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Radisq [Beyond the Veil 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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by Toby Aden

  “When is the happy occasion?” the queen asked, curious.

  “Two weeks, Highness. We will hold the ceremony here the moment my family arrives,” Aaeren answered.

  “Two weeks? Such short notice. I will immediately begin the preparations,” the queen said, nodding her head in agreement of her decision.

  “Let the celebration resume with the happy couple leading the first dance,” the king boomed in a loud voice.

  Immediately, music resumed and the dance floor was cleared. Aaeren held out his hand to Radisq, bowing slightly. “May I have this dance, mo chroí?”

  With a grin, Radisq slipped his hand into Aaeren’s outstretched ones, allowing his mate to lead him to the center of the floor as they took their places. Slowly, romantically, they swayed together, too absorbed in each other to notice the wistful looks aimed their way. They flowed together as one, and the world narrowed down to just the two of them with the sound of the music somewhere far away in the background, a distant, soft melody urging them on.

  Their dance was a sensual one as they took command of everyone’s attention, flirting to the tune of the mating call that itched just below their skin. Soon, the music ended, and it felt like they had not really been at it for long. The sound of cheering and clapping finally drew their attention away from each other, breaking the trance they had fallen into as they gave the customary bow to each other before leaving the floor and smiling at their well-wishers.

  * * * *

  The sudden bounce of his bed brought Radisq out of his sleep, and peering through narrowed slits, he glanced at Ilno, his cousin, who jumped excitedly around him, causing the bed to jiggle. Groaning, Radisq pulled the duvet over his head, trying to block out his cousin’s excitement.

  “Wakey, wakey, you lucky sod you,” Ilno said in a singsong voice, pulling the duvet off Radisq.

  “Go away,” Radisq said in a sleepy huff, trying to kick Ilno out from the bed to return back to his precious slumber.

  Ilno jumped on top of him, tickling him mercilessly, pulling all the covers off his body and throwing them to the ground. Radisq groaned, praying for patience to deal with his perky cousin this early in the morning.

  “What do you want, ass?” Radisq grumbled, burying his head under a pillow.

  Ilno, though, was not letting up and pulled the pillow away, throwing that also onto the ground. “Tell me everything about your mate!” Ilno said in excitement, his cheeks flushed and his gaze curious for information.

  Radisq groaned, knowing that until he dealt with Ilno, there would be no peace for him—and if he got up to pander to Ilno’s wishes, then he could as well forget about going back to sleep. It was a groan-worthy dilemma, but a spark of excitement shot through him also, softening what would have been a glare that he aimed at Ilno.

  “You know you want to talk.” Ilno sighed. “Such a dreamy, sexy piece of manhood. With that fit body and pouty lips.”

  “And all mine,” Radisq sneered, ready to pounce on Ilno, and not in a fun way.

  Quickly, Ilno raised both hands as though in surrender. “Hey, hey, he’s all yours. I know. No poaching.”

  The possessive haze eased up a bit and Radisq smiled sheepishly. “Sorry.”

  “No, no. It’s all right. Naturally, you are possessive of your man. I would think it strange if it were not so.” Wiggling his brow, Ilno smiled. “Now tell me everything about him. Have you kissed? Done more? How did it feel? Did you enjoy it?”

  “Slow down, man.” Radisq chuckled and sat up on the bed, sitting cross-legged and bouncing slightly with excitement. “He is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, and his eyes, oh, my gosh, they are ever so blue and seem to see right into me. And his hair…” Radisq groaned, sweeping his hand through his own hair, his eyes dreamy. “Damn me, but I just love the feel of it as it slips through my fingers. It is as soft as a feather and the color, breathtaking. I feel as though I am drowning in waves of water whenever he is near and I see him.” Radisq sighed. “You know that rush and pleasure we get when we dip into the water? I feel all that when I am with him, such intense pleasure I am unable to hold it all in.”

  “Ahhh, to have a mate.” Ilno sighed wistfully.

  “It is simply wonderful. He has said he will go along with me on my tour. It will double as our matingmoon.”

  “And do you still worry about leaving this place?”

  Radisq shook his head. “I have come to realize home is wherever the heart is. I would not like to be apart from my mate, so I must make it work. But even though I will miss this land, I will visit often, and even still, this place will forever be in my heart.”

  Ilno touched foreheads with Radisq, smiling softly at the profound words coming out of his cousin. He had always looked after the younger man, taking him under his wing, and he was, in this instance, proud of him for his realization. “Well said, Rad. Well said.”

  “I will miss you dearly, for I wished you would come with us.”

  Ilno shook his head. “We will not lose contact, but I must stay here. For my place is here.”


  “You will not change my mind, Rad. But if it eases your mind, I will come visit once you are settled with your mate,” Ilno said with a soft smile.

  “I would like that. I do not want to lose you, my friend,” Radisq said softly, a single tear dripping down his cheek.

  “You will not lose me, Rad.” Ilno wiped the tear away and then ruffled his hand through Radisq’s hair playfully.

  Radisq dodged Ilno’s hand, moving away from the playful touch in a huff. “You know I do not like my hair being messed with,” Radisq admonished, but Ilno, it seemed, did not get the message.

  Laughing, Ilno pounced on Radisq, tickling and ruffling the other man’s hair while Radisq retaliated, trying to get away. Their shrieking and laughing carried, but neither would let up or give up. They played like boys, content in this moment even with the knowledge that they would soon separate to lead different lives, pulling them in different directions.

  Chapter Five

  “Prince Aaeren, we welcome you into the family,” the queen said from her perch at the other end of the family table as they all sat to breakfast.

  In honor of privately welcoming their son’s new mate and a show of their approval, the ruling family had set out to do something that had only ever been done on the weekends—having a family gathering. In an effort to maintain the close bonds between the royal family members, the king and queen had set aside days to spend solely with family members, ensuring that their beloved son had the best of both worlds and knew of the deep love his parents had for him.

  The gesture had indeed not gone unnoticed, as Radisq explained to Aaeren the significance of this gathering while the maids discreetly served them their meal before retreating and leaving them to it as they began to dig in.

  “A pleasure, Highness,” Aaeren graciously said, peering at Radisq, who was seated beside him at the table. “I am most pleased with whom fate saw fit to match me.”

  A blush stole across Radisq’s cheek, and he quickly let his head fall to hide his face. Pleasure shot through him at the praise coming from his mate, and he raised his head to glance at Aaeren, who stole his breath once more.

  “It is I who is more thankful to have such considerate mate,” Radisq said softly, his lilt more pronounced.

  “Will all your family be arriving for the happy occasion?” the queen asked.

  “It will just be my parents and the historians to mark the ceremony. They must be made aware that I have indeed taken a mate. I sent a courier earlier this morning, so we should expect them within two weeks. However, my brother, Yves, will stay behind,” Aaeren said.

  “And once the ceremony is over? I understand that you will both set off for the Fire lands,” the queen inquired, glancing at her son with concern.

  Aaeren nodded. “It is so. I have obligations I cannot shirk, but between my mate and I, we will resolve this issue.”

  “We will p
lan for everything, Mother. Do not worry overly so,” Radisq added.

  They chatted together, settling everyone’s mind with their plans for the foreseeable future before finally discussing their families. Radisq’s family welcomed Aaeren with warm arms, ensuring that he felt as though he was one of their own, and with the impending nuptials, it would soon be made official.

  “If you will excuse us,” Aaeren said as he stood up, inclining his head respectably as due his status.

  “But of course. We will leave you two to enjoy your time together,” the king said, waving his hand for them to do as they pleased.

  “Walk with me,” Aaeren said, holding his hand out for Radisq to take.

  With a nod, Radisq accepted the help from his seat and, with a short bow toward his parents, exited the hall with his mate in tow. Leisurely, as though they had all the time in the world—which they did—they strolled out of the mansion, sticking to the gardens.

  “What think you of my land?” Radisq inquired.

  “Mmm. I was here several centuries ago. You were not yet born then, but during my tour of the land, as compared to now, things have changed vastly.”

  “How so?”

  “Of the little I have seen, it is merely an improvement on the original structures. I will tell you more as I see more of your land for myself.”

  “I would like that. Shall I act as your guide?”

  “Who better?” Aaeren responded with a teasing smile.

  Slipping his hands through Aaeren’s, Radisq smiled with contentment, strolling along with his mate in comfortable silence. They walked for a while until they came across a bench and settled on it.

  “Tell me about your land,” Radisq said.

  “What would you like to know?”

  Curious, Radisq pressed. “Is it similar to ours or vastly different?”

  “In some way, it is similar. In others, not so much. I think a firsthand experience will be more apropos to satisfy any curiosity,” Aaeren answered, bringing Radisq’s hand to his mouth for a kiss. Aaeren sighed. “I do not say this to worry you, but I think it only fair to warn you that my people are not so open-minded about interracial mating. They will definitely not be as welcoming of you as your people have been of me.”

  “I will have a fight on my hands to win them over, then,” Radisq said with confidence.

  “I fear you will meet them unprepared. Should they be less than warm to you, please keep in mind that it is not you, exactly, but the mating they object to. I will do all in my power to shield you from it, but I am aware that I cannot shield you from it all.”

  “I am being mated to you, Aaeren. And even though I take your people as my own, you are my first priority. So long as I am happy with you, I think I can put up with anything.”

  Aaeren shook his head, brushing his thumb against Radisq’s cheek. “I do not want you to have to constantly be on your toes in your own home, love. I would prefer that you are free and happy instead of constantly worrying about the effect of your presence in your future home. Should anyone bother you at all, you must let me know immediately.”

  “My hero,” Radisq said, batting his lashes and grinning lovingly at Aaeren. “Though I do not need constant protection. I can handle a lot of things, Aaeren.”

  “I know you can, but it is a pleasure to care for my mate in every way.”

  “In every way, you say,” Radisq said with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

  “You know we can’t. At least, not yet,” Aaeren protested.

  Radisq sighed dramatically. “A pity, that.”

  Aaeren threw back his head and laughed at his mate’s antics. “I have not laughed so much until I met you, mate. I am sure you will keep me thoroughly entertained.”

  “Only entertained?” Radisq said with a pout.

  “And many other things, I am sure.”

  They continued their teasing banter, comfortable in each other’s presence as they chatted.

  Over the next few days, the couple spent every minute they could together, learning about each other and getting used to the other. They toured the whole land with Radisq acting as guide. On one such day, Radisq decided to take Aaeren on a picnic, telling him the place he wanted to show his mate was a surprise and his favorite place in the entire kingdom.

  They spread a blanket on the ground and quickly arranged on the blanket the lunch the royal cook had made them for their outing. The spot they chose was at the base of the waterfall, a distance away from the flowing bank, just close enough to enjoy the view but far enough not to get wet. The royal cook had made them enough to feed a small army, preparing each of Radisq’s favorite meals with a few things in addition thrown in.

  “This is one of my favorite places. I sometimes come here if I really need to think or just be. I try as much as possible to visit at least once during the week while I continue my training to learn the ways of each kingdom as well as the politics,” Radisq said as they sat down on the blanket spread on the floor.

  “I can see why you love this place so much. The view of the waterfall alone is splendid. Truly magnificent.”

  Radisq grinned, pleased. “I am glad you think so.”

  “But you are more beautiful to me, and with each day that passes, I find myself drawn to you and in awe of your personality.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you for being my true mate, Radisq.”

  Radisq beamed widely, enjoying his mate’s attention. Radisq was unaware of who moved first, but soon, they were kissing and caressing each other, allowing things to flow naturally between them.

  Breaking away from the kiss, Aaeren ran his knuckles down Radisq’s cheek. “Ready to meet my parents?”

  “So long as it’ll mean getting the ceremony done faster so I can have you all to myself, yes,” Radisq replied.

  Throwing his head back in a laugh, Aaeren chuckled at the expression on his mate’s face. Soon, though, Aaeren regarded Radisq with a somber expression on his face. “I long to hold you in my arms like I have dreamt of doing these past several days.”

  Radisq traced a finger along the seam of Aaeren’s lips, comforted that he was not alone in feeling this. “I long to do so, too. It is but two days away. I am sure we can hold off for those remaining days till we can do as we please.”

  “I do not think I will be able to hold back when you are finally in my arms.”

  “I will not want you to,” Radisq countered.

  “You continue to amaze me, mate.”

  Radisq nodded in satisfaction. “As it should be.”

  Grinning at each other, they leaned forward as one, slanting their heads into a comfortable position to seal their lips in a kiss. The kiss was soft and slow, sensual and teasing, and basically just a rub of their lips together since they could not do more.

  They spent the day lazing about, feeding each other pieces of food as they talked about all and everything. They never ran out of things to say, entertaining each other and just being together. Soon, they were unaware of the picnic disappearing, as they had been unfocused on it, only raptly relishing their time together and consumed by each other’s presence.

  Packing everything back into the basket, Radisq set it aside, clearing the space between them, and after a while, they reclined together on the blanket with Radisq almost lying on top of Aaeren. It was the perfect day spent outdoors with no one around to distract their attention and nothing to worry about except having a good time together. Soon, they were all talked out, and with the gentle splatter of the falls in the background, they were soon fast asleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.

  Chapter Six

  The arrival of the Fire fae was with a big commotion since everyone knew of the reason behind the visiting dignitaries. It was the first anyone had ever seen of the Fire fae being mated to an outsider not of their kind, and it drew attention from far and wide.

  The Fire fae were notorious for keeping to themselves. They were the most self-sufficient of their kind, mostly su
rviving on what they had with little trading outside of their kingdom. They also mated within, seeming to shun the outside world.

  The interactions other kingdoms had with the Fire fae were few and far between for the most part, and they were generally only seen when the royals sojourned on their mandatory tour. The Fire fae were an elusive bunch, with little intelligence on them.

  Sarion, the Fire fae king, stepped out of the carriage, and Aaeren walked forward to greet his father with Radisq by his side. They clasped hands together, Sarion clapping Aaeren on the back and a wide grin on his face.

  “Welcome, Father.”

  “Aaeren, my boy. Where is this mate of yours?” Sarion asked with a grin.

  Pulling Radisq to his side, Aaeren draped his hand over Radisq’s shoulder, his grin lighting up his face. “This is Radisq the Fair. Prince of the Water fae and my true mate.”

  Sarion held his hand out to the smaller man, nodding his approval when Radisq gave a firm clasp of his hand. “Welcome to the family, son.”

  “Thank you, sire.”

  “And this is my lovely mother, Arianna,” Aaeren introduced the beautiful redheaded woman who walked up to them, grasping her by the waist and twirling her in excitement.

  Arianna laughed at her firstborn’s antics, smiling proudly at her son. “Put me down, boy, and let me greet your mate properly.”

  Grinning impishly, Aaeren did as instructed.

  Arianna smoothed her hair and clothes out before giving Radisq a hug. “Welcome to the family, Prince Radisq.”

  “Thank you. I dare say I see where your son gets his beauty from,” Radisq said cheekily.

  Laughing, Arianna said with twinkling eyes, “Such a charmer, this mate of yours.”

  Aaeren glanced around searchingly before the hopeful expectation of his brother’s change of mind finally dissolved into a frown. “And Yves?”

  Sarion shook his head. “Your brother was not up for the trip. The last I checked, he was immersed in his art and you know how he gets.”

  Aaeren sighed and nodded, accepting things for what they were.


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