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Bear Lake- Book Four

Page 7

by A. B Lee

  He put his thumb in his mouth and coated it with his spit. Then he rimmed that tight puckered hole that was crying out for his attention.

  He felt her body tense as he pressed, but she wasn’t complaining so he pushed that thick digit inside of her as his other hand reached around her hip to find her swollen clit awaiting his touch.

  “I want you coming around my cock, baby…” Marcus growled as he curled his body low over her back.

  That heated friction inside of her was getting to boiling point. His fingers on her clit felt divine and that cock filling her up, bouncing off her damn womb, was a ride that she never wanted to end… But it was the feel of his digit in her ass that had her brain spinning at the unusual sensation, alien, but damn good once she’d gotten used to it…

  Every damn sensitive nerve in her lower body was being caressed by him in one way or another. His thumb moved in time with his cock and she almost died at the pleasure that swept through her…

  “More thumb…” She didn’t feel ashamed. If this was her one night with him she was going to take everything that he could give her so she could remember the feeling when she lay alone in her own bed.

  He pushed his thumb to the hilt and felt her clenched around his digit and his cock. Damn, but she loved it… He pulled his thumb back and replaced it with a thick finger, taking her deeper, giving her what she wanted…

  He could feel her body tightening around him. She was rocketing towards another orgasm and he counted the seconds until he felt her clamp down on his body and then explode as the orgasm tore through her.

  Her body bucked beneath his and she cried out, over and over, as he carried on loving her.

  He grunted and growled against the demands of her body to take his seed. He kept his mind locked onto her pleasure and not his own. He wasn’t done with her yet by a long shot. He was going to take his woman to heaven and back, and maybe even visit hell a little- all night long…

  By the time he let her walk away from him tomorrow, he’d know every inch of her body inside and out. Every curve, every dimple, everything that turned her on and what didn’t. And he was going to enjoy each and every moment of it.


  Marcus chuckled at the sound of her snoring. It didn’t sound like his, but it did sound like a little growl, and it called to his bear.

  He’d finally let her fall into sleep about two hours ago. She was more than sated- he wasn’t, but he’d loved her good, and hard, and then he’d loved her slow and gentle, before loving her hard again…

  She’d taken everything that he had to give, and responded to every touch, every thrust inside of her, wherever that had been.

  She was the most amazing lover that he’d ever known. Giving back what she got in spades.

  When he’d carried her into the shower to wash them both down; she’d gone down on her knees and loved him hard, refusing to give up until she’d tasted his seed down the back of her throat, and then she’d begged for his cock once more; taking him inside of her from behind, up against the damned tiled wall, the counter top, and even the floor…

  Propped up on his elbow as his whole body curled around hers protectively; he watched her now as she slept. Loved every damn minute of it. Even the snoring.

  She was his, and his heart, mind, and soul belonged to her, and that made his heart hurt at the thought of ever giving her up… but he knew he had to do it.

  She took him by surprise when she spoke.

  “Thought you weren’t going to be here in the morning.” She whispered, still with her eyes closed.

  “I hadn’t made my escape yet…” He lied and she chuckled, a dirty laugh that made his cock twitch against her ass.

  “That feels good, but it’s on the wrong side of my body…” She rubbed against his length and savoured the sound of his hungry growl.

  “You want me to rub it against your stomach?” He teased her. That good natured man was back, but she didn’t know for how long.

  “If that’s what floats your boat, but I think we’d both prefer it if it was inside my pussy…”

  “Damn woman…” He growled at her words. For a doctor, she had a potty mouth.

  “Just push that big cock inside me and ride me fucking hard until I beg you to stop…” She hadn’t begged him to stop yet. Not once. She’d loved every minute of where he’d taken her, how he’d taken her, and even if her muscles were protesting… she wanted him once more.

  “When you put it like that…” He growled. Shifting his body against hers and fisting his length as he started to feed it inside of her. Then he slammed in to the hilt and she was alive in his arms once more.

  Fuck, but he didn’t want to let her go.

  Just this once more…


  Her bra was in pieces and her panties the same. But as she pulled her shirt down over the sore tips of her nipples and regarded the man full of muscles tucking his length away inside of his jeans across the other side of the bed, she knew she was never going to regret last night… or the morning.

  Her body was still buzzing from the multiple orgasms that he’d just given her, and lying in his arms as she’d come back to him had been like finding a home, but she heeded his words and knew that last night was all that they had together, so she’d pulled away and started to dress in the few clothes that she had left.

  Marcus snatched looks at her as she was dressing. Her mood had changed so damn quickly that his head spun. One moment he was about to break it to her that she was his mate and the next she was pulling away from him, getting ready to leave him alone once more.

  His bear was anxious and he had heavy heart. Every second that ground on by; he wanted to walk around that bed, take her back into his arms and tell her that he’d lost his heart to her.

  He knew better- she was obviously done with him.

  “I need to call a cab…” She searched the floor for her mobile phone and found it lodged beneath the foot of the bed. She reached over and snatched it up, and as she pushed back up, willing her aching muscles to give her a break; he was standing there, frowning down at her.

  “I’ll drive you back to your car and pull it from the mud.” He growled in annoyance. “It’s not like I’m gonna kick you out of the damn door and leave you helpless, Doc.” He hated that she thought that badly of him.

  “If it’s no trouble…” She shrugged. She was trying to keep an even keel. She’d know where she stood when he told her to shove over in the bed last night. Now she just wanted to be away from him so that she could lick her wounds.

  She thought it would ok. That she’d take what he was offering her and get him out of her system. It didn’t feel that way now. It hurt, but she’d done it to herself and didn’t want to throw any blame in his direction.

  “It’s no trouble.” He assured her.


  That time spent together in the car on the drive up there was like torture, but he endured it for her sake. He’d see her on her way and check to make sure that she got home ok, following at a safe distance behind her so that she couldn’t see him, but then he was done. Out of her life.

  The mud had hardened beneath the wheels of her car, and with a little bit of coaxing, and a lot of reeving, the car broke free under Marcus’s skilled touch.

  She wanted to snort her contempt for him. It seemed that he could make her car respond to him just as much as he’d made her body, but she held her emotions in check, using her years of doctor training in the face of damned upsetting situations to hold back.

  “All done, Doc…” Marcus had left the keys in the ignition and the engine running for her fast getaway.

  He strolled towards her with the best ‘see you around’ attitude that he could muster. Hell, he even had a smile pinned to his lips as he brushed his fingertips down her jacketed arm as she walked on by him… and as their fingertips brushed and released- it was his final goodbye.

  “Thanks, Marcus.” She kept it short and sweet and resisted the urge with everythi
ng that she had to look back at him over her shoulder. She couldn’t do that too herself…

  Closeting herself within the walls of the car. She put the gearbox into drive and released the handbrake… Her eyes flicked to the rear view mirror- and there he was; standing there with his arms folded over his chest and a blank expression on his face as she kicked down on the accelerator in anger at herself and tore off up the road.

  She berated herself for looking. Hated herself for feeling like crying. She’d made her bed and she laid it in with him…

  Fuck, don’t damn well cry. Don’t you dare cry. Crying means you regret it and the only damn thing you regret is that it won’t happen again.

  The burning pin pricks behind her eyes signalled the start of her tears. One drop of salty water escaped so fast and rolled down her cheek that she angrily swiped at it with the back of her hand.

  Idiot. Stop. He doesn’t want you and crying about it isn’t going to solve anything.

  Another tear streaked down her cheek, this time from the other eye, and she growled in annoyance.

  What are you fifteen? He isn’t interested in saddling himself to one woman, especially when that women is you. Get over it- ouch, it hurts, now woman up and move on…

  Her eyes were misting and the windscreen wipers of her lids couldn’t blink her vision back to good enough to drive. She yanked the wheel and brought the car to a stop in the layby. Blinking back tears as best she could, but still they escaped…

  She thrust the gearbox back to park harder than she thought possible. Anger flared in waves inside of her.

  “Fuck, fuck…” She slammed her hands against the steering wheel over and over to rid herself of the tension within her body. “Fuck, fuck, fuck… stop!” She ground out…


  A heartbeat later and the door was being wrenched open. Janice’s eyes were still fuzzy, but she could still make Marcus out as he leaned in over her and snapped off her seatbelt.

  Then he was pulling her from the car, crushing her against his chest, with those big old arms wrapped around her body, and he felt like home again.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, baby….” Marcus growled out in condemnation of his actions.

  “Marcus…” She didn’t understand. This was her stupid, not his…

  “I shouldn’t have taken you. I shouldn’t have loved you…” He wasn’t making any sense.

  Her emotions were rolling in waves. She felt bereft, drowning alone in the sea of her misery, and yet she felt loved, safe in his arms.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m…” She shook her head against his chest.

  “You’re my mate, sweetheart…” His growled words echoed within her mind.

  She’d read up on it, on shifters, on mates once she’d seen Alex in her office. Mates were forever. Mates were undeniable… he’d denied her…

  What the hell was happening?

  “I should never have touched you and it wouldn’t have felt so bad for you. I didn’t know you’d react like this…” Marcus was berating himself as much as explaining it to her.

  “You sent me away…” She forced the palm of her hands against his chest and pushed back to look up at him. Confusion clawed at her.

  “I didn’t want to fuck up your life; being stuck with a damn shifter bear…” He screwed up his face and shook his head on his neck.

  “That wasn’t your choice to make…” She accused. She scowled, she twisted her body in his arms and pushed against him with everything that she had, but still it wasn’t enough. His arms were locked around her and he wasn’t letting go, not this time.

  “I get that…” Marcus nodded.

  “How fucking dare you…” She hissed out as the pure anger rushed through her and she drew her hand back and slapped him hard across the face.

  His bear roared within him. Pushed forward to be set free. And he growled at the anger and the pain that his mate had inflicted on him.

  It wasn’t as if she had the weight of one of his clan brother’s behind her touch, but it was his mate… the woman that had surrendered to him so damn sweetly last night, and he felt her anger like a stab in the heart.

  “Calm the fuck down before you provoke my bear…” Marcus growled the warning, but she was already fighting in his arms to be set free, and his little doctor was a damned wildcat when she wanted to be.

  Marcus grunted as he turned her in his arms and locked her arms down at her sides, her back to his chest, to try to keep her calm, keep his bear calm. She back heeled him right down the chin and his bear roared once more. His breath caressed her ear…

  “Don’t fucking move a muscle or so help me God you will be dealing with two ton of pissed off grizzly bear…” Marcus growled long and hard, but she kept on squirming- right up to the point where he wrenched her jacket away from her shoulder and bit down on her flesh with his blunt teeth…

  She melted against him. Every last inch of her body went almost limp. He caught his breathing and calmed his bear- the beast now happy that she was once again surrendering to his will…

  “Marcus…” She whispered his name and he released his teeth, turning her back in his arms and fisting her hair to bring her head back and her lips where he could taste them.

  He kissed her long and hard. Backing her body up against her car and bringing her legs around his hips as he rocked his hard length against her sex.

  He wanted her, wanted to be back inside of her again, but not like this… Not here…

  He broke away from her lips and buried his face between her shoulder and her neck. Growling, grunting with desire and need for her, pressing against the sensitive swollen clit buried under too many clothes.

  “I hate you…” She breathed as her head went back against the roof of the car and he took to running his tongue and his teeth against her neck.

  “Yeah, I know, but you fucking want me, baby. Every inch of you. Mind, body, and soul.” He growled against her lips, pressing his cock harder against her clit and making her bite down on her bottom lip.

  “Inside me, I want you inside me…”

  “No way. I’m not getting you naked out here, not like this…” Marcus wanted to shoot his load inside of his damn jeans just from dry fucking her, but he held on, rubbing the hell out of her until she cried out with the orgasm that took her, and then he swept her up into his arms and carried her back to his truck, gently depositing her in the passenger seat.


  “Marcus is back.” Jackson growled. He hated that the big man was risking his life in denying his mate the way that he was.

  He taken her the night before, they’d all heard it, over and over, and even this morning… Then he’d come out of his cabin with her and they’d walked to his truck, their body language telling him everything that he needed to know…

  “I’m gonna give that big bloody bear a piece of my mind…” Alex started to push up from the sofa. When she saw Jackson’s head snap forward and almost hit the window.

  “What the…? Fuck me.”

  “Love too…” Alex beamed him a grin as his eyes snapped towards hers and he growled out a warning.

  “They’re back.”

  “As in Marcus and the doctor?” Alex twisted her head on her neck and grinned. That was the best news she’d had in ages.

  “Yep…” Jackson pushed away from the window and stalked across the room towards her. He leant in and placed a hand on the back of her seat, caging her in.

  “What?” She frowned at the look in his eye.

  “Don’t you damn well tease me with that mouth of yours. No sex, at least- not for a while til the doc says we can…” Jackson scolded her.

  “She didn’t say we couldn’t.” Alex huffed. “Now get out the damned way I want to see what’s going on.”

  “Damned curtain twitcher.” He growled, but he pulled back and scooped her up into his arms, carrying her to the window where they both practically had their foreheads pressed against the glass.

nbsp; “Well, would you look at that…” Alex chuckled at the sight of Marcus reaching in and lifting his mate out of the truck. He tossed her up and over his broad shoulder, and stalked towards his cabin.

  “Why’s she just swinging there at his back like that?”

  “One guess and it involves a lot of heavy breathing and fireworks.” She sniggered. Jackson grinned.

  “Good for Marcus…” He would have slapped the man on the back if he’d been able.

  “What’s good for the goose…” Alex offered with a hopeful grin and Jackson growled in mock annoyance.

  “No.” He snapped like she was a naughty dog. “When doc says and not before…”

  Alex sighed. She was sure that all around her mates were mating, and she huffed in annoyance. She liked mating with Jackson… loved it, needed it to scratch that itch of being in his company.

  It better had be a matter of damn hours and not weeks or months before the doc said that she could- or this cub was gonna pay for it when he was a man. She’d make sure he didn’t know what an unattached female was until he was thirty.


  The fire pit was stoked and the steaks were sizzling. Marcus kept going on about needing to eat his fill to replace his lost energy, and his mate sat on his lap and elbowed him every time. But his deep chuckle was his only answer. That and burying his face between her neck and shoulder and doing something wicked that made her squirm.

  “Stop…” She chuckled and elbowed him in the ribs again.

  “You sure, cos I get the distinct feeling by the way your backside’s squirming against me that you want me to keep going?” He teased.

  “Not here you big dope.” She chuckled and found herself draped over his shoulder in a heartbeat.

  “Yours to command…” Marcus tossed over his shoulder as he started back towards their cabin. She squealed excitedly. Alex frowned- more sex- lucky her…


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