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Page 17


  "Oh I forgot to lock the house!" said Rockwood looking back. He pointed a small fob in his hand about 1000 lit windows in the house all simultaneously flashed on flashed, off flashed, on again followed by in a big double beeping noise. 'good thing no one opened a window' I thought.1

  "You handled that remarkable calmly #16OA" said Master Rockwood. He sat next to me holding my leash over his wrist. He put his hand on my thigh.

  "Handled what? Master" I said.

  "Most wifi slaves get very nervous when they switch to the cellular signal for the first time. If the cellular signal isn't up and the geofence isn't properly enlarged. If #DEC hasn't filed a permission slip to use transport properly. If your shoes' software is updated properly. There's a whole bunch of things that have to work exactly right to move from WiFi to cellular. If not I'm digging a hole in the back garden. Fortunately, I got the best data plan I could for your collar." he said.

  My stomach churned. I hadn't realized the danger I was in. I asked permission to speak. He nodded.

  "What this about my shoes? Master" I asked

  "They are military high heels your wearing #16OA. There are spring loaded spikes that are fired up into your heels if you exit your green area. I though you managed to take it all in your stride"4

  "Well, I was with you Master" I lied. No, I'm an idiot who played hooky at slave school.

  "That's the spirit!" he laughed, then zapped me for not asking permission to speak.

  We flew over fields then on to a city that was tall and dense. We approached flying over a second construction area behind large walls like some mashup between a fairytale walled city and a military camp.

  "See that city see the fences and watch towers around it. ?" Masker Asked. I nodded.

  "The locals call it the Eternal city, but the machines and the slaves call it Judas City. All the collaborators get to live in the cusp of luxury and gluttony there. Their reward. The city is filling up rapidly as we take city after city the collaborators don't have anyone to stab in the back any more flock here to smooth their unfathomable consciences"

  It made me wonder why had the machines offered the collaborators to get them to defect. It never made sense. What could I offer you to destroy your own civilization?

  "I can feel you have many questions," said Rockwood the mind reading scum. #DEC looked over at me in a way which indicated she didn't approve of my current behavior and was letting the side down. I realized #6502 wasn't wrong when she said he could practically read my mind. I got my collar to indicate I wished permission to speak. My neck glowed blue. He paused and granted it.

  "Master is perhaps mistaken. This slave has no interests beyond master and what pleases him" I said using the especially servile use of 'this slave' not 'I' the factory had taught us in the obedience 101 class. He looked at me raising one eyebrow slightly, he knew I was making fun of this whole slave thing by pushing it way over the edge.

  "Look at it see those lumps like hats on top of the towers. Those are building printers, they can build twenty floors in a day. Look at it the last free human city. This is the most elaborately fenced human reservation we have built. Those fences and mine fields are the most lethal. No to keep the slaves in like everywhere else, but to keep yay kind out. They occasionally get rogue attacks on that city. Seems like someone doesn't like someone selling them out, strange that don't know why. It costs us a huge amount to keep your kind from killing killing themselves," Master said.

  "Safety information. Remind master they are not your kind. You no longer support their cause and are very comfortable with your new role as his slave." said my iCollar.

  My throat glowed blue again. He nodded.

  "They aren't my kind Master. Shame on them for not wanting to praise our robot overlords " I said looking down at the buildings. #DEC looked at me again. I got the feeling even she knew I was extracting urine.4

  "Good thing, too you'll never see such a den of deceit and villainy. Only one problem, Cyborgs and robots are not allowed in there. Fortunately, I can go into the shopping mall next to it." said Sir looking down on the city.

  We landed outside the large metal fence near a gated area. We walked at a pace to the glass doors. The door's were had a sign 'Human Reservation no non-humans intelligences without reservation and visa' .When closer Master just pointed to the ground and shouted "Stay". #DEC and about 4 black bodyguard robots stopped on the robot side of the glass door. To remind me Master tugged the leash to move me on.


  We were in some steel construction acting as a border post between the human and machine world. We walked over to a 'weapons' check desk manned by a bombshell of a slave girl who's collar was attached by a chain to the wall. She handed me a large metal box like a safety deposit box. I held it while Master pulled out a robot electronic gun. He followed this by another small gun.

  "Stun darts too?" he said to the girl who looked to his feet respectfully.

  "By your pleasure master. They are respectfully also to be checked" said the girl. Then he lifted his hand up and a number of black darts fell out of his wrists.

  "I guess you want these too," he said handing over some small black stiletto knives hidden in his jacket and a larger one in his boot.

  "Do I pay now or when I pick them up on the way back?" said Master.

  "With great respect overlord either is perfectly acceptable with company policy" said the slave looking to his feet. I took the box closed it and get it back to her.

  "#DEC has my Judas City money. Hang on I can pay with her can't I?" he said.

  My eyes shot to him. What on earth was he doing exchanging me for this charge? His eyebrows said 'bad girl' and I looked down. He grabbed me by the collar and help less with his strength I was forced over to put my face near a black pad.

  "Inform master the collar pay transaction is complete. 0.03 credits have been deducted from his paypal account" said my collar.

  I was outraged he had just used me to be his debit card! I was let up and handed the paper receipt to carry for him.2

  As we walked away from anyone.

  "I don't know what your upset about your linked to my personal American Excess Carbon-fibre card. My best account. It's practically unlimited " he said.

  I fumed but then had a good idea.

  "No, you can't spend money on it unless I'm touching you. Your collar modulates your surface electrostatic energy to accept signals from my body id." he added as we approached an airport security style gate.

  'Curses' I thought 'what's the point in being a credit card and then not being able to spend his money? This is so unfair'5

  Master tugged at my collar.

  "Message from Master. Slave mode remember," my collar said.

  'mind reading malevolent' I thought then tried to think slave-ish thoughts but realized I didn't know how a slave was supposed to think. Slavery is more about doing so I tried to do my best catwalk walk behind him.

  "Don't forget to dispose of the receipt in a secure way," said Master.

  I looked around for a bin being close to security there wasn't one.

  "#DEC normally eats it, but she holds it up to her collar first for my records," said Master.

  Backup credit card and now waste bin my life as a second class citizen just kept getting better and better. I guess I should be grateful he doesn't want to use some part of me to keep his loose change in. Fortunately, it looks like this slave as bin must have been common the paper was quality rice paper, so I guess that had sorted my lunch out.

  I was following Master as ordered to enter the mall you had to pass through an airport security-style gate. There was an arch which Master was walking towards. but then as we approached the scanner he tugged my collar. He looked up.

  Master told me to pulled out a large plastic try put in and told me to take his belt off. I did this but to do it in a cool way had to get to my knees to do it. Starting at masters crouch in a crowded airport isn't a memory I want to linger. Getting up
I put his belt in the huge plastic tray, then master threw his end of the leash into the tray as well. I paused for a moment. Was I supposed to unto the leash ? I didn't think it came off. there was an awkward silence. I followed masters eyes to the writing above the security scanning arch behind him.

  "The elite, Cyborgs and Robot overlords only," it said. Master pointed at the conveyor belt leading into a scanning machine. It was labeled "baggage, Animals (and Slaves)".

  I looked at him I gave him my best 'seriously' look. The sort you give when your friends go 'hay it's hot let's cover ourselves in ice-cream and go swimming at WET 'N WILD' and he glanced at me. A queue was forming behind me.

  "Message from Master 'Get in' " my collar told me.4

  This was possibly the most stupid thing I'd done in my life. This whole slavery business was getting unquestionably out of hand. I know we are supposed to feel good about the American civil war but actually, I was starting to think it was one of America's greatest achievements was getting rid of slavery. Great wall of China, Pyramids, Penicillin, Contraception, The internet, the end of slavery. Like spots you never think the absence of something is an accomplishment just a right. I'd always thought the 'land of the free' was more of a kind of brand statement like 'because you're worth it' or 'I'm loving it' now I was realizing it was more like 'land of the free, beat that why don't ya'. Pity the whole thing had gone completely tits up.

  I stood on the step and got into a tray. I got onto my hands and knees and felt like I was about to have the smallest crappiest ghost ride ever. I felt Master pat my bottom as I got on. The leash which had been my reassuring connection to him was dropped and sat in the tray with me. The conveyor belt began to move forwards. I could hear Master talking to a guard outside.

  "Does you slave have any unexposed film, drugs or contraband items on it Sir," said a human guard.

  Unexposed, film that meant I was going to be X-rayed? Are they kcuf-ing crazy ?

  "You do know these things interfere with data signals don't you?" I said to no one in particular as the ducting covered me. Fortunately, I was in a long metal duct sitting in a tray rolling on the way to X-ray oblivion with nothing but masters belt for company.

  "Slaves assume position 4 and remain still. Any attempt to move backward on the belt will set off an alarm" said a recorded voice.

  I was behind a large suitcase. Why do I have to be behind the big ass suitcase? Don't they know I'm getting zapped by radiation here?

  "Warning radiation detected" said my collar to me. 'Yes thank you Siri for stating the obvious,' I thought. I seemed to be behind the fat suitcase forever.

  "Siri what is position 4?" I asked. There wasn't an instant response like home, welcome to the joys of a cellular connection.

  "Warning no Internet connection. Please reconnect. Self termination in two minutes." said my collar.

  I told my self not to panic. Slaves must get scanned every day. They must know about this so they must keep the scan to less than a minute.

  "Slaves assume position 4 and remain still. Any attempts to move backwards, on the belt will set off an alarm" the machine repeated.

  What was position 4? I wracked my brains. I tried to visualize myself back in drill class. Position four was that one toe forwards and the other to the side. No that was ballet... hang on. what was it? What was it? I got on all fours, head down. I knew it was one of those simple ones.

  "Warning radiation detected, Warning no Internet connection. Please reconnect. Self-termination in ninety seconds." said my collar to me.

  "Don't tell me, tell them," I said.

  The conveyor belt moved forwards and I felt relieved, then it moved back. I asked myself if they had spotted something? Then it would switch forward and turn backward, again forward to going back again.

  "Warning no Internet connection. Please reconnect. Self-termination in sixty seconds."

  What are they doing? I asked myself? Then I realized. There was some human security guard looking at all the baggage and he was getting his rocks off I making my Dolly Parton sized breasts swing. Oh yes ha ha, very funny. Airport security staff were rapidly rushing up my top 10 most hated list at 5 and climbing. Here I am with a rack swinging like bells in a church tower on a Sunday and I'm 45 seconds from discovering god.1

  hurry up hurry up. I glanced up. The huge bag was still on the belt in front of me. Whoever put it on was not picking it up. hurry up hurry up.

  "Warning no Internet connection. Please reconnect. Self-termination in 30 seconds." my collar warned me.

  Chapter 40/Him/security


  22 Seconds into the future: Washington 2.0/Reservation Security Area/ somewhere in the state formally known as Nebraska. Outside temperature 41 degrees Fahrenheit, cloudy with a chance of rain. Radiation forecast mild to moderate.2

  I'm trapped like a silicon clad hamster in a crawl tube I can't turn round. Only go forwards or go back. I'm seriously thinking of never using hand luggage on a plane again. I look behind me another slave is on the back of the conveyor belt blocking my way. I decided there was no way I was going to carry on pretending I had four wheels a handle and the word 'Samsonite' on my rear.

  I pushed forward with all my might and knocked the case out of the way. I crawled forward much to everyone's concern. Black dressed security guards started to move forward.

  "No wifi No wifi!" I shouted .1

  "Warning no Internet connection. Please reconnect. Self-termination in 10 seconds."

  Master grabbed my leash trailing on the ground.

  "Cable connection connected" my iCollar told me. Cool, I was plugged into the ethernet and sharing Masters connection.

  "Warning dangerously high heart rate. Seek medical attention" my iCollar told me. 'Seriously!' I thought.

  "I'm sorry Sir she will have to be hand searched," said the slob of a guard who was standing up from the scanner screen.

  'Seriously?' I'm thinking - 'you honestly think I've got something hidden on me? I couldn't hide a gum wrapper under this suit without it causing a noticeable lump. You can probably tell the temperature by looking at my chest. Well, my mother always said never argue with the big guard with the bigger gun. So I look at a certain owner I'm acquainted with'

  "Go ahead then," Master said. I had to put my feet on the indicated marks and hold my hands up in the air like I was an extra in Hair.

  The guy waved his hand-held metal detector over me. He did my arm, and it beeped. I was nervous for a second then remembered my arms RFID chip.

  "5642 eh? My mother's number has a 56 in it as well. 4569" said the guard. Seriously was he trying to pick me up? Your ID shares some of the same digits as your mums ID seriously? When did that line ever work on people? I was considering some snappy comeback involving, '4569 was that her ID or her weight ?' Or, 'that was old before even Noah was captured and subjugated.' but I got interupted.4

  The metal detector went off again on my other arm. I didn't know what that was. I looked up at Master signalling permission to speak. I think he guessed my concern.

  "There is more than one in case you see spontaneously disassemble after a collar malfunction," said Master matter of factly looking away nonchalantly while holding my leash.

  Another amazing fact, I was full of these tags in case they had to send the right bag of my body parts back to my mother. The guard continued to scan me and random body parts fired it off. Really how much technology had they stuck in me?

  "What are these sir?" he said on matching beeps on both my thighs.

  "They had her lengthened at the factory ," said a certain cyborg I was intering for.

  It took me a moment to get this. They had made me taller? I thought it had been the high heels? I always wanted to be taller, but now I was taller I wanted to be shorter again. Looking men male slaves in the eye for once has been nice change but Rockwood just dominated over me as normal. I felt like had just been dumped into a chop shop and lengthened
like some kind of stretched limousine. Had these machines no sense of dignity treating me like I was made of play-doe? If the tables ever turned, I was so going to subjugate their a$$es. Not to mention that what do I say if someone asks me how tall I was? Somehow the words 'I used to be five foot five' sounded so lame. How am I going to go shopping for clothes in Target now? If I ever escaped and got back to my old dorm would anything fit, would I be walking around looking like I was living in my own hand-me-downs? These robots really knew how to mess with a girl's life.4

  Finally, the guard ran the wand between my legs, and I felt totally humiliated. It was made worse by the wand going ping again. My god what did they put down there? I wondered. Then I realized at the factory I had been told we had all been electronically neutered. Our human and cyborg owners didn't want any chance of any tiny crying complications after play time and that included our mistresses. Even if Joe and Kayla got past rule 17 there was no way there would be anything but guilt-free sex for them. We had been cruelly informed if we wanted any expectation of a family we had to 'please' our owners. When we were 'retired' around 35 our plumbing would be switched on like a light switch in a forgotten attic. Holding my own uterus as a hostage for good behavior seemed like a blow below the belt , but these machines saw us as little more than play things that produce blood as a side product. At the factory I'd seen a few people give up using their real names with me after that class Nina became 5072, Jake 3032. They wanted the good slave option.1

  On the other hand, my periods were always a mess more reministant of the dinner scene in Alien than the slight road bumps my friends seemed to have. Also and this is dreadful confession time, I'd never felt that anyone would ever seem me worthey enough to be 'mother of their children' I had never expected it. So they were holding the wrong girl to ransom. I was calling their bluff. Others might 'fall behind our number' as the slaves said, give in, be a good slave, be a good 'hum', hope for that reservation and I wasn't going to think ill of any one who did. I was intent on ending my sentances with 'yes masser' in my late 30s. I on the other hand was waiting for that solitary gap in the fence. If it happened I wasn't going to hesitate I promised.3


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