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In the Arms of the Dragon Princes

Page 64

by Jessica Miller

  “So…do you have family or…anything?” she asked a bit awkwardly.

  “My parents have both passed. I have no brothers or sisters, but I do have good friends within my profession,” I said, and she nodded slowly.

  “Female friends?” she asked, and I grew bemused as to her question.

  “One, and she is nearly two times my age now…” I said, and Anna nodded almost thoughtfully.

  “I’m not sure how I’ll fare in trying to make other Rolarian friends. Your social norms are kind of confusing,” she said, and I chuckled softly.

  “Yes well, that is true for Rolarians trying to make Rolarian friends also. But you can start with the one friend you do have, and branch out from there,” I suggested. Anna looked at me as if I missed some point.

  “Well Jasiah, you’re the only Rolarian friend I have so far,” she said, and I blinked at her in a bit of surprise. “I mean…don’t you consider us friends?” she asked.

  “I suppose so…looking in retrospect, I suppose we are,” I said, and she smiled at me with laughter in her eyes.

  “So what’s good to eat here?” she asked.

  I searched her face wondering what she could be thinking, as she looked at the menu. Had she grown an awareness, an attraction, for me as I did so quickly for her?



  It was weird that Jasiah and I had so much inherently in common. If I wasn’t attracted to him before, I was definitely attracted to him after our conversation on the street. We were surprisingly a lot alike, and while we had brunch I kept surprising him with my knowledge about space travel and nearby solar systems to Earth and Rolar. But then there was the question of whether Jasiah was attracted to me as well. He did call me beautiful and a day ago he would not have ever said that.

  “I have one more thing to show you on our tour, it is in the business section of the city, but it is quite a sight.” Jasiah actually seemed a bit excited to show me whatever it is he wanted me to see.

  “Sure, let’s go. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look forward to something so much,” I said, and he smirked at me a bit ruefully.

  “I am just looking forward to observing how you react when you see it,” he said, and I laughed at how scientific he made that sound.

  “Whatever we’re about to see, it’s another favorite of yours?”

  “I have to admit so, yes.” He nodded and gestured for me to hurry up as I followed him.

  “You’re tall Jasiah, my shorter legs can’t keep up with your strides,” I said.

  “I apologize,” he said chuckling and slowed down.

  “Is whatever we’re going to see going to walk away at a certain time?” I asked, and he smiled.

  “No, I suppose I am excited,” he admitted, and I had to laugh. For the thirty-six hours I had known Jasiah he struck me as one to find a bubbly personality, one full of excitement, annoying. It was sort of ironic, but being excited from time to time is normal.

  “Okay, do you trust me?” he asked just as he stopped walking. We were about to round a corner which I presumed was where whatever he wanted to show me was.

  “Ah…in theory, yes I suppose,” I said.

  “Well we will test it out then, close your eyes,” he said with a smirk, and I smiled at him before following orders. I felt his warm hand slide around mine and then he pulled me forward at a slow pace.

  “You’re not going to make me hit a wall are you?” I asked.

  “No, of course not. You trust me in theory remember?” he chuckled, his voice was low and almost intimate. Whenever he spoke it sounded as if his voice was closer to my ear. “Okay here, stop and open your eyes.”

  I stopped walking and then opened my eyes. We were standing at a square that was surrounded by four massive buildings. Steps led down into the most beautiful garden I had ever seen. It was nothing but color and amazing floral scents that all complimented each other, but didn’t over power the nose. The garden was formed in the shape of swirling patterns, the colors changing with the different flowers.

  “Oh my goodness, it’s—that is beautiful,” I said and then glanced up at Jasiah.

  “It’s called Leader’s Garden. The idea behind it is that leaders of all these businesses housed in the four buildings here, would look at the garden and realize that a beautiful work of art is made up of many components with their own unique contributing aspect. It’s a way to remind people to work together. Something Rolarians holds to high esteem as a race,” he explained, and I nodded in agreement.

  “Look at where Rolar is today…all from this ideal. It’s beautiful, it really is,” I said.

  Jasiah tugged on my hand gently to pull me forward, and we walked down the steps and strolled through the garden in comfortable silence. Once the sun started to set Jasiah suggest that we go back to my place.

  “I should try and cook something, you can help show me how to use the kitchen,” I said.

  “I can…cook something for you, and demonstrate how everything works,” he said with a smile, and I grinned up at him.

  “You cook too? How much better can you get?” I said, and he looked at me with bemusement, but laughed anyway.

  “So I’m feeling like steak, and since you’re big and strong you can tenderize it enough that I can eat it,” I told him, and Jasiah laughed again.

  “I will do that; I already have a dish in mind. I think you would like it,” he said thoughtfully, and I smirked.

  “Is it anything like the sour ice cream dish?” I asked, and he grinned.

  “No, nothing like it. It is similar to something I tried while on Earth once, but I won’t tell you what it is, you must guess it yourself,” he said and I grinned in excitement.

  “Oh I’ve traveled pretty much all over the Earth, I’m confident I’ll beat your challenge,” I said.

  Jasiah grinned at me boyishly, but with a bit of mischief. “Now you’ve made it a challenge, I must try to dupe you,” he said, and I couldn’t help but fall a little more for Jasiah, and I was already a goner.



  Anna was trying to get hints out of me as to what I would cook for her and I was aware of her ability to read faces. I tried to be as stoic as possible while we walked to the house. I had to admit that I liked the fact that she knew to still hold the game even though it would appear that I was trying to ignore her.

  “Oh come on, I’ve cracked you before, I could crack you again,” she said and that drew a response from me.

  “Really? How so?” I asked, and she grinned almost as if she thought she had already won.

  “When I told you to loosen up remember, and now look at us, holding hands…” she said and held up our entwined fingers. I had to admit that I liked the way her hand felt in mine.

  “That is an isolated event. This is a challenge, and I will win,” I said confidently, which got her going again. I smiled in amusement as we neared her residential building. Once inside the lobby Anna greeted Pocco on our way to the elevator. A few others got onto the same elevator as us. I was impatient to get to her home so that we could be alone, I felt as if I wanted Anna all to myself. Halfway to her floor the elevator stopped, and the lighting dimmed.

  “Ah, what now. This elevator is always sticking,” said a male voice behind us. I scanned the small area and saw that it was only Anna and I with three other men who appeared to know each other. “Excuse me, can you press that white button there? It alerts the front desk that the elevator is stuck,” he spoke to Anna, as she was closest to him. She glanced back at him and smiled politely.

  “Sure, so this is protocol for when the elevator breaks down?” she asked as she leaned forward to press the button on the panel.

  “Yes, it’s best to avoid this elevator at all costs…” he said and then studied Anna closely. “You’re a human,” he said with pleasantly curious surprise.

  “Yeah I am. I just moved here…as in to Rolar from Earth,” Anna answered. I wished then that she wasn’t so
friendly. The other two men with the chatty one were looking at Anna as if she were their next meal.

  “Oh I heard about this just the other day, you immigrated from Earth,” he said, and Anna nodded, she was smiling happily and completely oblivious to the man’s glances at his other two friends who shuffled closer to Anna. I wondered if they even noticed me standing next to her.

  “Wow, they say that humans visit Rolar all the time, but I have only ever seen one woman and you are more beautiful than her…” he said, and Anna chuckled briefly. I sensed that she finally took notice of the other two and she discreetly stepped closer to me.

  “Oh thanks…I’m sure if you were to visit Zaalabar often you would see more humans. It’s like a tourist attraction there,” she said cordially, and the man nodded dismissively.

  “Yeah, yeah I’m sure…I’m more interested in you though. We’ll be in this elevator for quite a while. I figure, why not have some fun? You’re good with that aren’t you?” he looked at me, his eyes dark as night, and I simply stared at him.

  “Yes, no? No matter, you can watch,” he said, and Anna stiffened at my side. I pulled her behind me and against the elevator wall just before the man could grab her. Anna yelped in surprise more than anything as the men converged on us, on her. Quickly, I shoved my shoulder into the chest of the man towards my left. The breath left his lungs and I quickly seized the opportunity to punch his throat and grab him to receive a blow one of his mates intended for my face.

  I then shoved the man into the chatty leader and both of them fell back against the corner of the elevator. Meanwhile the other reared back to send another blow. I deflected his fist with my forearm and grabbed him around the neck and applied pressure to his jaw by holding him in a headlock. Soon I felt his body go limp and I threw him at the other two. Just then the elevator lights brightened and after one breath the doors opened a few floors beneath Anna’s. Building personnel and repair workers for the elevator stood on the other side.

  “These three should be impounded for harassing this woman,” I said to one official who appeared to be security.

  “I will…call the authorities,” he said and scrambled to do so. I pulled Anna out of the elevator behind me and turned to face her.

  “Are you alright?” I asked, her eyes were wide and she nodded slowly.

  “Of course, you…well you protected me,” she said, she appeared to be slightly in shock. I held her close to my side as we waited for city officers to arrive. The elevator workers had closed the doors so the men could not escape before the officers arrived. Anna and I explained what happened, the three were taken to be dealt with accordingly. Then Anna and I decided to take the stairway up to her floor.

  “So…there is no pressing charges on Rolar, if someone commits an offence, they automatically get penalized?” Anna asked me and I nodded.

  “Yes, if not, if criminals and bad people can slip by on the chance that a kind person lets them go, they would not learn their lesson. You gave a statement, I was your witness, one of them confessed, they will be imprisoned for harassment. It would have been worse for them if a trial was called for their not confessing,” I said simply, and Anna nodded.

  “Well…that’s effective. Would we have had to go to court if none of them confessed?” she asked, and I nodded.

  “Yes exactly, so don’t worry. You will not have to deal with them again. They don’t even live in the building, remember,” I told her, and she nodded and took a deep breath as we got to her front door. She unlocked it and we both stepped inside and walked to the living room.


  “Yes?” I looked at her expectantly and found her gazing at me with some emotion in her eyes.

  “Thank you,” she said and then stepped up onto the couch so that we were more level. She pulled me close to her and then kissed me.



  I wasn’t thinking per se when I pulled Jasiah into a kiss, I just had a vague idea of what I wanted to happen next. His lips were soft, as soft as they looked, and he wasn’t pulling away. In fact, his arms lifted and wrapped around my waist securely. He tilted his head and kissed me back with zeal. His lips moved almost urgently against mine and heat sprang up from my belly and spread throughout my entire body. I wanted Jasiah bad.

  He lifted me up from the couch and one of his hands went to my thigh to lift my leg. I took his cue and wrapped my legs around his waist, his hands held me under my bottom as he walked to my bedroom. I couldn’t be happier, he wanted the same thing too. All the while his lips never left mine.

  Soon the bed came underneath my back and I realized that we were horizontal, I was that lost in him.

  “Anna…are you sure, do you—” of course he stopped kissing me to make sure I was alright with things. I almost expected him to, so I stopped him before he even finished his sentence.

  “Yes, I want you Jasiah,” I said, and the passion flared in his eyes as he smiled at me.

  “I want you too,” he said, and I giggled at his almost boyish expression of excitement. He lowered his mouth to mine and brushed a feather light kiss over my lips. Then they slid to my neck and I quickly got rid of the ear things I had to wear when I was outside, as well as the patch at the back of my neck that was meant to help with the temperature. I felt his tongue slide against the delicate skin of my neck and tingles shivered through me at the sensation.

  I put my hands on Jasiah’s waist and pulled him down as he was hovering above me and supporting all of his body weight. His hips pressed against mine and I felt the long length of his erection against my stomach. Certain things south of my belly button clenched in anticipation as Jasiah’s tongue swiped just below my ear, which was a sweet spot for me. A moan slipped from my lips and I rolled my hips against his unconsciously.

  “Anna…” Jasiah practically growled my name and my vision blurred a little at the sexy sound of it. I wondered when the last time I had sex was, I was definitely overheating and both Jasiah and I were still fully clothed. I slid my hands underneath his pullover and splayed them against his defined abdomen.

  “Oh my god… Jasiah can we get naked now?” I asked, and he chuckled as he straightened onto his knees and pulled his blazer off, followed by his pullover. My eyes feasted on his chest and stomach, Jasiah very clearly kept fit.

  “You said we correct?” he asked me and I giggled.

  “Right, I was just distracted by the sight of…you,” I said breathlessly, and he chuckled again. He reached down to take off my top, followed by my bra. His hands went right to my naked breasts and I leaned back as he brought his mouth to one. His hands slid everywhere on my torso it seemed, as he sucked and nibbled on my nipples. My hands were in his hair and I couldn’t help the moans and whimpers spilling from my throat. Jasiah’s hands went to the fastening of my pants and he quickly undid it before pulling them off of me.

  I was in nothing but my panties when Jasiah pulled back and got off of the bed so that he could step out of his own pants. His eyes were on me like the heat of the sun the entire time.

  “You’re so beautiful Anna,” he said. I reached for him before he could get out of what looked like boxer briefs. He came back immediately and covered me with his warmth. He held much of his weight off of me while his mouth explored my neck and chest, then further down to my belly. My body was on fire by that point, I just wanted him inside already.

  “Please Jasiah, please,” I said breathlessly and then had to giggle as he literally ripped both of our underwear off and threw the scraps of clothing aside. I opened my legs for him and his gaze went right to the heart of me.

  “I can’t resist,” he murmured just before he lowered his head and kissed my entrance twice. Then he gripped his sex in his hand and my eyes widened a fraction at the sight of how thick and long he was. Jasiah was definitely hung. He slowly guided his engorged head to my entrance and then inched inside of me.

  He slid in easily and I think we were both surprised to see that he fit in
side of me completely. The feeling of fullness was incredible and I barely had any mind to even speak. The look on Jasiah’s face was pure in the passion he felt and I saw awe there too, but also something else that I was afraid to identify. There was almost a look of ownership. I hoped that was true because I wanted to be Jasiah’s and no one else’s.

  I reached for him and held him close as he began to move; the pleasure was indescribable. I wondered if that was simply because I had never had sex with an alien. But that felt wrong even as I thought it, Jasiah wasn’t an alien. He resonated with me soul deep and that made the difference. Impossibly, the pleasure mounted and mounted until we were both at such a height that our shared climax was astounding. We held each other close until the last quakes of orgasm calmed.

  “Jasiah I—” my voice was thick with the things I wanted to say, with emotion.

  “Will you be my mate,” he asked me suddenly and he let me pull away from his chest slightly so that our gazes could hold. “I feel…I think I’ve been waiting to find you Anna,” he said sincerely and in earnest. The one time where being a talker would come in handy was the one time that I couldn’t find the words to say. All I could do was nod and convey just how I felt with a look.

  Jasiah smiled, he beamed at me and then pulled me in for a searing kiss. Of course he was still inside of me and that started up a whole new round, just like many more to come.


  Bonus Story 20/40

  Suburban Cyborg

  “The readings we are receiving from your other unit are sufficient. How has your oxygen filtration system been functioning, PAUL-3957?” The voice from the handheld communicator was nasally and there was a humming background noise collected from interstellar feedback.

  “Function levels are normal. Optimal setting is at 115% oxygen intake.”

  Paul Bardon was sitting in the bedroom of his suburban home on Earth as he read the statistical information from the display imbedded in his left forearm to the small device in his right hand. The information was being sent to his commander 130 light years away on Beseda or, as it was known on this planet, Beta Ursae Minoris b.


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