t take long.

  I could hear from their tone they were yelling insults his way. Another chair slid back and footsteps came my way. I followed the man down the hall, just like I had the first and just as he reached the bathroom door I pounced. I applied pressure via a choke hold, knocking him out. I cuffed him and made my way back towards the kitchen.

  I was expecting to find just one more guy, but I wanted to be prepared. I drew my weapon and took off in a sprint. As I ran through the door I quickly scanned the room. Shit! There were two.

  I fired a shot at one of the men, connecting in the leg, sending him to the deck. A split second later I was airborne, like an NFL linebacker, drilling the other man at the table right in the chest. We landed on a pile in the floor. He had tried to secure a knife from his dinner, but it was no use. My grip was too strong. I cuffed him and was quickly back on my feet, gun pointed at the man I had wounded.

  The shot was intentional. I couldn’t use deadly force as a first alternative. I sure wanted to, but I also wanted this mess I was making to be an easy clean up for the authorities. Process them properly through the system and let them get their due. If I cut corners they might walk, and I couldn’t have that. If I shot them, which would have been the easy thing, I might not have gotten information that I needed later. It was a delicate balance.

  With a total of five targets eliminated I moved through the house quickly, looking for sights and sounds of anyone else. Nothing.

  I made my way quickly to the basement door. It was more a cellar door than a basement. I opened it and slowly slid inside, making my way down the steps.

  When my feet hit the dirt I heard movement in the corner.

  “Harper,” I whispered softly.

  “Mason, is that you?” I’d recognize that voice anywhere.

  “I’m here for you, baby. Let’s get out of here.”

  “Oh my, God. I knew you’d come.”

  She ran for me and I scooped her up in my arms. It felt so amazing I didn’t want to stop, but I had to. I noticed instantly that she felt different. I moved a step from her to let some light in from above. She was pregnant! What had these bastards done to her? It didn’t matter. She was my woman and I was going to get her out of here. We had to get out, and get out now.

  “Harper. How many men are here?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe five or six I think.”

  Wildcard. There may be someone left.

  “Are there more girls here?”

  “No, they just took everyone else.”

  “Can you run?”

  “Not really.”

  “OK, listen. I’m going to go up the ladder first. You stay right behind me. Take my hand as you climb.”

  “Can I go first?”

  “No, I need to be prepared in case someone’s topside.”


  We climbed the ladder and made our way back to the ground level.

  No signs of anyone new.

  The men had started to come to and were yelling. If there was anyone left it was only a matter of time before they were on top of us.

  We moved as safely and quickly as we could towards the front door. We exited the house and made our way to the Jeep.

  I helped Harper inside and then jumped in the driver’s seat. I quickly turned the Jeep around and pointed it back in the direction from which I came.

  I looked over at her in the passenger seat. She was right there where she belonged. Right next to me again.

  We had done it. We had reunited.

  But there was no time for a celebration just yet. I had to get her to the hospital to get checked out. And there was something else I had to do.

  I reached into the glove box and pulled out a burner phone. I called in the incident to the desk sergeant at the local station. I was tight with those guys so they knew right away to prioritize my call. As I spoke I heard shots fired in the distance.

  It was definitely a rifle. Damn, someone was gunning for us.



  I woke up groggy and a bit out of it.

  I knew he would come for me. And thankfully he had come just in time.

  All the excitement of my escape sent me into labor. The doctors said the whole thing was a miracle, and joked how much I was going to get for the movie rights.

  But it I believed them. It was a fairy tale. One that had miraculously found its happy ending just at the last second. But I wasn’t out of the woods yet.

  “There’s someone here to see you,” the nurse said.

  Mason stepped inside the room, standing a whole foot taller than her.

  “Hey there, beautiful.”

  “Hey, yourself,” I said.

  “Would you like us to bring you your baby?”

  “Yes, please,” I said.

  The nurse stepped around Mason and out the door. I could hear her footsteps as she walked down the hallway.

  Mason stepped into the room, slowly and gently making his way towards me. He was trying to be calm and quiet, something I needed a lot of right now.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, you?”

  “Are you kidding? I’m perfect. I’ve got my girl back.” He reached down and kissed me on the forehead as he took my hand in his.

  “Awww,” I said.

  He reached in gently and hugged me. We held our embrace until there was a knock on the side of the door.

  The nurse was watching us.

  “Hey little buddy,” Mason said.

  The nurse smiled and came to me, with my baby.

  “It’s a girl,” she said.

  “Hey little, budette,” Mason joked.

  We all laughed.

  “Just buzz me if you need anything.”

  “I will, thank you,” I said.

  I couldn’t believe my eyes. I had no idea how those men planned on delivering my baby, and thankfully I didn’t have to find out. I had my baby right here in the local hospital, where I should have. Right here with…her father. But now was the time to break the news.

  Mason pulled his head back slightly and turned his neck sideways. He looked intently and then turned his head sideways in the other direction.

  He reached down and touched her nose. He removed his finger, taking it to his nose.

  Suddenly his eyes opened wide.

  “Am I crazy, or…is….?”

  A slow smile found the side of my lips and spread throughout my face.

  “You’re not crazy.”

  Mason stood up quickly, took a step back and looked at me.

  Oh no! He didn’t want this. He didn’t want us.

  “I’m sorry, I was going to tell you.” Panic filled me.

  “Sorry? Sorry about what? Are you kidding me?”

  “But you looked shocked.”

  “I am shocked. But I’m shocked a good way. In a great way. In an amazing way. I just want to stand here a second and take this sight in. To really take it in. My two girls, right here. Right here with me. This is incredible.”

  I let out a huge sigh of relief.

  Mason quickly stepped back towards the bed, gently hugging us both. The three of us, just one little family in our first embrace.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to give you any impression otherwise. It just hit me so suddenly. I wanted to really see it, to process it with my own eyes. I had to take a step back to do that. To see the entirety of this beautiful moment. To imprint it in my memory forever. This amazing moment. Oh, my God. I’m so happy. This is the best twelve hours of my life. I got you back and now I’m a father. A father to a healthy little baby girl. I don’t know what else to say.” He stopped a second and smirked. “Actually I do know what to say. The words I’ve been saving for you. Saving for the moment we were back together.”

  I felt a warm rush across my entire body as his stared deep into my eyes. It was like th
e world stood still for just the three of us.

  “I love you. I love her. I love us.”



  Two months later

  Mason hadn’t been able to keep his hands off me since we got home. Home now had a whole nother meaning. I moved in straight away after we left the hospital. Mason had went to my place and moved out all of my things and taken care of the lease. I was living in our little fortress now. Safe, secure, and protected.

  Mason had testified in the case against the human traffickers. It went to trial quickly and was a slam dunk for the prosecutors. The defense had tried to hire a hot shot defense attorney, but they had no money. The head of their ring immediately cut ties with them and left them high and dry. Not that I felt a single drop of sympathy for them.

  Mason had called in a few favors with the SEAL teams. They weren’t actually favors, but more of a prioritization of ops. Because these women were hostages it was easy to get the green light to get them rescued. Mason had gone to the jail and ‘extracted’ the information he needed to find the rest of the members of the ring. He even got to the top. Mason’s buddies said the look of surprise when their team stormed his operations in Dubai was one of the best looks of satisfaction they’ve ever received. It was only topped by the looks of the dozens of women’s faces when they were rescued.

  I was sad that such a thing had happened to me, but I was glad that at least since it did it resulted in a happy ending for a lot of women. Kidnapping me was the worst thing those guys ever did. I guess technically the worst thing they did was make Mason mad. When he comes after you, it’s over. Thankfully he had a heart of gold, cared a lot about us women, and did whatever it took to see his missions though.

  And his mission now was being a dad. A mission for which he deserved a medal for sure.

  But lately he had another mission.

  “Doctor said you’re cleared for sexual activity in three days.”

  “I remember. I’m looking forward to it too,” I said.

  “And we saw him three afternoons ago.”

  “He specifically said seventy-two hours.”

  “And as of right now we’re at seventy-one hours fifty-seven minutes…and seventeen seconds.”

  “Are you sure?” I teased.

  “Nope, because now it’s twenty-one seconds. Twenty-two…twenty-three.”

  Baby Isabella was fast asleep in her crib not far from us. Shield and Sword stood guard outside. I felt so relaxed and everything was so amazing. I hadn’t let on as much as Mason, but my body was ready. Longing to feel his touch again. Sure he had touched me plenty since we’d been back together. Plenty, but it always left us both with a bit of an empty feeling. We’d work up an incredible appetite, but we couldn’t eat. Doctors orders only. We felt like we were ready the moment we got home.

  “Thirty-one seconds,” he said. “I can’t wait to get my hands on those new curves of yours, woman.”

  And I couldn’t wait either. I thought he was just being nice about my pregnancy weight, but as the days passed I really did become convinced he found me even more attractive. That was fine by me. I was working out, trying to get rid of some of the weight, but it was nice to know I wasn’t going to be pressured, or that I had to starve myself or anything drastic. And if I even got close I’d be fine. I wouldn’t have to kill myself trying to get off those last few pounds. I was so lucky to have this amazing man. He truly loved me for who I was.

  I felt a pair of hands slide in around my waist. They were quickly followed by a kiss on my neck. I think he wanted to be inside me at the exact moment the clock hit the seventy-two hour mark. Actually, I know he did by the huge erection that was pressing into my backside.

  I turned around and faced him. His mouth met mine and our tongues found the insides of each other’s mouths. Swishing and swirling like tidal waves of passion.

  After two long, arduous, grueling months I was looking forward to not holding back. No restraint. I could finally go all the way. He could go all the way. Inside me. And inside me is exactly where I wanted him. Needed him. Had to have him.

  “Remember how I owned you?”

  “Starting with the dirty talk already?”

  “Remember how I made you mine?”

  “How could I forget? The proof is right over there in that baby crib.”

  “Well, get ready for even more. We’re electric together. We’ll probably make twins this time.”

  “Slow down there, tiger.” The words came out of my mouth, but they were a false warning.

  “No way am I slowing down. I’m not holding back at all. This is going to be over before it even starts, but it needs to happen. I’m about to explode. I can hardly think straight. I need you to function. I need you to be myself. I need you to be right. I need you…for everything. In every way. And I’m going to have you. Have you in every way for the rest of today and into the night and into tomorrow morning.”

  “Oh really,” I said in between kisses and his roving hands.

  “Really. Believe it. The phones are off the hook. All the electronics are in airplane mode. It’s time to fly.”

  I giggled slightly at the wordplay, but any humor was quickly replaced with lust when he ripped my shirt up and over my head. I like the animal aggressiveness he was displaying. His feral passion. How his muscles rippled and his pupils dilated. There was nothing more in the world that this amazing man wanted than me. And he was going to have me. All of me. And I was going to have him. I could hardly wait.



  I couldn’t keep my hands, or mouth, off of her. They were both out of control. Touching and feeling, moving rapidly. I was overtaken with my desire to be inside her again.

  I reached around and unhooked her bra with my left hand while my right hand cupped her face.

  My cock twitched, aching to get out of its cage. The sight of her magnificent breasts had it yearning to be inside her.

  I wasn’t about to deny my member which was as hard as a steel pipe.

  I pulled my shirt up over my head. She began kissing my abs furiously. I undid my belt and slid down my pants and boxer briefs. I angled my body to take off my boots. The position allowed her to rub her hands along my back. Her touch sending chills up and down my spine.

  I kicked off my boots and socks and slid out of my jeans and underwear. I was totally naked and it felt liberating, amazing, unhinged. But it also felt restrained, because I wanted her naked too. My skin against hers.

  I grabbed her pants and pulled them down, her panties coming with them. I grabbed her around her waist with my right hand and tipped her back. Easily pulling her pants and panties off her legs. Her decision to go barefoot in the house this morning speeding the entire process up. Thankfully.

  Our bodies came together. I wanted as much of her skin as possible against my skin. I pulled her in tight. Her breasts, which had grown with the pregnancy were pressed tight against me. If I had less restraint, I could cum just from the feel of her.

  I reached around and grabbed her now even juicer ass. Damn, my cock was aching to get inside her. Fuck, why wait?

  I flipped her around. She grabbed the edge of the kitchen counter. I grabbed her by the waist.

  I slid my cock up and down her folds. She was already drenched.

  “It’s time,” I said.

  “It’s time,” she said.

  “For you to remember what it’s like to get owned. Owned by me.”

  “Own me,” she cried out.

  “That’s exactly what I’m going to do,” I said. I thrust my cock inside her. Her whole body lurched forward and her mouth opened. She moaned deep and then growled. Short but deep like she was fighting back the most pleasurable kind of pain. And it had to be painful, because ten inches all at once was a lot to take, especially after three-quarters of a year.

  My head fell back. My cock remembered what it was like to be at home. Where he belonged.

  I cocked my hips ba
ck, pulling out slightly, feeling every nerve ending of her wet pussy on my cock. It was fucking amazing.

  “Fuck me,” she said.

  I kept my right hand on her waist and reached forward with my left, spearing her hair. I pulled back and she breathed out hard.


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