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Sassy Ever After: Twinkle, Twinkle, Sassy Little Star (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Series Book 23)

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by Julia Mills

  Star’s ire cooled as tears filled Alicia’s eyes. The she-wolf sympathized with what the witch and her family were going through even though she had no idea what it had to do with her.

  “We used every ounce of knowledge and magic we had to look for her. The news wasn’t very good. I mean, I’m happy to know my sister’s alive but pretty freaked out that she’s being possessed by a demon they call Death Incarnate. Oh shit!” Alicia slapped her hands over her mouth and shook her head, mumbling through her fingers, “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have blurted that out.”

  Sitting forward, not sure what to make of the witch, who until now hadn’t said more than three words to her, Star shrugged, “No problem. I’m the one who should be saying she’s sorry. I can’t imagine what it must be like to find all that out.”

  Slowly lowering her hands, Alicia nodded, “Yeah, it’s about as bad as it can get.” She closed the distance between them and sat on the chair next to Star. “But I’m sorry for just throwing the whole demon possession thing out there with no warning.” She laid her hand on the arm of Star’s chair. “It does, however, lead me to why we’re all here.”

  The witch took a deep breath and hurried on, “When I touched Mara’s mind, I also saw into the demon’s and I saw you.” She began speaking so rapidly it took Star a second to catch up. “Not the you that you are now. It was you when you were lots younger. Then I remembered a picture I saw when I was going through Olivia’s photo albums. It was of you when you first came to this Pack and I knew, I just knew. It was then. What I had seen in the demon’s mind was from that time period…all those years ago.”

  Star sat waiting for more of an explanation, waiting for the punchline, waiting for anything. Then like the anvil that falls on the coyote in the old cartoons she and the girls used to watch, a picture of Mac, the demon wolf who’d lured her away on that horrible night all those years ago burst into her mind for the second time that day.

  Shaking her head, slowly at first and then quicker with each word, she screamed, “No! No, no, no, no, nooooooo. Not again.” Springing to her feet, she flew across the room and leaned over Marrok’s desk. “Tell me. Fucking tell me now. Is this the same demon that killed my Pack?” She felt the bile rising in her throat. “Killed my dad?”

  The warmth of Olivia’s hand on her shoulder helped but as the Alpha started to speak Star felt all the pain and anguish from the loss of everything she’d ever known closing in all around her.

  “Yes, we believe it is.” The sadness in Marrok’s eyes nearly brought her to her knees as he went on. “Alicia, along with the Grand Priestess and the Dragon Guard believe he was trying to inhabit one of their men and to do it he needed one very large blood sacrifice.”

  “My Pack?”

  Reaching across the desk, the Alpha laid his huge hand over hers as he nodded, “Yes, ma’am, that’s what we all believe.”

  “But,” her voice cracked as the tears she was holding back threatened to fall. “But, why not kill me right along with them? Why take me away from the Pack and then attack?”

  “I can answer that,” Alicia answered from behind Star.

  Turning, the she-wolf watched the witch compose herself as she explained, “Calysta, that’s the Grand Priestess Marrok just spoke of, believes that you were the bait for your father. In a ritual that requires as much power as Thanatos, that’s the demon’s name, or at least one of them would need to push his soul into a Guardsman’s there has to be a catalyst. That catalyst has to be a huge amount of pure magic, given freely to the demon at the time of the ritual’s climax.”

  She paused and lowered her chin. Looking up through her long bangs, the witch asked, “Are you ready to hear this? Most of it is really hard for me to say, I can’t imagine what it will be like for you to have to listen to.”

  Star appreciated Alicia’s consideration for her feelings but needed to know what had really happened all those years ago. Looking at Olivia who she knew would be there to catch her if she fell, the she-wolf sighed, “Yes. I need to hear it. I need to finally know the truth.”

  “Okay, I understand, and let me just say, you are really brave.”


  Giving her a quick smile, Alicia continued, “In this case, we all agree that the demon instructed those loyal to him to kill your Pack while he lured you away. Then while their blood still soaked the ground, he was going to use you as bait. When your dad showed up, he was going to make Edward give his life to save yours, but then kill you both. Not only would the sacrifice your dad made to save you be huge in terms of magical energy, but then killing you would give him an extra charge.”

  “But something went wrong. None of us knows what happened. My guess and the others agree, is that Thanatos’ followers went crazy with bloodlust. Simply couldn’t control themselves. Then once the fires started and the demon saw his plans going up in smoke, quite literally. He decided to kill you.” She paused and with a weak smile added, “Thank the Goddess he failed.”

  Alicia stood and stepped forward until she was standing in front of Star. Looking her right in the eye, with a conviction that the she-wolf could feel even more than she could hear it, the witch said, “The thing killing wolves as he weaves his way across the United States is Thanatos in my sister’s body. He has recruited new followers and he is trying to accomplish what he failed at before.”

  “Wait…” Star put her index finger in the air. “Are you saying he’s coming for me?”

  “No,” Alicia shook her head so vehemently that her long, curly ponytail swished behind her head. “I’m saying that Thanatos doesn’t know you’re alive, but he is heading this way to kill a True Alpha and his Pack as a blood sacrifice to finally be able to inhabit a Dragon Guardsman.”

  He’s coming for Marrok and our Pack…

  Lost in thought, Star was shocked to see Marrok standing in front of her and even more shocked by his question. “And I’m asking how you feel about some old-fashioned revenge?”

  Chapter Seven

  “She agreed to do what?” Grey tried hard not to yell at Drago. Some of it was out of respect, but most of it was because he was sure the old guy would follow through on his threat to kick the younger Guardsman’s ass and that was a fight Grey wasn’t sure he could win. But hearing that his mate, the one who wouldn’t give him the time of day, had just agreed to be the bait to lure Thanatos into a trap did not sit well with the gray dragon.

  “I am not sure how many ways I can say it. Star, your mate, is working with Alicia and the others on a plan to draw Thanatos into a trap.” Grey could hear the exasperation in the Assassin’s voice. “I wanted to let you know before you landed, heard the news and did something crazy like yell at her or throw her over your shoulder and head for the hills. She seems quite adamant about what she wants to do. I understand things are a bit,” Drago cleared his throat and when he began to speak again, Grey knew it had been to hide the chuckle in his voice. “Strained between you two at the moment.”

  Sighing so hard, steam floated from his snout, Grey asked, “Is anything private with you guys?”

  “Has it ever been?” Kayne, whose golden dragon was flying to his right, laughed.

  Chuckling despite his frustration, Grey groaned, “Okay, since you all know everything. What should I do?”

  “I have no idea what you should do,” Pearce, who was flying just ahead, the scales of his iridescent cobalt dragon glowing in the moonlight, interjected. “I do, however, know what you should NOT do. Learn from those that have gone before you and please, by all that is holy, do NOT try to control her. I get the impression that Star is a strong, independent she-wolf, who’s used to doing what she wants, when she wants and asks no one’s permission. If you go in there dragon blazing and try to tell her what to do, you have to know you’re only going to push her farther away.”

  “So, I’m just supposed to stand idly by and let her be dangled in front of Death Incarnate?” Grey knew he was getting louder with every word that flew fr
om his mind to that of his brethren but he was fed up with all of it and needed to vent before he exploded. “Is that what you’re saying? Is that the best advice you can give me? If so, it’s bullshit! Complete and total bullshit! There’s no way in Heaven or Hell I’m letting that…”

  “You won’t be ‘letting’ anything happen, you arrogant, egotistical, testosterone-filled scale-covered bag of hot air.” Star’s voice burst through his mind, as well as his brethren’s from the snorts and chuckles filling his mind. “Whatever I do is MY decision. Not yours. NEVER yours.” Each word was punctuated with the fiery she-wolf’s rage. “The Goddess and the Universe may have decided that you’re my mate, but that doesn’t mean I have to fall for it. I will be ruled by no one…EVER.”

  And just like that, she was gone. The blocks in her mind slammed shut between them. Only an echo of what she was feeling flowing through their mating bond. Star had said all she needed to say and ended it with an exclamation point not even Grey could deny. His sassy she-wolf was more than pissed, she was livid and more than likely out for blood…unfortunately, his.

  There was a long pause, during which four massive dragons flew silently through the air. At any other time, Grey was sure it would’ve been comical to watch these enormous winged warriors look at one another with large wide eyes like children caught with their hands in the cookie jar, but in that moment, he was far from laughing.

  “I’m guessing matters just got worse,” Noah chuckled nervously, his brown dragon soaring next to Pearce.

  “If I hear the words ‘I told you so’ I swear to the Heavens I will scorch the scales off each and every one of you,” Grey growled as dark, ominous smoke drifted out of his huge snout.

  “Aye, aye, Captain,” Kayne snorted with Pearce and Noah snickering in the background.

  Done talking and needing to think, Grey’s glittering gray dragon dropped below the other dragons, sped forward and led the way for the last two hours of their silent journey to the Florida swamp. Landing in human form just before the sun peeked over the huge palm trees that lined the east side of Gaelach Lán Pack lands, his boots had barely touched the ground before he was stalking towards the quaint single-story cottage he knew belonged to his mate.

  He could feel his brethren close behind. Their disapproval flowing through the bond of brotherhood they all shared, not to mention their disapproving glares burning holes in his back.

  What the hell do they know? Lucky for them, they’re all still single…

  Shutting them out, trying to come up with the perfect words to make his unruly mate see his side of things, Grey stepped up to the front door and lifted his fist to knock just as the door swung wide open and Star snarled, “Can’t you take a hint?”

  Shocked and unsure what to say, Grey stood staring for a split second too long allowing his mate to add, “I want nothing to do with you. Go away.”

  Throwing out his arm as she tried to slam the door in his face, the Guardsman shoved it so hard he heard a loud crack as the doorknob crashed through the wall. Pushing past Star, Grey stormed across the threshold, spun on his heels and growled, “No, I don’t take fucking hints and I’m not going away. We’re gonna talk about this shit, right here and right now.” He stepped forward, ignoring the fury he saw burning in her eyes. “You are my mate, just as much as I am yours. Get over it. Accept it. It’s my job to protect you, and whether you like it or not, that’s what I’m going to do. Even if it means tying you to a chair to keep you safe.”

  Closing the distance between them, Star looked him right in the eyes and seethed, “Just try it, big boy. Let’s see if your fire burns as hot as the smoke you’re blowing.”

  “I have no problem doing everything in my considerable power to make you see reason,” Grey countered, using his height advantage to lean down over Star to make his point.

  His dragon pushed against the confines of his mind, roaring at the prospect of meeting his mate, as she met his glare head on. He secretly loved that she didn’t back down. Her strength was not only alluring but reassuring, his sassy Star had an inner fortitude that matched his on every level. She was astounding in so many ways, most of which he had yet to discover. He already loved her more than he thought possible and needed to let her know that there would never be a time he would let her put herself in danger.

  Pearce’s words echoing in his mind, Grey instantly changed tactics. Pushing his anger to the side, the Guardsman backed away and took a deep breath. Taking advantage of Star’s confusion at his retreat, he lowered his voice, put his hands up palms out and apologized, “I’m sorry. That’s not the way I wanted this conversation to go.” He ran his hands through his hair. “I wanted to come here. Save the day. And get the girl.” He smiled, hoping to get one in return, but powering on when she only stood silently staring at him. “I thought that if I could stop this demon, you would see that I am the guy for you. That you would stop running from me.” He closed his eyes. “That you would see I’m good enough to spend the rest of your life with.”

  “What?” Star asked, looking and sounding truly confused.

  Walking forward, she laid her hand on his arm. Sparks, like fire, raced through his veins, from her touch as his eyes flew open. His heart beat faster and his dragon growled low in his throat. Grey knew she felt it too, saw her pupils dilate and felt the tremble in her touch.

  Ignoring his own reactions, he focused on his mate. Watching intently as the anger drained from her lovely face. He couldn’t help but step forward when she spoke, the fatigue and sadness heavy in her voice.

  “I admit to running.” Her eyes flashed with the image of her wolf. “But not because I don’t think you’re not good enough.” She shook her head and snorted, “Hell, until just a few hours ago, I thought I wasn’t good enough for you.” He could feel her confusion as she went on, “If I’m honest, I’m still not sure.”

  Taking a step back, she put her hands on her hips and in a matter of fact voice that shocked him almost as much as her words, said, “After all these years, I finally know that I’m not the reason my dad and every single member of my Pack are dead. I know in here,” she put her index finger to her temple, “that some fucking demon had them killed so he could possess one of your kin and try to rule the world or whatever it is demons do.” She laid her hand over her heart. “But in here, I still don’t believe it. I still can’t figure it all out. Can’t make sense of what happened…of what I now know.”

  Then in a flash, gone was the introspective, calm Star, replaced by a fierce she-wolf begging for vengeance as she stepped right up to Grey and while poking him in the chest with her index finger spat, “But what I do know is that I have a chance to take that filthy bastard down and not you or anyone else is gonna stop me.”

  Chapter Eight

  Star couldn’t believe Grey was actually standing in her house or that she was telling him off, but both were definitely happening and there was absolutely no going back. When she’d seen him marching across her front yard, it had taken everything in her not to run out the back door. Just the thought of having to deal with him on top of everything she’d just had dumped at her feet seemed like too much to bear.

  But then she’d remembered hearing his high-handed attitude and testosterone-laden ego when he was talking to Drago and she’d gotten furious all over again. Who the hell did he think he was trying to tell her what she could and couldn’t do? This was her life and she’d damn well live it the way she wanted to.

  Then he took the wind right out of her sails by saying something she never could have seen coming.

  “The dragon Thanatos wants to possess is my brother, Garrett, who I haven’t seen in eighty years.”

  “Your…brother?” Star couldn’t believe her ears. “You have got to be kidding me. It was your brother all those years ago, too, wasn’t it?” She stepped back and sat down, propping her elbows on her knees and letting her head fall forward. “And it was your Clan that was killed a week before my Pack, right?”

��Yes,” came Grey’s whispered reply from just in front of her.

  “Did he kill them, too? Were they looking for your brother then?”

  Star looked up to find Grey standing in the same spot, head bowed, eyes closed. She watched him shrug as he answered, “I don’t think so. I didn’t smell sulfur, but I was in the Cave of the Ancients receiving my Blessing from our Ancestors when the attack happened.” He paused, and she could feel him trying to control the rage still burning deep inside even after all the years that had passed. “I found Garrett at the bottom of the mountain, hiding in one of the small caves. He was only thirteen at the time.”

  Oh my Goddess,” she shot to her feet and closed the distance between them, laying her hands on Grey’s and waiting until he looked up. “You mean he’s grown up being a prisoner of this Thanatos asshole?”

  “No, the night your Pack died Thanatos was thrown back into Hell and only in the last few years was summoned back to Earth.” He sighed. “But Garrett’s been held by some nasty sons of bitches from the look of him. I can’t even imagine what he’s been through, the torture he’s endured.”

  Grey pulled his hands from hers and turned away, pacing towards the picture window. Opening the curtain, he stared out at the rising sun as she stared at him. It was hard, even with what was going on all around them, not to appreciate his amazing physique.

  The Goddess and the Universe had known what they were doing when they put her mate together. He was six-foot-six-inches of nothing less than perfection. From his wide shoulders to his tapered waist, not forgetting his ass that at the moment was being expertly outlined by the worn denim of his jeans.

  Then there was his face, that had to have been sculpted by the angels themselves. Star’s fingers itched with the need to see if his short dark hair was as soft as it looked in the first rays of the sun. And she didn’t have to close her eyes to remember his sparkling blue eyes, perfectly kissable lips or the strong set of his amazing jawline.


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