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Chasing Kate (An American Dream Love Story Book 1)

Page 6

by Josephine Parker

  “By someone she slept with, no doubt.”

  “I find that hard to believe. Where did you get this info?”

  Peggy straightened her arms against her knee, and lifted her chin an inch higher. “I know a lot of people, you know. Just because I’ve been stuck in Oklahoma my whole life doesn’t mean I haven’t cultivated my own sources.”

  “I see.” Chase was troubled by these accusations, more because Kate was saddled with rumors like this than the likelihood that they were true. He knew Peggy distrusted most people, and sometimes rightly so, so he decided not to disagree with her outright. “Okay,” he said. “We’ll keep an eye on her work. But, just remember, she’s only here until the launch, then she’s gone.”

  “Thank Heaven for small favors,” Peggy said. “Now, the numbers…”

  Chase listened to Peggy review the data in silence as he mulled over her words. His sense of Kate didn’t jive at all with the accusations Peggy just foisted. He decided he would give her the benefit of the doubt and hoped she wouldn’t disappoint him.

  Chapter 9: Kate

  Kate emerged from the steamy hotel shower and put on the fluffy full length robe hanging from the bathroom door. She wrapped her damp hair up into an enormous white towel, then opened the bathroom door to let the steam escape before pouring herself a glass of wine. She padded over to the seating area of her hotel suite and sank onto the couch to video-call Lindsey. Lindsey’s face popped up after one ring. Kate thought she must have been sitting at her computer, as always.

  “Hey, princess,” Lindsey asked, “Getting ready for the ball?”

  For a moment, Kate regretted telling Lindsey about the conversation with Chase and the note he slipped under her door. But then she checked herself and smiled. She was excited. Last Monday, she found a tiny cream colored envelope pushed under her front door. When she opened it, she was surprised to see these words:

  A Ball it is. Please, put on your glass slippers and meet me there.

  Details to come via email.

  She had woken up that Sunday morning full of regret about her kiss with Chase the night before. She wanted to literally pound her head into a hard surface. How could she be so careless? So reckless? So stupid? But then she saw the note and felt a twinge in her heart.

  The email came with the details of the Governor’s Gala, including information on the car service that would be driving her to Tulsa, and how to check-in to her hotel room. She had to call Lindsey right away to ask her to overnight a couple of dresses. It had been two years since Kate had worked on a job that warranted attire for this sort of function and she had to ask Lindsey to crawl back into the dusty recesses of her storage unit to find a group of dresses, shrouded in plastic covers.

  Kate smiled at Lindsey through the camera. “It’s just a political event. No big deal,” she said, but couldn’t contain the enormous grin that spread across her face.

  “How fun!” Lindsey said. “I assume Prince Charming will be there.”

  “He invited me, so I think that’s a safe bet.”

  “Which dress did you choose?”

  “The black one. Low cut but full length so still professional, I think.

  “I was hoping you’d choose that one. It’s my fav. Call me before you go so I can see you.”

  “Okay,” Kate said with a smile.

  “Now,” Lindsey continued, “before we get too carried away with girlie stuff, there have been some developments I need to loop you in on.”


  “Yeah, well, nothing crazy, just weird.”

  “Weird how?”

  “Well, I created an alert on Chase’s social media history―the ones with those ancient pics and posts other people had made about him. Since I created the alert, most of the files have been removed.”

  “That wasn’t you, right?”

  “No. Looks like someone else has been cleaning up. I messaged a couple of the people who posted the original pics and they said they couldn’t discuss those pics or Chase. Tight lipped, like they had signed a non-disclosure.”

  “That’s not good.”

  “No, but usually when that happens, I find the pics are re-blasted through another site. But this time there’s total silence.” Kate watched as Lindsey furrowed her brow and tapped her keyboard, glaring at her screen. “Is it possible someone else at KinCo is making a preemptive move to get these pics off the web?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “Huh. Well, there’s something else, too. Remember that lady that was hit during a race a few years back?”


  “Records say she agreed not to sue KinCo for the accident if they dropped stalking charges against her.”

  “Stalking charges?” Kate sat up.

  “Yeah, apparently after that Most Eligible Bachelor piece came out seven years ago, Chase had more than a handful of zealous fans. This lady took the cake, apparently. By all accounts, she ran out onto the track to get closer to him.”

  “Jesus Christ.”

  “I know. But that all seemed like old news, right?

  Kate felt a pit in her stomach. “Dare I ask…?”

  “I tried to contact the lady to see if anything else would percolate, and she told me to contact her new attorney.”

  “Her new attorney?”

  “Right. If this case was all settled years ago, why would she need a new attorney?”

  “Good question. Seems like trouble is brewing.”

  “Maybe. That’s what I’ve got for now. I know you’ll do your crazy voodoo and piece it all together. I’ll find whatever else I can to help.”

  “Thanks, Lindz. I guess I should go do my hair and stuff now.”

  “You’re going to be gorgeous, Pipes!” Lindsey said with an air kiss and signed off.

  Kate took another sip of her wine. Why would someone be gobbling up old pictures and witnesses if they didn’t want to release them and discredit Chase? Someone was out there planning something, she was sure of that now, she just had to stay ahead of them.

  Kate took another deep sip of her wine then went to get ready for the gala. Even though she was here for work, she couldn’t help wanting to have a good time. Tonight, all she wanted to do was dance, drink, and feel pretty. There would be time enough tomorrow to figure out the puzzle. And she was excited to see Chase, too. Every time she remembered that kiss, or thought about even being in the same room with him, she got butterflies in her stomach. Calm down, Kate, she told herself. This is not your first rodeo. But then again, it was the closest she’d ever gotten to a prince inviting her to a ball. She put on her dress and twirled around. She couldn’t wait to get downstairs and find Chase.

  Chapter 10: Chase

  Chase felt an eager tug at his heart as he looked at his watch and then scanned the ballroom again. Still no Kate.

  Soft music played from a small orchestra by the stage, and the ballroom was bathed in a soft yellow light that floated down from the chandeliers and up from the candlelit tables. Chase watched as groups of people weaved in and out of the ballroom and onto the dance floor. He took a sip of his champagne then placed it back on the table.

  Chase had gotten great news before the gala. The Governor offered to partner with KinCo on a new jobs initiative to revitalize stagnant parts of the state with manufacturing jobs. The State was offering job training and tax-free infrastructure loans if KinCo could guarantee another ten thousand jobs to unemployed Oklahomans. Cal and Chase had been working for months on how to build the best infrastructure to sustain all the new products they would have to produce once they went global. Everything was coming together so perfectly it was like the universe telling him he was on the right path. He felt giddy, and all he wanted to do was share it with Kate.

  Kenji Kai was also at the meeting with the Governor. He led the Investment Banking team underwriting KinCo’s Initial Public Offering, and even though Chase had several prior meetings with the man, he was never able to get close to him. He almost always
stayed encapsulated in his group of employees and translators. Tonight though, as the Governor laid out his jobs plan, and the translator whispered into the banker’s ear, Chase saw him nod approvingly and took that as a sign Kai was reassured that his belief that KinCo could support an international brand was not misplaced.

  Kai had Asian distribution contacts KinCo did not, and his support was crucial to driving the international results KinCo deserved. In exchange, the board agreed to launch the IPO in Japan, but when they looked at the numbers, it was a small concession. Even though Kai’s dark-eyed stare had an unsettling effect on Big Cal, Chase saw the look of a hunter in the man’s eyes and he liked that. He recognized it. Kai liked to win, and Chase was glad they were both invested in the same goal.

  Chase looked across the room again and was surprised to see his Aunt Peggy laughing and talking with a member of Kai’s team. Chase wasn’t sure what her role was, but she and Peggy looked like two schoolgirls giggling in a corner, and Chase was glad Peggy had found a friend. She sure needed one.

  A heavy hand landed on Chase’s shoulder. He turned around to see Lou Tarly facing him with a broad grin and large open arms. “Lou,” Chase said, and hugged the man. “Good to see you.”

  Lou kept both sturdy hands locked around Chase’s upper arms as he beamed at him. “Son, I couldn’t be more proud of you if I were your own Dad. Cal’s told me what an amazing job you’ve done with the company,” then he leaned in with a whisper, “and will continue to do, no doubt.” He gave Chase a thunderous pat, then released him.

  Chase had known Lou Tarly since he was a kid. He was the family’s Estate Attorney by trade, but more than that, he was one of Big Cal’s life-long friends and closest confident.

  “Listen, Chase,” Lou said. “I understand you all have brought on the services of Kate Piper, am I correct?” He didn’t wait for Chase to respond, but instead looked at Chase sternly and leaned in. “Listen to me, now. You cannot be in better hands. I know. Now, you might hear otherwise,” he looked around the room, “there are parties with an ax to grind, but no one, no one is better than Kate Piper. I’ve seen her at work, and she’s the best.”

  “I don’t doubt it,” responded Chase. “She’s very impressive.”

  “Oh! Good. Well, Cal thought you might be a little, shall we say, truculent, as we know how independent you are. I’m glad you’ve seen her merit.”

  “It’s hard to miss. She’s…” Chase shrugged, “persuasive.”

  “That she is, son, that she is. Well, I’m going to go find another drink and then a bathroom. Maybe not in that order.”

  He slapped Chase again on the back and walked into the crowd.

  Chase scanned the room once again and took another sip of his drink. To his right, he saw Peggy approaching with a blond in a white dress, a giant blue sash slung across her chest.

  “Chase, this is Tandy Hill, our most recent Ms. Oklahoma.”

  As Peggy let go of Tandy Hill’s arm she nudged the woman forward just a bit so she was standing right up against Chase.

  “Ms. Hill,” said Chase, offering his hand. A gala photographer jumped in front of them just as Ms. Oklahoma dropped Chase’s hand and slid her arms around his back as she leaned into him. As the flash sparked in his eyes, Chase could feel Ms. Oklahoma arch her back and raise her chin to give the photographer just the right angle. Chase instinctively dropped his head and pulled away. Just as he did so, he looked up and saw Kate.

  She was standing twenty feet from him, still as a doe, watching.

  Chase felt his breath catch in his chest. Her dark hair was piled high on her head with just a tendril weaving down around her long, soft neck. Her gown seemed to catch all the light in the room and Chase saw her actually glowing. She was stunning.

  “Kate,” Chase said as he moved forward, linking his arms into hers. He wanted to take a moment to look in her eyes and tell her how beautiful she looked, but she moved past him.

  “You’re missing the light,” Kate said directly to Ms. Oklahoma.

  Ms. Oklahoma’s eyes darted around as she frowned. “What?”

  “You can’t just depend on the flash from the camera. You have to angle towards the main chandelier over there.”

  Kate winked at Chase then turned again to Ms. Oklahoma. “That light will age you. Better get some better pictures or those will be the ones in the paper tomorrow.”

  Chase watched Ms. Oklahoma flush with terror as she ran after the photographer.

  Kate took a glass of champagne from a tray and smiled at Chase. “You look nice,” she said.

  Chase swallowed and took a breath. “You look amazing.” He moved forward and took the champagne glass out of her hand. He set the glass aside and gazed into her eyes. “I’m so glad you’re here.” He laced his fingers through hers and led her to the dance floor. His other hand slid around her waist and landed decisively on her lower back, pulling her close to him. Their bodies pressed against each other as Chase began to move her slowly across the floor, his eyes never leaving hers.

  He saw her struggle for just a moment, and she tried to look away, but then she sank into his embrace and met his eyes. He was holding her so close he could feel her heart thundering in her chest.

  He pressed his cheek to hers and breathed in the scent of her hair; momentarily lost in the slow, rhythmic sway of their bodies moving together across the floor. He’d felt that same sensation when he kissed her, that the world was churning away and disappearing, rolling into a faraway oblivion where nothing existed but him and Kate, his body and hers and the bond he felt when they were close.

  His eyes felt hot and his mouth dry as he pulled away just enough to see her eyes. “Kate,” he began, but the song ended and a voice announced the Governor was about to speak. “Later, then,” he said. “There’s so much I want to tell you.”

  Kate nodded and squeezed his hand. They walked arm in arm back to their table and Chase felt the whole world open up before them. He started making plans for what he would say and do, and how he would win Kate over and make her believe that this feeling had to be right. He squeezed her around the waist again as they got closer to their table, but as they approached, Kate stopped dead. Her body went stiff and Chase felt everything change. He looked at her and saw a cold dread had enveloped her face. She was staring at the table and the woman Peggy was speaking to earlier.

  Chase put his arm around Kate again but she pushed it away firmly, taking a step away from him. He watched her back straighten and saw her take a breath to compose herself as a woman’s voice cackled softly. “Well. You do get around, Kate Piper.”

  Chapter 11: Kate

  A cold shudder ran through Kate’s bones. She had let her guard down, just for one night, and before her stood Donna Ogrodnick. I deserve this, Kate thought. I should have known better.

  She did her best to draw herself up, and willed her lips to curve into something like a smile. “Donna, this is a surprise.”

  “You’re surprised?” Donna asked. “I thought you were long gone by now. Still slogging away, trying to get some clients, I see?”

  Kate felt Chase by her side and his heat reassured her, even though she was terrified of the optics. Donna would twist this around for sure.

  “Ms. Ogrodnick,” Chase said, “I wasn’t aware that you knew Kate.”

  “I was Kate’s old boss, isn’t that right, Kate? Until we had to...part ways.”

  Kate had played through this moment a million times in her head, shadow-boxing Donna Ogrodnick so she’d be ready with something witty to say when they were face to face again, but now, when she searched her mind, it was empty. A blank desert of nothing but fear.

  “Are you a Reputation Manager, too?” Chase asked, saving her. “I wasn’t aware.”

  “Oh no,” said Donna. “I’m a Crisis Manager. The big leagues.”

  Just then, Kate got her voice back. “What Donna means to say is that she comes in after a life is already destroyed and tries to tape the pieces back togethe
r. I, on the other hand, find it more valuable to help clients ward off disaster before it strikes. It might pay less, but it’s more rewarding.” Kate took another sip of her champagne. “From an ethical standpoint.”

  Kate saw Donna bristle. “Well, to each his own,” she said. “If you’re here working with KinCo, that means I’ve been hired as back-up, for when you’re well-meaning hand-holding leads to total disaster.” Then she turned to Chase. “Don’t worry, Chase, I’ll be here to help you pick up the pieces.”

  “That won’t be happening,” said Chase. Kate wanted to reach down and squeeze his hand but didn’t dare.

  “Maybe not through you,” Donna said, looking the two of them up and down, “But I’ve been hired by Mr. Kai to ensure your public reputation stays intact after the launch. He is investing a lot and has my firm on retainer. Should the unthinkable happen, he wants a pro by his side.”

  Just then Kate heard another voice. “Oh, Donna, this is a tired old act.” Kate turned to see Lou Tarly at her side.

  “Lou,” she said in surprise and hugged him, happy to have his thick, reassuring arms around her. “What are you doing here?”

  “Old friends with Big Cal. Didn’t he tell you?”

  Suddenly, Kate knew it had been Lou that had recommended her to Cal. Someone from Boston still believed in her.

  The lights above flashed, signaling the Governor was about to take the stage. The group disbanded and went to their different seats around the table. Now that they were sitting Kate felt the room begin to spin. She took another drink of her champagne and reached below the tablecloth and took Chase’s hand in hers. He squeezed her hand reassuringly and she saw him looking at her, worry etched on his face.

  Kate looked across and saw Donna Ogrodnick at her table, sitting between Peggy and Kenji Kai. She felt adrenaline pulsing through her veins. If she failed now, everyone would know, Donna Ogrodnick would make sure of that. If this IPO failed, no one would ever take her seriously again.


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