Book Read Free

Can't Let Go

Page 1

by A. P. Jensen




  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter One

  Everything is going to be fine, Grace chanted to herself as she sipped champagne. She saw the curious looks and whispers but she ignored them and smiled up at her date.

  “This is fun,” Landon murmured in her ear.

  The whispering got louder and he kissed her on the forehead for show. She didn’t know whether to push him away or laugh. She hoped to avoid awkward questions by bringing him as a date but it looked like he was in the mood for mischief. She sighed and stared reproachfully up at him.

  “Why did I say yes to letting you bring me as a date?” she asked him.

  Their faces were less than six inches away and Landon who was brought up in society knew exactly what he was doing. His eyes twinkled with amusement. Landon Gingrich was everything a modern New York woman could want in a man. He was raised in upper crust society, a successful businessman, courteous and handsome. He was also loyal and had a roguish nature that popped up every now and then. She liked his companionship because he always kept it light. At the moment she was using him as a shield against the crowd and he knew it.

  “Because secretly you’ve been waiting all these years for me to call you up and ask you out,” Landon said with a grin that melted the hearts of half the women in the room.

  It didn’t work on Grace. She would have patted him on the cheek and told him to try his luck with someone else but there were too many people watching so she decided to play his game. She pursed her lips deliberately and saw his eyes drift down. Men were so easy.

  “You got me. Should we leave and start our own party?”

  She was only half joking about leaving. The urge to walk out of the fancy party was riding her hard and Landon’s presence and her pride were the only things keeping her in place. She stayed away from these social events for almost a year even though it hurt her business. She owned a successful boutique on the Upper East Side of New York and making connections with her clients at exclusive parties like this was part of her job as owner but she hadn’t been able to attend until she built up her walls.

  Before Landon could answer his eyes focused on something behind her and Grace tensed. She knew the moment Mitchell Price entered the room. She saw women’s heads turn, men’s mouths tighten as they resisted the urge to sneer. The noise level in the room dimmed for several beats before it picked up speed and resumed its normal pace. She knew the exact moment his eyes fell on her. She suppressed a shiver and forced herself to appear calm when her heart slammed into a fevered pitch. She dreamed of the day she would be immune to him but even after being in a relationship with him for two years and leaving him a year ago she wasn’t immune to Mitchell Price.

  Landon pressed another kiss to her forehead. “You ready?”

  Her eyes hardened and her smile widened. “Of course.”

  Landon pulled her into his side as Mitchell appeared in their path. Like the rest of the world, Landon was aware that Grace had been in a serious relationship with Mitchell. When Landon called her out of the blue she wasn’t sure if Mitchell being a rival of his motivated him to invite her and she didn’t care. She came with Landon because she needed everyone to get the message- she was moving on and she was no longer in any way associated with Mitchell Price. Having Landon as a date was the fastest way she knew how to prove she was serious. She and Mitchell were over.

  Where Landon was blonde and fair, Mitchell was dark and gorgeous. Mitchell had a square jaw, olive toned skin, black hair and eyes. He also had broad shoulders, a lean waist and he smelled delicious. She knew the name of his cologne because she bought it for him two years ago. It made her angry that he was wearing a scent he knew she loved. She should have smashed the bottle before she left.

  “Grace,” Mitchell said and held out a hand.

  His gall made her want to lash out but she knew better. Bitterness and anger warred within her, familiar emotions she tried to stop from consuming her since her break up with him. He looked the same. Polished, refined and untouched by the past year. It wasn’t fair when she felt as if she could shatter into pieces at any moment. She wished she didn’t have to see him and that he didn’t insist on coming to these functions but his life was business and so was hers and these outings were required.

  Grace didn’t take Mitchell’s outstretched hand and his eyes narrowed in warning. Landon’s mouth widened into a delighted smile. He was enjoying this immensely. She felt perverse satisfaction in denying Mitchell but she never intended to stomp on his pride in front of everyone but it was his own fault for facing off with her at a party. Glancing around, she realized they were the center of attention. She wanted to walk away from Mitchell but she knew that would cause more gossip and Mitchell would see it as a weakness. He would probably follow her for the rest of the night if she didn’t stop him now. Why had she thought coming with Landon would dissuade Mitchell? Belatedly, she realized having Landon as a date would make Mitchell more aggressive.

  “Landon,” Mitchell said as he retracted his hand and fixed his gaze on his business rival.

  “It’s a surprise to see you here,” Landon said with false surprise. “I thought you were too much of a workaholic to leave your office for these social affairs.”

  Mitchell shrugged. “I decided to make the time.”

  Although he wasn’t looking at her, Grace knew his words were for her. She resisted the urge to start screaming at him. Landon felt her tension and squeezed her side reassuringly. Mitchell’s jaw locked. He returned his dark eyes to Grace who Landon tucked securely into his side. She was petite and beautiful with long dark red hair, jade green eyes and a curvy figure. Her skin was a pure alabaster white that he knew from personal experience was unblemished.

  “When did you two start seeing each other?” Mitchell asked without inflection.

  “We’ve known each other for years,” Grace said.

  “I know. I introduced you but I don’t recall you spending time with each other,” Mitchell said coolly.

  “I’ve always liked Grace but it took a lot of convincing to let me be her date tonight. Maybe you exaggerated your tales about me?” Landon said jokingly.

  “I didn’t exaggerate.”

  Grace felt the hostility between the two men rise and knew it would take only one wrong word to tip the scales. She wasn’t the only one to realize something was brewing. People edged forward, trying to hear what was being said while others elbowed each other and pointed. She would have slammed both men’s heads together and been done with them except for three reasons. One, Mitchell owned half of her company. Two, the people watching so avidly were her clients. Three, she actually liked Landon and he’d done her a favor by escorting her here tonight.

  As if sensing her anger and frustration, Mitchell turned his attention away from Landon and back to her. “You don’t return my calls or emails. I want to talk to you.”

  Grace bristled. “I’m not returning your calls or emails because I don’t want to talk to you. We’re done.”

  Her voice was lowered so only the three of them could hear but Mitchell didn’t seem to be aware of Landon or the scene they were causing. Damn him. Her first night back and he had to ruin it.

  “You know we’re not.”
  She clenched her teeth. “We’re business partners so if you need to talk to me about work you can reach me-”

  “This isn’t about work,” he snapped.

  “Then I have nothing to say to you.”

  This was getting out of hand fast. She tried to steer Landon away from Mitchell but he moved to block their way again. Landon seemed fascinated by the conversation and she wanted to pinch him to do… something. Great shield he was at the moment.

  “Grace, if you’d just-” Mitchell began.

  “Haven’t you guys been broken up over a year?” Landon interjected.

  Mitchell took a step towards Landon. Several women gasped even as Grace moved forward. She reached out and placed a hand on Mitchell’s chest when she saw the cold anger in his eyes, knew she had to stop him before he did something he would regret. The moment she made contact they both froze. The heat between them hadn’t abated in the least. She tilted her head back to meet his eyes and felt a lightning bolt of pure lust slam through her. It took her breath away. Even as he covered her hand with his own, her fingers curled into his shirt as betrayal and remembered pain scalded her throat. He saw the change in her eyes, opened his mouth to speak.

  “Mitchell, Landon, Grace,” their hostess sang.

  It broke the spell between them. Before Mitchell could utter a word, Grace stepped back and watched Macy weave her way through the crowd.

  Macy examined the trio as she paused in front of them. Grace’s beauty drew the eye like a beacon and although she complimented Landon’s fair complexion, the contrast she made to Mitchell’s dark features was striking. Macy saw the aggravation and strain Grace tried to hide and the aggression between the two men. She nearly clapped her hands together in delight. Having Mitchell Price appear at her party but seeing him pursue a woman who had left him over a year ago was… interesting. This little tete-a-tete between Mitchell, Landon and Grace would immortalize her party.

  Grace settled against Landon who put an arm around her waist. Macy glanced sidelong at Mitchell who had an impassive expression on his face. What happened between Mitchell and Grace? Macy wondered. They were a happy and successful couple for two years and then rumor had it Grace left Mitchell although Macy couldn’t think of one reason why Grace would do such a thing. Mitchell was tall, dark, handsome and rich. What else could a girl want? To see Mitchell Price, stony businessman and unattainable bachelor fixated on Grace despite all this time made her the envy of every woman alive.

  “It’s nice to see you again, Grace. It’s been a while,” Macy said with a bright smile.

  Grace took a fresh champagne glass from a passing waiter and nodded. “I needed a break but I see you still have great taste.”

  Macy beamed and twirled in her new gown from Grace’s boutique. “I love browsing in there. Can’t help myself.”

  “I’m glad,” Grace said, relaxing slightly.

  “And you,” Macy poked Mitchell in his hard chest. What she wouldn’t do to see him in the buff. “You didn’t respond to my invitation. I thought you weren’t coming.”

  “I’ve been out of the country. I apologize but I managed to come back in time,” Mitchell said easily, kissing her hand gallantly.

  Macy blushed. “Don’t let it happen again,” she scolded before she dashed away, fanning her cheeks.

  Before the men could focus on each other again, Grace pulled Landon away to avoid any more drama with Mitchell. She felt Mitchell’s gaze on her but she didn’t stop. She noticed several women move towards Mitchell eagerly and prayed that would be enough to keep him entertained for the rest of the night. She pulled Landon into an alcove so she could take a breath.

  “You want to talk about it?” Landon asked.


  “I’ve never seen him like this before,” Landon confessed.

  “Like what?” she snapped, rounding on him.

  He held up his hands in a gesture of surrender. “Mitchell’s not the type of guy to, uh, settle on one woman if you know what I mean.”

  “He needs to get unsettled on me. I’m not the one for him. I came with you, thinking it would keep Mitchell away.” She glared when he snorted. “Okay, so I wasn’t thinking clearly but he still owns half of my company.”

  His brows rose. “If he owns half your company don’t you think sweet talking him would work better than refusing to talk to him?” When she bared her teeth he took a step back. “That’s just my opinion but I’m a man so what do I know?”

  “If he only talked business I could be civil but he keeps bringing up personal stuff and I don’t want to talk about it.” She rubbed a hand between her brows, trying to think of a way to get through the rest of this night without yelling.

  “You obviously had a huge falling out. Why not buy him out of your boutique and get rid of him? He still thinks you belong to him.”

  “Don’t you think I’ve tried? He has a damn thick skull.”

  “Well, it didn’t look like it was over when you touched him and you two were suddenly in your own world. What happened between you guys?”

  It had always been that way between her and Mitchell. The moment they were introduced their connection was electric. Why wasn’t it going away? She would have thought with all their history that would have been enough to cancel out their chemistry. Landon waited for his question to be answered but she couldn’t tell anyone why she left Mitchell. That was between them and in her past where she wanted it to stay. She smiled brightly, hoping it covered the ache in her heart.

  “It doesn’t matter. Now, let’s play the “stay away from Mitchell” for the rest of the night.” She took another sip of champagne and wished it would numb the ache in her chest that made it hard to breathe.

  “Let’s mingle,” he agreed and circulated the room with her.

  Grace made sure they kept their distance from Mitchell who was joined by a fellow businessman, Ray Morgan, a distinguished older gentleman with silver hair and impeccable taste. At some point, Grace and Ray’s eyes met over the crowd. There was no love lost between them. Ray made it very clear the moment she and Mitchell became lovers that she would never be good enough for the man Ray considered his son. Ray’s eyes were cold as they met hers. She didn’t look away. She held his gaze until he was distracted by his wife tapping him on the arm. Grace was grateful that Landon missed the exchange. She didn’t want him to ask more questions she couldn’t answer.

  At dinner Grace was unnerved when Mitchell stared at her despite the fawning women around him. Even Ray tried to distract Mitchell once he realized everyone was noticing his preoccupation with his ex. Grace ignored Ray’s hostile glances. Ray never forgave her for daring to pretend to be a part of New York’s exclusive circles with her background. Landon eyed Mitchell with a confused expression on his face.

  “What the hell did you do to him?” Landon murmured in a low undertone.

  Grace didn’t look at Mitchell although she played with the idea of throwing her dinner roll across the table at him. “What?”

  “Isn’t he overdoing this a bit much?”

  Grace put a hand on Landon’s arm and swore she felt Mitchell’s focus sharpen. She suppressed the urge to take her hand away. Over the dinner conversation she heard Ray talking hurriedly to Mitchell.

  “He’ll get over it,” Grace said and forced herself to eat.

  Landon took in her composed features and steady hands. “You’re a dangerous woman.”

  She blinked. “What?”

  “I’ve never seen Mitchell like this and I’ve known him since we were kids. I know Mitchell’s a ruthless bastard but even I’m starting to feel sorry for him.”

  “Why should you feel sorry for him?” she demanded, “He can have anyone he wants!”

  “Except you.”

  She withdrew her hand from his. “You don’t need to feel sorry for him. I think I stand alone because I’m the only one who walked away.”

  Landon didn’t look convinced but he didn’t push the issue. Dinner en
ded and more drinks were passed around. There was more business to discuss and sometime after the meal she lost track of Landon. Less than a minute later another tall figure replaced her date. She refused to look up at Mitchell.

  Grace tried to lose herself in the crowd with no luck. The groups she squeezed into always made ample room for him. No one in the room would slight Mitchell Price. He was a brilliant businessman that had a hand in everyone’s income. She knew her tactics were pointless- Mitchell introduced her to all of these acquaintances. Grace didn’t let the strain show on her face as he stayed by her side. Most of the women stared at her as if she were out of her mind but they didn’t ask the obvious- why was she so dead set against getting back with a millionaire who obviously wanted her back? Grace ignored Mitchell and nursed another glass of champagne and smiled until her face felt tight. When Grace was on her last nerve with Mitchell she felt her phone vibrate. She excused herself and went onto the balcony and fished her phone out of her clutch.

  “Casey?” Grace said into the phone.

  “Hey Grace. I know you’re probably busy but I need help.”

  Grace tensed. “Of course. What kind of help? Do you need more money?”

  A light, weary laugh. “I wish money could fix this but… can you come? I know you’re super busy but I really need you here.”

  Grace paused, sifting through her schedule for the week. “I can be there Saturday.”

  “You can’t come sooner?” Casey’s voice was disappointed.

  “Is it Evie? Should we hire you some help?” Grace paced on the balcony, glad she was alone for the moment so she could focus on her little sister.

  “No,” Casey sighed. “I just miss you. And Evie does too.”

  Grace’s chest was tight with emotion. “I miss you guys too.” She thought of her seven month old niece and shook her head. “Is she standing yet?”

  “She did yesterday.”

  Grace bit her lip as disappointment washed through her. She’d wanted to be there for that.

  “I’ll let you go. I know you’re busy. What time on Saturday can you get here?” Casey pressed.


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