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Triple Domination: The Complete Series: Hard MFMM Erotica

Page 13

by Virginia Bliss

  Shamefully, I came first - it was the most intense orgasm of my life. My back was arched, my toes curled, my legs wrapped firmly around Jack's waist, holding him inside of me and refusing to let go. My walls spasmed around him, stimulating him further as he continued to bury himself deep inside of me.

  Finally, he came - I felt him fill me up, felt him pump his cum inside of me. I wanted every last bit of it, and so I tightened up, forcing him to stay until I was certain he was finished. It felt like nothing else, to feel so warm, so used -

  Jack pulled out of me, eliciting a long, drawn-out moan. I looked at him with hazy eyes, sitting up as cum dribbled down my inner thighs. He raised an eyebrow at me.

  "Damn, we really made a mess of her, huh?" He chuckled.

  "Yep - and it's all on film, too- I wish we knew where this bitch worked." Nick grinned, pocketing his phone.

  "You still want that drive home?" Jack grinned.

  I nodded - how nice of him!

  "I mean...I gotta know where you live, so I can come get you and we can do this shit again. You're one of the best sluts we've ever found-" He smiled, picking me up princess-style and carrying me out of the rest stop.

  He dumped me into the passenger seat of the truck, leaving my clothes still strewn across the poorly-lit parking lot. I leaned back against the leather seat, feeling spent. I couldn't wait to do this again.

  Dominated By Three Employees

  ‘’Tell them I want to see them,’’ Sarah said with a sigh. Her assistant Jane nodded and scurried away, heels clicking against the gleaming floor. Sarah watched her disappear into the corridor and closed her eyes, resting her head in her hands.

  She hated letting people go, but she didn’t get where she was – sitting in her office on the 25th floor overlooking Manhattan as the CEO of a successful company, on top both literally and figuratively – by being soft and accommodating. Well, maybe that wasn’t quite true; contrary to popular belief, she wasn’t actually a heartless, cold-blooded bitch. If everyone was pulling their weight, she could be very accommodating. But John, Richard and David weren’t pulling their weight. Sure, they were good enough guys, decent enough employees, but decent just didn’t cut it for Sarah. They weren’t fulfilling the quarterly goals nor were they showing any results that may have made Sarah reconsider her decision.

  Nearly everyone in their department outperformed them by miles and the way Sarah saw it, keeping them on and letting them get away with sub-par performances wasn’t fair to the rest of the team. So they had to go.

  While good for the business, firing the guys wouldn’t do any favors to Sarah’s reputation and image, but she trusted them to understand that it wasn’t personal. She didn’t have anything against them as people; when she had made the decision, she had been thinking about what was best for the business. Although most people didn’t like it, in business, every employee came down to their contribution to the firm and that contribution could be measured in cold, hard, completely objective numbers. And when the numbers weren’t adding up, someone had to go. Still, partly because she genuinely wished the guys well and partly because she wanted to salvage her own image as much as she could, Sarah would at least offer recommendation letters.

  Sarah rubbed at her neck, fingers digging into the knots there. She had been feeling wound up for weeks now and maybe it wasn’t all that surprising with her 12-hour workdays and the constant stress of leading a company, but it definitely did feel like she was even more stressed as usual. She made a mental note to ask Jane to book her a massage for the weekend; it would probably do her good.

  Truth be told, she probably needed more than a massage to take her mind off everything, but it would have to do.

  Plucking her compact from her purse, Sarah took a moment to make sure that her make-up was still pristine and her hair in place. It took a lot of money and effort to look impeccable despite her hectic schedule, but Sarah always strived to look flawless, calm and in control. Satisfied, she clicked the compact shut just as someone knocked on the door-frame. Sarah looked up to see David standing at the door with Richard and John hanging back.

  ‘’Come on in,’’ Sarah said and stood up, smoothing her hands over her smart pencil skirt and adjusting the lapels of her tailored blazer. ‘’Close the door, please.’’

  The men filed in and Sarah noticed how they looked a little unsure and confused, but were trying not to show it. She got the irrational urge to reassure them, but there was no point, was there? No, in Sarah’s opinion, it was always better to straight to the point.

  ‘’Take a seat,’’ she said, gesturing to the cream leather couch. Richard, David and John sat down and Sarah walked over to the armchair facing the couch, but she didn’t sit, choosing instead to stand behind it. She placed her hands primly on the back of the chair and cleared her throat.

  ‘’I am sorry to say this, but I will have to let the three of you go.’’ Her words were calm and measured, and although she started with an expression of remorse, there was no hint of it in her tone. Again, she didn’t get where she was by showing remorse for others’ failures. It was a statement, firm and non-negotiable.

  There was a moment of shocked silence. Richard, a handsome, tall man in his late thirties, furrowed his brow and seemed to be waiting for the punchline, as if he thought Sarah was joking. To his left, David, who was pretty much the opposite of Richard with his rugged features and short, but muscular stature, was looking down on his hands and frowning. It was John, the youngest of the three, who spoke up. He seemed to be in a perpetually good mood, with a joke always on the tip of his tongue, but right now, his usual cheerfulness seemed nowhere to be found.

  ‘’Are you serious?’’ he asked incredulously, but Sarah could hear that his voice was tinged with anger.

  ‘’Yes, I am. I know this comes as a shock, but the fact of the matter is that none of you have been meeting the goals and expectations set to you. Everyone in your department has been outperforming you and several of our project managers have brought it to my attention that your contributions have been lacklustre at best and minimal at worst. At the end of the day, it’s not fair to your colleagues if they have to keep picking up your slack and I simply cannot keep letting it slide. So,’’ she said resolutely, ‘’I will have to let you go.’’

  ‘’You can’t do that!’’ said Richard.

  The others nodded along. ‘’We know our rights!’’ said John.

  ‘’Then you should also know your responsibilities. As per the contract that you all have signed, failure to meet the demands and goals of the job results in the termination of the contract.’’

  At that, the men fell quiet again. Sarah waited for them to speak, but when none of them did, she continued: ‘’You can consider this your last day of work. However, both I and your team manager would be happy to provide recommendations for you if you wish. The termination will be finalized by the HR department and I believe that Alan has already drawn up the necessary paperwork, so you can go and see him now. That is all.’’

  The men exchanged glances and Sarah shifted a little, distributing the weight more evenly on her high heels as she waited for them to say something. No matter what they said, Sarah’s decision could not be changed, but as a leader, Sarah believed in giving everyone a chance to speak their mind.

  She was surprised when Richard spoke up. ‘’No,’’ he said.

  ‘’Excuse me?’’

  ‘’I said no. We won’t leave until you give us your jobs back.’’ Although Richard spoke for all of them, John and David seemed to be as surprised as Sarah.

  Sarah considered his words. Whatever she had expected him to say, this wasn’t it. ‘’I’m afraid this is not up for debate.’’

  Richard stood up and although Sarah was used to dealing with men who thought that they could frighten her into compliance, he quite literally towered over her and she found that she was glad that there was an armchair between them.

  ‘’You can’t fire us and then offer
us recommendations,’’ he said, nearly spitting out the word, ‘’as if it fixes anything. We want our jobs back, right, guys?’’

  ‘’Yeah, that’s right,’’ John agreed, finally chiming in. David nodded along and they really left Sarah no choice.

  ‘’If you do not leave, I will have security escort you out,’’ said Sarah and took a step back towards her desk. Despite their less than satisfactory performance, Sarah had thus far thought them to be reasonable men, but this behavior was clearly out of bounds. Sarah would not let anyone threaten her like this.

  Richard took a big step forward and grabbed her wrist tight as a vice. He was visibly angry and Sarah felt her heart start pounding in her chest. Although she wasn’t easily intimidated, the situation had escalated so quickly that she couldn’t help the fear that started to creep in, especially when John and David rose too, ready to back Richard up.

  ‘’Give us our jobs back,’’ Richard said again.

  Despite her fear, Sarah stood her ground. ‘’No,’’ she said. ‘’Let go of me or I will call security.’’

  Richard tightened his grip on Sarah’s wrist even further. ‘’Give us our jobs back or you won’t like what’s gonna happen to you.’’

  Sarah swallowed. Although Richard had seemingly taken the lead and appointed himself as the spokesperson for the men, the others now seemed to catch onto the plan, whatever it was. David came to stand behind Sarah and placed his hands on her shoulders; the weight was barely there, but it was enough to send the message – no sudden movements. John walked over to Sarah’s desk and she couldn’t see what he was doing, but it sounded like he lifted the phone receiver off the hook. He reappeared in her field of vision again as he walked to the door and locked it with a harsh click.

  ‘’I’ll give you one last chance,’’ said Richard. ‘’Give us our jobs back or we will have to force you.’’

  Sarah took a shuddering breath and looked Richard straight in the eye. Then she opened her mouth to scream – only for David to slam his hand over her mouth, muffling any sound that she could push out.

  She regretted not trying anything sooner. She shouldn’t have been that patient, shouldn’t have let her pride make the decisions instead of common sense. She should’ve had them escorted out at the first sign of trouble. Sarah’s heart was pounding wildly in her chest as she tried to struggle against their hold, but David grabbed her free hand and forced it behind her back and Richard still held onto her other hand.

  ‘’You know what’s going to happen now?’’ Richard asked. He didn’t look as angry as before, instead, he looked like he was about to smile, and that was somehow worse.

  Sarah didn’t even try to communicate an answer. She wanted to scream and tell him to fuck off, but that was clearly not an option, so she didn’t even try to shake her head. Instead, she tried to force herself be calm and not show her panic. Although trying to act strong might have been a mistake, she didn’t want to show weakness and back down now. After all, as a woman in business, the odds were constantly stacked against her, but she had never given up and surrendered and she wouldn’t do that now, so she stared back at him, hoping that she looked defiant, not scared.

  ‘’I gave you a chance to change your mind, but you didn’t want to cooperate, so we’ll have to force you.’’ Richard rested one knee on the armchair and leaned in close. ‘’I’ve been wanting to fuck the bitchiness out of you since day one.’’

  Sarah made a high-pitched sound in the back of her throat. He can’t be serious, right? Her heart-rate seemed to kick up and David’s palm was hot against her mouth from her quick breaths.

  ‘’Ain’t that right, boys?’’ Richard asked.

  ‘’Yeah,’’ said John. He walked over to them, pausing just a step away from Sarah. She felt cornered and claustrophobic, like a trapped animal. ‘’I think she’ll be much more agreeable once she gets a good dicking.’’

  ‘’Is that why you’re such a frigid fucking bitch all the time? ‘Cause you don’t have anyone to warm your bed at night?’’ Richard was smiling now and so was John. Sarah was pretty sure that behind her, David was grinning too.

  ‘’You could’ve just said so,’’ David said, his breath uncomfortably hot against Sarah’s ear, ‘’we’re more than happy to help out.’’

  Richard pushed himself upright again. ‘’Grab her other hand, too, Dave,’’ he said and opened his belt, pulling it from the loops as David took his hand off Sarah’s face and pulled both of her hands behind her back.

  Sarah’s breaths came in short pants and she was scared like hell, but the thing was that Richard was not that far off. While being a ‘’frigid bitch’’ was necessary to get a modicum of respect in this business, it had also been a while since she’d been properly fucked and she’d be lying if she said that she didn’t dream of a wild office affair sometimes. The kind that meant rough quickies in the copy room during lunch and long, intense fucking in the evening; the kind that had to be hidden from co-workers and was even for deliciously filthy for it.

  And even though the situation was clearly absurd, she couldn’t deny that this had its own strange, depraved appeal as well. Because she clearly wasn’t in control anymore; despite her attempts to stay on top, she was obviously at the mercy of the three men, and in a way, she welcomed it. She was, she had to be in control of herself, of her employees, of her company every day and the chance to relinquish that control for a moment, to take orders instead of giving them, to obey instead of command, sounded good.

  So she didn’t fight it when David tied her hands together behind her back with Richard’s belt, but she couldn’t help the shocked sound that escaped her mouth when John stepped in to undo her blazer and literally rip open her silk blouse, exposing her bra. This was insanity, she knew that, but she couldn’t find it in herself to fight it; she didn’t even try to scream.

  David hiked her skirt up, leaving it bunched around her hips before pulling down her underwear, letting it fall down to her ankles. Exposed like that, Sarah couldn’t help the blush she felt creeping up her neck and cheeks. This was insanity and she should’ve been screaming for help, but instead, she was meekly letting them do whatever they wanted, because the prospect of losing every ounce of control sounded so inviting. If Sarah needed any conclusive evidence that years in the ruthless world of business had fucked her up beyond repair, this was it.

  ‘’What are you doing?’’ asked Richard just as Sarah heard the sound of a phone camera shutter from behind her, which could only mean one thing – David was taking pictures of her.

  ‘’I don’t know if you were just planning to fuck her,’’ said David. Another shutter sound. ‘’But I’m planning on actually keeping my job, not just fucking her.’’

  He came to stand next to Richard and snapped a photo of Sarah from the front. ‘’So you’re going to let us keep our jobs, or we’ll send these pictures to everyone in the company,’’ he said, waving his phone.

  ‘’Dave, you devious bastard, that’s brilliant,’’ said John.

  Richard nodded. ‘’It really is. But we can make it better.’’ He pulled out his own phone and stepped around the armchair. ‘’Get on your knees,’’ he ordered, opening his pants and pulling out his dick. With shaking legs, Sarah kneeled down, almost losing her balance. ‘’Beg to suck my cock, bitch.’’

  Sarah felt like her brain had short-circuited and it took her several seconds to even form a coherent thought. Her mind seemed to be rushing at a million miles a minute and at the same time, she felt like she couldn’t say her own name if asked. What the hell was she doing? This was ridiculous – and the worst part about it was that kneeling in front of them, with her torn blouse and rucked up skirt, and being told to beg was making her wet.

  ‘’Do as you’re told, bitch,’’ said John from somewhere to her right, but Sarah didn’t dare to look at him. Instead, she stared up at Richard and his phone as if she was hypnotized.

  ‘’Go on, beg for it. Don’t even try to prete
nd like you’re not a filthy whore. I bet the only reason why you’re such a bitch all the time is because you secretly hope that someone stuffs your mouth full of cock,’’ Richard said. ‘’So now’s your chance. Beg to suck it.’’

  Sarah took a shuddering breath. ‘’Please may I suck your cock?’’ she said and it sounded downright pathetic. Her voice was thin and the words were barely audible.

  Richard arched his eyebrow. He made a “go on” gesture with his left hand and Sarah realized that he must be filming her, but he doesn’t want his voice to be on the video. She took another breath.

  ‘’Please let me suck your cock. I want to suck your cock,’’ she tried again. ‘’Please.”

  ‘’What are you?’’ Richard mouthed at her.

  ‘’I’m… I’m a whore.’’ Sarah squeezed her eyes shut, unable to keep looking anymore as the shame suddenly hit her. How the fuck did she end up here? But despite the shame and knowing that everything about the situation was just plain wrong, Sarah couldn’t help but to keep going and she didn’t know why. ‘’I want your cock. Wanna suck it, please let me suck it,’’ she begged, eyes still firmly squeezed shut.

  ‘’I promise I’ll be so good, I’ll suck you so – really good, you can come in my mouth – I’ll take it all, please let me suck your cock.’’

  She didn’t even know where the words came from, but once the floodgates opened, she couldn’t stop.

  ‘’Want your cock so bad, want to choke on it – ‘’

  Someone grabbed her hair and pulled her head forward. She nearly lost her balance, but then she felt a thick, hot weight push against her lips. Blindly, she opened her mouth and took the cock nearly all the way down.

  ‘’Fuck, I knew that you were a fucking slut,’’ said Richard, pulling out and pushing in again, choking Sarah on his cock just like she’d asked.


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