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Be Mine: A Bad Boy Next Door Romance

Page 92

by Lauren Wood

“I think I am with you on that one. Melissa killed it for me for a while.”

  “Too bad.”

  “Why?” Lucas had a grin on his face.

  “She was here a little while ago looking for you.”

  “I was home. I don’t know why she came here.”

  He shrugged. “Who knows what goes on in their heads? She may be looking for another member to take her on. There is no loyalty with women like her. She just wants the jacket and the bike. The rest of it doesn’t matter.”

  It was hard to hear it said about my relationship or whatever it had been. I didn’t care about her, but I liked to think that it was a little harder than that to replace me.

  “Well it doesn’t matter. She is gone and she is never coming back.”

  He nodded his head like he agreed, but the grin on his face said that he wasn’t so sure. Maybe I wasn’t sure either. Melissa would be a welcomed distraction after the day I was having.


  “I’m glad you called me Marcus. I didn’t know what to do after our fight the other day.”

  Melissa was talking fast and I wished that I had been driving my bike when I went to the bar earlier. Here I was trying to get Angela off of my mind with a few beers and I ran into Melissa instead. She was hanging out there and I wasn’t sure if Lucas was right or not about why she was there. Was she there for me or was she just in line to find another biker to ride on the back of his bike with?

  Hell, it didn’t matter. I had her with me to keep me from thinking about another woman. There was nothing wrong with that. I knew that she was crazy, but she was also good at other things that would make any man forget his own name, let alone whatever it was that ailed him. I just had to get her out of the place by morning. The morning was when there was all of the talking that got us in trouble in the first place.

  “I am sorry about what happened the other day Marcus. I really am.”

  My eyes were looking across the street as I pulled in. Angela was out on her porch and she looked good. How was I supposed to forget about her, when she was so close?

  “Is that the new neighbor?”

  “Yeah, I think you know her. We went to school together senior year, but maybe she was already gone when you started.”

  Melissa looked over into the neighbor’s yard and shrugged. “I don’t think so.”

  “She was a cheerleader. Pretty popular back then.”

  Melissa wrinkled her nose. “No I don’t think I know her. What was her name again?”

  “Angela Madden.”

  “I know her. She was the head cheerleader, wasn’t she?”

  I shook my head and hoped that there was no connection. “Yeah.”

  “You should invite her over for a drink. She was the girl that everyone wanted to be in school. I would like to see what she is up to nowadays, don’t you?”

  Melissa was already getting out of the car and I was cursing myself for opening my big mouth. What the hell was I thinking bringing her back here? It didn’t matter what I thought though. Melissa was already across the street and talking to Angela. This was not going to end well.

  The two women started back over across the street towards me and I could see that Angela was grinning at me. What was on her mind and why was she coming over?

  “She invited me for a drink. I couldn’t refuse.”

  Angela smirked and I knew that she was judging me on Melissa. She was pretty and vicious, but she wasn’t very bright, not like Angie was.

  “Well let me see what I got. I don’t know if I have any wine coolers.”

  “Don’t worry Marcus, I graduated to hard liquor years ago.”

  Melissa looked from me to Angela and I had a feeling that she wished she hadn’t brought her over. It was going to be clear that I knew Angela better than just as a neighbor. Melissa had only been gone a few days and she was not going to take kindly to that. I knew her too well.

  “Great, then let’s go in. I love seeing people from the old high school. I had some of my best memories there.”

  I had some of the worst there and I think that Angela was agreeing with me from the silence that was coming from her. It was deafening and the look on her face made me nervous.

  “So did you know Marcus when you were in school?”

  Angela looked to me for an answer, but I wasn’t stupid enough to say anything. I was too busy trying to hide the fact that my house was bombarded two days before by the woman in front of me. She had made a mess of things and I hadn’t really done much to the wreckage left behind.

  “We knew each other a bit Melissa. I don’t remember you though. Were you in our class?”

  She shook her head and told Angela that she was a few years behind. “I didn’t meet Marcus until I graduated and he was at the shop in town. Since then we have been inseparable.”

  I wouldn’t have went that far with it, but we had been off and on again for a couple of years. The key thing to remember though was that we were off far more than we were on. She was the familiar madness that I went back to, just like I had this time.

  “Well that is nice. When are you going to marry her Marcus?”

  Angela was smiling and I could tell she was enjoying herself. What I didn’t see was the way Melissa was looking between us. And I didn’t see the look in her eyes when she realized where she had seen that name before. That was going to come later when Angela left.

  She didn’t stay too long, just long enough to get Melissa going and to make sure that everything between us was complicated. Angela didn’t know the storm she had caused. I wouldn’t even know it until later when I was looking at the aftermath. For now, it was just uncomfortable and I was sure that I had made a mistake bringing Melissa back. What the hell had I been thinking?

  I don’t know what I thought it was going to solve. Angela was still on my mind and now I had a crazy chick to deal with. This was certainly not the best idea that I had ever had. I couldn’t even bring myself to sleep with Melissa, not when what I wanted was just across the street.

  “Let’s just lay together Melissa.”

  “You have never said that to me in as long as I have known you Marcus.”

  “Well maybe I should have. I just don’t feel like it tonight.”

  She had a dark look on her face that made me nervous. What made her so mad all of a sudden?

  Chapter 4


  “Did I see Melissa coming out of there this morning?”

  My head shook and though what Kevin seen was true, I knew that I didn’t want to admit to that fact. I was the idiot that had brought her back over and I knew that Kevin was thinking I was an idiot at the moment. Maybe I was. I should have known better. Really I should have.

  “Yeah, that was her.”

  “Damn Marcus, I thought you had gotten rid of that crazy ass woman.”

  “I did.”

  “She tore that house up, didn’t she?”

  “Yeah I still haven’t picked some of it up.” The things that I was talking about was still in the yard and on the porch. It looked like she had thrown a lot of my things out in the yard. At least I didn’t live in a neighborhood where this would be a big problem.

  Kevin just shook his head like I was crazy and maybe I was. I don’t know what I was thinking about, but I wanted to forget about Angela. I hadn’t expected her to come over and want to mess with me and Melissa. That was what she had done and the more she had drank, the louder she had become. At one point, Angela had let it slip about us dating and Melissa had picked up on it. She didn’t say anything, but I had seen her face twitch. I hoped that it was nothing, but I had a feeling that hope wasn’t going to help me. Nothing was going to. I had messed up again and I was even more eager to do a couple of runs for Lucas. It would get me out of the city for a while.

  “I hope you know what it is you are doing.”

  “Of course.” I had no fricking idea what I was doing. That much was clear by the way that last night went down.

  “So y
ou two are back on again?”

  I shrugged and told him that I didn’t think so. “It was one night and I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  Kevin laughed and opened his car door. “You weren’t thinking Marcus, at least not with your head my friend.”

  I hated that he was right, but I wasn’t going to mention how that was wrong as well. We hadn’t even done anything and even just lying there hadn’t been enough to calm my mind. It was just like when she first left. I couldn’t think and I was a damn mess. Why the hell could that woman get to me like this?

  Forgetting her and the drama that I had unleashed by the name of Melissa, I went back to Lucas’. He had some runs to do again today and even though it wasn’t usually my job, I jumped at the chance. If I didn’t stay busy, then something bad was going to happen. I knew the feeling and I couldn’t afford to get into any more trouble right now. Not after last month’s fiasco.

  When I got to Lucas; house, there were a lot of people there and I was able to forget my troubles for a bit. David was there and I hadn’t seen him in a week. He had just gotten married and it seemed to be like a disease sweeping through the gang. No one knew who was next, though we all joked about whom it would be. It wouldn’t be me that was all that I knew.

  “Hey David. Long time no see. How is married life treating you?”

  He grinned and I wanted to hit him in the face. He just looked too damn happy. It made me sick and I wanted to knock the look off of his mouth.

  “Great man. When are you and Melissa going to tie the knot? I heard that you two were back together.”

  I looked to Lucas, the only one that knew anything about her and had to wonder if he was blabbing his mouth. I wouldn’t doubt it, but there wasn’t anything I could do. I was being an idiot and though I didn’t want them to know that, it appeared that everyone already did. I would never let them know about Angela. Then I would have the reputation that Joel had.

  “We aren’t really back together. Just needed a woman to keep me warm last night was all that was.”

  David grinned and told me that a heater may be better than a girl like Melissa. Everyone knew what she was and I was the moron that they thought didn’t seem to see it for how it was.

  “Yeah, I should have gone that way. I don’t know what I was thinking, but she still gives good head, so why not?”

  David shook his head. “I am ready to get back to work, aren’t you?”

  “I am. I don’t mind doing runs, but I am better at bashing heads together. Ever since you came here though, it hasn’t been that necessary. Almost sad when I think about it. I used to have enough work to keep me busy before and now it is too quiet. I am getting restless.”

  “Well it is good that people have learned not to mess with the Devils. I hear that the Arc Angels are trying to press in from Atlanta. We may have to go to task soon enough about them.”

  I wasn’t really listening. I had heard the rumors and I had seen a few of them at the bar, but so far they hadn’t made a move. It was anticipated, but I wasn’t going to worry about it until that time came. For now, it was just like any other day.

  “We will see David. I think you are a little too excited to get your hands dirty. I thought married life was good for you?”

  “It is, but that doesn’t mean that I still don’t want to smash a couple of faces every now and then too.”

  “Are you coming with me on the run to St. Bernard Parish?”

  “Nah, I think you are going solo. I am going up to Chicago for a few days. Now that Carlos and Lucas are working together, I am the go-between man.”

  “What about Joel?”

  “Well you know that Joel isn’t really too active here. He does a little work, but stays to himself with the complex. He has his hands full of that woman and all of those tenants.”

  I almost guaranteed that the woman he was with was harder to deal with than all of the renters combined.

  “Alright man, I will see you around. Hopefully not too soon, but I think you are right about the Arc Angels. They will make their play soon and we are going to have to be ready for them when they do.”


  The run was one that I had done many times before. I was only dropping off and picking up some money. Since the order was the same for almost a year now, the weekly drop off was not one that I was worried about. I knew that it would go like it always did and all I had to do was wait for the duffel bag of money after the purity was checked. It was a simple in and out situation that I didn’t expect any problems from.

  That was the problem with expectations though. It was too close to assumptions. When I got to the old U-pull it junkyard, there was no white Escalade awaiting me like there always had been in the past. Out of the many times that I had done this run, Santiago was always waiting for me. He was always on time or early enough to beat me. I should have known something was up then, but I was just thinking that everyone had a right to be a little late sometimes. Even Santiago.

  So I parked by the gates and got out to open the padlock so that I could wait inside. I didn’t like being so out in the open with all of the drugs I had on me. The bag in my hand was full to the brim with coke. I didn’t need to get seen by the police and have them sniffing around asking questions. I needed to stay out of trouble.

  The shot rang out and I saw the cling of the bullet hitting the gate right next to me, before the sound of the shot had reached my ears. There were only a few moments to really think before I felt a burn in my side. I didn’t have to hear the gun fire to know that I had been hit. It wasn’t the first time and the fact that I was still moving was a good sign.

  Getting back into the car, I looked down to see blood all over my shirt and more was appearing before my eyes. I had to get out of there fast.

  I slammed the car into reverse and backed out, whipping the car around. I still couldn’t see who my assailant was but I had a feeling it had to do with who I was talking to David about earlier. Maybe this was the Arc Angels way of starting something. I didn’t have time to wait around and find out though. All I was worried about was getting out of there in one piece. The way I was losing blood, I knew that I had to get back to base and find the Doc. A few more shots hit the metal side of the car and one went through the back window, shattering the glass into small little square pieces that sprayed the back of me. I felt a few bite into the back of my neck, but I couldn’t feel it to the throbbing pain in my side.

  Calling up Lucas, I told him what was going on and asked him to get the Doc to his place. I was going to need him. I couldn’t go to a regular hospital, not when they had to call in every gunshot wound that they treated to the cops. I really was trying to stay out of jail and the Doc was around to help with all of that. All I had to do was get to him. The seventh ward was aways away from Chalmette and when I started to feel so tired, I wondered if I was going to make it there.

  I had to pull over on the side of the road. I was starting to lose consciousness. I called David and told him where I was. “Just come get me man. I am losing blood and I don’t think I am going to make it to Lucas’.”

  “I’ll be right there Marcus. Just hang tight.”

  I told him that I would and hung up the phone. Cars on the interstate were passing me by quickly. A big semi-truck passed by close enough to make the whole car move with it. The last thought on my mind was to wonder what had happened. Who was shooting at me and to what end? Was it because of the gang or was it something more personal? I had too many enemies to really know for sure. Whoever they were, I hoped that they didn’t find me here before David did.


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  Never Mine

  A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance



  I c
ouldn’t believe what I’d just found out. It was not at all what I was expecting when I took the test. Things like that don’t happen to girls like me. I was just out of high school and I had my whole life ahead of me. Greg had his whole life ahead of him and I knew what he would say if I told him.

  It occurred to me then that I couldn’t tell Greg. He would try to fix it, do things that he didn’t want to do because of it. I couldn’t let him do that. I didn’t want him to be with me because he had to or because he felt trapped. There was nothing that I could do but get away. I had to get away from Watertown for a while. I wasn’t sure where I was going to go, but I needed space and time to think.

  Packing up my bags, all I could think about was Greg and what he was going to think when he found out that I had left. I knew that I couldn’t see him again and the thought made my heart hurt. It was something that I had to do, that much I knew, but it didn’t mean that it wasn’t going to hurt more than anything else I had ever felt before.

  Looking back one last time in the room that I had lived in since I was a small girl it wasn’t my childhood home that I was going to miss the most. It was Greg and I knew I was always going to wonder what would have happened if I had stayed.



  “Come on Mandy. I don’t know why you are being like this. It is a nice night and you have nothing else going on. Let’s go have some fun for a few hours.”

  I tried to look excited, I really did. It was hard to feel like doing anything after I had worked twelve hours at the animal sanctuary. It had been a long day with two animals put into quarantine and another couple being released. All I really wanted to do was find a movie that I hadn’t seen in a while and have a glass of wine. I was tired, but it wasn’t going to matter to Alise. I had made her a promise and she was going to hold me to it. That much I knew, so there was no point in fighting it.

  “I said I was going, what more do you want?”


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