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Page 4

by Travis McBee

  Coach Hinge jumped up on a bench; Will whistled under his breath, it was the single most athletic thing he had ever seen from his coach.

  “Well ladies we made it here,” Coach’s gravelly voice pervaded the sweat ridden locker room, “You bunch of crybaby nitwits managed to get us all the way to the big game undefeated.”

  He paused and looked around the room. He was clearly under the impression that he was giving a stirring speech. If he had been just a little more intelligent he might have noticed no one even bothered to look up at him.

  “I don’t need to remind you that South Valley hasn’t managed to bring home the trophy in over a decade.” He paused once again for dramatic effect then added, “This is also a job interview for someone,”

  The team perked up a little at these words and looked from Coach Hinge to Will and back again. Will and Coach were by no means friends and their relationship was as amiable as genocide. Will’s face had contorted into a display of mass confusion but Coach wasn’t looking at him instead he was staring up to the ceiling.

  “I just talked with Coach Johnson and he told me that if I won this game I would be given a job with the high school next year,” He finished this with a flourish as if he expected it to be great news to the entire team.

  If he had expected applause he received the exact opposite. Most of the players hadn’t been listening but the few that had broke into a chorus of moans. Will’s face dropped its accents of surprise and new lines of disgust etched themselves deeply into every curve. The selfishness of the short spiel that had just spewed forth from Coach Hinge’s mouth disgusted Will more than sour milk, the man cared nothing about the players and it showed when he said, “If I win,” instead of speaking about the team as a whole. For coach Hinge there was an “I” in team and it was him.

  Now everything that Will had been dreaming about was suddenly distorted, if he won he would have to deal with this despicable excuse for a coach, but if he lost he would be a backup or get moved to a less glorious position. For Will it was as if someone had brought him a big bowl of ice-cream, and then right before they gave it to him they dumped caramel all over it, Will hated caramel. But the ice-cream underneath is still good.

  Coach had one amazing quality; he could remain incredibly ignorant of everyone around him. He didn’t notice the complete lack of gratitude at his news and walked back out of the locker room with a sickly narcissistic smile plastered on his face. When the door shut with a soft thud behind him Mike jumped up on a bench and called for attention. Everyone stopped what they were doing and peered up at him with more respect than had ever been shown to their coach. They respected each other immensely and played for each other. Perhaps it was because of the hate that they all shared for their coach, but that team was the most unified team that had ever worn the red and silver of South Valley, even if they didn’t know it themselves.

  “Guys,” Mike shouted in his voice that still produced a squeak from time to time, “We know who we are playing for! Play for each other! And if someone is having a job interview tonight, it’s Will, so play for him if you have to play for somebody!”

  This simple speech was all it took to provoke the thirty boys who sat in that room into a frenzy. Lockers banged as fists turned them into drums while cheers erupted from every throat. The atmosphere of the locker room was electric as Will began to suit up for the game. Fifteen minutes later he and Mike stood at the front of a column of red and silver warriors ready to do battle. Coach Hinge couldn’t be bothered with such menial tasks as leading the team out, he would simply wait on the sidelines for them to appear. So Will led his team a short way down the tunnel. The end was covered by a giant serpent that had wound its way into the shape of an “S”. Above it written in a mirror image were the words, “South Valley, Where the Real Snakes Are!” The banner had been prepared by the cheerleaders and in just a few moments Will and the rest of the team would run through it and enter the biggest moment of their young life.

  “That doesn’t exactly seem encouraging or complementary does it Will,” Mike said to his left.

  Will laughed along with his friend and agreed wholeheartedly. It made them seem like a school full of deceitful con-artists.

  “Well you know cheerleaders, they mean well but…” Will ventured forth purposely leaving the statement incomplete

  “You mean your girlfriend?” Mike laughed back at him

  Will frowned at his best friend but it was a good natured frown. Outside the band picked up the South Valley fight song and Will could hear the announcers abrasive voice clearly echoing down the last twenty feet of the tunnel that separated them from the banner. Will jammed his helmet onto his head and in that instant every ounce of humor left him, now he was a machine set out to do one thing, win.

  He roared at his teammates not bothering to transfigure the harsh sound into any recognizable words and ran head long at the banner. He reached it just as the band hit a crescendo. Right on time that’s a good start. He tore through the thin paper of the banner like a kid tears through wrapping paper on Christmas morning.

  What Will emerged into was a hail of blinding flashes emanating from countless cameras, deafening music blared from both the P.A system and the band. The smooth black sky overlooked the stands that emerged on every side of the field, higher by far than any other building in town. The side to the left of Will teemed with an army of Black and Gold fans who were either catcalling his appearance or remained indifferent all together. The crowd on his right was decked in red and silver and every last man, woman, and child was standing clapping their hands together and shouting their approval and encouragement for the Vipers. It was to this sideline that Will led his team at a jog.

  The Vipers had no more than arrived on their sidelines when a wave of sound cascaded across the field at them from the opposing stands. Will glanced at the tunnel opposite from where he had emerged. A large banner had just been torn apart by a wave of football players dressed in all black with only small accents of gold used to state their names and numbers. At the head of this black snake was Will’s counterpart, Daniel Collins, number two. Will hated to admit it but he did look impressive. He jogged as casually as a lion and with just as much menace. Perhaps the referee also compared him to a lion and, wearing a zebra suit after all, seemed very weary of the Central Quarterback.

  The referee that called for the captains of South Valley did not seem intimidated by the players at all. He was an elderly man perhaps midways into his sixties and bore a kind smile on his face. When Will, Mike, and Steven Morgan approached him he merely glanced casually at the C’s that adorned each of their jerseys proclaiming their status as team captains and smiled. The three captains were led across the field towards the giant serpent that was the mid field painting. Walking towards them were the three captains of Central Valley. Will only noticed Daniel who alone was taller than him, his eyes were a jet black and the little hair that was visible under his helmet was darker than the sky they stood under. He shook hands with Daniel and found his hand in a vice grip and tried to return the favor with interest. If he succeeded it didn’t show in Daniel’s face, the older boys eyes remained fixed with Will’s even after the brief courteously had been extended and withdrawn. While he shook hands with the surprisingly pleasant other two Will couldn’t help but feel the two black eyes boring holes into him. The battle had already begun for the two athletes and they both decreed to themselves that they would not be the first to show weakness.

  “South Valley, call the side in the air,” The gentle voice of the gray headed referee called out derailing Will’s one track train of thought.

  Will watched as the coin was flicked casually in the air and declared, “Heads,” without a sign of hesitation. On its way down he switched his attention back to Daniel and saw the black eyes fixed on his without a sign of emotion.

  “Heads it is,” came the voice of the referee, “What would you like to do?”

  “We’ll receive,” Will replied without
even glancing in the direction of the referee.

  The rest of the coin ceremony went smoothly with the direction of the kickoff being determined and shaking hands once again. As Will trotted back to the sideline with the other two he could feel the tension in the stadium building. This place is going to erupt before the end of the night.

  Will gathered the offensive unit together on the sideline but didn’t bother talking to them just yet. Several of the key players were missing because they were on the kick return team, most important of which was Mike. He turned to watch the game begin as the ball arced high into the air and landed in the arms of his best friend. Mike managed to return the ball to the thirty yard line and that’s where Will trotted out to.

  When the biggest friends in his life huddled around him he stared from eye to eye. Each one was looking for leadership and he was determined to give it to them. He told them the play and clapped his hands along with the rest as they broke the huddle and went to their places. Will walked up to his place, put his hands under the center and called hike.

  That first drive seemed magical to Will. Every time he threw the ball it would sail perfectly into the hands of his receiver. He felt unstoppable and when he threw the long pass that landed in Joseph William’s hands for a touchdown he felt atop the world. As he trotted back towards the sideline he threw his hands in the air to pump up the crowd. It probably wasn’t necessary as everyone in the stands was already cheering wildly, everyone except a man in a dark suit with a blood red tie that was ambling along the front row. Will’s eyes met The Stranger’s for a brief moment and that moment was all that was necessary. Will’s heart which had been beating its own applause in his chest switched to a symphony of panic and distress. What is he doing here? Who is he? Before Will could lose himself in these questions he was accosted by his entire team congratulating him. He loosened up almost instantly and rejoiced with his teammates. After breaking through the knot of players he went to the orange Gatorade cooler where the team kept the water. He poured himself a clean draught of refreshing liquid and dumped it down his throat. He looked into the stands again but couldn’t see The Stranger. Along the track between him and the stands stood the cheerleaders, leading the crowd in a rather silly chant. Jessica was leading them since she was the head cheerleader and as soon as she stopped cheering she turned around and spotted Will. She skipped over to him and gave him a big hug and kissed him lightly on the lips,

  “That’s my winner!” she said joyously as whistles and cheers echoed down from the stands at the kiss that had transpired.

  “Just keep winning baby!” she added in a far too serious tone.

  Will blushed deeply and fought back to sidelines trying to put as many players between him and his girlfriend as possible. Her request would have been a simple one if it hadn’t been for the quarterback that was now leading the opponents down the field with incredible ease. Will could only watch helplessly as Daniel matched him step for step and led his team to a touchdown on their first drive. So Will took his helmet and placed it back on his head and trotted out to try and one up the giant.

  The entire game passed as a series of ties, slight leads, and a ties again. Every time Will would lead his team down the field, Daniel would match him step for step. It made for a great game for spectators but for Will nervousness was mounting like an avalanche on a ski slope. The game was decided in the fourth quarter with only three minutes left on the clock.

  “Alright guys let’s do this,” Will breathed out with what energy he had left, “Fifty six iso, on three, on three.”

  Mike perked up at the news, Will was going to give it to him to try and run for the first down. It was fourth and one and they were only fifteen yards away from the end zone, if he picked it up and they managed to score it would win the game. Will walked confidently up to the line and started yelling out random words to confuse the defense,

  “Hamburger, Hamburger!”

  “Check your fly, check your fly!”

  He was about to call the only word that meant something when a shrill whistle ripped through the air. Fury, confusion, and shock raged up through Will to explode from his mouth,

  “WHAT?!” He shouted at the referee who was jogging towards him

  “Your coach called a time out kid,” The zebra suited man replied taken aback by the tone will had unleashed.

  Will glanced towards the sideline to see Coach Hinge beckoning the entire team towards him, Will seethed with fury but trotted towards him none the less.

  “We’re kicking a field goal,” the loathsome voice of his coach informed him

  “Coach no! Let us pick it up we can score a touchdown and leave them with no time,” Will implored the stubborn old fool.

  “I’m the coach and what I say goes!” Yelled Coach Hinge with fury boiling up into angry red rashes on his cheeks

  Will relented only because he saw Coach Johnson eying the exchange. Coach Johnson was known for hating insubordination and Will wasn’t about to give the man a reason not to give him the job. So he watched helplessly as his team kicked a field goal, which was good thankfully, and paced around the sideline to encourage his defense to hold onto the lead, and the game.

  It turned out that all the encouragement in the world was not enough to stop number two, he threw, ran and simply willed his team down the field and on the very last play of the game scored the game winning touchdown.

  Cheers danced across the field from the Central Valley fans and moans of disappointment broke into a pitiful chorus behind his back. South Valley had lost, Will had lost, his job was lost. He walked slowly and sadly towards the center of the field shaking hands with future teammates and that night’s opponent. His face did not show emotion, either sadness or joy. Inside he was only numb, he wasn’t used to losing and this was a new sensation, one he didn’t care for at all.

  He never saw number two, Daniel Collins but he did run into coach Johnson who smiled at him and offered a few spartan words of encouragement.

  “You’ll make one heck of a wide receiver son,” he said with a big smile on his face.

  But I don’t want to be a wide receiver, “Thank you Coach.” I’m a Quarterback.

  The thirty minutes following the loss were a blur to him and his memory only became clear again when he found himself exiting the locker room. He had planned a date with Jessica before the game and he found that he was able to look forward to it. Jessica would be the tonic for this wound, or so he hoped. He met her outside the main gate and gave her a hug and attempted to kiss her, but she turned her head at the last moment and his lips landed on her cheek instead. He didn’t think anything about it and he walked with her over to Cindy’s Ice-cream shop that was only a few blocks from the stadium.

  He found a seat near the back of the restaurant and hoped its secluded location would be enough to shield him from the fans that were crowding into the little shop. It wasn’t.

  “Hey Will, tough loss man,”

  “Ha ha South Sucks loser!”

  “Dude don’t worry about it!”

  His heart sank further and further and he looked at Jessica for an emotional crutch but what he saw on her face disturbed him. She was wearing a smirk with zero empathy radiating from it. She looked cold and calculating like the serial killers in his favorite horror movies.

  “Baby, what’s up?” he asked her, “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  Her sneer widened until it became an object of pure revulsion to Will.

  “Don’t call me baby,” she snapped at him, “You lost”

  Will’s head was reeling he couldn’t fathom what she was talking about, he had lost a football game, yeah it sucked but so what?

  “I told you what would happen if you lost,” She sneered at him, “I can’t be seen dating a loser. We’re over,”

  Will laughed out loud at the lunacy of her statement. She’s joking of course! Not a very good joke though.

  Jessica cocked her head to the side at his laughter and stared at
him with only one beautiful brown eye. Her face remained extremely serious and her sneer had turned into a slight frown. This new look terrified Will.

  “I’m not joking William Haynes. We are done.” And with that simple statement she stood up and walked out of Cindy’s Ice-cream without so much as a backwards glance.

  He was suddenly excruciatingly, delightfully, numb. Will lost everything that night, at least everything to a popular teenage boy and he wasn’t quite sure what to do about it just yet. He made his way out of the shop and stood in the street. As he flipped open his cell phone to call his father to pick him up he failed to notice the man sitting in the diner across the street. He was wearing a black suit with a blood red tie and was staring at Will with dark brown eyes that poked over the steaming cup of coffee that he was raising to his mouth, a mouth that was stretched into an unmistakable shape, a grin.

  Chapter Three

  finds, fiends, and frights

  “Man you need to come see this.”

  “Dude, what time is it? Can’t it wait?”

  “Probably, but I can’t. See you in twenty?”

  “Yeah man I’ll meet you at MAW’s.”

  “Cool, peace.”

  “Yeah, bye.”

  Will clicked his phone closed and looked at the crimson digits of his alarm clock. 8:15. Whatever happened to sleeping in during break? He swung his feet out of his warm bed and cringed as his toes made contact with the cool hardwood floor. He sat there for a moment on the edge of his bed simply rubbing his eyes and being sleepy. It is a wonderful time when one first wakes up, the worries of the night before are often dormant and allow a moments respite before misery once again takes it’s hold. At that moment Will thought nothing of football, girls, or anything miserable at all. The only thing that was on his mind was sleep, and his lack of it.


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