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Be Mine: A Bad Boy Next Door Romance

Page 14

by Lauren Wood

  “I will be so happy if I never live through another blizzard.” He stated.

  “I know. I hate those storms. I walked home in one when I was in high school. I got frostbite on my one ear at the bottom. Man that stuff hurts.” She told him.

  “I’ve seen some horrible cases of that in Minnesota.” He nodded his head.

  Derrick felt his heart warming up to her quickly. He had always liked her; he had a secret crush on her when they had class together. He wondered if she was aware of it or not.

  “You know I had this crush on you when we studied together. I always thought you were so passionate and intelligent.” He stated.

  “Oh wow, I wouldn’t think I was your type.” She said.

  He chuckled, “What is my type?” He had to see what she would say.

  “I don’t know, like a model. You know one of those skinny girls who never eat but a few bites of food, so her figure doesn’t go over a size 1.”

  He laughed hard, “Oh no, they are far too skinny. I like a woman who has some meat on her bone.” He answered, as his eyes swept over her ample body.

  Derrick watched as her face turned a bright red. “You know when you blush your adorable.” He blurted out.

  “Hmm, thanks, I guess.” She said, her voice breaking from nervousness.

  They left the restaurant; Derrick didn’t want the night to end yet. He hinted at her coming into his dorm room.

  “It might be better if we went back to my apartment.” She said softly.

  Derrick couldn’t think of anything but touching her body, seeing her naked, and loving her. He knew he was making a mistake in getting involved with her. But he couldn’t stop how he felt.

  “Okay.” He finally said. Thoughts of football were nowhere to be found; instead it was all about the woman beside him.

  Chapter 4

  Christy couldn’t believe she had just invited him over to her house. She knew what would happen, and she wanted it. She felt a connection with him, something that they shared deeply.

  No words were said as they walked into her apartment. He swept her up in his arms and kissed her. Finally, she thought as she melted into his arms.

  They made love to each other, it was full of passion. Something she knew she never had experienced before passed between them. As their bodies became one in the act. He made sure that she was satisfied before he even considered his own satisfaction.

  “Wow that was mind blowing.” He stated as he rolled to her side. He grabbed her and pulled her into his chest.

  “Yeah, that was amazing.” She admitted breathlessly.

  Christy almost told him about the baby, but couldn’t. She didn’t want to ruin his dreams of an NFL career. She couldn’t stifle him, or stop him. She knew how much he loved football, had seen it in his eyes all night long.

  When he talked about the game, the passion about the game could be heard in his voice as well.

  Soon she heard his breathing slow, he was sleeping. She let sleep take her over as well.

  During the night they woke up a few times and made love again and again. Each time was more amazing than the time before. Christy didn’t know why he made her body purr so much, but he did.

  He nudged her awake in the morning once again. He was lightly caressing her nipples. Her body was soon on fire from his touch.

  She mounted him and slowly made love to him. Neither of them had thought of a condom. They were simply too into one another. It wasn’t until after that he said, “I forgot to put a condom on that time.”

  Christy almost told him, it is okay, I’m pregnant. But how in the world could she even explain that to him. Then toss in the fact that she had been impregnated from his seed, no she didn’t want to say that. Instead she said, “I won’t hold you to anything even if I did get pregnant.”

  She felt him tense up for a second. But he didn’t say anything to her. She knew that she could never tell him about the donor center, and that she already had his baby in her.

  They got up and she made them pancakes for breakfast.

  “Man these are really amazing, what is your secret?” He asked as he ate his eighth pancake.

  “They are just homemade pancakes with a bit of vanilla, and butter milk.” She laughed as she watched him dispatch a huge plate of the pancakes.

  “No they are amazing little works of art!” He said pushing another big bite into his mouth.

  “Thanks, I’m glad you like them so much.” She smiled and blushed.

  He smiled at her, “You know you’re really an amazing woman. Any guy who ever got you would be the luckiest man in the world.”

  “I don’t know they don’t seem to think they are lucky. At least the couple I’ve tried to date.”

  “Well they were stupid. If I dated you, I would always make sure you knew how much I loved you. You would never doubt it; it would be all about you.” He said the look in his eyes serious.

  “Well you can’t have that, football is your passion. You’re meant to be a star.” She stated.

  He made a noise, almost like a sigh and a groan. “I know football is my passion. I do need to focus on that.” He added softly at the end of his statement.

  Christy wanted to cry, she wanted to keep him close. But she knew that she had to push him away too. It was what was best for him.

  “Yes you should really focus on that. I mean this is your last session to shine, right? So you have to make it your best.” She said.

  Derrick looked at her, “Who says I can’t have more than just football?”

  “I guess in the long run that is your choice to make.” She stated.

  He looked over at her; she could see the turmoil in his eyes. She knew he was battling something inside, but wasn’t quite sure what he was thinking. Christy wanted to ask, but also didn’t want to invade into his privacy.

  “I should be going soon, we have practice at 2, and I need to do a few things first.” Derrick stood up.

  “I can drive you if you want.” She said.

  “No it’s okay, I live close by anyway. The walk will give me a good workout.”

  She didn’t ask if she would see him again, she didn’t want to know. She hoped she would, but if she asked, he might feel obligated. Instead she wanted him to focus on football; it was a selfless act on her part. She was already pregnant. She had a family on the way, let him live his dreams, she thought.

  She waved as he walked away. He didn’t say anything about seeing her later, just thanked her for a wonderful time yesterday. Christy almost felt dirty, she had never slept with a man that quickly before.

  Chapter 5

  Derrick thought on his way back to the dorm. He knew he didn’t need the attachment of another person, but he wanted her.

  He had been serious when he had asked why he couldn’t have both. It had been a question that he was more asking himself than her. He knew that she couldn’t make that decision for him.

  Could he do both, have her and his football dreams? Why not? It seemed so logical. He knew that she would be the type of person who would support him the whole way. It was just her personality.

  He was battling with himself. He wanted to excel at the game, to become the best quarterback ever in the game. He also wanted her, and to be the best husband ever. Was it possible for him to do both?

  He wondered what Christy would do about the groupies who tried to grab him all the time. He laughed; he could picture her giving them a scowling look that would make them turn tail.

  “Hey man, where were you last night?” His roommate Chad asked as he walked into his room.

  “I was with a friend.” Derrick answered.

  “Is this a friend of the female persuasion?” Chad asked.

  “Yeah it was.”

  “Man I swear you get so much trim. I wish I was the star quarterback.” Chad said, a look of lust crossing his eyes.

  “This was different man; she’s not like the others.” Derrick responded.

  Chad looked at him quickly
, “No way man, you catch feelings for her?”

  “Remember that girl I met in class last year?” Derrick asked.

  “Oh that one that you wouldn’t shut up about for the longest time, yeah I remember her. Wasn’t her name Chrissie or something like that?”

  “It’s Christy. I was out with her.”

  “So you got laid right? This is great; you’ll be slow at practice today. I’ll get some good hits in!” Chad laughed. He played defense on the team, and was always rushing Derrick when he got the chance at practice.

  “No way, I feel great! You won’t be able to touch me today.” Derrick stated. He had to admit, when he had sex in the past it would usually make him slow the next day. He felt like all of his energy had been drained, but not this time. This time it felt like his body was buzzing full of extra energy.

  “We’ll see!” Chad said.

  They walked to practice together, Chad talking about how he would run over Derrick today. Derrick meanwhile kept thinking about Christy, he wondered what she was doing right now.

  He hoped when he got back to the dorm that her story would be in his email. He had reminded her again that he wanted to read it, before he had left out her door that morning.

  Derrick stepped on the field. This would be a test for him, he wanted to see if he could still focus on the game, but keep her close too.

  The coaches ran the team through drills, and soon the scrimmage began. Derrick was on point, he couldn’t mess up. Even the coaches were commenting about how well he had seemed to retain his timing with the break.

  “Derrick, if you play like that in every game, we can’t lose.” One of the coaches patted him on the back as he walked off the field.

  “It’s not just me coach. The team is working great together. Those freshmen too, they are picking up the patterns nicely.” Derrick commented.

  “Yeah I see a few we may add to the varsity team already.”

  Derrick went back to his dorm after practice. He opened up his email, there was nothing from Christy. He was sure she had just gotten busy and simply forgotten to send him the story.

  He thought about calling her, but didn’t want to interrupt her in case she was working. His body longed to touch her again though and soon he was picking up the phone to call her.

  Derrick dialed her number only to get her voice mail.

  “Hey it’s me, I was just wondering if you’d forgotten to send the story? I do really want to read it. I know a guy reading romance is weird. But it’s more about the fact that you wrote it. Well give me a call, if you want. I’d love to hang out with you more.” Derrick hung up after leaving his message.

  He could only hope that she would call him, or at least send him the story. If she did that, he would have at least one more reason to call her, or see her.

  Chapter 6

  Christy heard the message from Derrick, she wanted to call him. However, she still didn’t want to be the reason he gave up a promising career.

  She was happy that when he had called she had been in the shower. Otherwise she might have told him to come over. Oh how her body cried out for his touch, it was hard to resist.

  A few times she would stop working on her new story and look at her phone. She would pull up his voice mail and listen to it again. Her temptation to call him growing stronger; each time she listened to his voice.

  But her mind kept telling her to just let him go. He didn’t need her to be hanging off of him. He didn’t need to be tied down. Especially since she knew she was already pregnant.

  She laughed, what were the chances she would accidentally gotten impregnated by his donation. Then add to that the fact they had slept together the night before, and not used a condom.

  Well only that one time, but that could be enough, if she hadn’t already been knocked up. It was such an odd thing to think about.

  Her phone rang and without thinking she answered it. “Hello.” She said.

  “Oh hey, I didn’t know if you were busy or not.” She heard Derrick on the other side.

  “I was taking a break at the moment. I finished the one story, and have a couple more to do still.” Christy responded.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt your work. I can let you go.”

  “No it is okay, I have several weeks to finish all of these stories. Oh, you want me to email the story, I’m sorry I forgot.”

  “Well that and I was wondering if you were hungry. I could order a pizza and bring it over.” Derrick stated.

  Christy wanted to say no, but she also wanted to see him. “Sure that sounds good.”

  “Great I’ll be over in just a little bit.”

  “Okay see you in a bit.” She hung up the phone and chastised herself. Your so selfish Christy, you need to let him have his dream.

  She felt the guilt run through her body, she should call him back and cancel. However, she couldn’t she wanted to see him too much.

  How had she let herself become involved with him? Christy should have ended their day after having coffee with him. The fact was she felt like he was so easy to talk too, and he didn’t seem to judge her.

  She had shared some about her past with him, and he had felt bad for her. But she never saw that look of judgment cross over his eyes. It had been nice, and she had wanted someone to be able to talk with for so long.

  In the past, her two boyfriends had always seemed to judge her. They had turned out to be huge mistakes, one’s she wished she had never made.

  Christy took a shower and let the warm water soothe her running mind. Just because he’s coming over again doesn’t mean he wants more, she said to herself.

  Chapter 7

  Derrick stood in front of her apartment door and hit the bell. He had ordered the pizza and stopped along the way to grab it. His heart was beating a million miles an hour, was he doing the right thing?

  He didn’t know. But he didn’t want to be without her. After todays practice he thought he could have both. He was more than willing to make a go of it with her.

  Derrick was smart enough to know that life would throw special people at you sometimes. If you didn’t grab that special someone the first time around, well you might miss your chance.

  He could gladly share his life with her. He would buy her the biggest house, and set up an office that was fit for a queen. While he was practicing and playing she could be working on her books. Of course, he would want her to come to all the games too.

  Derrick wondered if this type of arrangement would work well for her. He loved her; that would add to the whole package, and he wanted her.

  She opened the door, her hair still wet from the shower. He could smell the lilac coming off of her. It smelled like pure heaven to him.

  He wanted to sweep her up into his arms and kiss her deeply. He also wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend, and possibly wife. Derrick was nervous about what her answer would be, it was so quick. But he knew what he wanted in the long run, and she was definitely part of it.

  Derrick set the pizza down and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her deeply and then pulled away. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day long.” He whispered into her ear.

  She smiled, “I was thinking about you too.”

  “Look I have something really important to talk to you about.” He said and pulled her down on the couch.

  Christy was sitting on his lap, though she felt subconscious and tried to move. He pulled her back, “I want you sitting here.”

  “But I might crush you.” She stated.

  “You didn’t last night when you were on top, you won’t today.” He smiled as her face went a bright beet red color.

  She settled down though and stopped trying to move off of him.

  “I’ve been thinking and well I made a decision. I really do like you a lot; I told you I had a crush on you. Well I think that’s not the case now. I really have strong feelings for you, and would love to. Oh crap, I’m not sure how to say this. Christy Simmons, eventually I wan
t to marry you, but we can date for now.” He finally said.

  He saw the shock on her face at his words. “But what about your career, won’t I interfere with that?” She asked.

  “Why would you? Many guys who go into the NFL are married, why can’t I?” He said.

  “I have something to tell you first though, and you may change your mind about this whole proposal.” She said softly.

  “Okay what is it?” He asked.

  “Well I’m pregnant.” She paused; she wasn’t sure how to really explain it all so she started at the beginning. “I’ve always wanted a baby, wanted to prove that I could love and be loved. But I never found a guy who I really liked before. So I set up an appointment at the donor center. I went a couple of weeks ago and had the procedure done. I found out that I was pregnant just a few days ago.”

  He tried to not be jealous of the guy who had impregnated her. After all, it wasn’t like she had sex with the guy. “Okay, so we can raise the child as our own.” He finally said. “I’m okay with that, it’s not like you had sex with him, right.”

  She looked down; he didn’t like that and was about ready to push her off of him. “Well, not to get pregnant I didn’t. But there was a mess up at the center, and well, you’re the father of this child inside of me.” She looked at him worried how he might react.

  Derrick took a moment to think, did she just say he was the father? “I’m the father?”

  “Yeah it seems they gave me a vial of your sperm, and it took. Now the baby growing inside of me is yours.” She said.

  He shook his head, still unsure. He had given a few donations to the center when he had been a junior at the college. The extra money he had used to pay off his parents mortgage. So it was possible that she could have been given his donation, or one of them.

  “Well this makes sense now, why you so readily agreed to sleep with me.” Derrick wondered if she had bewitched him.


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