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Be Mine: A Bad Boy Next Door Romance

Page 37

by Lauren Wood

  Cali did help him to rid himself of some of those demons, but he would always carry them with him, as a reminder of his time of the worst hell of his life. He had walked through that hell and found the angel arms of Cali waiting for him on the other side. They would never truly be safe, but in each other’s arms that was exactly how they felt.



  Chapter 1

  India stands in front of her mirror, looking at this god awful green dress and wondering how she got herself into this. There is nothing that she won’t do for her friends, regardless of the sacrifice that comes from doing such a deed. She’s never been able to say no and that has gotten her into some insane situations.

  “I have to say that that dress is very fetching on you. You’re going to be one of my bridesmaids. I’m just worried that you’re going to take the attention away from me. I don’t need every guy panting after you. They’ll be undressing you with their eyes.”

  “I don’t think that you’re going to have any problem with the guys keeping their attention on you. Everybody is going to be amazingly mesmerized by your presence. That white dress is a stunner. It was lucky that we were able to find it in the madhouse. That sale was one for the record books. It was lucky that we had some kind of plan before going into that 50% off sale.” “I sometimes wonder why I get myself into things that I wouldn’t normally do for my own family. Julia is my best friend from high school. I was guilted into being one of her bridesmaids. This dress will keep me celibate for the duration of the wedding and reception.”

  “I hope so and you know how Bryan has a wandering eye. I’ll tell you a secret and it wasn’t him that I was most interested in. His brother has this charm that makes me want to drop my panties in his presence. This guy has everything going for him. He was recently shipped overseas and I haven’t seen him since the moment that he disembarked. I guess he’s going to be at the wedding. I just hope that I can keep it in my pants, long enough to say my vows.” India had heard Julia talk about the groom’s brother on occasion, but she never believed or took much stock in the rumors.

  She finally was able to take off the dress, feeling a little bit better and know that when she got into her customary black leather jacket that she would feel like herself again.

  “I know that I told you that it’s perfectly fine for you to come stag. I just wonder if you couldn’t wrangle up some kind of date. It will look strange for you to be there alone. Don’t worry; I’m not going to put any pressure on you. You did an amazing job on my bachelorette party. I can’t even tell you how impressed I was by that stripper. He could dance, but it wasn’t his moves that I was most interested in. I’m sure that everybody, including you noticed what he was packing in those tight little black briefs of his.

  “I did see what that stripper was equipped with. He was swinging it around like a baseball bat and then he disappeared with the bride to be into the other room. When they emerged, she was smiling, her hair ruffled and there was no doubt in my mind that something untoward had happened between the two of them. She never did speak of it, but maybe that was her final hurrah before attaching the old ball and chain.

  “I don’t think that we need to talk about that night. Let’s just say that things happened and we’ll leave it at that. I’m just glad that I finally found the man of my dreams and I only wish that everybody could be, as happy as I am. I’ve been looking for you, but your tastes are a little bit different than my other friends. You always seem to find fault with everybody that I set you up with. I’m beginning to think that it’s a lost cause.” Julia had just taken off the dress, feeling like a princess in it, but now getting back to reality.

  Tomorrow was the big day and they were having it on a beach overlooking a cliff and the ocean. It was where they first met and she was going to enjoy that moment of complete wedded bliss.

  “I’ll be sure to be there early to pick you up tomorrow morning. We need to get you to the wedding on time. I’ve arranged for the hairstylist to meet us on the beach. Your favorite band from that pub crawl that you did with Brian is going to be playing your favorite song. It took a lot of convincing to get them to relinquish their hold on their own lyrics. I think we both know that money talks.” India had Raven black hair, stood at only 5’5, 110 pounds with most of that weight on her oversized melons.

  “Just be sure that you wrap those up tomorrow nice and tight. Your natural wonders are not exactly easy to ignore.” This was a contention between the two of them for some time. Julia was not, as blessed and even through augmentation, she was only comfortable with getting another cup size. She had her one feature that drew most men to her like a moth to a flame. Her legs went straight to heaven and there wasn’t a moment that went by that Brian didn’t continually express how lovely her legs were.

  “I’ll make sure that they are well concealed. I would hate to think that I was going to take away from your big day.” India had never been in the position of having a man down on his knees about to propose. She had them in that position, but only for going down on her.

  Julia was talking to the counter attendant. She took every opportunity to tell everybody that she was getting married, flashing that huge ring and lording it over others. India was happy for her, but she was also jealous and that green streak was causing her to feel like she wanted to lash out at someone. She was tempted to go to a bar and just get laid, but she didn’t think that that was the answer to her troubles.

  She climbed into her Jeep Renegade, a black shining piece of metal that she had given herself, as a gift when she became one of the most sought after wedding planners. She felt like Julia was taking advantage of her, but this was not uncommon in their relationship. It wasn’t just Julia and all of her friends seemed to see her, as somebody that they could walk over like a doormat.

  Perhaps they thought because of her Indian descent that she would bend over backwards and not ask for anything in return. What they didn’t know was that her Indian background was only in her dark features and her raven black hair.

  “I really don’t want to go to this thing. It’s bad enough that I have to see her happy, but to stand there and witness it is just going to be like putting the knife in just a little bit deeper. I always thought that I would be the one to find happiness. She was mean, she liked to put people down and for Brian to even consider her to be worthy of marriage is beyond me.” She gunned the engine, feeling the weight of the world fall from her shoulders with the wind blowing through her hair.

  India had never been to her namesake, from which she was named after. She was born right here in Chicago and your parents had adopted her when she was just a baby. She was never much into her own culture, until she was old enough to start to research it on her own. Her primarily white parents did their best to raise her with a set of values, but they also made her feel that she was different.

  As she was driving away, she knew that the escape onto the road was just a momentary reprieve. The circus that was going to occur tomorrow was making her head spin. The bride had, so many requests that it was almost hard to keep up with them. On any given day in the last nine months, there were changes to be made at a drop of a dime. She hardly had any time to herself, except for when she was working on other people’s happy days. She still didn’t understand how she got caught up in this profession, but it seemed to follow her wherever she went.

  India had a sense of style, knew that she could make that perfect day into something that would last forever. After her first one, as a gift to one of her friends, word of mouth got out pretty quickly and she was soon inundated with, so much work that she had no problem quitting her day job at a call center.

  “I’m always around people that are finding that one true love, but I’m left out in the cold looking in. I just don’t think I can take this much longer. I like the money and I like the people, but this is weighing me down like an anchor around my neck. I just want to find a good guy that takes my breath away. I don’t think t
hat’s, so hard or unreasonable.”

  Chapter 2

  The big day had arrived and everybody had smiles on their faces, even though they probably really didn’t want to be here.

  “Get away from me. You’re making it worse. If you don’t stop touching me, then I’m going to hurt you.” India was standing here watching Amber perform her magic on her highness. “You’re not doing it right. I told you exactly what I wanted.” This girl was really getting on India’s nerves and she had no desire to stand there and watch this verbal abuse take place.

  Slipping out, she found herself breathing a sigh of relief. She knew that it was only short lived and that she would be called upon once again to put out a fire that was made by Julia. They were like sisters, but like sisters they had this rivalry that continued to follow them around like a dark cloud.

  “I know that she can be a handful, India. We’ve all been friends with her for long enough to know how she is. This will be the last one that you have to do for any of your friends. We’re all married now and I’m expecting my second one.” Lacy had always seen India, as the black sheep of this little group.

  “Don’t remind me. I’ve seen you marry the man of your dreams, and then find that family that you’ve been looking for. In must be nice, considering that you came from a broken home.” “I don’t want to be a bitch, but if she was going to take off the gloves and make me feel smaller than an ant, then I wasn’t just going to stand here and let her do that to me. I was never one to speak up, but I was getting a little sick and tired of playing second fiddle.”

  “I never meant anything by it, India. There’s no reason to get angry with me.” India was happy that she had finally taken a stand, but it did make her hand shake. Everybody had their breaking point and apparently hers was this wedding. Looking around, India knew that today was the last day. She still had to contend with those that were her clients, but at the very least all of her friends would never ask her of this favor again. That is of course if they were able to keep their marriages alive. She had seen Lucy and she did not look happy and there was no sign of Nicholas.

  She found out through the Grapevine that Nicholas was a bit of a cheater. He liked to find those little Asian girls that were old enough for consent. He had this sickness that grabbed him by the throat and wouldn’t let go. At first, she was forgiving, but after several times of falling off the wagon, she finally called it quits. They were separated and India was about to go over and talk to her, when she spied on a young man with this look in his eyes.

  He was standing there with a flute of champagne in his hands, while fidgeting with the red tie around his neck like a noose. She felt the same way about the green dress and everything in her wanted to rip it off her body and walk around stark raving naked.

  “I don’t have time to socialize and Julia is going to want my undivided attention. It’s just that he seems to be lonely and it doesn’t hurt that he’s fucking easy on the eyes. The boy could take me for a ride and come back for seconds any day of the week.”

  “I know that it’s boring, but you don’t have to make it look like you’re going to the gallows.” The man in question turned his eyes on India. Billy thought that today was going to be one of those days. He didn’t want to be here and felt more comfortable in the jungle with a gun on his shoulder than standing here trying to make idle chitchat with anybody that had decided to walk into his gravity. “I’m guessing that this isn’t your first one.”

  “No, I’ve been through this a couple of times with my brothers. Coming from a big family, I have to constantly hear about their happiness. I think that’s one of the reasons why I enlisted, just so that I could get away from that feeling of being unwanted. It doesn’t help when your parents are constantly asking you when you are going to get married and have grandchildren.” He purposely brushed his hands along the back of her dress, feeling the ruffles and also getting a nice handful.

  “I don’t think that’s appropriate.” She said the word, but the meaning was not exactly as planned. She shivered to his touch, wondering if he would take it any further than a casual grope.

  “I really don’t care if it’s appropriate or not. If that dress was any longer, I would climb up underneath it and give you something to smile about. You’re the only bright spot in this entire ordeal. That dress might be hideous, but I can see underneath it that there is a real woman crying to get out.” He could see that she was well endowed and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her the entire time that she was standing in front of him.

  “I really don’t think that him ogling me is the right thing to be happening today. I just can’t walk away. I feel exposed and vulnerable and I think I like it. There’ve been a lot of guys that have decided to come onto me, only to feel my hot hand slapping across their face. He’s different and I would give anything to peel away those clothes and get a look at the real man underneath.”

  “I understand that you’re bored, but that’s no reason to treat me like a piece of meat. I think there is something to say for a little bit of respect. You know what they say about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar.” She saw this fire in his eyes, something that was making her feel like he was going to attack her at any second.

  “You’re right, I am bored out of my damn mind and I can’t take it anymore. I need something to alleviate the feeling of doing nothing. I’m just not used to standing around and twiddling my thumbs and sticking my head in the sand. I’m used to action. If you knew anything about me at all, you’d know that I’ve had my fair share of conquests. My brother might be getting married, but I think we both know that he’s really not gonna find his happily ever after. Julia is a nice girl and all, but I don’t think that he can handle her. She’s going to be the bane of his existence. She’ll constantly be leading him around by the nose and making him pay for things that he can’t possibly afford.” Billy grabbed her hand and placed it up against his Johnson, letting her feel what god had given him. It was not all that difficult for him to find out that she was interested. Her words might have said differently, but that hand now massaging his length was definitely sending another signal altogether.

  “I don’t think that we should be doing this out here in the open. The wedding is about to start and we can’t be doing something that others are going to frown upon.” “I really don’t care what other people think. I’m through playing by their rules. They think that they can make me feel like a puppet on a string, but I don’t need that kind of drama. If there’s a fire to be put out, I’m sure that somebody else can deal with it for right now, I have my own fire to put out between my legs.” India couldn’t help, but to feel the flexing organ and wanting more than anything to see it with an unbiased eye.

  “If you’re suggesting that we find someplace more intimate, then we’re definitely on the same page. They can’t exactly start without me. I’m the best man and apparently you’re the maid of honor.” This took her by surprise and she had been told that she was one of the bridesmaids. “I can tell from your expression that you didn’t know that Julia’s best friend had backed out at the last minute. I over heard her say that she would just ask you and that you would bend over backwards to please her.”

  “I’m getting tired of people thinking that I am, so dependable. I want to be unpredictable, wild and dangerous. I want to feel like I’m alive for the first time and I think that you can do that for me, Billy. Did you know that Julia has a bit of a crush on you? I think that is one of the main reasons why I want to sleep with you, so that I can hang it over her head. I’m not going to tell her right away, but if she pisses me off again, then I’ll be happy to regale her with the story from the beginning to the end with every juicy detail in between.” India really didn’t know if she was capable of a clandestine affair, but she was willing to at least entertain the idea.

  “Like I said, they can’t really start without us. I’m sure that we can go down the road to my parent’s beach house. Nobody will be there, considering
they’re all out here waiting for the glowing bride to walk down the aisle. If you didn’t know, she’s pregnant and it’s basically a shotgun wedding. My brother has expressed cold feet on several occasions and I had to talk him down from the ledge at least twice already.” Billy pulled her hand off his cock, feeling slightly randy and in need of some much needed relief.

  India hadn’t answered his proposition of going down to the beach house, but she knew that he could have her and that she would go willingly. They moved away from the crowd, seeing that nobody noticed. They went to over to his motorcycle.

  Billy handed her a helmet and then climbed on and let the engine rev underneath the both of them. It wasn’t just women that got a unique thrill out of having that engine roar between their legs. Billy loved feeling all sexed up any time that he took it out on the road. He would translate that to his leering gaze and then before he knew it, he would have some young thing riding up and down his pogo stick in the middle of nowhere. He felt that India was a little different and more of a challenge, which was the reason why he decided to play his seduction games.

  “I have to tell you that I’ve never done anything like this before. I’ve never gone against the way people see me. I’ve always towed the line, but I think it’s finally time that I shed my skin. I need to turn into somebody that’s going to live for life. I don’t want to just go through the motions and wait for death to find me and take me to the other side. I want to grab onto this.” She reached around and now had her hand wrapped around his package. India knew that he was capable of delivering the goods and was not going to stop, until she got what she wanted. She still wasn’t sure how far she was going to go, but she needed to do this for herself.


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