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Be Mine: A Bad Boy Next Door Romance

Page 20

by Lauren Wood

  Through the intercom, she heard a voice that sounded like it was right there in the room with her. “I’m upstairs taking a shower. I’ll be down in a few minutes. You can certainly make yourself comfortable and pour yourself a drink. I’ve given the staff the night off. I believe that we need this time to get to know each other as doctor and patient.” Brock was smiling the entire time. “It wouldn’t be out of the question for you to come up here to join me. I’m just putting it out there. Raising the flag and seeing if you are ready to salute it.”

  Stephanie stood there at the bottom of the stairs looking up, and before she knew it, her feet were taken the journey all the way up to the top. She followed the sound of water to an open door that had a billow of steam coming from within.

  “I can’t stand this any longer. I want him to see the better part of me, but there’s also another part of him that I have yet to experience with my mouth or any other part of my body. I know what he feels like in my hand, but that is nothing compared to a more physical examination. I have this need to fall on my knees and to worship the man.”

  Brock heard her coming and decided to showcase his many other attributes by standing like some kind of super hero in a movie.

  Stephanie turned the corner and her hand literally went to her mouth with her eyes staring at the man, droplets of water dancing on his skin. She was stunned into silence and her knees almost buckled out from underneath her.

  “I was hoping to get a sneak peek, but maybe I knew that this was going to happen all along. He was obviously daring me to across some sort of line. Now that I have, I don’t want to walk away.”

  Brock walked over and took her hand and placed it on his chest. She stared at him and he felt a certain problem that had swelled to a mammoth proportion. If anything, he could swear that he had grown an extra inch, if that was possible. All the blood from the rest of his body had now accumulated in one spot and her eyes were directed right at it.

  “Stephanie, I know that this is a game for two and I don’t think that I need to be a rocket scientist to see the signals on the play.” Brock lifted her into his arms and carried her clothed body into the master bedroom. He had already arranged several candles and a sprinkling of rose petals that would hopefully get her to see that he was not the kind of man that would take something like this lightly. “I didn’t think that this was a foregone conclusion, but I have always been somebody that is prepared for just about anything.” He easily lowered her onto the mattress and stood back so that he could inspect the merchandise. He heard the telltale clapping and the look of jubilant glee on her face had him ready to get down to business.

  “I feel like there’s something that you should know. I’ve been burned in the past and I don’t want to experience that again in my lifetime. If you can’t promise me more than a good time, then you may as well tell me so that I am prepared. I just don’t want you to give me false hope for a future that’s not going to happen. I’m a big girl and I can handle what you’re going to say next.”

  “I want him to say that he wants to be here with me forever and for all time, but that’s wishful thinking. I think that I have put him on the spot and I certainly didn’t want to put a gun to his head. He is going to have to answer this carefully, and hopefully he will do it truthfully.”

  “I think the only thing I can promise you is that I’ve never met a woman like you before. You see through my false bravado. You’re not easily swayed by my muscles. I don’t know if this is anything long term, but I would like to think that I’m capable of something like that.” He climbed up on the bed and watched as she playfully moved up with her hands around her knees.

  He smiled and used his masculine hands to pry her knees apart. The long skirt was hiding her lovely and long legs. He easily moved his hands up along her thighs and brought her skirt along for the ride. He saw the red panties and he felt like a bull ready to fight a matador. He pulled the frilly material to the side and blew warm air on her clit to make it dance to his tune.

  “I don’t know if what you say is enough, but at least I can say that you are honest. You’re not just saying anything to get into my panties, although it probably wouldn’t have taken all that much. I appreciate that you can be open and not just tell me what I want to hear. My god, I thought sex was overrated, but I’m happy to report that I was mistaken.”

  “I want more of what he has to offer. I want this to be a moment that I will always carry with me in my dreams. The way he licks my wet pussy and pulls at the lips with his teeth is making things stir down below that hasn’t happened in quite some time. I feel like I’m a firecracker ready to go off. It’s not going to take much of his manly persuasion to get me there.”

  Brock worked his tongue in between her legs, splitting her down the middle and opening her up to an oral invasion. He had his fingers prying her open and the slick lips called to him like he had no control over his own libido. He was losing his composure and soon he was devouring her like a man possessed. Her legs were quivering and he was aware that this meant that she was going to lose herself in the moment.

  “I can’t believe that you’re doing that with your tongue. I never had … Yes … Oh fuck … that’s it … I’m going to cum … going to cum for you, Brock.” Stephanie flailed her arms and legs like a fish out of water. She thrashed and turned and was lucky that he was there to hold her down or she probably would have gone flying right off the bed.

  Stephanie was just coming out of a post orgasmic trance when she flitted her eyes open to see the product of his lust dangling in front of her like bait. She grabbed it and pulled it into her mouth to taste the sweetness of his syrup leaking from the top. It was sticky and sweet and she wanted more—and knew exactly how to get it. She grabbed onto his ass cheeks and pulled him to her, making sure that not even a single inch was left uncontained by her hot and demanding mouth.

  “I don’t know … if I can do this.” Brock had no choice. He pulled free and left her looking at him pouting for some kind of explanation. “Don’t get me wrong, that felt absolutely amazing, but I want to fuck you.” He had to be careful with this damaged knee, but he was able to balance with his legs being held up by his muscular thighs. He spread her open and looked at the inviting target, with the sheen of wetness as a bull’s eye. He pushed up against her, letting gravity and the suction within do most of the work. He planted his flag in one, long stroke that took both of their breath away.

  “My god. I don’t think that I’ve ever had it this good, Brock. I want you to treat me like one of your many groupies. I want you to show me that feeling of being overwhelmed. I want you … Ahh … Ahhh … Ahhhhhh.” Stephanie lost her train of thought as he started to work his hips in a circular motion. He leaned into it and was soon rubbing up against her in a way that ignited a certain, tiny bud.

  Brock could feel her body respond as she lifted herself and grinded against him to get that deeper penetration. They were slamming up against each other with insistence and with a need that only they could satiate. The feeling was undeniable. The rippling motion of her muscles sliding along every inch was making it impossible to stay still for long. It was a nice, tight fit and it took a lot of effort to pull himself loose and then plow forward.

  “Fuck me … Fuck me … Fuck me.” It was a litany of profanity that was escaping her lips. Her entire life was predicated on pleasing someone else and this was the first time that she felt like she was truly lost in the eyes of a man. In the back of her mind, she knew that she should reach for the condom in her purse, but those thoughts were there one second and gone the next.

  “This is better than I’ve ever had with someone else. I think I feel that this is more than just a one-night stand. The look in his eyes is not just from pleasure, but also from something that he wasn’t expecting.”

  The bed was rocking and they were screaming into each other’s faces with sweat dripping off their bodies. He rammed deep and then his face contorted into a mask of bliss that was soon made a
pparent by the sharp thrust of his hips. He went off and he shot what felt like a gallon inside her. He finally had to lay back, holding his chest and feeling his heart beating.

  Chapter 6

  The next day, Stephanie found out that she was pregnant. She called Brock and told him that they needed to talk immediately if not sooner. She waited patiently in her office, pacing the floor and wondering what he was going to say about this latest turn of events.

  “I know that I want him to say one thing, but what if he says something else entirely? I’m not sure that I can do this without him, but I’m damned and determined to give this kid the life that it deserves. It might’ve been stupid to do that with him, but I don’t regret one thing.”

  The door flung open and Brock stepped in, breathless and holding his knees with his face flushed and about to pass out. “What’s the emergency? You sounded very strange on the phone. I came over as soon as I could.” Brock saw the angst on her face and could tell that something momentous was going to happen. “Oh god, did you find something in my scans? Am I never going to be able to play football again?” It didn’t even dawn on him that this had nothing to do with him, or at least not about his injury.

  “I’m glad that you said that. It makes what I have to say a little easier to swallow. I’m pregnant, and before you ask, it is yours. I haven’t been with anybody besides you, and I swear that to the man above.”

  Brock stared at her in silence, his eyes searching hers. Finally, he took a deep breath and began to speak. “I don’t know what you want me to say. I’ve never considered myself to be father material, but maybe with you it will be different.” Again, he paused, collecting his thoughts. “I want to keep the child, but I’m not really ready for marriage. We’re definitely going to have to keep this from your father until after the season ends. I know that’s not going to be easy, but maybe it would be easier if you didn’t come around so often. We can continue these treatments at my home or at your office. I want to be a man and tell your father that what we have between us is not just physical. I’m going to pave the way slowly over the next couple of days.”

  Stephanie ran into his arms and held him close. “I wasn’t expecting this. I was hoping for it, but I really didn’t know where your head would be. I’m glad that you have decided that I’m worthy of carrying your child. I know that we both have feelings for one another, and I hope that over time they will grow even stronger than what they are already.”

  They both saw that her father was suspicious, but they held true to their word, until the championship slipped through their fingers by one touchdown. It was still a contested game and Brock had several NFL teams coming to him. He chose to stay close to Stephanie. They sat down and broke the good news to her father.

  Her father was first concerned that Brock was not the type of man that should be held down, but then he realized that his daughter was happy and that was all that mattered to him.

  They were going to be about 100 miles apart, but Brock’s lucrative contract had afforded him the kind of wealth that made it easier to go back and forth. They married a month before the child was born, naming it after her father, and even though what they had was separated by him being on the road, it didn’t mean that they weren’t happy. The ring on her finger sealed the deal. They both had their own careers, but they would always know that the one place that they were safe were in each other’s arms.




  BOOK – 1

  Chapter 1

  “You can’t possibly think that you can get away with this, Lila. You can certainly try to get away, but they will not let you go easily. They have invested a lot of time in you. What’s to say that the grass is greener on the other side?” Melanie was the den mother for the girls and felt a certain kinship towards them. She was also unique in that she came from the same kind of life that they were now living. She lived to serve and she taught these girls that life was better when their men were happy.

  “I know that I’m probably making a mistake. I miss who I was a few years ago before they came and collected me. I fought them every step of the way, but you showed me that the pain that I would endure was not worth fighting back. I was stubborn and I learned very quickly that my anger and mistrust was only going to get me hurt in the long run.” Lila Ames was a part of the flesh trade and she had her fair share of men putting her down. Her love life consisted of being used for the pleasures of others. She had just recently learned that she is to take a husband. “I know nothing of this man that they propose that I stay with for the rest of my life. I’ve heard through the Grapevine that they’re only doing it to make sure that I am taken care of. I’m not exactly sure what they mean by that. It sends this cold chill down my spine every time that I think about it.”

  “Give it some thought. I think that you’ll find that a good night’s sleep is all that you need to find another perspective. I don’t want you to do anything that you’re going to regret. I don’t want anything to happen to you. I think that I can say this on the behalf of the both of us that we are from the same cloth. I was exactly like you and I cringe every time that I think about that same girl living to please others. You have been passed around, but you have been lucky in one respect. I’ve made sure that you’ve gone to only those that have a firm hand. They’re also the only ones that don’t leave permanent marks on the merchandise. It’s too bad that Mr. Maxwell died, but I think that you know what that means. There is a proposal on the table from those that are controlling the flesh trade. They want to keep somebody in line and they need you to be their buffer. They also expect you to report back to them with anything that might seem suspicious.”

  “I don’t know anything about spying on any one. If you’re asking that I take a look at his emails or check his phone from time to time, then I think that I could do that.” I wanted my mother and even though I was 25, I still felt like I was in need of a mother figure. Melanie tries to fill that void, but she’s just as lost as the rest of us. She tries to fake it by using her authority to keep herself from falling back into old habits. I’ve seen her flirting with danger with one of the guards. I don’t know what she’s thinking and that can only lead to disaster. My dirty blond hair was over my shoulders and I probably looked like I wasn’t a threat by standing at only 5’3 and 120 pounds soaking wet. I think that I had a strength underneath that I didn’t even realize. I wanted to bring that out in the worst way possible, but every time I tried, I would chicken out. It’s only now that I find out that I’m going to be married off that I feel that it might be time to make tracks.”

  “I’ve done my best to protect you, but even I know that I have limitations. If you do this for them, they promise that they will finally let you go after a year underneath the same roof, as Jordan Holden. I do have to tell you that he is not your normal kind of man. He thinks that he hides his true self, but he’s sadly mistaken. I don’t want to over exaggerate, but Jordan is not a man that anybody takes lightly. It’s the reason why they want to keep a close eye on him. He’s known to go his own way, but mostly he does that for the benefit of those that he works for.”

  “I really don’t like the sound of this. You have sheltered me from those more sadistic personalities. I am grateful and you have no idea how difficult it is to hear from the other girls about what they have gone through. I don’t know why you took a personal interest in me, Melanie.” “Melanie has been damaged and I can see the way that living in captivity has taken its toll. She has become prematurely gray down the middle. She wore it like a badge of honor, but it was probably the reason why they wanted to keep her away from the business at hand. She had served her usefulness and now has taken an authorative role within the organization. I’ve heard about the mafia and how they held a steel grip on the flesh trade and the drug trade at the same time. I’d also heard of some kind of enforcer that could do the impossible.

  “I think that you should at least have
a talk with the man. Get a feel for who he is and maybe then you can make an informed decision. By running, you’ll always be looking over your shoulder and I don’t want that for you. I don’t want that for any of you.” Melanie was trying to tell her that dying was not a good idea. By going against those in control, she would become nothing, but a liability. She had seen that time and time again. She had watched those that she called friend disappear in the dead of night.

  “I suppose, I could stay for a little bit longer. I don’t want to be constantly looking over my shoulder. If I can get that in writing about them letting me go after a year being with this man, then I might reconsider my position.” “I’ve always wore my heart on my sleeve and maybe that is the reason why I get myself into these kinds of troubles. I’m attracted to the bad boy and Dylan had that personality down to a science. He was the one that convinced me to come along for a European vacation. I had no idea that he was the one that marked the targets. I never did see him again and maybe that was for the best. He had betrayed me. If I were to come face to face with him again, I have a feeling that things would turn ugly in a hurry.” Melanie had laid out a dress for her. It was blood red and very slinky and would form to her body like a second skin.

  “I’m glad that you have finally seen reason, Lila. It wouldn’t be good to get on these people’s bad side. They take this business very seriously. I’m going to let you get some rest and I believe that you will be having a visitor sometime tomorrow morning. I would love to tell you that this will be like love at first sight, but I can’t do that. I’m not even sure that he’s capable of showing that kind of emotion. To be honest, I think that he might be dead inside. His finger on a loaded gun is not something that is for the faint of heart.” Melanie couldn’t do anything about whether or not Lila would take her advice to heart. She could only hope that she would be there in the morning and not become some kind of hunt for those that wanted to make a name for themselves in the organization. In the 15 years that she had been in this business, she had first hand knowledge that nobody had been able to get away with anything.


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