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Be Mine: A Bad Boy Next Door Romance

Page 69

by Lauren Wood

  “I don’t know about you, Prince Niles, but this is probably the most scrumptious meal that I have ever put in my mouth.” She was slightly embarrassed by what she had said, especially with what they had just done “That’s not meant as a slight on you whatsoever. If I could have more from you and also this bird, then I would have the best of both worlds.” Those that lived on the river planet were deemed worthy by the consortium. Those that came for their people were delivered here five years ago. They wanted to make sure that there was a variety on the planet at any given time.

  “There’s no need to backpedal. I understand exactly what you are saying, but for me I don’t have anything to compare it to. I do believe that I’m going to have to rectify that posthaste.” They finished with the bicentennial dinner, feeling energized by the meal and also by going after each other like that. “I have this funny feeling that others would be jealous of the position that you are in, Scarlet.” He was lying, but he felt that what he had done to lose his innocence was his business.

  They had a dessert that consisted of berries that seemed to explode in their mouths with flavor. “I think that we need to go and talk to the one that has put his neck in the chopping block.”

  “You say that I’m insatiable, but I can feel you undressing me with your eyes. I’ve been through it before and I know that feeling like the back of my hand.”

  Chapter 5

  Sousa stood defiantly in front of Kaman. There wasn’t that much known of his species, other than those that went against them were never heard from again. They seemed mild, but there was something different in his eyes. His species were always looking for an opponent that was worthy of their talents.

  “I’m not usually one to wait around for an answer. You told me that he has decided to take me up on my offer of the battle of one. What is the holdup and my patience is slowly wearing thin.” Kaman was from a world that had long become extinct. Those that survived the holocaust had traveled the cosmos looking for a place to settle down. Their species had cultivated and immersed themselves into the cultures of many other species. They felt like they could learn new and interesting things from others. Nobody really knew what their species was called. There had been those that had gone looking, but once again they never returned.

  “I apologize for the delay, but it is unavoidable. You do know that the bicentennial dinner cannot be completed, unless it’s in a timely fashion. I know that you wanted to remain anonymous, but I’m afraid that can’t happen anymore. I’ve received word that he has decided to let the woman give her opinion on which one she would like to stand with. That makes it a necessity for you to be shown, as her suitor, whether you like it or not.” There were guards standing at the ready in case Kaman decided to do something that was ill advised.

  “I was foolish to think that I could remain in the shadows. My infatuation for Scarlet will come, as quite a shock to her. I’ve always wanted her, but my species has no knowledge of what you call seduction. We take what we want.” Kaman was a warrior and he knew what it was to go against an adversary that was better than he was. He didn’t think that was the case with the Prince. Niles was known to be dainty and careful and that was one thing that would never stand up in battle. “I’m here and I’m not going away. One thing that you need to know about me is that I am rarely one to take no for an answer.” He was wearing a suit of armor made from the strongest steel like components on the planet.

  “I see that we have a visitor. Kaman, I’m a bit surprised that it was you that put this challenge down in front of me. I really thought that we saw things, as they were. You showed yourself to be a man of honor and character. By coming to me and not just trying to take her, you have given me the respect that the royal family is due. You’ll have your battle of one.” He glanced towards Scarlet to see that she had very little to say.

  “I would still like to know why you have taken this interest in me? Neither one of you have really done anything to announce that you had intentions of bringing me into your family.” The Starr family was not the only of royal blood on the planet. Each one had a pedigree and that included Scarlet and her family name of Lotus. They were chosen from their planets, as the children of those that ruled. They had considered kidnapping the son of the president of United States on earth, but had decided that the planet would remain off limits. Nobody really knew much about it, but they sensed that the human spirit would fight back. Invasion was not the answer and they decided to live in simpatico with a planet that didn’t even know that they existed. Not yet…anyway.

  “I’m sorry that you haven’t seen me looking at you from afar. I thought that I was being pretty obvious, but apparently I wasn’t being obvious enough. I don’t want to have any miss communication. This is a battle to the death and only one of us will be left standing after the other one is obliterated from the face of the planet. Prince you can still turn away from this, but it will mean that you won’t have any way to save face with your people. They will be notified of what happens here.”

  “You both act like I am this big prize. I can assure you that I’m not anything special, but you both apparently think otherwise. I am not a dainty flower and I will never bow down to the conventional ways. I will always have my own opinion and you can be sure that I will let you know about it. I’m not one to sit on the sidelines. When decisions are to be made, then I need to be consulted. I’m headstrong, sexually insatiable and I plan to show you all of my hidden strengths and weaknesses.” “I had wanted Prince Niles, but I did not feel that it was in good taste to throw myself at him. I thought that he was oblivious to my overtures, but apparently I really wasn’t seeing him for who he was. I was a coward and convinced myself that I didn’t want him. I don’t think I tried that hard to make it happen between us.”

  “Scarlet, you can put a stop to all of this. By choosing before we get into it, you can prevent one of us from dying at the other’s hands.” Niles did not really have any desire to fight, but he would if he was forced into a corner. He was laying the ultimatum at Scarlet’s feet and hoping that she would decide to choose him, instead of a beefcake like Kaman.

  “I know that I could, but I kinda like that you are fighting over me. I know that doesn’t sound good, but I can’t help the way I feel. I’m not sure how I am supposed to choose. Kaman has the right to fight for me and I can’t take that away from him.” “I’ve never been one for barbarism, but seeing their blood lust and their desire to have me has only made it that much more difficult to pass up the opportunity of seeing them fight for the honor of my hand. I never wanted any of this and I would’ve been quite content to continually sleeping with those men that would be chosen by their sexual prowess.”

  “So, we are destined to fight against each other. Let the best man win. I do hope that you don’t feel any insecurity about losing to a boy.” Niles was grateful that this wasn’t meant to be hand to hand combat. He could probably get in a few licks, but in the end Kaman would stand over him in victory. “I believe that the vessels in question have been prepared for launch.” Niles motioned for Kaman and Scarlet to join him out on the back side of the property.

  The two cylinder silver contraptions with black wings were ready for all three of them to jump on board. Before she was able to climb in, Kaman reached around her waist and pulled her into an embrace. “I see that you’re not the type of man to wait around for an invitation.” He kissed her and she felt obligated to let it happen. After all, one of them wasn’t coming back from this. Once the vessel was destroyed, her body would be transported back to the planet to wait for the victor to fly down and collect their prize.

  The vessels were only made for one, but they could squeeze in another. It was a tight fit, but the close quarters had only made the heat between Scarlet and Prince Niles almost unbearable. “I probably should have left you here, but I wanted you to be there to witness my vanquishing of my enemy.” Niles had heard enough about Kaman to know that he was unpredictable at the best of times. His aptitude
for strategy was that of a tactician. He was going to have to try to get into the man’s head. It was a little disconcerting to see Kaman’s dark hair moving like that of snakes. His follicles had a life of their own and it was said that he could use his long hair, as weapons to take out an opponent by suffocating them.

  “I’m exactly where I want to be, Prince Niles. I don’t know Kaman. We have never really talked. I don’t have any feelings for him one way or the other. I would rather that we don’t have to go through this ugly business, but I understand how this works. Tradition is one thing that has been upheld in all of our lives. I know that you don’t like this, but I need to see you defend me.”

  “I’m glad to hear you say that, Scarlet. I would hate to think that you were trying to screw me over in some way. You may see my family, as tyrants, but we only do what we need to do to maintain order. This planet is the hub for all those that surround it and even for those that are out in the distance. We have been in control for some time, but we’re not exactly blind to those that covet what we have. The battle of one is antiquated and should have been abolished a long time ago. It was made in those days that peace was required by force. We have evolved to that of a voting procedure, but we have never taken out the equation of going back to the old ways.” He started up the particle engine underneath the vessel. The hum was only thing to signify that it had come alive.

  He could see that his father was unable to attend, or maybe he just didn’t feel like showing up. It really didn’t matter and the choice was out of his hands. This was something that he had to do.

  “I think that there comes a time that every species has to look in on themselves and realize that they are only doing themselves more harm than good.” Scarlet had inadvertently grabbed onto his very strong blue arm. His strength could probably take on anyone, but Kaman was not just anyone. He was versed in doing things hand to hand. The one thing that she knew of him was that there was no quit. “I think that after this is done that all of us should sit down and go over the rule book very carefully. Take out those things that do not belong any more with a consensus around the table. Our parents will want to be involved and they will fight for the old ways, but we are of the new guard. That should account for something.” “I’ve never been one to go into politics and those things seemed mundane and stupid to me. I do have to admit that these old ways are doing nobody any good. We need to be more civilized and if I have to bring these species into the future, then that is what I’m damn well going to do. I can also see that battle is one thing that makes Prince Niles unusual condition more prevalent.”

  Kaman watched, as their vessel rose into the air and then shot off into space. He sighed, knowing that he was most likely better than that of the royal family that controlled the rights to the natural resources. It was never like this, but there were those that took advantage and tried to strip this land. That was when there was a consortium put into place and then one royal family from the worlds’ would be voted in, as the hand that held the power. This decision was not made lightly and it took many days of deliberation to come to a viable solution.

  Kaman looked down at the ground, as his own engine had displaced a patch of grass, until it was dead from the heat that was expelled. He pressed the button and was soon joining the other vessel in space. He should have felt badly that Scarlet did not choose him to stand beside, but they never had a chance to get to know each other. He had heard from others through the Grapevine that she was a woman that had her own mind. It was that independence that he desired to take into his fold. He wanted a chance to break her and make her realize her place was at his feet.

  Chapter 6

  “I think we need time to come up with a suitable plan of attack. What I’m going to do is use a strategy that was part of my family’s legacy. The dwarf star will mask our signature and will give us time to wait him out. I do know one thing about most adversaries and they tend to want to strike first. His impatience will get the best of him. We’ll be able to take him out quickly and efficiently. I hope that you don’t find my attitude towards killing to be callous, because it’s meant to be anything but.” He felt her hand on his hard cock. There wasn’t much room, but she was certainly making the most of what they had.

  “I like the way that you think. This decisive attitude really does make me wonder what kind of lover you will be. If what we have already done is any indication, then I can imagine that both of us will have big smiles on our faces.” “Prince Niles has never been too far away from my thoughts, but I think that I avoided him for a reason. My parents were dead set that I get together with him and I was doing everything I could to rebel against their wishes. I still didn’t see a need to settle down with kids, but sex and love doesn’t necessarily have to go hand in hand. I will say that he doesn’t seem like the kind of sniveling man that I thought he was. He’s not one to lay back and let others do his dirty work. I think that he only gives Sousa that role, because it was demanded of him.”

  “I don’t think that going down on me is necessary. What I do think is necessary is for me to reciprocate for that wonderful blow job that you gave me. Battle is not the only thing that I have been taught to be great at. Sex and the animal heat that you feel between us is an art form. Just like battle, there is a certain give and take that must be adhered to. I myself like to tease, until the lady in question is begging for that release. My father sent me two Caldor girls. Let’s just say that my virginity has not been my own for quite some time. The two ladies from that species were responsible for giving me the tutelage in the female form.” He didn’t have to look at Scarlet to know that she was impressed. The sigh that he heard coming from her lips was a good way to understand that she thought it was wrong to be given that gift.

  “I guess you never know what your family is capable of. Mine was more repressed and I had to learn that kind of lesson the hard way. Those fumbling hands and the feel of awkwardness were not something that I would wish on my worst enemy. Your father did you proud by giving you those girls to practice on I may not agree, but it’s not my place.” “I had heard about the Caldor women and their legendary status was known across the stars. They were sexually open and once unleashed on a prey they would turn you into a puddle of your former self. I would have loved to see them in action with a prince that was naïve in the act of love. The surprise on his face would have been something to see. I think that I should let myself receive and get a bird’s eye view of what he has been taught for myself.”

  Raising her dress, she showed him that he was about to have the first shock. There were no undergarments and what met his eyes was the soft supple flesh of her thighs. He moved in between her legs with his mouth poised to strike his tongue like a serpent out of his mouth. He touched the hard clit and began to suck it into his mouth. It stretched to almost 3 inches.

  “I….ahhh…can see that they didn’t mess around when they got their hands on you. You…oohhh….know how to make your point abundantly clear.” Scarlet was a little breathless and she felt that this would have been a whole lot better someplace more private with a lot more room. Adjusting to the situation, she lifted her legs, until her feet were planted on the chair that she was sitting in. She spread her knees a little wider, which of course split her down the middle and opened her up for a more concentrated look. “This guy took his lessons well and I suppose I shouldn’t have expected anything less from a man of his obvious breeding. I’d heard that no gender was off limits to the Caldor women. I can only imagine what they did to the good prince to open up his eyes to the pleasure that could be had.”

  He lashed at the tip of her clit, pulling it back into his mouth and then wrapping his tongue around the entire thing several times. When he felt that she was close, he pulled away and left her begging with her eyes for more. “This is where we quiet things down and then start over from the beginning. Those girls had a way of prolonging the inevitable. I thought that my father was exaggerating their prowess, but it turned out that I was ill
advised. They had me screaming and I mean literally screaming for some kind of satisfaction. I came four times that night and when they left, I was pretty much exhausted. I slept for a good 12 hours and when I awoke; I thought that it was a dream. The only way that I knew that it was real was by the soiled sheets and by the knowing look that I got from my father.”

  She didn’t have the words to scream at him to get back to what he was doing. She was staring at her clit and it started to recede back to its normal size. It was then that he attacked; taking his time and bringing it back to what it was. When he had it good and hard, he subjected her hole to the agility of his long outstretched tongue. It separated in the middle inside her and began to flutter in different directions.” I really had no idea that you could do that with your…fucking tongue. My god…you are a fucking animal…a fucking wild uncaged animal.” She pushed her body up against his face, until her legs moved on their own accord, until they were wrapped around his head.

  The prince struggled for breath, wishing for her to release him, so that he could breathe again. Her juices were thick and delicious. It was like he had awakened to a new experience that made him grin with a satisfaction. He didn’t know that he was capable of this. After that night with the girls, he never did try out his expertise on some unsuspecting young thing. He was always being watched by his father and those that they employed. He was to remain untouched, until the age of choice was upon him. There was no way that he could rebel, but this certainly did make up for lost time. Her orgasm was something that felt overwhelming and there was a moment that he really did think that he was going to pass out from lack of oxygen.

  With a final sigh, her muscles gave out and her grip on the prince’s head was released. She lay there with her body on display. Her nervous system was completely fried. She had had several lovers, but nothing like that. She didn’t even know how she could categorize something like that. This was in a league of its own and maybe she was too impulsive to think that there was no future between her and the prince. “I don’t even know how to speak anymore. My voice is lost. I try to say anything and there’s nothing there. I may have to rethink my decision about having a strictly physical relationship. If I have to settle down, then I could do a whole lot worse than a prince with the flair for the dramatic.” She looked down at her sex and saw the swollen puffy lips and knew that only one thing could even come close to beating what he had already done.


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