Page 8
Ahran – August’s sister – had filed a complain to the ‘authority’ about Avery. But he was also on the run too. No surprise on that. Erina and August was actually counting on it.
* * *
Erina strolls back to living room. Halfway to the couch, she stopped. She placed the coffee cup on the small table and walked toward the door. She could see something black poking out, from the under there. She bent down, picking the black paper up in her hand.
August joined her. “What is it?” he asked, taking the paper from Erina’s hand. She still stood frozen. His eyes widened then glared at the paper. “Red” he says, his voice close to a growl. Erina turns to face him. He nods toward the bedroom and Erina shook her head in understanding. She ran into the room, ripping the closet door off its hinges to open it.
August threw away the note. Bringing out his phone from his trousers pocket, he dialed his brother’s number. They needed to talk.
The note lay on the floor, with nothing but two words written on it in red.
“Found you”
* * *
The end
For now
* * *
* * *
Thank you all who had taken time to read this story. It was nice writing something like this, something different.
It would mean the world to me if you reviewed your thoughtes about it.
* * *
About me
I’m a person, who loves to sing and dance. Even though I have a voice that sounds like 13 dead cats screaming and I have, probably two right feet. But I do it anyway.
I’m a person who writes even though I know, it isn’t something great. But why do I have to write something great to be a writer? Why can’t I just be a writer, who writes cause she loves it. Cause I loves writing and I’m no great, not even close. Not yet.
I’m a person living in a country that most of you might never even hear about. It’s a great place to live. But here no one wants to be a writer. They want writers but they don’t want to be one. It’s complicated.
I’m a nineteen year old with lots of ideas. I study Marketing by day but I’m an author by night. It isn’t my hobby or leisure. It’s my passion. If anyone asks me, where do I see myself doing in the future? My immediate answer is ‘I see myself writing’
My parents aren’t that much of a fan about my ‘future choice’ but this is my chance to prove myself to them. This story is my salvation, literally.
I’m also a fanfictionist. Its word I made up, but I’m pretty sure someone else might have made it too, out there. If you want you can find me in FanFiction.Net by the name “thevilone.sfr” …yeah, I know.
Check out the playlist I have created for “Hoax” in my website… you might like it. http://sayedafrashid.wixsite.com/sfrashid
This are the e-mail’s me and my editor Fionnlagh Ormiston, we shared when we were working on this story. It was his idea to share this with all of you. We became friends in Facebook, because of our love in Sherlock and writing. We are 8096 km apart, literally, but we came together to work on this story.
We are one awesome team.
So…I hope you enjoy it!
* * *
Subject : Greatfull for help
By me :
Don't say ceiling...sorry I was trying to be funny.
I have got something that will be the perfect waste of your time. My Story!
This is the first 3 chapters. And....do whatever you want with it. Tear is apart if you want to. And if you think that it sucks... then please pleas say it! In my face. Don't care about anything just say it.
And that's all? Take care and don't die!
Desperately trying :D
* * *
This was the first one. We have an inside joke. Like every time I say ‘sup’ he says ‘ceiling’ or ‘sky’. So that is what was going on there.
Subject : Curiosity kills the cat
By me :
Dear Mr. Editor
So, it's been a few days. And I'm a little ashamed to say that I'm a little curious about what is going on there. So I would love if you - if you get the time of course, your a very busy man - tell me what hell are you doing.
So...........If you could get some time to mail me!
Take care & cat's smells
Really curious
By Finn :
Hi Sayeda,
Nothing really, I have been correcting some grammar mistakes, some spelling errors and rearranging some sentences here and there.
Your story is of a good quality and I do love working on it. I am halfway through the second chapter and will email you the revised changes for you to look through by Monday.
Hope you are well,
The Editor.
By me :
Mr. Busy Man / Editor
Okay, I understand. But do forgave me for my lack of patient. I don't have them, at all.
Anyway...work like the way you want to I won't disturbed much. I'll send you the rest of the chapter in Wednesday, so that you can get a day of rest before getting to work again. And trust me when I say this, you will be needing it. It's over 15000....
So, have fun and keep up the good job.
Take care
Writing is hard
* * *
This was basically me going impatient …
* * *
Subject : Been long
By me :
Mr. Editor
How are you? I hope well. It has been long, after our last mail exchange. May the odds be in you favor.
Now, about serious talk, work. It has been long. and now i wish, very politely of course, to know the situation of our work. I'm in a deadline, if you must know. My finals are in end of October and i wish to get this retched story out before that.
with that in lights. I would love if you, if you time of course, mail me and discuss when you will be able to send me the chapters and when i will be able to send you the rest and when you will return them.
Some thing else i wanted to run by you. But before i like to know, if you have a paypale account or not. If you don't then get one. because you will sharing 30% of the income i'll be getting from the sale. Which is 40% royalty because Kindle will be holding 30% of the 70% royalty. And we wont be able to cash it until it reaches 100$ but still we should open an account, just in case.
With that, i bid ado
Not very patient
By Finn :
Hello Sayeda!
It will be a couple of hours but definitely today! A lot more has happened that I won't get into at the moment but I do have a paypal. I will make sure I work fast and hard and get it to you.
If you send me the next chapters tommorow, I will work hard to get them to you for the weekend.
Hope your well,
Editor Person
By Finn :
Hello Sayeda,
Here is the first chapter! More Incoming! Please read-through, let us know if I'm on the right track.
* * *
From here we basically started working like dead people, dead zombie people. Who has no idea about there surrounding.
* * *
Subject : can we make it?
By me :
Mr. Editor
I am really really sorry to say that, we are on a dead line. I'm.
I have or will be having exams from October and i want this stupid book to be publish before that. I'm in a lot of pressure, my mother is breathing down my neck.
I have been aware that you just started college. Congratulation, if i hadn't said
that before. But I'm sorry that i have to rush you with work. I'm.
So with being said, I'm sending you the chapters. But you HAVE to send me them back before 30th September. OK?
I'm sorry, but i have no other way.
Did you read the Kindle rules I told you to read? You should. Because we have to bring a price to this story.
With that, I say goodbye & take care
really am sorry
By Finn :
Have I really not sent you them? Wow... Uhm... I'll have a look for them and resend. Will have the new chapters done before that asap since its the weekend. I didn't get a link to the kindle rules so I didn't know what to look for. You can count on me!
Working with haste,
By me :
Mr. Editor
Just read chapter 1. You did an amazing job...even if i say so myself.
No, I haven't got the others.
There is no link for Kindle rules. Just Google writing Kindle publishing rules. and you will find it.
I wish you best of luck, edit the shit out of those chapters but gently.
Take care
By Finn :
Hello Sayeda!
Done! Done, done and done! The second chapter... again... that was painful. Will be emailing you again in about twenty minutes with a quick bio and then I will start work once more! Chapter Three should be tonight if nothing happens but I will pull an all nighter so you have it tomorrow morning if something does.
Remember, quick skim read to check if okay. I'll check out the rules later, I was thinking since it was a short story, how about £6.99? I dunno though, up to you :)
Hope your well,
Editor Person
By Finn:
Hello Again!
Just a quick little email that has a bit of text for my bio.
Fionnlagh Ormiston is a rare species that habitats the region known as Scotland. It's diet is made out of homemade foods and rare irn minerals as liquid. The Fionnlagh is a nocturnal creature, coming out at night between 6pm to 6am, making it a very rare find. Many who have met the strange creature say of him as "quirky" and "witty" but everyone knows that just means he's a try-hard. Fionnlagh spends his time writing screenplays and trying to become a director of some sorts. It has been known to be funny and rather sarcastic but with little to no contact, we cannot confirm. Approach with caution, sensitive to most criticism.
Hope that was vaguely funny, certainly my sort of thing. If you want me to rewrite just say. As for the picture, that one I sent you, black and white one, is preferred. Anyways, have a nice day.
Very tired and will now be napping for approx. 8 hours. Editor :)
By me :
Mr. Editor
I hope you had a good nap.
Just posted your photo & Bio in the website, you can check it out. It looks really really good. Will you write mine too?
I will be working on the chapter 2 now & hope you will finish (again) chapter 3. I'll be ready for it.
And...that's all I think. Do check out the rules. Take care
Ms. Author (why should only you have a cool name, i want one too)
this story will be the death of us
By Finn :
Hello Ms. Author!
My abnormally long sleep was fabulous. I am so well rested and do not feel like dying at all!
Here is the third chapter, fourth is nearly done but I am having to go to college in about two hours so I might not be able to send it till later on. Hope that's okay. I am still quite confident I can make this in four days.
I still haven't checked out the rules.. oops... can you not give me a summary? *cries*
Thanks for updating my Bio, it looks pretty cool.
You take care too and yes, yes this story will be the death of us. At least until I'm killed by something rather odd like a Killer Rabbit.
Editor Person
ByFinn :
Sayeda is an interesting hybrid creature. Created at the fall of the equinox in the beginning of this century. Believed to be half-sarcasm and night dweller, Sayeda has wandered this earth to claim the books created by our earth. Creating Mystery, Horror and Drama in her wake.
Soon though her interest in reading fed into a thirst to create and strive. Now her days are spent giving back to the magical world in which she found herself, only to find she could not return.
She now writes in an attempt to find her way back to her own world, a better world. But, she is getting used to us humans slowly but surely. Perhaps realizing how fulfilling we would be for her bloodthirsty urges.
(use if you wish, can be rewritten)
By me :
Mr. Editor
I got chapter 3 and I'll start on it.
And I loved the bio you made. I'm going to use it inside of the book. I think it will be cool.
With that i wish you a good day and hope that you don't die by a killer rabbit. At least not until you finish the editing of course ...
Take care & try not to be dead.
Ms. Author
wondering how your blood will taste
* * *
I was working on the website, here. And I thought it would be cool to add his bio in it. If you want to check it out this is our website. It has everything. Even the playlist I created for the story. Do check it out: http://sayedafrashid.wixsite.com/sfrashid
* * *
Subject : Count down begins
By me :
Mr. Editor
How are you? Hope you didn't die. That will be a problem.
This e-mail is to remind you that, our judgment is coming. And we have only 6 more days before turning it on. And you have more then 4 chapters to finish.
With that I wish you best of luck, I know you will be needing it. And take care. Remember families are always important.
Ms. Author
tic tok
By Finn :
Dear Ms. Author
On the job! Here have chapter! Gotta go edit more, on a roll! I'm all good thanks, hope you are too. Deadline will be met with a vengeance.
Sir Editor the Third.
By me :
Mr. Editor
Yes, deadline will be meet with a vengeance! we will not back down until a fight. I'm going to be on the chapter now.
I'm also well. Thank you.
And I hope to hear from you soon. Au Revoir
Lady Author the First.
By Finn :
Dear Ms. Editor
Have more!
Lots of tiredness,
Overworked Edito
By me :
Mr. Editor
Wow, that was fast! Impressed. I'm on it! But you should take a little break. I don't want you dying from dehydration & starvation. So take a break, have a Kitkat!
Read the e-mail you last send me. Ha ha ha.
Take care
Ms. Author
Rocket speed
By me :
Mr. Editor
Hello! hope you are well.
Did you already send them? I haven't got it yet. Could you send them back, again.
Ms. Author
Going to die from the deadline.
By Finn :
Dear Ms. Author,
You too.
I haven't, I was going to this morning but... my Windows 10
update cleared some data which apparently included a few chapters.
Working hard to get them to you when you wake up.
Good luck!
Mr. Editor
Already dead from the deadline but for some reason my mind is still going and is refusing to accept my death.
(P.S. We should totally release the emails we shared during this afterwards as a behind the scenes sort of thing. thoughts?)