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Page 48


  "Kidnapped really me? Who would do that?" she said. I wonder if this made her feel a lot better about choosing me.3

  "Technically under New Mechanical Law you would have been stolen." I started "I'm guessing it was the same person or persons who had rigged the sentinel to shoot a cyborg. Those machines have elaborate safe guards not to shoot at members of the New Mechanical order. Even you should have got to the boat house. There was no reason for it to shoot. You were part of a very elaborate assassination plot. They lured you into the gardens guessing I would follow. There they could have arranged a defective Sentinel. Fortunately, they hadn't banked on me trying to save your life. If I hadn't tried I would've been dead by now in more than one way. Quite a brilliant plan. If I didn't follow you, they could have kidnap you, letting them ransom you to me for my vote. Win win."1

  "You would have changed your vote for me?" she said.

  "Choose between you and the lives of 4 billion people I haven't met? hmm let's see. It's not really a contest. They knew me well enough to know I would choose you." I confessed.3

  "Promise me you won't sacrifice humanity for me again." she said, " I'm sorry for running away." she added mutely.

  "It's my fault." I admitted "I should have spoken earlier. I was always unsure if you felt anything for me. By the way, did you know my automatics would have killed you to keep me alive?"6

  "I guessed they might. #DEC warned me" she said.

  "Promise me you'll never do that again." I said I hoped she saw the earnestness in my eyes. "You see I've been trying to compute some way out of this. I wanted to wait until I had found a solution. Villeria was right, you won't and can't become cyborg. Even if I could make you a collaborator and believe me, I've tried thinking about all kinds of ways of doing it then the Judas city rules would mean we couldn't be together."1

  "What about running away? We could live together on one of your islands?" I suggested.

  "That would be nice. With a thousand slaves to keep my brain topped up or with the greatest lobotomy of all time. Villeria and Zola could find us either way, without my brain we would be defenceless. Plus I have some work I must finish. I can't jeopardise your life, telling you about itjust yet, one day you'll understand. Unfortunately, all I can offer you at the moment is to be together. In public, you would have to play the role of slave."13

  "Why don't you move me to your harem then" she said strokeing my stomach softly.

  "There are robot rules about harem slaves. You could never leave the building. If you had my child it would never be official and with current cyborg regulations, it would be killed instantly. Worse still if I was ever tried and found guilty then the entire harem would be killed. At least as a house slave you would be sold on. One of my conditions was that if that if anything happened little Jenny would bid for you and Kayla."6

  But not Joe she noticed I could here that thought strongly enough.2

  "Conditions for what?" she asked.

  "shhh Oh quick, they are about to make the big announcement" I said.

  "...this just in from the eternal city council. The council vote on the changes to the human containment act were as follows. Amendment A sponsored by the Nu-human Pack" said the young vivacious Barbara Walters.

  'Only send 4 billion to packing. No brainwashing no eating poop. Villeria's option' I texted her at the pause at the end of the A sound.

  "32" said Barbara Walters.

  'Close it will be down to the abstentions' I texted.

  "amendment B Pro-human amendment " said Barbara Walters.

  'kill 95%, brainwashing, poop eating. Zola's option' I texted her again- me condescending ? I guess so.

  "31" said Barbara Walters.3

  "YES!" I said. Thrusting my fist in the air. I kissed her.6

  She got another collar call from Doctor Zarkov 'What ever you're doing stop it. Get your hands off him. I mean it. Bad girl' he said. Before I could say anything she got a level 1 shock on her collar. I texted him to explain.4

  "OK any 'play' with you is definitely going to have a rain check for a while" she said settling back.

  "...Talk to our political editor that was a bit of a surprise Rob." said Barbara Walters on the news broadcast.

  "Yes it was," started Rob "a shocking change of vote by senator McConnell, councilman Fox Council in Red and others. They said they their sudden turn was put down to them acting on their consciences"1

  She looked at me.

  "Rockwood your smiling." she said. " Is this your doing?"

  I didn't respond but reached to the back of her neck and pulled her closer and kissed her.2

  "Opposition leader Katie Price, stated that this would clearly not please the artificial intelligences and promised to reverse any such votes if they are elected in the spring Elections. Spokesman for slave systems Inc Principle Humbolt said 'while the counsellors said they were thinking about their consciences they should had been thinking about the thousands of trainers and infiltrators who will be losing their jobs now that forward leaning companies like mine would be under threat'" the news station continued.

  "I've a feeling there is a point to all this somewhere which comes back to you and me. Mind if I call you Brooklyn, " she texted.

  That she would use my name - that gave my heart wings.13

  'Please do - in private. For a cyborg to interfere with the human council is a very horrible offence. If my role in this becomes public I will be stripped of being a cyborg, sent to prison in a KCK machine. The harem will be killed, and you will be sold on. Promise you're not going to breathe a word to anybody.' I texted over an extremely encrypted connection.

  'I promise ' she replied.

  'If you want the colouring by numbers version.' I texted. 'I had tried to get into Judas City for months but the Pro-humanists blocked me at every turn. Hence the incident at the scanner. I desperately needed to talk to several senior council men in Judas city and time was running out. I knew Senator McConnell organises the Gallery Opening. Normally she would not respond to me directly and the Pro-human spies were effective at keeping me away from her and the other councillors. Everything I had tried had failed and I was running out of plans. Over the months I had used the blood of 1,000 slaves to try to come up with something. I was lost. I couldn't think of an effective plan. '

  'This is where I come into' she texted.

  'When we met, you inspired me with your barbed words. Suddenly I knew exactly what to do. I felt so stupid. I knew that Senator McConnell likes to watch you tube in the morning and makes a regular visit to Odalisque at Home for pet supplies. She is authorised to invite whom so ever she likes - even robots and cyborgs to the Opening. I took the surveillance videos of your words and uploaded a nicely edited video to the A.I version of YouTube. The video went viral on the A.I side within 300 millisconds of my publishing it you had received over 1 billion hits. By 900 milliseconds the A.I's had spawned over 200 spoof and parody videos. You were set to music, it was crazier than even I could think. By 1.800 seconds the who YCF girl meme had reached it's limits and people were moving on to the next thing. Did you know over 40 people where not killed due to battle cyborgs being so amused their aim an concentration were put off. The quadratic alliance found you very funny'4

  'Your kidding...'she texted.

  We rolled over in the bed together.

  'It get's better. By the next morning every e-slave owner in Judas city found the video in their inbox. The whole YCF girl thing happened again with the e-slave masters. You are on about 80% of the top ten worst e-slave moments of all time. I knew when I arrived with you at the same time as Senator McConnell she could not resist inviting me with the hope I would bring you. You see I knew she had been irritated by slave systems Inc sponsorship and her personal dislike of Principle Humbolt. If she could organise me to talk to him she might get an argument between us which could get onto You-tube. This would most likely make her the viral celebrity of the year. To test me she invited me to the breeding party. Attending the party mea
nt I could collect information which I could use to black mail those attending and more importantly get a full invite to..."

  'Was that little Jenny phoning you on me' she said*. She has these moments of complete clarity.

  'I can neither confirm or deny that, but you're very smart.' I texted back ' We had McConnell's invite to the breeding party. Attending the party meant I could collect information which I could use to shame or black mail those attending, and more importantly get a full invite to the Gallery Opening. The Gallery Opening was a hot bed of post-humanist voters. The post-humanists were desperate to stop me going into the Co-lab reserve. So desperate they tried to shoot me down on the way to Mexico. How is your friend anyway?'

  'Grumbling. So we weren't shot down by humans' she texted.

  'Humans hurt me? come on. The attack was meant to look like humans who got lucky. No, someone had to know where I was flying. That meant a spy in the Osprey dock. The same one who rigged the Osprey not to flick back to automatic if I lost concentration on your first day.'

  'The same one who lost his job when Kijo died in the crash', she realised.

  '1327 - Joe's dating did me a service. Kijo was also a spy, he was so desperate to find out about my harem he was willing to show himself. Joe's third date and the attack was enough to give me the grounds to fire Kijo. I knew he was a spy so I could guess anybody else he was talking to was also a spy'

  we kissed again.5

  'at the breeding party I was able to collect enough evidence on your camera to blackmail enough senators. You see while everybody condones breeding it's still illegal. The counsellors would have lost their seats. All I have to do was show them the cam evidence and they had little choice . Oh and it was me that blew up the breeding vault. They would have formed the basis of the race of supremely subservient super slaves. All I have to do then was get to the opening.'3

  "So, Brooklyn, was getting me all dressed up was just a smoke screen?" she said.

  "No, I just genuinely wanted to see you shine and irritate everyone else." I said. "You were my ticket to the ball. A very nice ticket shiny I must say."2

  'So you managed to speak to everyone?'

  "Just about. With your help." I said "Their secret plan on the other hand was to seduce you into trying to escape, knowing I would try to stop you. Then they would either kill me,or capture you and change my vote. If I was dead then the counsellors would not be held to their vote. Your love, your blood , you changed everything. You helped save billions of lives. Which is why I'm sorry about this"

  "What ?" she said.

  "The Rypnol C in the tea. The dose will be enough to put you to sleep and not remember this conversation" I said.18

  "You can't do that I was just beginning to realise you were the good guy" she said.

  "Yeh, you always say that" said Rockwood.5

  "You've done this before! Oh Man!" she said feeling drowsy.

  "I have my moments of weakness. I want to share everything with you. I need tell you something that always endangers your life and I can't let that happen. One day you'll understand what I have to do and it will be a beautiful day and one night in heaven"+

  "So do you love me?" she asked sleeply.

  "I love you celestue" I said as she collapsed.15


  Chapter 75/Resistance/Inspection or Don't mess with love

  A blissful week after the gallery opening, which was little more that an ecstatic week sleeping in bed with him together all the time . I could finally bathe in the delightful attention with was Brooklyn formally known as Rockwood, formally known as Master Rockwood, formally known as blood sucking cyber-turd Rockwood. Eventually, he would just give me his true name, except it would probably be in binary. Perhaps like Prince I just have to call him Squiggle, or Lord Squiggle or the Lord formally known as squiggle. I had visited flesh him in hospital, twice. Honestly, he had looked better, but as a guy who someone had thrown a hammer through his chest, he wasn't doing too badly. I was happy to wait for him, the guy had taken a bullet for me, that buys a lot of slack in my book. So about seven days later, Skype-Android-Brooklyn practically ordered me to go down and have lunch with Kayla. I arrived in the cafeteria and found Kayla sitting on the cushions looking very happy.2

  "Kayla, you're out of hospital, you look so much better, so how are you?" I asked while sitting down on the floor cushion and putting down my three ring binder and my plate Persian squash & pistachio roast. 1

  "Well, I've been waiting to tell you the good news. The day before your opening cinder sent me on another blind date" said Kayla tucking into her bowl of Vegan Singapore Noodles.

  "ooh - who was this time. Was it that girl with the nice smile and the odd number?" I asked.

  "No, it was with a certain chocolate finding idiot. It was just luck of the draw" said Kayla smiling.4

  "That's fantastic, that is such good news!" I said my face lighting up. The Germans have this word Schadenfreude, it means 'pleasure from the misfortunes of your friends'. I really wanted the opposite word for 'delight at your friends successes' Erfolgfreude? 6

  "We had the second date on the night of your gallery opening. I am sorry I haven't been to visit you before now but my free time has been a little bit occupied"

  "Don't worry I completely understand. So have you?" I started.

  "Yep big time" said Kayla.

  "Tell me all the details, how was it?" I said. OK this for me was like watching the tennis, I don't play tennis either, you don't have to know how they score but you can guess the basics and tell a lot from the grunts, arrrs and oohs from the crowd watching ( the tennis ). 7

  "Tell you a secret it was both heavenly to be in his arms, but weirdly for a professional courtesan I found him, how should I say this? Strangely still at beginner levels." said Kayla leading forward and almost whispering " Not that I mind, it was just such a delight to be together and be able to kiss without being able to blow a lightbulb afterwards."2

  "Well I did say the odds of Joe actually doing anything with Brooklyn would be really low" I said triumphantly.1

  I was trying not to bring attention to Brooklyn's ring on my finger, you know play it cool.1

  "You think he would've done some training course or something. You know? like he's always very busy. Anyway I'm stupidly happy at the moment if I grinned anymore my head would fall off. What about you. What's the reading matter?" said Kayla sitting back looking at the three ring binder I brought with me.

  "Well, a certain cyborg, who shall remain nameless, gave me his body's user guide. Actually, the user guide for the non biological flesh bits. And I wanted to check a few things given my general lack of knowledge of boys bits, in that area . Given that you seem to be given Joe lessons, I wonder if you could confirm a couple of boy things for me" I asked.5

  "Sure go ahead" said Kayla.

  "I understand, he's been upgraded, I just want to figure out what's normal and what's upgraded. It's going to be a bit tricky with the PG13 filter. Does Joe's you know, plumbing do that? " I said pointing at page 34 in the user guide. I turned the binder round and pushed it in front of Kayla. It was time for Kayla's eyes to light up.7

  "No Joe's body deafly can't do that." said Kayla her eyes expanding "OMG, it can do that ? like a hex bug?...Yes all men's plumbing do that... wow but not that! Or that? He can do that - when ever he likes? Thats normal but that as well ?"13

  "There is a detailed diagram on page 36" I pointed out "it has labels, is that good then?".

  "If you expect to walk any time the week afterwards no." Kayla smiled3

  "What about this, I've got no idea what this does," I said pointing at section 3.

  Kayla "wow this like having sex with a Transformer. Believe me, when he deploys that you're going to know what he's done. This is like Stephen Biesty's Cross-Section of girl heaven. It's like he has the entire the Goodvibes store in his pants. This is ridiculous I'm happy in love and even becoming totally jealous. Is that what I think it is?"13

  I took th
e book back and looked at it and nodded with a smirk.

  "How long does this chapter go on for?" asked Kayla.

  "40 pages but the one for the android body hits 100, not having to deal with fleshy bits they are able to get a whole lot more creative " I said.

  "40 pages! kucff" Kayla said " you're so the luckiest girl alive. I have to stop there or die of jealousy overload. If I read another page I'll never be able to speak to you again and my brain may just melt. There just isn't enough time in the day to use all the stuff. Wipe that stupid smile off your face. "

  'Wow' I thought 'no wonder that maintenance slave girl is for ever up a ladder changing light bulbs when he's passing just on the off chance'

  "You better pray very hard he's got a beginners setting on that thing our your liable to truly and utterly void your warrantee on him." promise Kayla.2

  "If I come back next week unable to speak and limping you know what happened" I told her. "I'm thinking if they put that diagram on a leaflet and dropped it on areas of human resistance they really wouldn't have had to do any fighting to get people to surrender."4

  "Well it's no wonder Villeria wants to get into his cyber-pants." said Kayla.2

  "Don't spoil it. I don't want to think about the cyborgetts now. Like I have a real problem. It seems like he can't do much more than keep me hidden. I'm like his mistress for the moment, but he says he's working on it." I said.

  "Do you love him?" said Kayla "not the fancy hardware, do you love him"

  "Sure" I said. I loved him before I saw the user guide. The user guide was just icing. OK icing enough to cover a cake the size of the south pole, and give every child in the world a sugar rush the size of a ocean tsunami wave but it was still icing.

  "He loves you too?" Kayla reminded me.

  "I can't see why, but he does," I said.

  "Then don't mess with love. If there is one thing I've learnt in life is don't mess with love. If Joe can over come the whole prism system and get to me. Master will find something and if he doesn't, you will. When is he getting out of hospital?"1


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