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Hitler's Bandit Hunters: The SS and the Nazi Occupation of Europe

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by Philip W. Blood

  109. TVDB, 73, although Daluege maintained a missing person file on him until June 1943.

  110. NARA, RG242, BDC, A3343-SS0-023, Bach-Zelewski, letter to Kurt Daluege, January 8, 1943.

  111. IWM, Persönlicher Stab Reichsführer, “Himmler papers”, letter of May 6, 1943.

  112. IWM, Himmler papers, list of surviving and dead officers of the 14th SS-Police Regiment issued through the Hauptamt Ordnungspolizei (June 17, 1943).

  113. PRO, HW16/6, MSGP 52, a new 14th SS-Polizei Regiment was recreated out of Police Regiment Griese, December 12, 1943. Oberst der Ordnungspolizei Griese should not be confused with Oberst der Kolonialpolizei Karl Gaisser.

  114. PRO, HW16/6, MSGP 40, November 9, 1942.

  115. PRO, HW16/6, MSGP 44, April 8, 1943.

  116. Buchrucker, Schwarze Reichswehr, 32.

  117. TVDB, 80.

  118. Logusz, Galicia Division, 403–11.

  119. George Lepre, Himmler’s Bosnian Division: The Waffen-SS Handschar Division, 1943–1945 (Atglen, Pa.: Schiffer Military History, 1997), 81–108.

  120. TVDB, 71–2.

  121. TVDB, 65.

  122. NCA, document 705-PS, Minutes of the conference (January 12, 1943).

  123. NCA, document PS-204, this document became a subject of a major disagreement between Bach-Zelewski and Fritz Sauckel, the latter attempting to disguise his control of labor round-up operations.

  124. BA, NS/19/3717, Keitel, Betr. Unterbringung von Zivilbevölkerung, July 24, 1943.

  125. NARA, RG242, T354, roll 650, Gewinnung von Arbeitskräften fur die deutsche Rüstungs-und Ernährungswirtschaft bei der Bandenbekämpfung, RFSS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei - Der Chef der Bandenkampf-Verbände, September 1, 1943.

  126. BA MA, RW41/60, Field Marshal Busch, Obkdo.H.Gr.Mitte, Ia Nr.15 598/43 g.Kdos, December 1943.

  Chapter 6: Das Bandenkampfgebiet

  1. DZWK, 1192.

  2. Liulevicius, War Land on the Eastern Front, described how in the First World War the Germans had caused hardship for the indigenous population, 207–9; Hannes Heer, Tote Zonen: Die Deutsche Wehrmacht an der Ostfront (Hamburg: Hamburger Edition, 1999), refers to the killing fields in the east, 11–40; whereas Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, explained how the Eastern Front was transformed into a desert of people and economy, while in “German Economic Interests, Occupation Policy, and the Murder of the Jews in Belorussia,” in Ulrich Herbert (ed.), National Socialist Extermination Policies: Contemporary German Perspectives and Controversies (Oxford: Berghahn, 2000), he reinforced his argument by summarizing that “Economic interests and crises were far more important influences on the tempo of the liquidation of the Jews,” 227.

  3. Terry, “The German Army Group Centre and the Soviet Civilian Population, 1942–1944,” entwines Soviet and German history in his study of the Army Group Centre occupation zone to explain his view of the economic geography of a region under occupation. He suitably described this as “The Quartermasters’ State,” implying that the quartermaster of the army group was all powerful, 36–57.

  4. PRO, HW16/6, 43, February 6–March 6, 1943.

  5. PRO, HW16/100, Waffen SS, report CX/MSS/Q1, October 9, 1943.

  6. NARA, RG338, FMS, D-157, “Protecting supply lines in the Southern Ukraine,” Generalleutnant Ludwig Keiper (Luftwaffe), hereafter referred to as the Keiper study.

  7. BA R19/304, CdO, Schnellbrief, Betr. Besondere Massnahmen zur Partisanenbekämpfung, July 14, 1942.

  8. NARA, RG338, FMS, D-224, ‘securing lines of communication in enemy country,” Generalleutnant Arthur Schwarznecker, hereafter Schwarznecker report.

  9. Ibid.

  10. Keiper study.

  11. Ibid.

  12. Schwarznecker report.

  13. USMT-12, 10148, reference to the methods of the 285th Security Division, June 8, 1943.

  14. NARA, RG242, T175/135149539, SS-Führungshauptamt Organisation, June 1, 1942.

  15. BA R19/325, CdO, Schnellbrief, Betr. Aufstellung eines Wachzuges für den Polizei-Truppenübungsplatz, June 2, 1943.

  16. DKHH, 377.

  17. TVDB, 35.

  18. DKHH, 402.

  19. NARA, RG242, T175/66/2562721; SS-Sturmbannführer With, Bericht für die Zeit, May 16–21, 1942.

  20. DKHH, 423.

  21. DKHH, 485, 493.

  22. Wegner, The Waffen-SS, 302–3.

  23. NARA, RG242, T175/42/1, the application from Lieutenant-General Ramcke for a farmstead in the east. Refer to Rolf-Dieter Müller, Hitlers Ostkrieg und die deutsche Siedlungspolitik. Die Zusammenarbeit von Wehrmacht, Wirtschaft und SS, (Frankfurt a. M, 1991) for a more detailed examination.

  24. Military History Archive Prague (MHAP)/USHMM RS-48.004/roll 6, Ic Mitteilungen Nr. 4, March 5, 1943. The copy of this report kindly provided by Nicholas Terry.

  25. NARA, RG242, BDC, A3343-SSO-364A, Rudolf Pannier, Tätigkeitsbericht für den Monat August, September 6, 1943, hereafter referred to as Pannier’s August report.

  26. MHAP/USHMM RS-48.004/roll 6, Tätigkeitsbericht, August 8, 1943. The copy of this report kindly provided by Nick Terry and is hereafter referred to as Pannier’s July report.

  27. NARA, RG242, BDC, A3343-SSO-364A, Rudolf Pannier, Tätigkeitsbericht für den Monat August, September 6, 1943.

  28. MHAP/USHMM RS-48.004/roll 6, Tätigkeitsbericht für den Monat September, October 8, 1943. The copy of this report kindly presented by Nick Terry and is hereafter referred to as Pannier’s September report.

  29. Pannier’s August report.

  30. NCA document 1992-A-PS, National Political Course for the Armed Forces, January 15–23, 1937.

  31. Guido Knopp, “Die SS—Eine Warnung der Geschichte” (ZDF television, 2003).

  32. NARA, RG242, T77/780/5506284-568, Wehrmacht Ersatzplan 1945.

  33. BA ZNS, trooper’s personnel records.

  34. Wegner, The Waffen-SS, 303–9.

  35. RFSS, Dich ruft die SS, 81.

  36. Ibid., 83.

  37. NARA, RG242, T175/5/2505208-6228, organizational of the Technische Nothilfe, December 20, 1940.

  38. Martin Cüppers, “Gustav Lombard – ein eingagierter Judenmörder aus der Waffen-SS,” in Klaus-Michael Mallman and Gerhard Paul (eds.), Karrieren der Gewalt: Nationalsozialistische Täterbiographien (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2004), 147.

  39. BA R19/467, RFSS Ch.d.Dts Pol, Betr. Jüdisch Versippte im der Polizeireserve, Polizei-Reservisten and Polizeibeamte, October 27, 1942.

  40. CMH, SHAEF G2 Reports, Reichsschule SS, Oberehnheim in Elsass, 1945.

  41. NARA, RG242, T175/135/2662194, SS-Führungshauptamt Organisation, March 1942. See also Wolfgang Vopersal, “Die SS-Ersatzbataillone in Breslau und dass SS-Ersatzbataillon, Ost,” in Der Freiwillige 4 (March 1973), 22–23; and Der Freiwillige 5 (April 1973), 18–19.

  42. NARA, RG242, T175/135/2662194–389, SS-Führungshauptamt Organisation, March 1942.

  43. NARA, RG242, T580, roll 222, an order from November 1939, armored cars for occupation forces, CdO.

  44. BA R19/266, Richtlinien für die Ausbildung der in die Schutzpolizei des Reiches und der Gemeinden eingestellten Polizeireservisten, March 6, 1940.

  45. BA R19/327, CdO, Schnellbrief, Ausbildung WSPK, September 9, 1944.

  46. BA R19/325, CdO, Schnellbrief, Betr. 2 Lehrgang für Kampfausbildung der Bez. Offz. Anw. an der Pol. Waffenschule II in Laon, May 8, 1944.

  47. BA R19/325, CdO, Schnellbrief, Betr. Auffüllung der Polizei-Waffenschulen durch Volksdeutsche aus Siebenbuergen, July 30, 1943.

  48. BA R19/26, Offiziere Ausbildung, Hauptamt-Ordnungspolizei, Amtsgruppe II.

  49. BA R19/10, RFSS, Betr. Offiziernachwuchs, Anlage 2, Richtlinien für den Offizieranwärterlehrgang für Revier—und Bezirksoffiziere, March 28, 1943.

  50. BA R19/121, Polizeiverwaltungsbeamte im Bereich des BdO Ukraine (Rowno) 1941— 2, Heft 1. Following Chernigov 67,000, 35 officials and 58 officers, home station Karlsruhe, Zhitomir 95,000, 35 officials, and 26 officers, home station Plauen; Nik
olaiev 167,000 homes, 35 officials, and 42 officers, home station Aussig; Poltava 130,000, 7 officials, and 46 officers, home station Mönchen-Gladbach-Rheydt; Kremenchug 89,000, 7 officials, and 25 officers, home station Wittenberg; Berdichev 66,000, 7 officials, and 23 officers, home station Hamm; Kirovograd 100,000, 7 officials, and 27 officers, home station Würzburg; Korsun 97,000, 7 officials, and 27 officers, home station Koblenz; Dnjeprodserchinsk 148,000, 7 officials, and 39 officers, home station Oppeln; Nikopol 57,000, 7 officials, and 23 officers, home station Lübeck.

  51. BA R19/327, Schnellbrief, Betr. Wasserschutzpolizei-Kommando “Dnjepr,” October 23, 1941.

  52. BA R19/327, CdO, Schnellbrief, Betr. Auflösung Wasserschutzpolzei Kommando “Pripjat, February 1, 1944

  53. PRO, HW16/6, MSGP 40, November 9, 1942.

  54. NARA, RG242, T354, roll 648, Dirlewanger Brigade order for the issue of alcohol and cigarettes.

  55. PRO, HW16/6, MSGP 30, November 14, 1941.

  56. PRO, HW16/6, MSGP 47, July 9, 1943.

  57. PRO, HW16/6 MSGP 26, July 24, 1941.

  58. PRO, HW16/6, MSGP 30, November 14, 1941.

  59. JNSV, case 663, Landesgericht Wiesbaden, February 23, 1968.

  60. PRO, HW16/6, MSGP 31, January 22, 1942; and, MSGP 34, April 11, 1942.

  61. PRO, HW16/6, MSGP 34, April 11, 1942; HW16/38, July 11—November 3, 1943; HW16/39, 1943–44; HW16/42, August 6, 1944—February 13, 1945.

  62. NARA, RG242, T175/16/2519790, reports from KSRFSS titled “Verluste, Infektionen, Seuchen,” contains many examples from January–March 1942.

  63. NARA, RG242, T354, roll 648, Kampfgruppe von Gottberg orders of the day, February 1943.

  64. PRO, HW16/6, MSGP 35, May 24, 1942.

  65. PRO, HW16/6, MSGP 36, July 17, 1942.

  66. PRO, HW16/6, MSGP 37, August 11, 1942.

  67. PRO, HW16/6, MSGP 53, January 12, 1944.

  68. PRO, HW16/6, MSGP 44, April 8, 1943.

  69. Pannier’s August report.

  70. Pannier’s September report.

  71. Pannier’s July report.

  72. Pannier’s August report.

  73. Ibid.

  74. Pannier’s September report.

  75. NARA, RG242, BDC, A3343-SSO-364A, Rudolf Pannier.

  76. Ibid.

  77. Pannier’s August report.

  78. PRO, HW16/6, MSGP 34, April 11, 1942.

  79. PRO, HW16/6, MSGP 38, cases of forged ration cards and security passes, September 7, 1942.

  80. PRO, HW16/6, MSGP 40, November 9, 1942.

  81. JNSV, case no. 830.

  82. NARA, RG242, T175/9/2511009-52, Besprechung der Prüfungsarbeit für Major-Anwärter (Mai 1936) in Polizeiverwendung (von Polizeioffizierschule aufgestellt).

  83. NARA, RG242, BDC, A3345-B-171. Vorschrift für die Verwendung der Schutzpolizei und der Gendarmerie (Einzeldienst) im täglichen Dienst, Teil 1, Berlin 1940 with the attached Vorschrift für die Waffen-und Schiessausbildung der Ordnungspolizei, Teil 3, Berlin 1940.

  84. Richard Schulze-Kossens, Militärischer Führernachswuchs der Waffen-SS: Die Junkerschulen (Osnabrück: Munin, 1982); and Jay Hathaway, In Perfect Formation: SS Ideology and the SS-Junkerschule-Tölz (Atglen, Pa.: Schiffer, 1999).

  85. NARA, RG319 IRR, case file Kurt Daluege.

  86. PRO, HW16/6, Chief of Staff Rode request to encourage further training and identify future leaders.

  87. NCA, document 1918-PS, Himmler’s Metz speech, 1940.

  88. BA-MA, RW41 and NARA, RG242, T501/1/1-464, Korpsbefehl Nr. 53, Erfahrungsaustausch (Kampf gegen Partisanen), September 16, 1941.

  89. This course contributed to the regulations introduced on October 25, 1941, referred to in chapter two.

  90. NARA, RG242, T175/9/2511053-63, CdO, Merkblatt für die Ausbildung der geschlossen Polizeinheiten im Polizeikampf, March 1941.

  91. BA R19/10, RFSS, O-Kdo I O (3) 1 Nr. 210/42, Winkelmann, Betr. Auflösung der Kolonialpolizeischule in Wien, August 7, 1942.

  92. NARA, RG242, T175/13/2515813-90, Richtlinien für die kolonialtaktische Ausbildung an den Kolonialpolizei-Schulen (1942).

  93. NARA, RG242, T175/13/2515813-90, Die Völker der Erde.

  94. NARA, RG242, T175/13/2515813-90, general lecture notes.

  95. BA R19/467, RFSS, Besondere Aufgaben der Ordnungspolizei erfordert Aufstellung eines Sonderfährenkorps aus Polizeireserve bzw., February 17, 1942.

  96. NARA, RG338, FMS, P005b, Partisan Warfare in Croatia, Karl Gaisser (April 1951), later became the basis of the Gaisser study.

  97. Gaisser study.

  98. BA MA, RW41/76, January 7, 1944, diary entry, 20.

  99. BA R3701/2038, Reichsforstamt, Geplante Bandenkampfschule in Tucheler Heide, November 2, 1944.

  100. BA R19/321, on November 23, 1943, Richard Hildebrandt wrote to Himmler explaining that Forstamtmann Erich Bachus responsible for the Tuchler Heide was an exceptional officer. Explaining that his father had been assassinated by “bandits” on November 10, 1943.

  101. Baritz, “War of the rails,” 2857–67.

  102. NARA, RG242, BDC, A3343-SSO-364A, Rudolf Pannier.

  103. Ibid.

  104. Ibid.

  105. Pannier’s August report.

  106. Ibid, the shooting took place on the evening of August 20–21.

  107. Ibid.

  108. Ibid.

  109. Ibid, the collection included twenty-six tons of cereals, four tons of hay, twenty-three horses, fifty-five cows, twenty-four calves, twelve sheep, and one pig.

  110. Ibid.

  111. Ibid.

  112. NARA, RG242, BDC, A3343-SSO-364A, letter SS-Untersturmführer Helmich, July 4, 1944.

  Chapter 7: Die Bandenunternehmungen

  1. Bellamy, The Evolution of Land Warfare, 18–20.

  2. Simpson, “The German Experience of Rear Area Security on the Eastern Front,” 43.

  3. The 1944 regulations, sections 72–79.

  4. PRO, HW 16/98, History of the German Police W/T Network, July 1945, 2.

  5. NARA, T353, roll 650, Kräftebereicht Stand vom June 1, 1943, HSSPF, June 3, 1943.

  6. BA-MA, RS4/1066, Auszug aus einem Bericht Ia der Kampfgruppe “Hannibal”: Major Friedrich Neumann, Ludwigshafen, April 1956.

  7. NARA, RG242, T-354, roll 650, Bataillons-Befehl für das Unternehmen “Hornung,” February 7, 1943.

  8. NARA, RG242, T175/81/2601501, Abschrift von SSPF Shitomir, Bandenbekämpfung, January 27, 1943.

  9. Ibid.

  10. Ruth Bettina Birn, “‘Zaunkoenig’ an ‘Uhrmacher.’ Grosse Partisanenaktionen 1942/ 43 am Beispiel des ‘Unternehmens Winterzauber,’” in Militaergeschichtliche Zeitschrift 60 (2001), Heft 1, 99–118.

  11. Heer und Naumann et al, Vernichtungskrieg, Verbrechen der Wehrmacht 1941 bis 1944, 104–38.

  12. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 859–1055.

  13. NARA, RG242, T175/81/2601529, Meldung 2, August 24, 1942.

  14. USHMM, RS22.007M (State Archive of the Russian Federation Trophy Documents), Gefechtsbericht für des Unternehmen Zauberflöte, April 24, 1943. I would like to thank Nick Terry for providing a copy of this final report.

  15. NARA, RG242, T354, roll 649, Unternehmen Zauberflöte, April 17–22, 1943.

  16. Richard Evans, Rethinking German History: Nineteenth Century Germany and the Origins of the Third Reich (London: Allen & Unwin, 1987), 248-90.

  17. Bessel, “Policing, Professionalization and Politics,” 201.

  18. Ibid.

  19. TVDB, 74.

  20. TVDB, 75. USHMM, RS22.007M, Gefechtsbericht für des Unternehmen Zauberflöte, April 24, 1943.

  21. TVDB, 76.

  22. BA-MA, RL20/302, Unternehmen Nasses Dreieck, May 5–16, 1943.

  23. Ibid.

  24. Ibid.

  25. Ibid.

  26. Ibid

  27. Ibid.

  28. Ibid.

  29. Ibid.

  30. TVDB, 76–7.


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