Ravenous (novella)
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Eden Summers
She’s a small town caterer, he’s a big city chef, but they don’t need a kitchen to make things sizzle…
Erin McDonald likes her simple life in her small town: no drama, no fuss, no uncertainty…until Jesse Hackett breezes back into town. Erin never quite got over how he left for the bright lights of the big city, and took her heart with him.
Jesse never regretted his decision to leave small town life behind and chase his big city dreams, but he’s always regretted leaving Erin behind. No woman has ever compared, and once he convinces Erin to let him touch her again, he’s never going to let her go.
Sparks fly and fires are rekindled, but the basic divide still remains: what really matters in life — location or love?
About the Author
Eden Summers is a true blue Aussie, living in regional New South Wales with her two energetic young boys and a quick-witted husband.
In late 2010, Eden’s romance obsession could no longer be sated by reading alone, so she decided to give voice to the sexy men and sassy women in her mind.
Eden can’t resist alpha dominance, dark features and sarcasm in her fictional heroes and loves a strong heroine who knows when to bite her tongue but also serves retribution with a feminine smile on her face.
To the people who continue to give me unwavering support.
To my crit buddies, street team, family and most importantly my husband.
I am blessed to be surrounded by such perfection.
About the Author
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Bestselling Titles by Escape Publishing…
Chapter 1
Erin McDonald poured sweet chilli sauce into the large bowl of honey, garlic, soy sauce and lemon juice. She’d made enough marinade to cover the stack of pork ribs for the Renshaws’ family barbecue this afternoon. Across the stainless steel counter her sister Karen chopped the vegetables for the summer salad, both of them working in comfortable silence to get the job done.
The jingle of the bell over the front door broke the quiet.
With her back to the shopfront, Erin glanced up at her sister whose gaze was fixed over Erin’s shoulder. “This one’s for you,” Karen said with a sly smile.
“Can’t you help them?” Erin huffed. She needed to finish the marinade so the meat had time to soak.
“Nope,” Karen made eye contact and grinned. “This customer is definitely for you.”
With a sigh, Erin pasted on a smile and peered over her shoulder, prepared to politely ask the person to wait while she washed her hands.
Oh. Hell. No.
Her friendly expression vanished and her mouth gaped. Jesse Hackett stood just inside the front door, looking smug, self-assured and more handsome than she remembered. His blond hair was cropped close to his head, shorter than the lengths she used to grip when they made love all those years ago. His dark brown eyes surveyed her body with blatant interest and she tried to do the same to him, only she was more discreet.
He was in better shape than his high school football days–muscled arms, a firm chest which stretched his tan polo shirt, strong thighs encased in black cargo shorts and broad, protective shoulders that reminded her of all the times she’d been cradled in their embrace.
Wow. After years dealing with the loss of him moving five hours away to Sydney in search of something better than the farming lifestyle, she would’ve thought her body would no longer hum on his frequency. Unfortunately, that didn’t seem to be the case. Erin turned her back on the man who left town years ago, breaking her heart into a thousand irreparable pieces and fixed her pleading gaze on her sister. “Get rid of him.”
Karen’s smile widened. “Umm… I think I need to get more eggs from the store,” she spoke loud enough for Jesse to hear.
“What?” Erin hissed under her breath, “We don’t need eggs. Don’t you dare leave me.”
Karen placed her knife on the chopping board and dusted her hands, preparing to go through with her threat.
Glancing over her shoulder, Erin gave Jesse a fake smile. “Excuse us for a moment.” She yanked off her waist apron, threw it on the prep table and stalked around the heavy stainless steel to grab her sister’s wrist. “We need to talk,” she growled and tugged Karen toward the storage room.
Once they were inside, Erin flicked on the light, slid the door shut and glared at her sister. “Do not, for one second, think I won’t tell Mark Devener that you named your vibrator after him if you leave me here with Jesse.”
Karen’s eyes widened and her mouth gaped momentarily before she schooled her expression and raised her chin. “Fine. I’ll get rid of him, if that’s what you want.” She raised a brow and placed her hand on the door handle, waiting for Erin’s reaction.
Her chest throbbed, knowing it would be robbed of its moment with Jesse. She’d convinced herself she never wanted to see him again. Now it was too late. He was here, his cheeky grin and glinting brown irises intoxicating her from the moment she laid eyes on him.
Damn it.
She couldn’t hide in the storage closet and let Karen shoo him away. No, this was her chance to prove how strong she’d become. To test if her heart truly was the impenetrable stone she’d turned it into.
Placing a hand on Karen’s forearm, she let out a huff. “I hate you,” she mumbled, sliding open the door and pushing past her sister.
Jesse stood still near the entrance, his gaze hitting her head on, rooting her in place. Her blood pounded in appreciation and she diverted her gaze to the ground. What the hell had she been thinking? Her heart would always be vulnerable around this man.
“I’ll be back in twenty.” Karen manoeuvred around her, bumping into her shoulder and kicking her out of her thoughts. “I might get a coffee while I’m out and if you’re lucky I’ll bring you back a chocolate éclair.” Karen untied her apron and threw it on the prep table.
“Good to see you again, Kaz.”
Erin closed her eyes at the deep, familiar tone that coated her skin like honey. So smooth, so seductive. When she opened them again her sister was already at the door, staring back at her in concern.
“I won’t be too long,” Karen gave a sad smile, then the jingle of the bell above the door announced her departure.
Erin strode back to the table and grabbed her apron, tying the material around her waist with shaky hands. If she busied herself with work she would be able to hide how nervous she was and turn her back on Jesse. Grabbing her spoon she continued to stir the marinade, trying her best to ignore his presence.
“You’re looking good, gorgeous.”
Every word grated on her nerves. Every cocky, seductive word. She turned around to glare at him. “It’s been eight years, Jesse. You can drop the pet name.”
He slowly stepped forward and with each progression her heart rate increased. “The name still fits. You’re looking damn good.” He strolled to the vacant bench lining the wall in front of her and leaned against it.
“What do you want?” She tried to appear nonchalant, even though her body had already started to betray her. Her breasts tightened and her knees grew weak.
“What’s on offer?” His lips parted in a full smile.
Erin let out a sigh. She didn’t have time for this, and after eight years she still didn’t have the strength for it. Jesse was her down
fall, her Achilles heel and the reason for every single relationship failure since he left town, taking her broken heart with him.
“You’re licking your lips as if you still want me.”
She opened her mouth to protest and closed it again. He was right. She had been licking her lips.
“And you’re dripping,” he added.
“Now that’s enough!” There may have been heat between her thighs but she sure as hell wasn’t “dripping”. Jesse had been the first to touch her, the first to teach her the ways of lovemaking and dominant desire, but he sure as shit wouldn’t be able to tell that her panties were damp.
“I meant your spoon,” he chuckled, indicating the piece of silver hanging from her hand, “it’s dripping on the floor.”
Her gaze lowered to the utensil and the dark liquid now pooling on the tile at her feet. If only her brain could think of a suitable comeback. Instead of acknowledging that her mind was frolicking in the gutter, she turned her back and continued to stir the marinade.
“I’m busy, Jesse.”
His approaching footsteps put her on edge. “Look, I’m sorry. I was just hoping to see one of those beautiful smiles that have been haunting my dreams.”
Her betraying heart started to flutter.
“I’m actually here because I need help.”
“No shit,” she retorted, clinging to the only comeback she could muster, “you and your ego have needed help for a long time. I’m proud you’re finally man enough to admit it.”
“Hardy har,” his lowered voice came from beside her ear, too close for her nipples not to take notice, “you’re a lot funnier than I remember.”
She shrugged. His opinion didn’t matter. She rarely spared him a second thought these days…unless she drove past his family farm…or went on a date with another man…or was playing with her vibrator.
“Let me rephrase.” The brush of his lips against her hair sent a burning trail of pleasure down her spine. “My mum needs help.”
“With a son like you, I hardly blame her.” Her voice came out too breathy, too needy, too damn obvious of her arousal.
“You’re a lot sassier, too.”
He gripped her hips and her breath caught in her throat at the brush of his erection at the top of her ass. She was disgusted. The ache churning in her belly, the way her skin tingled in response–was disgust, not lust. It definitely wasn’t lust.
Erin dropped the spoon with a clang and turned. She wanted to put him in his place. Instead his gaze captured her tighter than a vice grip. “I…” she cleared her throat, “I can’t help you.” No matter what he needed, she couldn’t provide it. She’d already given him her heart, her body, her mind and her soul when they were dating. She had no more to give.
The curve of his lips softened, turning into a sad smile. He stared at her face, his attention moving from her eyes, down her cheeks, to her lips. “Then help my mother.” He took a step back and she finally found the ability to breathe again. “That’s the reason I’m here. Mum’s throwing a big birthday celebration over Friday and Saturday night, out on the farm, and wants you to cater.”
His voice deepened, penetrating her with his sincerity and those damn eyes. Why did they have to look as though they held the same regret that she carried around with her?
She ignored the way he reminded her of the life they once had and concentrated on something else, like why Mrs Hackett couldn’t call and ask Erin to do the catering herself. She wanted to ask Jesse this but it would only prolong the conversation. So she didn’t bother. She had no plans on going to the farmhouse. Reliving the fond memories of sharing meals with the Hackett family would be too much. They had their first kiss in the entrance hall of his parent’s place. She’d lost her virginity in the shearing shed.
No, she wouldn’t be taking the job, no matter how much her business needed the money.
“I’m sorry, I can’t.” The apology sounded sincere, although they both knew it wasn’t.
“OK,” he shrugged, “let her know when she comes in.”
Sneaky bastard! Jesse knew she could never refuse his mother, especially face to face. “Can’t you tell her?”
A subtle smile tilted his lips. “No need. I won’t be home until late tonight and she already plans on coming into town to buy a new dress and discuss the menu plans with you. Tell her then. I’m sure she can find someone else.” He pivoted on his heels and strode to the front door.
She shouldn’t have been surprised when her gaze fell to the finely sculpted butt encased in his snug black shorts.
The bells on the door jingled when he pulled it open. He paused for a moment before looking over his shoulder. The wrinkles around his eyes and the soft line of his mouth expressed his melancholy. “It was good to see you.”
She nodded, trying not to let his sincerity affect her any more than his natural male hotness already did.
“I hope you change your mind about the party. My parents’ house brings back great memories. It’d sure be nice to reminisce with you.”
His eyes glazed with the seductive charm she’d never been able to resist. She was stronger now though. Years of reliving the day he left town, never looking back, had made her that way. Finally, it was her turn for a little payback.
“Sorry. My memory must be a bit fuzzier than yours. The most memorable experience I can come up with was when you first tried to pop my cherry, but came before you even got between my thighs.” She gave a lazy one shoulder shrug. “That isn’t something I plan to reminisce on.”
Jesse’s expression was priceless, and definitely something she would laugh about later when her heart stopped aching. Her lips twitched with a smile and before she could apologise, the door slammed shut, leaving her to watch him walk away from her. Again.
Chapter 2
Jesse sat on the back porch, listening to the rustle of leaves and the chirp of crickets in the increasing darkness of nightfall. He’d hoped the scotch and Coke would’ve dulled his obsession with watching Erin. Nope. Here he was, three hours of slow drinking later and his mind and focus still hadn’t wavered.
Christ. He was twenty-six, he should have more control.
He remembered hearing somewhere that a woman’s appeal faded over time and that they aged without grace, but maybe that was men because it definitely wasn’t the case for her. Her body was blessed with hypnotic feminine curves. She still had a trim figure like he remembered from high school, but now she was luscious and inviting in all the right places. The dark brown hair he had once ran through his fingers now reached the middle of her shoulder blades and her green eyes appeared lighter, making her dark lips and gorgeous smile stand out like a beacon. She was alluring and if he didn’t stay away he’d be unable to deny his lust.
She’d arrived at his parents’ property midafternoon, dressed in a breast hugging white blouse and black pants that showed off her tight ass. Because of the blood pounding through his veins, commanding him to stake a claim on her, he’d done his best to avoid her entirely. The last three days had been bad enough. Every second since stepping out of Erin and Karen’s catering business was mental and physical torture. “Go ask Erin to do the catering,” his mother had said. “It’ll be good for the two of you to catch up,” she added.
Yeah right.
Since that morning his dick and mind had been set on the Erin channel, never wavering in picture or sound quality.
He’d contemplated packing his things and heading home early to avoid temptation. The only thing that kept him firmly planted on the family property was his mother. She deserved to have the birthday of her dreams and if being here made her happy, then he would stay for the extra days.
“You’re quiet tonight.” His mum slid the screen door closed behind her and walked toward him at the end of the porch. “Aren’t you coming inside to see everyone?”
“Nah, I’m gunna sit here a while and enjoy the serenity.” He took a swig of his can, savoured the alcoholic taste on
his tongue and swallowed hard. “It’s your party, your friends. I don’t know these people anymore.”
He hadn’t been back to Holbrook in a long time and when he did visit he didn’t waste time mingling with people he no longer knew. He spent his hours on the farm, helping his parents the best he could, before returning to the city.
“You know Erin,” she replied in a blasé tone. Far too blasé for his liking. His mother didn’t have a subtle bone in her body and having her focus on his ex wasn’t good.
“I haven’t known Erin since high school. We’ve both grown up and moved on with our lives.” The lie burned his throat and he took another drink to douse the flames. He hadn’t moved on from Erin. Never would. But he couldn’t look back either. If only she’d wanted to leave with him when he first moved to Sydney. Then things would’ve been different.
“She’s still the beautiful soul you fell in love with as a teenager.”
Jesse groaned and rubbed his aching forehead. Maybe if he ignored her she would go away.
“You should go speak to her.” Then again maybe she wouldn’t.
“Yeah, I will. Later.” Much, much, later. As in never. Seeing Erin only encouraged him to second-guess the decisions he’d made in the past. Leaving the farm had been the right choice.
His mother stepped closer, leaning in to kiss him on the forehead. “Well don’t wait too long. A woman like Erin may not always be available.” She drew out the last word, because obviously he lacked the intelligence to understand the blatant meaning behind her statement.
“Ohh…kay,” he drawled and tried not to roll his eyes.
With a ruffle of his hair, his mum walked back down the wooden porch and went inside. Jesse watched her through the floor to ceiling glass doors as she sidestepped the mingling guests to avoid conversation, all in an effort to get to the kitchen in a hurry. Erin glanced up from the plate she was preparing, wiped her forehead with her wrist and smiled at his mother. The love and admiration in her expression made Jesse’s chest pound and he turned away before he thought of going in after her.