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The Melier (Women of Dor Nye Book 1)

Page 13

by Poppy Rhys

  “And is that a pregnancy bump we detect?”

  They zoomed in on the picture of her resting a hand over her belly.

  “How soon can we expect the little blue ankle biter? I’m sure we’ll know soon enough! Let’s hear what some viewers have to say about this strange pairing.” She smiled and a smaller screen popped up as a League One member walked the streets of the capital.

  “I think they make a cute couple!” one lady gushed while her friend looked at her like she’d spit acid in her general direction.

  “Ew, no way. He’s probably got really odd equipment, if you know what I mean.” She visibly shuddered while her friend snorted and giggled.

  “Probably huge too,” the first lady added.

  Soren and Grams actually barked with laughter. Lucia wanted to reach through the screen and slap her silly. The reporter approached another pair.

  “It’s a little weird,” the male said. “But whatever makes them happy.”

  Lucia flipped the projector off and stood there, collecting herself.

  “Loo-Sha,” Soren stood behind her, his tail coming up to brush her neck. “Woosah.”

  Lu turned around, looking up into Soren’s face. He lowered himself to crouch so she didn’t have to break her neck. “Why can’t they mind their own business?” she groused.

  Soren shrugged a shoulder, placing his hands on her hips and thighs. “People need entertainment. It is human nature.” His lips split into a lopsided grin. “Worrying about it will only harm you and our youngling.”

  He’s right, damn it.

  Lucia grumbled in her throat and then repeated the calming mantra until she felt better. His lilting language and smooth voice helped calm her further. When he began purring and nudged her chin with his nose, Lu snickered and draped her arms over his shoulders to hug him.

  “Alright,” she sighed. “I’m calm, but if I see any comms taking vid or photos, I’m attacking and none of you better interfere.”

  “There’s a good lass,” Gramps grinned.


  They had walked to the restaurant, since it was in the same building they were staying. The lighting was low and intimate and the entire atmosphere was comfortable. The first level was large and open, traditional low laying tables with cushions around them strategically placed and all around the outskirts of the main floor were raised, curtained nooks containing more tables and cushions. The balcony that wrapped around the top was filled with small dining parties, chatting, laughing, drinking and looking entertained. They were led to a very large table placed in the middle of the main floor by a waiter in a fitted tunic and skin tight pants, all in white. The rest of the wait staff wore something similar for distinction. Assembly seat holders that were already at the table waved and smiled as their party approached; close associates of her dad and Gramps. Lucia was gladdened to see Dr. Trex had joined them too.

  Introductions were made and they all settled themselves along the cushions. Lucia sat on her knees, as her dress was being difficult and it made her wonder why she’d let her mother talk her into wearing it. She’d only been in it a few hours and it was already uncomfortable. She felt like her chest was going to spill out of it and the fabric was a little too tight around her stomach. It did look nice though. Nova had urged her to wear her hair down once Lucia had put on the clawed necklace, so the wild curls and the shredded skirt made her look primitive.

  When the first course was served, Lucia did a little dance in her seat as her fingers dipped into the thick green mash. It was sweet and salty; the differences making her taste buds zing with pleasure. She took the soft, herbed frona, a flat bread, and dipped it into the mash. She had no idea what it was, but it melted on her tongue. She made such a fuss over it, mmm’ing after every bite, that Soren’s rumbling chuckle was almost constant.

  The conversation steered to Assembly matters, as Lucia expected was bound to happen, and the hot topic of flesh trafficking. The Intergalactic Coalition was working with every world they had treaties with to try and end the trafficking of sentient beings. Dor Nye had laws on it, but it still happened and she’d seen it with her own eyes at the port plenty of times. Species of all kinds were manacled, sold and who knows what happened after that.

  “I agree that it should be talked about,” said one of her Gramps associates. “However, I do not see an end to it. Flesh is too valuable and it will continue to be sold.”

  Lucia rested her palms on the table top and slowly chewed the remainder of what was in her mouth. Her eyes narrowed as she contemplated what he was actually saying. “Are you saying it’s not worth fighting for, Mr. Rowal?” It was the first time Lucia had participated in the conversation and it lulled for a moment.

  “Of course it’s worth fighting for,” he took a sip of his drink. “But think of the time and effort we’d be putting into a largely moot war, and how other issues we could actually make a difference on would be better suited to our attention.”

  “Bullshit,” Lucia blurted and a glass clanged against a dish. Her own eyes slightly bugging that she’d lost control of her mouth once again. She cleared her throat and looked down at her empty plate for a moment. “I meant,” she said in a softer tone. “Yes, I’m sure there are many matters that would take less time to resolve. Though, that should not stop the Assembly from doing all they can to help I.C. in that moot war. Just because a problem may take longer to fight for, require more effort with less progress and seem impossible, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be considered an important issue.” Lucia finally looked up and saw her Gramps and dad beaming at her.

  “Agreed,” Soren said beside her, his knuckles brushing up and down her arm. “Those who deal in flesh do so because it is an easy, quick profit and the stock is effortless to obtain. They are lazy. Increased cargo customs and higher penalties for those found trafficking will make their job harder.”

  Lucia’s smile slowly grew as he continued to speak. She was suddenly glad he’d eaten up every book he could find, because he was making a very valid point that seat holders could put stock in. His experience with the Trepnils would be proof enough, but it would be cruel to make him talk about that again.

  “If Dor Nye did this and other planets followed suit, it would force many flesh peddlers to stop their business, or risk paying a price they are not willing to pay.” Soren let that linger in the air so everyone understood that price meant the peddlers life.

  The conversation carried from there as Soren and Rafe joined in the discussion with the different security measure that could be set in place and the technology that could be utilized to aid those efforts. Lucia watched with rapt attention as the next course was served, and the next.

  Her mind wandered to the procedure she was hoping Soren would agree to. Time was running out. Dr. Trex’s colleague would be at the capital for the week and the facility to do the procedure was only a ride away. Lucia had waited patiently for three days, since the night she’d asked him to think about it. She’d told Soren everything Dr. Trex had told her; the risks, how they’d go about the procedure, where it would happen and the expected recovery time which was almost instant. But he still hadn’t given her an answer. Now that they were in the capital, Lucia felt a sense of urgency that she continuously tried to shove down.

  When the next course arrived, the waiter announced it as the ‘daring dish’. Half the table ‘ooh’d’ and the other half looked nervous. Lucia was nearly vibrating with joy at the anticipation. She loved the food the chefs served every year. They came from all over, from different galaxies and planets, all to serve the best of the best during that one week. It gave them a chance to display their skills and often gained many new clients that requested their catering on a regular basis.

  The dishes were distributed, followed by gasps of horror, curiosity and nausea. Lucia stared, and stared and then stared some more. The plate was a wriggling mess of blue feelers. They were coated in a fine sheen of slime, moving about the plate in a twitch of nerves. To her dismay,
she felt a sick mixture of hunger and revulsion.

  “Oh dear,” Nova moaned. “What is this?”

  “Seasoned Poshka tentacles,” the waiter grinned with satisfaction.

  “What happened to the rest of it?”

  “Boiled and served during first course,” he responded.

  The buttery green mash.

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this,” Lucia licked her lips and tried not to gag at the same time. It was the strangest reaction. “But part of me thinks this dish looks delicious.” Her fingers tentatively reached out and pinched a tentacle between her fingers. She began lifting it and then it wriggled and slipped from her fingers with a thwap back to the plate. Lu tried again and the same thing happened. The table watched on in horror and she thought her mother was going to faint, she was so green.

  Lucia sighed when it happened a third time and then Soren lengthened one of his black, curved claws. He stabbed a tentacle on her plate and then lifted it to her lips. She shook her head as she built her resolve and then opened her mouth. Soren placed it on her tongue when she tilted her head back. The tentacle writhed, poking all around her mouth and one end slipped the corner of her lips and she quickly pushed it back in and began chewing. Lucia’s eyes were squeezed closed and when the buttery, gooey inside of the tentacle gushed her mouth, she gagged and ‘mmm’d’ at the same time. Her senses were warring with each other and she thought it was disgusting and delicious all at once.

  When she finally swallowed, she opened her eyes and her stomach lurched with need. Lucia took a drink and swished it around her mouth, trying to make sense of it. “More,” she told Soren and he obliged.

  “Fascinating,” Dr. Trex said with mirth.

  “I might vomit,” Frellie covered her mouth as she and everyone else watched Lucia eat another tentacle, and another.

  “You and me both,” Lucia said around the mash, that ‘gag-mmm’ reaction happening again before swallowing. “Half of me wants to retch and the other half thinks this is so tasty.” She watched Soren take a tentacle from his own plate. He chewed slowly, and then swallowed.

  “Good,” he nodded and fed Lucia another one.

  “It must be the infant that’s making you crave something you would normally not eat,” Dr. Trex said, pulling out his ever present miniature tablet and making a note. Lucia moaned with loathing and gratification as she chewed the tentacle and listened to her doctor. She finished her plate and drank her entire glass of water, chanting to herself that she would not throw up.

  “Please take these plates away,” Nova said to the waiter, trying not to embarrass herself by heaving. Soren bit off the claw he’d used with a crunch and discarded it onto his dish before the waiter took it.

  Lucia was burning up again. Sweat dabbed her forehead and temples, wetting her hairline. A second waiter refilled her water glass and she gulped it down, letting him refill it again. Dr. Trex made more notes, carefully watching her. “Why is it so hot in here?” she panted, fanning herself.

  “It’s pleasantly warm,” Frellie said. She wasn’t sweating and neither was anyone else.

  “She’s been sweating an awful lot lately,” Grams told Dr. Trex, who made another note and smiled.

  “Oh yes, that is to be expected,” he began. “Melier have a higher body temperature than humans, which they can regulate. You will most likely experience bursts of raised body temperature as you carry.”

  Soren must’ve signaled a waiter to bring a fan because she felt the slight breeze cooling her down. Lucia turned her face into the direct gust and sagged against the table. “This pregnancy is going to be the death of me,” she moaned dramatically. Soren growled and she huffed, grinning lazily into the flowing air.

  Hopefully there’s no leftover tentacle in my teeth.

  Let’s never think about what just happened. Ever. Again.

  Chapter 14

  Their party had ended the meal on a sweet dish of flaky pastry drizzled in a thick, berry sauce and chilled cream. Lucia was feeling much better and pleasantly full as they loaded into a transport to end the night with one of the many dramatizations planned for that week at a renowned theater. They were meeting her Quar Loy grandparents there and Lucia was bouncing with excitement.

  The transport took them through a winding white stone street and the conversation was abuzz among her family and their associates. It was a short ride and when they arrived, the theater lights lit up everything around it. Once again, there was a mash of all types of people, all colors of clothing and everyone had smiles on their faces. The first night of the week was always the most enjoyable. Lucia laced her fingers through Soren’s as they followed their entourage inside. Not long after, she spotted her two sets of grandparents and squealed, pointing. Pulling Soren along, everyone met halfway.

  “Gran!” Lucia squished Nova’s mother in a hug. The older version of Nova hugged her back and giggled happily. A fine smattering of tiny orange scales glided from her cheekbones and swept up into her hairline. They glittered in the light.

  “Oh, it’s been too long,” Gran breathed. She always smelled like warm vanilla. Letting her go, she hugged the rest of her grandparents, saving one for last.

  “Soren,” Lucia gushed. “This is grandma Ryla and grandpa Koylo. She fell in love with a non-human too.” Beside Ryla stood a very tall Yadana man; thus, her Yadana DNA. His scales were a bright orange and his white markings trailed from the back of his neck downward. His throat faded into a paler orange, almost white. His eyes were a bright green with a rounded pupil. He was very humanoid, aside from the scales.

  When she noticed everyone was looking at her and they weren’t greeting Soren, she frowned.


  ‘She fell in love with a non-human too’.

  What she’d said dawned on her and a look of surprise lit her features. “I…” she began, unsure of what she was going to say. She looked up at Soren, whose pupils were slowly dilating. His nostrils flared as he breathed harder, like he was angry. “Soren?”

  “Yet you want me to undergo a procedure that has more negative results than positive?” His voice was disbelieving.

  “Well yes-”

  “And what if the real me is someone you loathe?” he began pacing as people milled around their frozen group, going about their business. “What if that version of me views you and our youngling abominations?” The more he spoke, the angrier he got. His eyes were black and his claws were lengthening with each flex of his fist while his tail whipped dangerously.


  “What if I lose my memories again and I do not remember you, Loo-Sha?” Chest rising and falling, he looked a fright. Lucia noticed their group was getting nervous, but he didn’t scare her. “I will not do it.”

  “Why, Soren?” She realized those were very valid concerns and she worried too, but was it worth never knowing?

  “Because I refuse to do it,” he growled.

  “That isn’t a reason!” Lucia pleaded.

  “Because I refuse to lose you!” he stopped pacing and roared. His mouth was open as he was panting, teeth glistening. His roar deafened the crowd in the lobby and the chatter died. Lucia fisted her hands.

  “You will not lose me,” Lucia reasoned. “I will help you to remember me and who you are to me.” Her hand covered the spot on his chest that beat heavily. Soren shook his head with a gust of incredulity, turned and stalked away.

  “Soren!” Lucia started after him, but her Grams caught her hand.

  “Let him have some space, sweetling,” she crooned.

  Lucia stared as Soren stormed through the entrance of the theater, never looking back.


  The lights dimmed and still Soren didn’t return. She stared at the seat next to her for long moments before dragging her attention to the stage. The theater was an O shape with staggered seating all the way to the stage floor, where the show had already begun. It was a comedy that Lucia would’ve enjoyed, had her mind not been elsewhere.
/>   Lucia loved Soren. How was that possible? When did it happen? How had she let it happen? What if he was a partnered male and once he got back his memories, he really would walk out of her life forever because whoever was waiting for him, he loved more?

  Loved at all, really.

  She wasn’t even sure Soren loved her back. Is that what he meant when he said he refused to lose her? Was it just a physical thing? Were his feelings for her that of a friend with perks? Somehow Lucia didn’t think he would’ve gotten so upset over friendly feelings. That thought alone made that lingering knot in the pit of her stomach roll over. Her chest tightened and a lump formed in her throat that she repeatedly tried to swallow.

  Please do not let those tentacles make a second appearance now.

  Don’t throw up, don’t throw up, you will not throw up!

  Lucia felt like shit the entire show. She felt bad for shoving that procedure down Soren’s throat and demanding he have it done, but she just couldn’t even think of having a life with him if he already had one somewhere else. Then she felt even shittier because what if he did lose the memories he’d acquired since his last mind wipe? Lucia would feel guilty the rest of her life. She really would be a thief at that point; essentially stealing Soren’s memories from him. He’d never remember how they’d gotten to know each other or that he’d saved lives on Sanru. He would wake up every morning a stranger in his own body, in a home with no one who looked like him, with a youngling that he couldn’t remember making.

  I’m a terrible person, aren’t I?

  Do you want me to answer that?

  I am!

  When the show was over and they were back at the hotel lobby, they all said their ‘goodnights’ after making plans to share in more events the next day. Lucia was starting to worry, since Soren still hadn’t shown back up. Her hand found and rubbed her belly while they rode the glass lift to their floor.


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