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Earl of Destiny

Page 20

by K. J. Jackson

  Lily waved her hand, turning from the breakfast-laden sideboard to move to a seat at the table. “Do not worry on it. Of course I will help. Whatever surprise you have for Bree, I cannot wait to see it. Besides, she has more than neglected her duties with me as of late. And our guests. Not that I have minded. I only hope my future husband will be as thoughtful as you are to Bree.”

  “How are things progressing with Lord Bepton?” Sebastian set his plate on the table and sat down next to her.

  Lily glanced quickly about the room, and seeing only a footman, leaned toward Sebastian, her voice low. “Dull. Dull as the day is long.”

  “Did you not realize that in London? How did he gain an invite here to Notlund?”

  She shrugged. “Honestly, I was foxed during most of our encounters, and Bree somehow convinced me he would make a steadfast, attentive husband. Since she had better memory of him than I, I agreed.”

  “So he is not all that you hoped for?”

  “He is sweet, and will make a wonderful husband for someone.”

  “Someone other than you?”

  She smiled, popping a bite of bacon into her mouth.

  The click of the side door to the dining hall sent both of their heads swinging to the doorway.

  Brianna stepped into the room, her eyes flickering between Sebastian and Lily. “You two look…suspicious.”

  Sebastian stood, moving over to the sideboard to collect a plate for his wife. “We do not usually get the company of Lily this early in the morning. It is a novelty.”

  Brianna joined him at the sideboard, setting eggs and ham onto her plate. Sebastian set her across the table from Lily and went to his seat.

  “My new brother-in-law was teasing me,” Lily said. “It makes me thankful I only had you, Bree, and not an older brother to contend with growing up.”

  “I did not torture you enough when we were children?” Brianna asked, smile on her face.

  “You did remarkably well, in that regard, sister,” Lily said.

  “I was just explaining to Lily where we are going for the next week, to deliver Red Swallow to Lord Bayton’s estate for breeding, since he will not let his prize stud leave his sight,” Sebastian said. “But I was also regaling her with news of your exploits with Lord Bayton.”

  “It seems your husband wants you to go along because you have Lord Bayton smitten,” Lily said. “But I do not see the necessity of it, Bree. The deal has already been made, so why do you have to go as well? You would not leave my side when Lord Newdale was here at Notlund, and now that Lord Bepton is here, I have barely seen you.”

  “You are not interested in Lord Bepton, Lily. It is as simple as that,” Brianna said. “I have no fear that you will find yourself in a compromising situation with him—most directly because you yourself would not allow it.”

  “And you feared I would compromise myself with Lord Newdale?”

  Brianna shot her a wry look.

  “What little you must think of me.” Lily’s face set to a pout.

  “We will only be away for a week, Lily,” Brianna said. “By then, Lord Bepton will have departed, and you will be preparing for Lord Rallager and his cousins.”

  “Which is exactly why I want you to stay, Bree. How will it appear if you are not present for both Bepton’s departure and Rallager’s arrival? It will appear dismissive, and you are the one that wanted me to give each of them a true chance.”

  Brianna sighed, setting her fork, full of fluffy eggs, down and looking to Sebastian. “I fear Lily is right. Is it necessary for me to accompany you?”

  “No. I will miss your company, by large.” Sebastian gave her a reassuring smile. “But I will be able to handle Lord Bayton. Though he will miss you as well, I imagine. I will just have to promise him another visit in the near future.”

  “And that will give you an opportunity to bring a new mare with for breeding.” Brianna’s eyes lit up. “It is the perfect excuse to sneak in another match with his studhorse.”

  Sebastian nodded with a smile. “Perfect. I do enjoy how your mind works, my wife.”


  Brianna scanned the sideways titles of the books on the shelf in front of her. She looked over the leather-bound volumes slowly, enjoying the moment of silence in the empty library. She had, admittedly, been so consumed by her own commotion during the past month that she had momentarily forgotten about all of the drama that spun around her sister.

  In the week since Sebastian had been gone, Brianna was reminded quite quickly of the whirlwind Lily twirled in the center of.

  At least Sebastian would be back in another two days. Only two more nights in his cold bed without him. With the frenzy surrounding Lord Rallager and his family’s arrival, Sebastian would give her a harbor in the middle of the storm. A harbor she missed desperately. The past week had surprised her in how very much she had grown to depend on his presence—on how he stilled her mind.

  “Brianna, here you are.” Wynne walked into the library. “Are you collecting the classics for Lord Rallager’s aunt? She just sent me after the very same thing. Cannot do without her Plato and Homer, she insists.”

  Brianna chuckled. “Is it too early to persuade Lily away from Lord Rallager, merely because I do not want to wait upon his aunt hand and foot?” Brianna normally would not have uttered such a disparaging comment out loud, but Wynne was one person Brianna felt completely unfiltered around. Maybe because Wynne was an American, or maybe because no matter what Brianna told her, Wynne had never judged her. Not once.

  “I think one more day like this, and that is well within proper bounds.” Wynne pointed at a tall shelf further into the library and slipped her hand into the crook of Brianna’s elbow, walking them toward it. “Forgive me, I feel as though I have neglected you and not spoken to you in weeks—other than to discuss menus. I am not accustomed to entertaining such as this, and it is taking a dreadful amount of time. Especially since Rowe had to travel to London. So many expectations to be managed, and beyond his aunt, several of Lord Rallager’s cousins have extremely exacting tastes in how they like to pass their time.”

  Brianna nodded, pulling tomes from the shelf where Wynne stopped. “Yes. And I fear his aunt is here only to spoil any hopes Lily has of Rallager—if she even has any hopes with him.”

  Wynne glanced up from the book she was flipping through. “Lily is still tethered to Lord Newdale?”

  “I fear so, though she has been tight-lipped about Newdale as of late. Has she said anything to you?”


  “More importantly, have you been able to paint?”

  Wynne offered a half-smile with a shrug. “Very little. But the end is in sight.”

  “I am so sorry we have upended your life as much as we have done, Wynne.”

  “Nonsense. I was able to enjoy the season—and both Rowe and I adore you and Lily. We both just want to see you two happy. Plus, I will be attending to other things when the next season comes about.”

  Brianna looked from the spine of the book her hand was on to Wynne. “Already planning for next year? Why so far ahead?”

  “What I am planning for has a very set timeline to it.” Wynne set two books down on the heavy oak table in the middle of the room and turned back to Brianna. “I am with child.”

  Brianna spun to her, a shocked smile on her face as she grabbed Wynne in a tight hug. “I am so happy for you. When is the babe due?”

  “It is still early—another five months, or so.”

  “This is wonderful news, Wynne. Both you and the duke must be delighted.” Brianna’s smile faltered. “But you should not be run so ragged by these guests—I am suddenly overwhelmed with guilt.”

  “We are—delighted. And there is no need for guilt. I am managing well. I have not been ill—something I am thankful for.” Wynne motioned to the bookcase, and they both turned to pull several more volumes. “Speaking of happiness, things are going well with you and Sebastian?”

  “They are. It is unex
pected, but they are.” Brianna added three more books to Wynne’s pile.

  Wynne smiled. “I never, in the farthest reaches of my mind, expected that I would end up in such a place as Notlund.” Her finger twirled about the room. “Never. Who would? But it has been the unexpected in life that has brought me the most incredible happiness. Brought me Rowe. I hope for the same for both you and Lily.”

  “Seb would say fate brought Lily and me here, and on that accord, I have to agree with him. You and the duke have become our family, and I am eternally grateful to fate for making that so.”

  “Seb is making you believe in fate, is he?”


  “Then your marriage must be going well.” Wynne smiled, picking up the stack of books. “Let me bring these up, and you can take a moment of respite.”

  “You are the one that should be taking a moment of rest, Wynne.”

  “I am not an invalid yet.” Wynne smirked. “Plus, have you seen me all morning?”


  “Exactly. I already have taken my escape for the day.” She winked at Brianna. “Your turn.”

  Wynne walked to the door, but then stopped abruptly and turned back to Brianna, shuffling the books into one arm to free a hand. “I almost forgot. This arrived for you earlier today, but this is the first I have seen of you.” Her hand went into a pocket buried in her skirt, fishing out a sealed letter.

  Brianna went to take the letter from her, waiting until Wynne walked down the hall to close the doors to the library. She had refused to look down at the letter in her hand until she was closed off from the world.

  Dread building, she glanced down to her already shaking hands.

  Thick paper. Black seal.

  Her legs heavy under her, Brianna went to the table in the middle of the library, breaking the black wax of the seal over the wood.

  A simple note, the words were scratched out quickly with not much care. She recognized Mr. Flemming’s handwriting immediately.

  Miss Silverton,

  Gregory has travelled to Yorkshire. I have found and followed him, against your advisement. Justice for Welbury. I shadowed him until I lost his trail in a town called Hoppleton.

  Brianna’s breath stopped. Her eyes blurred for a moment, and she sank to a wooden chair next to the table. It wasn’t until air reached her lungs and her eyes cleared that she could look down to finish the note.

  As the proximity is close to your current residence, I thought it a necessity to warn you in the quickest manner. I lost him on the 16th. Even as I write, I am still searching for him. If you can, please meet me on the 18th at the usual location. I will review with you all I know.



  Hands trembling so violently she had a hard time folding the note, Brianna had to use the table to push herself to standing. She took a back winding staircase to avoid everyone milling about the castle and made her way to her room.

  Sinking to the side of her bed, her hand crushed the paper, the wax crumbling onto the peach coverlet.

  Time passed, and Brianna wasn’t sure how long. An hour. Maybe three. She sat there in shock, only one thought reverberating through her brain.

  She needed Sebastian. Needed him like she never had before.

  “Bree? Bree?”

  Brianna’s head snapped up. Lily.

  She slid her hand along the bed, shoving the crumpled note under the closest pillow just as the door opened.

  Lily’s head poked into the room.

  Hell. Lily. Her sister’s smiling face busted through the shock that had enveloped Brianna, holding her hostage.

  Her mind started churning.

  She needed Sebastian, but he wasn’t here. And she had to keep Lily safe. She had to keep Harry safe.

  There was nothing more important. She had been silly to think telling Sebastian would absolve her of that responsibility. And time was not her ally. The eighteenth was tomorrow.

  If Gregory was in Yorkshire, he was close—far too close. As much as she wanted—needed—to wait for Sebastian to get back, she had to at least meet with Mr. Flemming. Had to know what he knew. Had to have something to tell Sebastian, some detail, however small, to give him a trail.

  And she had to get to Harry and Frannie as quickly as she possibly could. Her face swung to the window. Dark. She couldn’t leave now. She would have to go to them after Mr. Flemming. There was no one else. Sebastian was gone. The duke was in London. Just her.

  Brianna jumped to her feet.

  “What are you doing in here, Bree? You have not been in here since you married.” Her sister came into the room. “I have been looking everywhere for you. You were supposed to meet us at the stables an hour past.”

  “I was?”

  “Yes.” Lily’s eyebrows cocked at Brianna. “Bree, what is amiss?”

  Brianna shook her head, pasting a wide smile on her face. “I am sorry. I was diverted.”

  “By what?”

  Brianna shrugged. “Thoughts.”

  “Thoughts of what?”

  “You, most recently.”

  Lily moved to stand in front of Brianna. “Just what thoughts have you been having about me?”

  Brianna motioned to the chairs in front of the fireplace. “Sit with me a moment?”

  Lily’s head tilted, suspicious, but she went to sit in front of the fireplace.

  Brianna moved to sit across from Lily, her fingernails on her right hand digging into her thumb. Where to start? What to tell her sister? Brianna cleared her throat. “Did you know I visited a fortune teller?”

  “You did?” Lily’s eyes went wide. “You? When? I cannot believe it.”

  Brianna nodded. “I did. When I was at that horse race with Sebastian. I thought it would be fun, so she read my palm.”

  “Was it? I have always wanted my cards read by someone other than an old hen in a card room.”

  “It was, to an extent.” Brianna leaned forward, grabbing Lily’s hands. “The fortune teller told me to make a good decision when it came to choosing between following my heart or my head.”

  She squeezed Lily’s hands. “I want you to do the same, Lils. This decision—who the right man is for you—I want you to follow your heart.”


  Brianna cut her off, shaking her head. “No, let me say this. I have been trying to get you to make this decision with your mind, with logic, with safety—but I have been wrong. It is your heart. Your heart is so pure, Lils, so very sure of itself—it has never failed you.”

  “Yours has failed you, Bree?”

  “It did, once, long ago, and I have been suffocated by that very thing for so long. Do you remember when Papa was still alive? How simple everything was? How happy we were?”

  “I do. I remember it well.” Lily took a deep breath, her blue eyes somber. “I miss it, Bree.”

  “As do I. But I see it now. I see it so clearly. Our hearts were what we lived for back then. Impulsive and laughing and happy. And now, making this decision about a husband, you need your heart to guide you. It will not fail you.”

  Lily nodded, but suspicion crept into her eyes. “Why now, Bree? Why tell me this now?”

  “Is there a better time than right now?”

  Lily held Brianna’s look for a long moment. Brianna could see the questions in her eyes, feel her wariness, but then she shrugged. “I suppose not.”

  “Good.” Brianna squeezed Lily’s hands one last time and stood, ushering her to the door. “I love you, Lils.”

  Lily paused with her hand on the half-open door, looking back to Brianna, her head cocked in unspoken curiosity. But then she smiled. “I love you too, Bree.”

  Brianna wiped a tear away from the corner of her eye, closing the door after her sister.

  She had to get down to the stables and talk to little Tommy.

  She would need Moonlight to be fresh in the morning.


  The terror running through her mind morphe
d as the lips on her neck twisted away the nightmare of a knife in her flesh and replaced it with the tingle of Sebastian caressing her skin.

  She could feel him in her dream. Feel his breath hot on her neck, feel his hands running down her body.

  Her heart still beating wildly from the horror of her dream, her body came alive in a wild rush as the dream fully transformed from hell, into Sebastian naked above her.

  Rolling her from her belly onto her back. Murmuring her name. His fingers slipping her night rail down her body. His mouth capturing her nipple.

  She curled in her sleep to him, the cool air sending goosebumps along the back of her arms. His hand went down, making her night rail disappear, then trailed back up her leg, sliding to the curve of her inner thigh. Deep into her folds, he plied, sending her core into a demanding, throbbing need.

  It wasn’t until he entered her, filling her, slow and methodical, again and again, that Brianna began to meander through the remnants of her dream into reality.

  She fought consciousness, not wanting to leave the dream that had come so close, but had not yet finished satisfying her.

  A groan, low and rumbling sank into her ears.

  This was no dream.

  Her eyes fluttered open, only to see Sebastian hovering above her, watching her face.

  He smiled. “You are awake.”

  She nodded, dreams still muddling her mind. Lifting her arm, still heavy with sleep, her palm went to his cheek. He was real.

  “You are home. Seb—”

  He slid into her, stealing her words.

  “I am.” His hand slipped under her knee, drawing her leg up. “And I am ready to explode, Bree, so brace yourself.”

  He withdrew, and Brianna arched, not willing to let him leave her. Her hand went above her head, palm wedged on the headboard. “Yes, Seb, yes. Please.”

  He slammed into her full force.

  “Hell, Bree. Come. Now.”

  He gave no quarter to the delicate balance she held between sleep and consciousness, demanding she join him, fully cognizant to what he was doing to her body.

  He filled her repeatedly, harder, his breath strained, until Brianna screamed, fingernails ripping into his back as her body contracted underneath him, drawing him into the same tortured release.


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