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Radisq [Beyond the Veil 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 8

by Toby Aden

  Aaeren glanced down at Radisq in his arms in surprise. He’d thought the man was asleep but apparently not. “You should.”


  “What do you mean why? This is my…”

  “If you are going to say something stupid like it is your fault, I am going to bash you over the head.”

  Aaeren burst out laughing, unable to help his reaction. Sobering, he gazed down at Radisq, guilt still written all over his face.

  “I was selfish.” He stopped Radisq from saying a word with a finger to the other man’s mouth. “Let me finish. I know you are about to say I was under a lot of pressure and dealing with a lot of things, but what kind of ruler or person will I be if I cannot even put my own house in order or know the most basic thing going on with my own mate?”

  “I don’t know what to say,” Radisq whispered, the nights of loneliness in his own misery finally catching up with him.

  “You don’t have to say anything. I know my faults, and now, I’ve realized where I went wrong. You shouldn’t have had to deal with all that alone.”

  “Thank you. But I wasn’t alone. Dessan…”

  “And that’s another issue. Do you know how I feel here knowing that the only ones aware of what you were going through were you and your guard?” Aaeren asked, tapping his fist against his chest.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Aaeren frowned. “Don’t apologize. I am so mad at myself right now that I forced you into this situation.”

  “You didn’t…”

  “Let’s agree to disagree on this. You will not change my mind that I was at fault here.”

  Radisq harrumphed. “Fine. But you will not change my mind that I share some of the blame, too.”

  Aaeren grinned slightly. “You are so stubborn.”

  “Pot, kettle.”

  Aaeren broke into laughter, enjoying his mate’s sense of humor even in situations like this.

  “Anyway, I just want to put that all behind us. I don’t feel like hashing out the point anymore,” Radisq said with a shrug.

  “Fine. But I’m putting more security on you. At least until whoever is behind all this is found.”

  “Yes, dear.”

  “Sarcasm does not suit you, mate.”

  Radisq sighed. “I am too tired to argue with you right now, but whatever you think best.”

  “Good,” Aaeren said and wrapped his arms around Radisq, relieved to see and feel for himself that his love was indeed safe.

  Chapter Twelve

  Radisq slowly drifted into wakefulness with the tingling feel of eyes staring at him. Blinking his eyes open, Radisq turned to find himself staring back at Arianna, Aaeren’s mother. Struggling into a sitting position, Radisq rubbed the sleep from his eyes and then stared back at Arianna with confusion.

  “No need to look at me like that, son. I can assure you I am in full possession of my faculties. I may have willed myself to follow after my dead mate but not any longer.”

  “Sorry,” Radisq said sheepishly. “May I ask what brought this change on?”

  Arianna sighed, a faraway look settling in. “Our match started as an arranged betrothal. We both had a duty to our respective borders within the kingdom to unite, you could say.”

  “An arranged betrothal?” Radisq asked in shock. “A fated pair is sacred to our kind. Why would anyone want to go against that and allow an arranged match?”

  Arianna gave him a patient stare, shaking her head. “We are quite different from the other kingdoms. We do not mate outside of our kind and have little interaction with the outside world. Yes, we also revere a fated pair, but for the good of our kingdom, we thought to mate both the upper and lower borders to unite together,”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Most would not. We were to enter into the bond with the knowledge that, should we find our fated half, we would take the other on as a lover. It would not have been ideal, however. We were extremely lucky in that we were each other’s fated pair. We’ve had so much time together since meeting the other that suddenly losing my mate was devastating. To be truthful, I had no will to live or to go on but the small hope of seeing my grandchild.”

  “How did you—”

  Arianna waved the words away, drawing closer. “I heard. You should know that it’s quite hard to keep a secret in this palace.”

  Straight and to the point, indeed. Radisq winced, unable to respond. So far, so good, but it seemed like he had a lot of explaining to do to a lot of people.

  “About that…”

  “No need to feel guilty, dear. I can understand your reason for keeping it quiet.” Arianna paused, staring at Radisq until he squirmed under the intense gaze. “However, now that the news is out, we will be announcing it publicly after the coronation. I must ensure that my grandchild is well and safe.”

  Radisq breathed easily. At least they were not going to take away from the ceremony, which was but hours away.

  * * * *

  The whole castle was buzzing with activity—or, in Radisq’s perspective, chaos. People moved up and down, carrying and making arrangements to get everything organized. Radisq had had to dodge those heading in his directing carrying heavy things and unable to see his approach.

  Slipping past everyone, Radisq walked into the garden, taking in a deep breath and breathing easily for the first time in a long time. For the first time since he’d arrived in the Fire Kingdom, he really took his time to finally take in his surroundings.

  It was different from life in his birth land and even the Wind Kingdom, and it took some getting used to. He had been so concerned with all the attacks against him that he hadn’t even had a chance to stop and take it all in. He had no idea if he would ever get used to this land. The only thing he knew for sure was that he could never abandon his mate, and all he could do was to wait and see what the future held for them.

  Garbed in his ceremonial wear, Aaeren knelt before the throne, his long, flame-red hair loose and hanging straight down his back. The priest, an old man garbed in his ceremonial robe, held onto a golden crown as he set the ceremony off.

  Gathered before them was a huge crowd, the Fire elders, the royal family, and those present to witness the crowning of their new king, anxiously holding their breath as the ceremony proceeded flawlessly.

  In the excitement of the day, no one saw the hatred burning in the eyes of one in the crowd, nor did they see the malice turned toward their king who was being crowned.

  “Will you, Aaeren the Fierce of the Fire Kingdom, solemnly swear and promise this day to govern the people of the Fire Kingdom according to the laws and customs of our land?”

  “I so solemnly swear,” Aaeren said, his gaze forward.

  “Will you in the power bestowed upon you lead with a compassionate hand on our people, a fierce hand against our enemies, causing law and order in all endeavors, upholding the laws yourself, and never losing sight of all that we hold upright in speech and in action?”

  “I so solemnly swear.”

  Saying so with all the sincerity in his heart, Aaeren felt at peace when the crown finally came down to sit upon his head. Aaeren stood to his full height and then turned to face the crowd before settling into his sit on the throne.

  “I present to you King Aaeren. Long live the king.”

  “Long live the king!” the crowd chanted.

  “And now, if the royal consort will step forward,” the priest announced, indicating for Radisq to take his place next to the smaller throne next to Aaeren’s seat.

  Radisq moved into position, patiently awaiting his turn to take his own vows.

  “Do you, Radisq the Fair of the Water Kingdom, mate to our Fire King, solemnly swear to rule by King Aaeren’s side, offering your complete support and ruling with a fair and just mind in all things?”

  “I so solemnly swear.”

  “Then rise, Royal Consort Radisq, and take your place beside our king,” the priest said, placing a much smaller crown on Radisq’s head.r />
  Radisq straightened up and settled beside Aaeren on the throne, holding hands with his mate as they faced their people together.

  “Long live the king, long live our royal consort!”

  “Long live the king, long live our royal consort!” the crowd chanted, over and over, the timbre and cacophony of their voices rising higher into the evening skies as they blessed the crowning ceremony.

  Aaeren stood up from his throne chair and raised a hand to silence everyone. “And to share with you all our fortunate news, my mate and I are expecting.”

  Cheers went up at the announcement, sealing their faith in the new ruling king with an heir on the way.

  “Long live the king, long live our royal consort!” the crowd chanted once more.

  * * * *

  “I feel as though it has been so long since I made love to my mate,” Aaeren said, walking Radisq back toward the bed and nuzzling along the other man’s neck.

  “Yeah? Well, I feel like it’s been forever,” Radisq said, waggling his brow.

  Aaeren chuckled, the sound tickling against Radisq’s neck while Aaeren ran his hand all over Radisq’s skin, wherever he could reach.

  Radisq fell against the bed, and without wasting much time, Aaeren crawled over until he was settled between Radisq’s legs. He pulled Radisq’s clothes off his body, tossing them behind him without another thought and doing the same for his.

  “By the gods, I have missed you so much,” Aaeren whispered and slammed his mouth onto Radisq’s.

  Aaeren used his tongue to part Radisq’s lips, pushing into the warm heat awaiting him. Nothing else mattered in this moment but feeling closer to Radisq and burying himself in that sweet hole again.

  Radisq moved his hands, caressing Aaeren and wrapping his hands around the flame-red hair he loved so much.

  Aaeren pulled Radisq’s pants off him, tossing those away also. Aaeren shimmied down Radisq’s body, tasting and touching and taking in the differences from how he remembered it. Radisq was already starting to show, though he wasn’t very big yet.

  “Gods. That is my babe in there,” Aaeren worshiped, kissing and licking the round stomach.

  Radisq giggled. “Technically, it is mine, too.”

  Aaeren raised his head and smirked at Radisq. “Did I tell you that I love you today?”

  Radisq shook his head, his eyes lit with mischief.

  Aaeren tweaked Radisq’s nose, bent, and then kissed it better. “Well, I love you and this little pea.”


  “Well, it’s not like he or she is out now. So, yeah. Our precious little pea will do.”

  “You are so cheesy,” Radisq said with a giggle, wiggling beneath Aaeren.

  “That’s what you think.”

  “Now please get back to showing me how much you love me,” Radisq said, wiggling his brow.

  Aaeren laughed and did just that, kissing every part of Radisq’s body he could get his hand on.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Aaeren whispered just before their lips came together in a passionate duel.

  Aaeren touched every inch of Radisq he could reach, cherishing and loving the man like he never had with anyone else.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I found the culprit.”

  Radisq raised a brow at the news delivered to him. They had not had any progress on that front, but apparently, it seemed Dessan had been able to uncover something.

  “Tell me who it is.”

  “I wasn’t so sure at first, but when I began to think about it, the attack only occurred once news of your mating with the king reached us. Ever since then, attempts have been made on your life. It is obvious someone is trying to get rid of our king after all. If something should happen to you, King Aaeren would fall apart and the throne would go to another.”

  “That is a very diabolical plan.”

  “It certainly is, Majesty. Think on it. Who has much to gain by sitting on the throne?”

  Radisq’s eyes rounded. He knew every member of the royal family, but there was one who would be next in line or in any case, placed as a regent to the throne, and it definitely wasn’t Aaeren’s brother. “It can’t be who I am thinking it is.”

  “I am afraid so, majesty.”

  “But why? It is impossible. He even welcomed me into the family, treated me kindly.”

  “It is what it is, majesty. Also, it is a grave accusation and I could not bring it to you without absolute conviction. I have the proof to support my claims.”

  “Quickly. We must tell Aaeren. He will not accept it as truth so best to bring your proof along,” Radisq said, turning around and going in search for his mate.

  Radisq searched until he finally came upon his mate in the study, lost in thoughts as he stared out the window, hands in his pocket. Momentarily distracted by the troubled form of his mate, Radisq stepped forward, moving until he was flush against Aaeren’s back, his arms going around the other man.

  Aaeren relaxed into the arms, knowing without an inch of doubt that it was his mate who held him in such an intimate embrace.

  “What troubled you so?” Radisq murmured against Aaeren’s shoulder.

  Sighing, Aaeren shook his head, not ready to share his concerns. Turning in Radisq’s arms, he wrapped his own arms around the smaller man, nuzzling the side of the other man’s head and breathing in deeply.


  “I can tell something worries you. Don’t try to hide it from me,” Radisq said, wanting his mate to open up to him.

  “I do not feel comfortable knowing you are not safe in our own home. I want the assailant caught.”

  Radisq sighed and shimmered out of Aaeren’s embrace, going to settle his ass against the desk. “Actually, that was what I was going to talk to you about.”

  Aaeren raised a brow. “You have found something?”

  “Well, not me, per se, but yes. We uncovered something.”

  “Tell me.”

  Radisq sighed, running a hand through his head. “After news of the death of your father arrived, I was suspicious of the cause of the death, so I had Dessan investigate.”

  “Wait. What do you mean you were suspicious? Dessan told me this, but I was still skeptical.”

  “Come on, Aaeren. Think out it. When we met your father during our mating ceremony, he was more than fit and healthy. Not a sign of illness, and then a few months later, news of his death arrives? It makes no sense, so I began to investigate.”

  “Tell me all you know,” Aaeren said, coming to stand in front of Radisq. The stress of everything piled onto him all at once had him too busy to question anything. But now, listening to his mate recall it all to him, had his mind working in overdrive. Even to his ears, it sounded suspicious, and thinking on the several attempts on Radisq’s life, he did not like the picture his mind was starting to conjure.

  “Dessan thinks the assailant is one and the same. Apparently, someone wants something bad enough to resort to drastic measures. Dessan’s theory is that the one we are looking for is someone after the throne. Why else would the target be the former king and then me?”

  Aaeren shook his head, but Radisq continued, “The bond between us is very strong. Should something happen to me, the outcome is quite predictable and since we are true blood mates, it would not take long for you to follow. We knew the risks involved, yet we still mated together. We both know that this mating is our strongest weapon yet our greatest weakness. You know who would want the throne bad enough to resort to this.”

  “It is impossible,” Aaeren said.

  “You as well as I know it there is no other than your uncle Rasputin.”

  “Do you know this for sure?”

  “Your brother has no desires to take the crown. He would rather paint to his heart’s content. Also, he is quick to forgive and let bygones be bygones. Your mother still grieves for her love but just now received news of her grandchild. Do you think she would have any malicious bone in that body of hers? No, of course
not. There is only one person left after eliminating all other suspects and you know this.”

  There was a knock on the door, and Radisq called for Dessan to come in. The guard gave them a bow each before unveiling a one-of-a-kind dagger with intricate designs, which belonged to only one person they all knew.

  “I found this the day Royal Consort Radisq was attacked in the gardens. At first, I had thought Lord Rasputin had misplaced it and the assailant used it to frame him. I secretly searched Lord Rasputin’s bedchambers and discovered that the dagger is indeed in his possession. However, the one he has is a fake. This is the original. The blacksmith assured me that Lord Rasputin himself paid him a visit and requested another made.”

  Aaeren staggered, unable to understand why a man who had been like a second father to him had gone to such lengths. However, with proof clearly before him, the truth could not be denied. He needed to think, but whichever way he looked at the situation, everything pointed to the uncle who had, apparently, pretended and covered up his evil ways.

  It was incomprehensible to them all that such a person had lived in proximity to all of them for all these years and no one had an inkling to the schemes cooking in the man’s head. Moreover, for the man to kill his own brother in cold blood and push to do the same to Aaeren’s mate.

  Anger boiled in Aaeren’s skin, and he fisted his hands by his sides, barely controlling the urge to scream and to seek the man out and skin him alive. Logically, he knew he needed information and to hear what his uncle had to say for himself. But rage blinded him and any rash decision could put them all in danger, especially if they lost him and he was set loose with his location unknown.

  Drawing himself to his full height, Aaeren ordered, “Bring me Rasputin and make sure he has no idea as to why his presence is required. Bring in the advisors also. They will bear witness to what happens to those who seek power and forget what they are there for!”

  Bowing, Dessan handed the daggers to Radisq and exited the room, moving to obey the orders of his king.


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