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  If this was any other employer I would have walked out by now. Unfortunately, all the slaves wear a 'smart collar' which has a computer embedded in it. The collar can induce pain sensations to control you and has the power to explode if you try to take it off. It also tracks every where you go and can stop you leaving your master's house if it wants. The collar also records everything you say and do with a dinky camera recording everything (Richard Snowden would be proud). All slaves are being spied on constantly by a monitoring system called prism. This will automatically punish us for using certain key words like escape, or human ( official term slave-to-be). It can also speak to you via a voice called Cortona and using a button you can speak to it and make simple requests. This explains why I have taken a slightly more leisurely Shawshank redemption approach to escape ( which I still really want).

  What I don't know is the school has been experimenting on me with subliminal messages which seem to have had no effect but I haven't noticed either.

  My slave ID is 5642 which I'm supposed to use as my new name (it's on my collar). It was the last 4 digits of my loyalty card. I've just spent 6 weeks in slave training school. Where I met my new friends Kaylaand Joe. Some computer error has resulted in the robots thinking Joe is a girl so he got the same slave girl treatment as I did. He and Kayla are now in a 'its complicated relationship' except the machines control all relationship assignments so they can't do much more than hold hands.

  All three of us have been sold to a mysterious cyborg recluse known as Lord Rockwood. He's supposedly a super strict master who's hobby seems to be making slaves obey his every whim. We might be there to feed his blood habit. You should know that at this point all supercomputers ( and super cyborgs) use human blood to power themselves. So they like to make regular withdrawals from the blood bank (us) or we might be there for entertainment value. Lord Rockwood was very fussy about what he buys so I suspect it is for the latter.

  What else would be helpful? I'm curious about the mystery of how the robots./AI managed to overcome the safety systems the humans put in place on them. In theory, they're not allowed to hurt people but some how did. On the slightly embarrassing front, I've never actually 'done it' with a boy before, which given that my robot assigned career/vocation as sex slave might be a hinderance. On the plus side I got very high marks on my sex slave paper test at slave school which I hope will help (what do you think?).

  Kayla, Joe and my self are currently being delivered by Amazon prime to our new Masters house in Washington 2.0. The robots new super global capital. That's it all my messing with the fourth wall is over. If you sit quietly and vote lots then people might not guess you've drifted in late after the plot has started.

  Ssssh it's starting.+

  Chapter 28/Him/Delivery

  The Osprey tilt-rotor landed on the 'back' service landing pad and we were met by the 'head of acquisitions' the delightfully familiar Hal. We had been wheeled in on sack barrows and still in our boxes into the building. The building was big in white concrete and built in the early megalomaniac style. From the ground, it was big, seriously big. Big enough to make you wondered if it distorted the local gravitation field big. The delivery robot was now waiting for a signature for us.

  Hal was marching up and down a delivery area with his finger in his ear clearly making an angry call to the e-slave Factory.

  "The description in the website clearly says 'this playful filly has an enlarged erogenous zone'" Hal shouted into thin air "That is no enlarge erogenous zone, that's a d##k! What are you palming off on me Dave! You can't do that Dave. I won't let you do that Dave."

  I tried desperately not to laugh, it's a SciFi thing.

  "I know it says some remedial work might be necessary but do you know how much this kind of work costs? Vets in the capital are really pricey." said Hal.

  Hal paused while listening "what else ? I'll tell you what else and the next one is a virgin"

  I was glad I had a thick layer of foundation on that day.

  "How can you sell me be 'fully trained' personal e-slaves who've had no sex? What do you mean? that's not the definition of what you're selling." Hal paused again listening to Dave in sales support.

  "OK. I'll find out. Which ones of you are virgins?" he said

  I noticed Joe nodding with me.

  "OK, two virgins. A 66% virgin rate. and one who isn't even a slave. Well, that's what is says on my display here what do I do with it?"

  This really surprised me I looked over to Kayla who was looking at the floor.

  Hal turned to Kayla.

  "You what's your ID"

  "1066" Kayla bounced back.

  "No your full part ID number."

  Kayla looked down. "Cortona what's my full Part ID number?"

  Nothing happened. I tried myself and for the first time go no response from my collar.

  "I don't know" said Kayla. Slaves were expected to know and understand nothing, from the robots point of view they were indivisible from their collars.

  Hal pointed the remote control at her and pressed the button malevolently and nothing happened.

  "She's not working! No, it's not the batteries in the remote. That's it I'm sending them back! My mind is going Dave. ... So long Dave" he shouted down the phone.

  He looked at the two delivery robots "you heard me take 'em back!"


  Things were going as badly as they possibly could and were about to get worse. The wait had been so long that our plane had taken off to do more deliveries. So we were wheeled back on another UPS (Unexpected Parcel Service) Osprey and took off again.

  This was a new experience I had never been personally FedExed before. Despite the very clear 'this way up' instruction on his box Joe had been loaded in on his side. They put a few more boxes on top of him to make room for Kayla and myself. With the noise, I could only get the odd muffled sound for him down there.

  I felt the plane take off, tilt the rotors forward and fly over Washington 2.0. This time there were no windows.

  "What was that about you not being an e-slave?" I asked. Joe's slip up was to be expected, but Kayla's was new.

  "Well, there is something I've been meaning to tell you guys" Kayla started "when we met I wasn't technically a e-slave.'m.. I was a.."

  "Sorry, I didn't hear you. Say it louder" I shouted over the sound of the engines.

  "I'm an infiltrator, a co-lab OK!!" said Kayla unhappily looking down.

  "You were working for the robots?" I said.

  "Well, sort of. I was an infiltrator. I was working for the school. I was there to look for low quality slaves, potential run aways and I was there to help you acclimatise you to your new position in life."

  "You b***d, you fucking judas b****d!" I shouted. I had never been this angry. No one had ever popped my balloon like this.

  Kayla started crying and saying "I'm sorry. I'm sorry"

  "##### # ## ##### # ## ##### #### ####" I said.

  I was not in a mood to listen to anymore. I hurled myself at our bonds when that failed hurled more abuse at the shrieking Kayla.

  "I'm sorry," Kayla said again "I can explain."

  Eventually I started crying and this brought out the worst in me.

  "Just shut the f**k up 1066 I want to go through my memory and find and replace every use of the word Kayla with THAT EVIL BETRAYING B***CH" I shouted at Kayla. I though using her e-slave Id would show how much she had undermined Joe and me. Before I could say any more my stomach intervened.

  "***** the plane's turning around" I said.

  "Are we crashing?" said Kayla in tear. It was an odd comment but more likely reflected how I felt.


  A/N Dramatic stuff ? You've seen it coming all this time right ? We meet him no HIM in the next episode (We can't wait even if you can) . Join us this Wednesday for another thrilling episode.

  It's all happening so fast! Thanks to everyone who has pushed us up to 2400+ Reads, 184 Votes and 70 comments in change and to the c
ountless people adding Cyborgs Pet to their collections. I If you want to change any of these numbers you know what to do.

  Together you have made us #34 in SciFi Hot! This is our highest number ever.

  Thanks to WattPad Ambassador GeekAtlas who said described the authors as "awesome example of real, fresh, and talented sci-fi today". Wow, that's possibly the most humbling thing I've read in my/our inbox. Serious serious love to him.

  Also we want to send big Google translated hugs to new readers in (no order) Hungary, Germany,Belguim,Netherlands, Norway , Portugal, Pakistan, South Africa, Egypt, Iran and Spain ( you know who you are). Plus a nice peck on both cheeks to our rapidly growing readers in Canada (that is the number of readers is growing not that any of our readers are getting any bigger) who have outstripped our Australian (again in numbers not clothes retention). Wattpad is tremendously global and we want to appreciate you all - please enjoy our cultral insensitivity.

  As always we are following the JustWriteIt Mantra. We write first and go back and fix punctuation and spelling later.


  Chapter 29/Him/His first impressions

  Pretty soon we were repeating our arrival being wheeled out back into Rockwood's mansion again. This time the receiving pen had Hal, a girl slave, a combat robot and another man with them. The man was tall, the kind of tall that makes you look up, rapidly revise your expectations, then look up even further, accommodating the obligatory 'crick-in-the-neck' en route. He had gleaming shoulder length hair tied precisely back. This focused your attention on his square-ish jaw, with just a suggestion of tensed, taut muscle beneath the surface, and skin, velvet-smooth with just a hint of shadow. I could see two violate eyes and so he was definitely a cyborg of some sort.

  He wore a plain, starkly simple modern suit which was clearly tailored for his exact physique. He had a body builder's frame and an imposing bearing which somehow reminded me of a winning racing horse.

  "I'm guessing this wee one is the boy?" he said looking at me. I recognized the voice, it was him Rockwood in person.

  I was looking at the motherload of bad boy. So you can guess that given that I'm staring into those big violet eyes of his and getting very warm between the legs. And it's not just because it's my job. I don't know how much the training center had warped my mind but at that point, I was seriously willing to try this slavery business for the night.

  "Yes, " I said then caught myself. "No Sir." I nodded at Joe who was staring at the floor.

  "He is Sir," I said.

  Rockwood pointed at Joe. "Take him up to my personal pleasure area and join the harem," he said.

  A Red and a Blue robot wheeled Joe off still in his packaging. From the state of Joe's raised eyebrow, Joe obviously didn't like the idea either. If anyone deserves to be locked up in a harem with this guy I really should have been top of the list with Joe trailing in about 7th after the robots.

  Joe, I thought? Joe get's to go to the harem? I guess it was all that time wearing kilts it had warped bad boy's mind. No wonder they'd built a wall between England and Scotland. If it had been me I would have built three walls, fill the gaps with burning gasoline and then nuked the area in front from orbit just to be safe. No wonder Hollywood only used English guys as bad guys. If they used Scots the good guy would have shot them before he had a chance to say "so Mr Bond we meet again". My god, it's so obvious now the English are only evil because of the sheer proximity to the Scotts!. Hollywood used the mildly evil English, flying them at great expense over the Atlantic as a public health warning not to dick with the Scots! That also meant Game of Thrones was right and there was a dark evil lurking north of the border behind the wall. My God the idea the Game of Thrones was good at something was making my world crumble. I mean in all those episodes when you can tell the director looked down and his spreadsheet and announced 'hang on the tit count is down by 3 in this episode. You get your top off. You top off and stand sideways' actually had a public service message. Dark evil used that land as abode, and it was attached to cheek bones so chiseled you could shave your armpits with them.

  I say to you never has a girl's heart been so lifted so high and bitterly shredded in the same minute. My soul had been officially put into a blender on max. So you can possibly understand why I did something which wasn't in any of the three ring binders. Nor should it have a place there. Am I proud no, but it did change my life.

  "You cyborg fuck!" I said.

  It just came out alright? It was the end of a very intensive day and this wasn't how unwrapping happened in any of the slave movies I pretended not to watch. You should have seen the look he gave me. If you could compress every time someone said 'your so dead' into a single composite face this was it. I knew what was going to happen next and at this point I'm sorry to say, despite having kedgled for the olympics, I lost bladder control. The important thing about having your collar punish you is to make sure you don't bite your tongue. I had already tensed up, tongue in but then nothing happened.

  "Why isn't she writhing in agony? Why aren't ya writhing in agony slave?" Rockwood said.

  "I'm not on your wifi moron!" I said. As you might have guessed I was super pissed at this stage. I was so far gone off the three ring binder I would need the Hubble telescope to read the headlines.

  "There collars won't connect to the wifi may be its the password" said Hal.

  "She's not connected but you are," said Rockwood point at Hal. I've heard the term if looks could kill but now I saw it. Rockwood made a gesture of grabbing something in midair and pulling it out.

  Hal just froze and hit the floor like a felled tree. I'm sure I could smell burnt electronics. At this point a second realization hit me. He would either kill me or worse return me. That simple fact went through me like a jet hitting a china shop.

  The retraining center had oddly given out a lot of advice about 'deboxing and startup procedures'. The key part was that breaking any of the shrinkwrap legally meant you had been officially accepted and could no longer be returned.

  "Any shipping damaged caused after deplaning is not covered by Amazon's shipping warrantee," I said rapidly. We had all had to practice that in class.

  Rockwood just stopped and began laughing.

  "Take her up to Room 404," he said viscously.

  His large firm grabbed me by the neck "Here you call me Master. Now shut up, collar or no or I will twist you pretty neck Slave".

  Common sense had brought it's new friend shear terror around for a play date so I let them in and nodded. Room 404 didn't sound good but to do anything with me they had to break the shrink wrap, so no way would I be a return.

  He turned to Kayla.

  "What's your real name?" he says.

  "I haven't been assigned a name my id is 1066 master" said Kayla sticking to the script.

  "Were you no an infiltrator?" he said looking at her trying to figure this out. That Scottish accent so waist deep in sexiness and yet so evil I felt like an asteroid orbiting a black hole close to the event horizon - too nerdy a description for you? Get over it.

  "I was master," said Kayla.

  "But you're a slave now?" he said.

  "Yes, master."

  "This isn't pretending you're not acting your part. If you're a free person you can say so. Last chance" he said firmly.

  "Master is possibly mistaken or misinformed, I am slave 1066" said Kayla looking forwards at the floor respectfully.

  "Well, that's legally binding. Take her to processing," he said. I was fuming mad at Kayla and glad I might be around long enough to strangle her with her own fallopian tubes. That gave me enough satisfaction to let me take anything they could dish out.


  Chapter 30/Him/Kayla's confession

  Rockwood walked off ( yes great ass I checked, I don't know why, completeness I guess). I felt sorry for Joe. As slaves, we are not supposed to be fussy about the gender of the owner. According to the book we were all trained identically but we could express our inclinations o
n our profiles. Joe had put down girls as his highest preference and boys at his lowest. Still I don't think he was really expecting to perform.

  What was Rockwood's problem, I mean it's not hard to find a gay e-slave in California. There were enough slaves in the Factory swinging both ways to accommodate any hyper subconscious' desire. OK Joe looked hot but we all did, why settle for copy of a sweet girl if you had a couple of the real things hanging around? Unless the kilt wearing gorgeous machine was a blot on the name of hunk, I guess. Why did I have to end up with the owner with a head full of yoai sucked up from the internet? This whole slavery business sucks is there some form I could fill in to say 'you know on second thoughts this whole slavery thing really isn't really my scene, you could me say let me go or something'8

  Kayla and I had been left alone in the receiving dock. The lights had gone off automatically after everyone left. If I had my head about me I would have started to escape. This would be the best time. No working collar. Nothing much to stop me. Unfortunately I was sitting in a warm pool of my own making, trussed up like a Christmas turkey and had a blubbering slave next to me. Something wasn't right, and it was an itch I had to scratch.

  "You were free, and you sold your self into slavery. What did you have some college debts to pay off or something?" I said.

  "No. I had sold everything else. The house, the car, the TV, the toaster, the slaves everything. I thought I could work double shifts until I made enough money" said Kayla.

  "What did you need that kind of money for?" I said.

  "I was trying to buy Joe and You." said Kayla breaking into tears again.18

  I was a little-taken aback this was maxing out my what-the-f••k-is-going-on-o-meter.


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