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Be Mine: A Bad Boy Next Door Romance

Page 49

by Lauren Wood

  “I still don’t know why it’s a big deal. Your mother has always had your best interest at heart. She was the one that was instrumental in getting you this far. It was her name that allowed those doors to come open and it was your gift that allowed them to stay that way. I certainly don’t want to lose you, but I fear that Jorgen will have use for you other than in a temporary basis. It will be a sad day when you leave this place behind.” Benjamin was basically skipping, but he couldn’t show any of that emotion without ruining what could possibly be the answer to his prayers.

  “I know that we’ve had our differences, Benjamin. I know that we have butted heads too many times to count, but we always come away with something for our troubles. It was through my diligence and hard work with a staff that didn’t know what the hell they were doing that we were able to make those gravity defying boots. We made it possible by using technology that we extrapolated from the Sect to take away the need for carbon emissions into the ozone layer. There is still need for cars, but only when long distances are required. Otherwise, they move about freely with gravity defying boots.” She walked over to the window overlooking the vast city of New York. She saw the statue of liberty and it brought a tear to her eye to realize what kind of symbol that was. This country did indeed welcome the huddled masses whether it was here or galactic. “I can only hope that I’m doing the right thing and that this isn’t going to hurt me in the long run.”

  “I know what kind of success we’ve had and there’s no reason to remind me. I’ve had several sleepless nights. I tossed and turned until my wife had to kick me out of bed and send me down to the couch for the rest of the evening. All this time away from her has strained our relationship to the breaking point. I’m not even sure if the money that I receive in salary is worth all the hassle. I could probably retire tomorrow and not having to worry about money for the rest of my life. It is something to think about.” Benjamin had wondered what it would be like to have no stress and finding clumps of hair in his shower did not instill confidence. It was only lucky that the Sect had a product that could rejuvenate hair follicles, so that the day of hereditary baldness was behind the human race.

  “You deserve to step back and enjoy your hard work. Honestly, I never really liked you and I always thought that you were a kiss ass. I could never play those kinds of politics, but you seem to know your way around like the back of your hand. That has to come from your military upbringing. Your father was a general and your mother was a PR specialist that knew how to sweep things under the rug. It’s a wonder that you didn’t go into one of their professions, but I suppose that makes us kindred spirits. My mother doesn’t understand my need to continually improve the quality of life on this planet.” If I play my cards right, I might be able to improve the quality of life on not only this planet but several others in the galaxy. Our ability to travel from one world to another has given us the idea that most alien races were primarily built from our DNA strands. There are subtle differences like an added digit or long reptile tongue.”

  “I appreciate what you have to say. You’ve only begun, Cassie. I know that you have a long and illustrious career ahead of you. Don’t ever give up your principles. Stand up for what you believe in and don’t let anybody tear you down. I may not agree with you all the time, but I do admire your stubborn streak. You never let me tell you what to do and I think that you made me a better administrator by holding me to a higher standard.” Benjamin did mean every word, but he still wasn’t going to miss the outbursts of rage and tantrums that had become a daily occurrence.

  “I don’t think that anybody else could have handled me. The only one that can make me feel like a docile lamb is my mother. It’s the main reason why I continually put her off about going to Sunday dinner. I’m not an only child and my twin sister Rebecca found herself trapped within my mother’s gravity. I pity the best half of me.”

  Chapter 2

  Jorgen found that he wasn’t happy unless he had somebody underneath the heel of his boot. He looked at the human race as a minor inconvenience. He had plans for global domination and each world that he conquered became a legacy that he would have to lord over others. He wanted to be seen as a ruler. He knew that the leaders of the humans weren’t equipped to deal with his might. He had promised that he would leave them alone, but he was only amassing his forces. He wanted to be ready. He had heard that the humans could be quite unpredictable when forced into a corner.

  He moved his glove along the console and the electronic signature from his brain was now sending those signals from the glove to the computer. He found it to be an expedient form of his time. He looked down and saw the eyes of a beautiful young blond woman staring up at him. He was naked from the waist down and his cock was in the process of blowing quite the load into this young woman’s mouth. He could see the glazed look in her eyes and knew that one taste would have her addicted to his body.

  “You have been down there for over an hour. I’ve tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, but now you’re going to have to give me what I really want. I know that you have tried to avoid it by attempting to make me succumb to your pleasures. I appreciate the effort, but I don’t think that you’re going to be able to accomplish the feat that very few have been fortunate enough to complete. It’s nothing to be ashamed of and I just don’t get the same kind of feeling that I get from fucking the inside of a tight little hole.” Jorgen pulled her by the hair, releasing her grip on his member and he could see the disappointment cross over her features.

  “I was hoping to be a part of that elusive club. I guess I’m going to have to contend with you fucking me, until I can’t see straight.” Jamie Collins was a woman that was a computer engineer with her whole life ahead of her. She heard of this elusive club and it became something of an obsession for her. There were others exactly like her clamoring for one shot at giving him the kind of pleasure that would allow his balls to give up that just reward.

  “I would be apologetic, but I don’t really know what that means. I find that emotions are a weakness that I don’t share with most other races. I can’t explain it and the only thing that I really get anything from is the pleasures that I get from screwing.” Jorgen held her gaze and his intention was pretty damn clear by the way that he looked to her and then down at his still hard as stone member. It was leaking like a volcano with hot lava rolling down the sides, getting ready to spew, but not quite there.

  He had purposely stopped her from going too far and the limited time that he had put on her to get him there was the only thing that saved him from announcing his exclamations of joy and euphoria. He knew that she would be a nice respite from the many different enterprises that he had his finger in. He had just gotten word from one of his sources that a young scientist was looking to make her mark, but didn’t have the necessary funding. He had found that manipulating the market on this earthly world was easier than he had expected. He had amassed quite the fortune and could live anywhere in the galaxy. He had chosen earth, because of the beauty and the majesty of the landscape not including the women that were practically begging him for a twist in the sheets.

  “Are you sure that I can’t just continue what I’m doing? I know that we had a deal, but I was hoping that you would make me the exception to the rule.” She could barely fit that thing in her mouth and the very idea that it was going to sink into her warm embrace was terrifying beyond words. Going down on a man had given her the excitement and desire to moisten the pathway. Her pussy was going to grab onto him with a death like grip.

  “I would, but then I would have to do it for everyone. It wouldn’t be fair and how am I to know that you would be able to keep your mouth shut. I don’t want to be seen as weak and that is not even something that I would entertain. I hate to repeat myself, but it’s time that you sit on me. If it helps, you don’t have to look at it and you can just hold onto the console.” Jorgen actually preferred it that way and the plump cheeks of her ass had him ready to crack down the mi
ddle like a coconut.

  “I still don’t know about this. I’ve heard some horror stories about the girls that you’ve been with in the past. I knew that it was a risk coming here, but I couldn’t help myself.” She thought that it was by her own making, but Jorgen had been playing a dangerous game with subliminal messages in computer emails. He had found some very tasteful looking women that he wanted to sleep with and he made it his mission to contact them and leave them with the need to have him at any cost. It didn’t matter if they were married or involved. It didn’t matter that they had a dedication to god. The girl that he had a couple of weeks ago had designs on becoming a nun. He had ruined her and had her shaking her head in disbelief after she was thoroughly fucked.

  “I know that it seems daunting, but trust me you will stretch out to take me. I really don’t have all day. You get up you on your own, or I can do it for you. Please …I implore you not to test me and I can get a little edgy when I don’t feel that somebody is measuring up to my expectations.” He watched as she got up and turned reluctantly, so that her back and her arching ass were right there for the taking. He touched her with a gloved hand and applied the necessary pressure to send an electric shock wave through her body. It made her dance to his tune like a puppet on a string.

  “Oh my god…what the fuck was that.” She felt this need to please him and that sensation had only grown through the shock wave of electricity that was now coursing through her veins. “I so fucking want this that you wouldn’t even believe it.” He would believe it, because he was making it easier for her to jump on the grenade. In this case, it was his pillar of manliness that once measured would come out at over 10 inches and thick around as his wrist. He was quite surprised to see that she was able to take almost all of it down her throat. It was time to open her up like a blossoming flower.

  “Of course you do. They all do. By all means, let me hold it for you so that you can slide into place.” His body was something that you would only see in the photos of some playgirl magazines. He could’ve had any woman, but he thought that he should at least give them the package that they were looking for. “It’s not going to take me long, but my juices have an interesting effect on that part of your female anatomy. I think that you’ll see the pleasant results for yourself.” He still couldn’t believe that he had that kind of power between his legs. One taste would never be enough, but once inside, his juices would make their tiny holes even tighter.

  “Let’s just do this, before I change my mind.” She wasn’t going to change her mind and she backed up until she felt the balloon shape of his knob trying to gain access. She thought that it was going to be impossible, but somehow it surged forward until the head was inside her. “It’s so big, but I love it.” She was only being led to believe that. Her mind was now taken over by the pleasurable endorphins from being connected like this. Jorgen was finding it too easy. He wanted a woman that was going to deny him, so that he would have to earn their desire.

  He watched and was slightly bored, as she screamed and bounced up and down in his lap, throwing her hands in the air like she was riding a roller coaster. “That’s it…take it…take my cock.” It seemed so mundane and there was no real passion behind the words that he was speaking.

  Jamie didn’t feel that way and this was one of those moments that she never thought that she would ever forget. She felt like he was tearing her apart, but she wanted more. She couldn’t live with the very idea of leaving him wanting. “Yes… Yes… Yes.” It was a litany of confirmation that she was exactly where she wanted to be. Her hair was flying and the strain on her legs was making her calves ripple with the exertion of what she was putting herself through.

  “Oh yes…you have me almost there.” He didn’t know the reason why, but the actual act had been getting more and more like he was just going through the motions. He felt the pleasure, but there was something missing. He wanted to say that he could chalk it up to a sense of ennui, but he wasn’t sure how he could say that with a straight face. “I can feel it coming and it’s all yours…whatever the hell your name is.” He had forgotten who she was and it didn’t even matter in the very least. She was too far gone to even notice that she was a second thought. Her body was the only thing that he was using to complete this transaction.

  She felt him grow even bigger and didn’t even know how that was even possible. She was prepared to take him deep within her, but that was not going to happen. She felt him lift her off of him just as the product of his arousal went into the stratosphere. The seed was thick and pure white and landed without any fanfare onto the floor of the vessel high above earth.

  Jamie was still shaking and when she looked down, she was sure that no man would ever want her again. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her hole was now closing in on itself. It no longer had that gaping reminder of some invading force that didn’t seem normal by everyday standards.

  “I don’t think that anybody is going to be able to measure up to something like that. I’m going to tell all of my girlfriends that if they get the chance that they should jump at the opportunity to be with you. I’ve heard a lot of them complaining about their boyfriends not being able to go the distance. I’ve even heard a few that weren’t exactly pleased by the size of their endowment.” She was going to brag incessantly to anybody that would listen and that was part of the conditioning that was now telling her that the best time was with Jorgen.

  Jorgen knew that it was the word of mouth that had gotten around from one world to another. He couldn’t go anywhere without some woman on her knees waiting for him to snatch her up for a wonderful interlude that would last no more than a couple of hours at best.

  He pressed a button and a beam of light covered her and then made her disappear. He had no idea where she went and didn’t really care. He was done with her and that sense of not being fulfilled had come back even stronger. Every time that he tried to fill that void with anonymous sex it was a temporary solution to a bigger problem.

  Jorgen decided to turn his attention towards the business of making every world his own. Earth was on his list and the research that he was looking at supplied to him by Benjamin had certainly raised his curiosity. If he could somehow use this technology in a different way, then he could be looking at the one thing that was holding him back from going forth with his invasion plans.

  He sent a message back to Benjamin saying “I’ll be happy to meet Cassie at your earliest convenience. I will be down shortly and I believe that I’m going to make a surprise visit to her lab. Please, do me the honor and don’t tell her that I’m on my way. I would like it to be a surprise.” He was thinking that maybe it would be better to catch her unaware. That way he could get a true first impression of the woman in question.

  He zeroed in on her location by the tracking chip in a bracelet that all humans were wearing. It was supposed to be for the military to keep tabs on their people, but he had been easily able to break their encryption. He found her and used the same beam that sent Jamie away to materialize at the door to her Cassie’s lab.

  He looked in and saw her standing at one of the microscopes. He didn’t know why, but he suddenly felt a need to grab his depleted member. It was stirring once again. There was something about her that had him staring like a stalker.

  Chapter 3

  Cassie felt like she was being watched and turned to see that there was someone at her door. She had no idea how anybody could get through the security measures without her being alerted to their presence. She came over and opened the door to see this giant of a man dwarfing her tiny form and making her feel like he could crush her with his two hands. She’d only seen him a couple of times and each time did not do the man justice.

  “I’m…ahem…not sure how you got here.” She was tripping over her own tongue and for some reason; she just couldn’t take her eyes off of the package inside those very form fitting pants. “I wasn’t expecting you to show up out of the blue.” “I can’t believe that I nev
er noticed how handsome he was. He has this something that makes it very hard to think straight let alone say something poignant. I’m just going to have to block him out and do what I can to sound like I know what I’m talking about.”

  “I heard of your request and I didn’t see any reason to wait. I looked over your research and it would be interesting to work with you. I have a lab set up and I believe that you’ll find everything that you need to make this breakthrough.” Jorgen wanted to lift her up and impale her on his growing excitement. “I have to say that I was quite impressed by how easily you came to your conclusions. I believe that you might have something, but only time will tell.” He had seen other uses for that terra forming technology. If he could somehow reverse the effects, he could literally make a world uninhabitable with one press of a button. He felt this pang of something and he touched his heart like it was sending him some kind of message.

  “I don’t know what you expect in return. I’m sure that we can come up with something that will be beneficial to the both of us.” She couldn’t stop herself from touching his arm and tracing the muscle of his shoulder all the way down over his well defined bicep.

  “Is that any way for a daughter of mine to act?” Her mother Sandra had decided to surprise her daughter with a late night supper at a fancy restaurant to discuss matters of marital importance. “I did not raise a daughter to blatantly throw her body at a man. He’s not even a flesh and blood human. I will not condone physical relations with an alien race. You can call it alienism and I don’t care.” She was standing there in a loose fitting pant suit that showed her to have masculine qualities and an air of superiority that surrounded her like a personal halo.


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