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Be Mine: A Bad Boy Next Door Romance

Page 39

by Lauren Wood

  “India, that tongue of yours is taking no prisoners. Your mouth is fucking hot and those pretty pink lips look, so damned good with my cock between them.” He felt it coming and he had this momentary weakness, where he was thinking about warning her, but didn’t.

  His hot seed exited at the top of his cock with a force that felt like a hose that was going off out of control. It reminded him of how a fireman would grab their hoses and hold them steady, because of the pressure that was involved in releasing such a volume. He looked on admiringly, seeing her cheeks fill out like a chipmunk that was storing something for winter. He thought for sure that he was too much for her to handle, but was pleasantly surprised to see that she was able to take everything that he had given her.

  “Damn he just shot that into my mouth. I’m just glad that I braced myself for the onslaught. There was no way that I was going to take something like that without having some forewarned knowledge. He may not think so, but that vein along the back and the swelling of the knob was a dead giveaway that I was going to have more than I bargained for. I did enjoy it, but that was just a tease and there was more to come that involved my legs wrapped around his waist.”

  “India, you showed me something here today. Women that have been in your position before usually find a reason to vacate the premises at this point. You may be thinking about it, but you haven’t done anything about it. I’m glad, because I have only begun.” He climbed over her body with his naked and glistening skin hovering over top of her. He was a little out of commission, but he knew from personal experience that this was only a temporary reaction.

  “I really didn’t think that I was going to be able to take that. You really don’t know how to take no for an answer. I know that you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me, at least in any way that was going to leave any permanent marks.” She saw him reaching for the two candles and now he was moving the flame over her chest. “You can’t be… AHHHHHHH.” The wax dripped onto her skin and the sizzling touch made her cry out, but not in a bad way. This was something new and was not something that she was going to let stand, as a one time thing.

  Billy painted an erotic portrait with that wax. He saw each drop streak across her skin, leaving behind a paintbrush of her desires. Seeing her turn and moan, only made his cock become renewed with a vigor that was almost ready for the helping hand of her pussy to lead him to his own pleasure. The balance of power between them was usurped. He was enjoying seeing her body react to the hot wax. He didn’t let her know that it was coming. His cock was growing with the moans escaping her lips.

  “I love that you’re able to take this kind of punishment, India. Others are a pale comparison to somebody that is open to this type of sexual behavior. I don’t know how many times I can count that I’ve been brought before my parents with accusations that I’ve taken advantage of some young thing. I think that might be the reason why they wanted me to enlist. What they didn’t realize was that sending me out into the world with those kind of predilections had made it easier to prey on those that found me to be a magnetic sexual force.” India knew that she was only doing this, because she felt almost compelled by his eyes to comply with all of his wishes.

  “There’s no way that I could do this with any other boy. I would see their intentions and I would shy away from an experienced hand. I see Billy differently and maybe it has something to do with my need to get one up on my best friend. She would be perfectly aghast to learn that I had conquered this particular conquest. Maybe, I would be given a little bit more respect, or it’s even possible that I would ruin a friendship. I’m not even sure if it was much of a friendship to begin with. To me, I don’t think it would be much of a loss, but maybe I’m just saying that. I had no idea that droplets of wax could make me twist and turn in his grasp like I’m doing.”

  Billy had his cock in his hand, stroking it and looking at India and knowing that this was like no other woman that he had ever been with.

  “I want you to fuck me. I don’t want just what you give every woman. I want you to give me everything you have, don’t hold back the show me what it’s like to be taken like a real woman. This can be something that we can repeat, or this can be a one time encounter. It’s entirely up to you.” India didn’t want to give him that kind of power and most men were only after one thing and then they would send the woman on their way.

  “You are a breath of fresh air, India. I have this desire, something that will probably make you cock an eyebrow. I want to fuck your tits and spray all over them and then rub that stuff into your skin.” Billy grabbed onto her ankles, speared her with his cock and saw her eyes become the measuring stick of every woman from this moment on. He would want to find those that were exactly like India, but he wasn’t quite sure that there was even a possibility that somebody was out there like her. She was unique, one of a kind and not something that you could find on the local street corner.

  Her naiveté and the way that she looked at the world was like seeing it for the first time. He enjoyed taking his pleasure and giving it back 10 fold. If girls in her position would trust him, he would’ve been able to show them that there was no time like the present to find out what their bodies were capable of.

  “I love the way that your pussy surrounds me like a tight glove, India. You make me feel like I shouldn’t even think about other women. God damn it, India… You really do like it rough.” He pushed up into her, going in all the way to the balls and then pulling back out and letting her almost beg with her eyes for him to continue. “You really don’t have to say a thing and I know exactly what you want.” He lifted her to him, looking down at her beautiful Angelic face. He slapped her ass hard, making sure that there was the imprint of his fingers stinging her skin and leaving a mark that would probably fade in time.

  Chapter 5

  Billy stayed completely still, enjoying the way that she was clawing at his chest with these tears of joy that were welling up in her eyes. He was wondering if maybe she was in pain, but she wasn’t trying to force him to stop. In fact, he got the impression that she wanted him to continue.

  “Please… I need it. You know that I do, or you wouldn’t have taken me up here in the first place.” She arched her back and pulled away from him, essentially fucking his column of flesh with her own body. “If you don’t do it, then I will.” This was evident by the way that she was now moving those lips up and down his cock. She stopped at the head and made sure to leave it inside, giving him more than ample pleasure to continue this pursuit of her body.

  “Billy is a hard man to read. Just when I think that I have him figured out, he changes the tune on the radio station. I wouldn’t normally be attracted to this bad boy quality, but on him it works. I never wanted anything more in my life. There have been brief flickers of those moments that made me believe that I was capable of something like this. He was the only one that finally made me crumble and give into that latent desire that had been hiding in my subconscious.”

  “You seem to be doing well on your own, India. I like the way that you take initiative. You don’t allow somebody to dictate the terms and even when you are submissive, you are essentially telling them with your body just how far they can go.” Billy was watching, as his cock entered and came back out covered with her juices and a combination of his own sticking to the shaft. He saw the streaks of wax and the way that her ass seemed to shine with the spanking that she had just received from him.

  He wanted to unload all over her breasts, but that moment was too quick to come upon him and he was soon in the middle of his climax. Those first few spurts went deep, until he finally had the semblance of mind to pull free. I pulled his still spurting member up to her heaving bosom.

  “Give it to me…let me feel it all over me.” She watched, as Billy was about to take matters into his own hand, when she had a most delicious idea that would have given him a new element to feed upon. She reached out and grabbed him, slapping his hands away and finishing off the task with her own fing
ers gripping his meat.

  “I love the way that he looks at me. I wish that every guy could see me the way that he does. I don’t think anybody could, but to feel that want from his eyes is more than enough to make me bend to his will. I love seeing his cock explode and the way that it lands on me and makes me feel like a dirty little slut.”

  “India, I think that you’ve been underestimated for way too long. People have taken advantage of you, made you feel like you were there to do whatever they wanted you to. I see a backbone and you need to start using it, or they will continue to use you, until you can’t take it anymore..” Billy finally came to an end, losing himself for that moment and letting that pleasure wash over him like waves from an ocean. It was all encompassing and an experience that he had never had before.

  Thinking about the ocean, he could hear it crashing up against the shore down below the house. He remembered that his brother was waiting for him, but he had to take the time to use his own hands to massage his own stuff into her breasts. It clung to her nipples and he moved his finger around each one to see that she was jerking and trying to pull away from a very oversensitive moment that had caught her quite by surprise.

  “Billy, I really don’t know what to say to you. There are no mere words that can describe what has happened here today.” “What I need most is a shower and I can’t possibly go back to the wedding like this. I’m sure that people will see the smile on my face and know that I’ve been up to something, but they won’t know what. They would never imagine that Billy and I would get together, although I was going to make it a point to tell my best friend every vivid detail from when we met on the beach, all the way up to when he unloaded all over my breasts. It was my final revenge, something that I could have over her and not vice versa.”

  India, I think that we should get going. I don’t think that we can go anywhere, until we have a shower.” Billy grabbed her hand and they went towards the bathroom: while India was putting her hand back on her ass to feel the stinging sensation that seemed almost too good to be true.

  Even in the shower, they really couldn’t take their hands off of each other. India was soaping his cock and seeing droplets dance across his flesh. She couldn’t help, but to admire the way that his body was put together like a Greek god.

  “Billy, I know that this is going to sound like a broken record, but I really think that you have given me something here that is worth more to me than even you can possibly know. Letting me know that my body is a wonderland is a present that keeps on giving.” He wasn’t completely hard, but India didn’t need him to be. She was just enjoying the aftermath, feeling her skin tingle with this need to be punished. She liked the rough way that he had been taken and she wanted more of that.

  “I think for the first time in my life that I think I’ve found somebody that is up to my standards. You like to try new things and even though you probably didn’t know it, you certainly found out today. India, I’ve had many women, but I can honestly say that none of them hold a candle to you.” The way that he said candle brought to mind the way that the wax was now running down the drain, as he scrubbed it off of her and made sure that she was back to her normal self. There was nothing normal about her. India was one of those rare finds that he wasn’t sure that he could just let go like a bird out of a cage. “I want to see you again and again and again and I want this to be exclusive. I think that I can say and mean it that I think I’m falling in love with you.” India was hoping that he would say that, but she really wasn’t prepared for the words that were coming out of his mouth. She thought that this was just going to be an afternoon delight, but maybe there was something more here than even the both of them had any idea of.

  “I know what you mean. I’ve been trying my best to think of a good way to tell you that I didn’t want this to end. I guess you just said it for me.” “This man gives new meaning to taking things to the next level. This isn’t just a normal everyday kind of sex. This was something that went beyond all understanding. I know that he has a lot to teach me and I’m willing to become his avid pupil.”

  They dressed, but they weren’t in a hurry, enjoying looking at each other’s bodies and then finally sighing with this regret that they had to separate, even just for a little while.

  They got back to the wedding in time for the vows, watching, as the happy couple committed themselves to monogamy. She waited, until she was confronted by her best friend and then she told her the sordid details of doing those nasty things with Billy.

  India loved the look on her face, enjoyed digging the knife in just a little bit deeper and then walked away. She was stunned and open mouthed at the very idea that India was able to do something that had her now jealous with a green streak going down her back.

  They did continue to see each other and each time was more interesting than the last. He had used whips on her, making her feel pain and pleasure at the same time. There was a ball gag involved, not to mention public displays of affection that had her going down on him in a theatre and in a park and any place else that he deemed worthy enough to give her a chance to see his body in all its glory.

  They sat there a week later in a hotel room that was on the seedy side of town. The sheets were tossed aside and there was the smell of sex in the air. “Billy, I need to tell you something. I’m pregnant and I’m going to have your child.” She waited for his reaction and when he smiled and put his hand on her belly, she realized that she had nothing to worry about.

  “I have everything that I ever wanted, India and it’s all due to you coming into my life. Don’t worry, I’ll be careful with the baby, but I still think that there is a whole lot more that we can do, even during your pregnancy.” India was looking forward to it and the happiness that she deserved was right in reach and she didn’t even know it. Sex was not monotonous and it was one adventure after the other and she couldn’t be happier.



  Trent Jonas was a rough and tough Navy Seal. He loved the military. But in his love life he could use a bit of help. Maybe it was like Kimberly had told him once.

  “You love the military more than anything. Perhaps if you loved me like you did it, I would be happy.” She had told him in their last fight.

  She had left him that day. It had broken his heart. He really had loved her. But that was over 20 years ago now. The sad thing for Trent was that he hadn’t found love again. Perhaps that was because Kimberly had left a hole in his heart.

  Or maybe it was because she was right. He wanted to spend 30 years in the military and retire. If he could he’d spend even longer than that. However, he had already been informed that after 30 years they would retire him.

  It was the danger, he was addicted to the missions they undertook. He loved how the adrenaline pumped through his veins. Knowing that this might be the last time he was alive on the face of Earth never bugged him.

  That carefree attitude with his own life had been something that had drove Kimberly mad too.

  “What about how I feel when you go out on a mission? Have you ever thought that maybe I want you to come back in one piece? Trent he’s telling you to say your last goodbyes, this is dangerous. You do get that right?” She had cried.

  He had been heading to Iraq for a secret mission at that point. It was ver y dangerous and his commander had warned him to say his last goodbyes to everyone just in case.

  “I’ll be just fine babe.” He remembered trying to console her.

  “No you just don’t care if you come back or not. There is a difference between that and your comment. I’ll be just fine babe? You say it every time. Last time Timmy got shot during the mission. You remember that? He pushed you out of the way, or it would have been you.” Kimberly had been hysterical by this time.

  Trent didn’t know what to say. She had hit on the truth. He really didn’t care if he came back or not. It was part of his duty. If he had to die for his country, he was okay with it.

  That had a
lso been the last mission they were together. She had left him after he came back home. Trent was happy she had at least stuck around until then.

  He really had loved her. After Kimberly he had shut off his heart. Made it protected. Not that he skipped having sex. But it was easy for him to hook up for the night.

  “You know women love a man in uniform!” He chuckled out loud. “Why are you thinking of Kimberly right now?” He asked himself. Usually this would happen when he was feeling lonely.

  There were times he wished he would have paid more attention to what she was saying. Would have taken them more seriously, changed how he acted when he left for a mission. But he couldn’t go back and change those things now.

  After she left he had gone down into a hole for a bit. He had started to drink some after work, and had even stopped working out. But all it took to get him back into the zone was another mission.

  However, now 20 years after he had watched her walk out the door. It was only 2 years more until he would retire. Be kicked out of the military he loved so much. Sure he could be a recruiter if he wanted, but where was the fun in that?

  It wouldn’t be the same as going on the missions they often were sent on. Like those missions that he had a 50-50 shot of coming back alive, if he was lucky. Sometimes that was a high number and their chances of survival were a lot less.

  In 2 years he would have to give it all up. He was looking at a life that would be lonely in more than one ways. Even if he stayed in as a recruiter, which wasn’t even a guarantee. That life that he had gotten used to for the last 28 years was coming to an end. He was sad and with this feeling came the temptation to pick up the bottle once more.


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