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The Crush Revisited

Page 3

by Shawn Lane

  “Ah, fuck,” Brandon gasped, his vision blurring.

  Tim nipped Brandon’s shoulder and then said directly into his ear, “Undo your pants.”

  Cursing himself for trembling, Brandon unbuckled his belt. The sound of his zipper seemed loud in the nearly silent room. Tim reached around him and then yanked Brandon’s pants and briefs down to his knees in one quick move as though he’d done it dozens of times. Brandon guessed Tim probably had. He pushed Brandon until he lay on his stomach on the bed, and he slapped Brandon’s cheeks. Brandon groaned.

  Glancing over his shoulder, he watched Tim undo his own pants and drop them to the floor. His neck crooked to see Tim’s long, thick cock, hard and curving up ever so slightly. Turning over to face front, Brandon slipped his hand between himself and the mattress and closed his fist around his own aching dick. He heard the sound of a foil wrapper tearing.

  And then Tim dropped to his knees and spread Brandon’s legs. Shock coursed through Brandon just before Tim licked along the crease between his parted cheeks.

  Holy fuck, he hadn’t expected that. His legs wobbled, his breath hitched, and he clenched his eyes tightly shut when Tim tongued his hole, then slipped inside.

  After Tim soaked his hole liberally, Brandon heard the slosh of lube being squirted out, and then Tim inserted two slicked fingers. In and out, he thrust them in Brandon, moving easily within.

  “Please,” Brandon heard himself beg. He realized he probably should feel shame but was too far gone to care. His thumb brushed across the tip of his overly sensitized cock.

  Tim stood, his fingers digging into Brandon’s hip bones, slowly pushing his dick inside. Brandon pushed back and, encountering no resistance, Tim slipped past the ring of muscle, embedding himself fully inside Brandon.

  “Okay?” Tim asked.

  “God, yes. Move.”

  That seemed permission enough for Tim, who started pumping in and out of Brandon’s ass as Brandon stroked himself faster to match the pounding Tim gave him.

  Tim rode him hard, slamming in over and over, angling his cock to brush across Brandon’s prostate, bringing whimpers of delight from him. He swore his eyes were going to roll back into his head as his orgasm tingled up his spine.

  “Fuck,” Brandon moaned.

  “Yeah,” Tim agreed, speeding up his thrusts as he drove harder and faster, then tensed behind him. “Brandon.”

  Spunk shot over Brandon’s fingers and splattered onto the hotel bedspread as he moaned hoarsely.

  After a few seconds, Tim withdrew and dropped to his knees, huffing out short breaths. Brandon turned over and now lay on his back, his legs dangling over the side.

  Tim stood, re-dressed, and disappeared into the bathroom.

  Reluctantly, Brandon got up and righted his own clothes.

  Now what?

  Did he slink away? Spend the night? When was the last time he had spent the night with a guy? Over a year.

  And Jesus, Tim Olfander had just fucked him. His mind was a little blown.

  Tim came out of the bathroom and grinned. “That was amazing.”

  “Yes. But perhaps not the smartest thing I’ve ever done.” Brandon sat on the edge of the bed and ran his hand through his ruffled hair.

  “Ah, now, no regrets.” He sat next to Brandon. “In fact, I have an idea.”

  Brandon eyed him suspiciously. “An idea?”

  “I’m going to be here a week. You already know I think you’re really hot, and I’m guessing you don’t think I’m so bad.”

  “Perhaps.” He wondered where Tim was going with this. Was he suggesting more than a one-night stand?

  Tim shrugged. “I’ve never actually suggested this before, so I maybe sound kind of lame. But how about while I’m here we have a no-strings-attached affair?”

  Okay, so he was suggesting it. “You’re really full of yourself, you know?”

  “Maybe,” Tim acknowledged, grinning sheepishly. “Still, great sex for a week, and then next Wednesday, I go home and we never see each other. What have we got to lose?”

  “My job, for one.”

  “Won’t happen. We’ll be discreet.”

  Brandon bit his bottom lip. He hadn’t even kissed Tim yet. How long had he dreamed of kissing Tim? Back in high school he once had a class with Tim. He’d sat to the side, not behind Tim. He hadn’t wanted to look at the back of his head. From the side he could study Tim’s profile. Every day of that class he watched Tim, dreamed of those lips claiming his. He’d played the scene of their first kiss in his head a million times. In those fantasies it was Brandon’s first kiss.

  He felt himself leaning toward Tim. As he got within an inch of those lips he’d fantasized about kissing, Brandon puckered. Abruptly Tim backed up, holding his hand in front of him.

  “I don’t really kiss,” Tim said. “No offense or anything. It’s just not my thing.”

  Oh God. What an idiot he was. Thinking he could have his fantasy. This wasn’t fucking high school. Bile rose to his throat.

  “I see.” Brandon nodded and stood. “I’ve got to be going. I need to get home and get ready for work tomorrow.”

  “What about the arrangement? Do you agree?”

  Brandon laughed, thinking it sounded vaguely hysterical. His stomach turned over. “Sorry, no. I’m sure you have guys falling at your feet wherever you live now, Tim. But I’m not going to do that. I won’t be treated like I’m just a whore for your pleasure with no thoughts and feelings and needs of my own.” He walked to the door. “I’m sure you won’t have any trouble hooking up with someone else during the reunion. Have a pleasant stay.”

  Chapter 5

  Brandon took a long sip of the strong coffee he’d picked up on his way to the resort that morning. He’d gone straight to his office after exchanging the barest of pleasantries with a handful of staff members.

  His gaze fell on his framed Bachelor of Science degree in hotel management he’d hung on the wall of his office. It brought him focus. He’d worked hard to get where he was now. Successful. Well compensated. Well liked. And Tim Olfander would not be allowed to interfere with that.

  With a sigh, he picked up his folder for the reunion ball taking place on Saturday night. He was expected to be there, of course. If he was lucky no one would recognize him as the shy, geeky guy he’d been ten years ago. He’d been mostly invisible to the other Lincoln Hill students, and he hoped to stay that way.

  His cell phone bleeped on his desk and then started vibrating. Brandon picked it up and answered it. “Hey, Veronica.”

  “I got your message,” she said, sounding vaguely out of breath. “You did what?”

  Brandon pinched the bridge of his nose, hoping it would stave off the headache he was pretty sure was coming. “I, uh, hell. You got the message, so why make me say it out loud?”

  “I want to hear the words out of your mouth because I can’t believe this is the same guy who said he wanted to avoid Tim Olfander.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s certainly true now.” He picked up his paper cup of coffee and took a sip. “Fine. I had sex with him.”

  Veronica huffed and puffed. “How did that happen exactly?”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m taking in groceries from the car.”

  “Ah. Okay. I checked him in at the resort.”

  “And he instantly recognized you and said you’re the guy he always wanted to screw in high school?”

  Brandon laughed. “No. He didn’t recognize me. He invited me for a drink. I went. He gave me his key. I went. He fucked me. I went.”

  “You’re a terrible storyteller, by the way. He never said, ‘Wait, you’re that Brandon Collins?’”

  “Nope. And why would he? I don’t think he even knew my name in school. If he knew me at all, I was that weird kid.”

  She sighed. “Well, how was it? He? It? The sex.”

  “Um. Not what I expected.”

  “No? Did he suck?”

  “No, there was no suc

  “Ha-ha. You know what I mean.”

  He grimaced. “It’s just all this time I had it built up in my head what it would be like to be with him. It was going to be this magical thing or something. Like angels would come down with harps while we clung together in perfect harmony.”

  She laughed. “I can almost picture that.”

  “Yeah. Only it wasn’t even close. He’s a douchebag.”

  “Don’t tell me he didn’t get you off!”

  “No, I did. The actual sex part was all right. Not earth-shattering, but okay. We didn’t even get naked. It was like something really quick and messy and it was over. He wouldn’t even kiss me.” Not to mention the whole thing was rather much like a business transaction. Cold and unemotional. Only money being exchanged would have made him feel more like a whore. He hadn’t expected declarations of love or “Where have you been all my life?” out of Tim, but he hadn’t expected meaningless, cold sex either. Sure, they’d never really met before, but back in his teenage years, he’d been hopeful Tim would be some sort of prince, not a toad.


  “Yeah.” He took another swallow of coffee. “So much for my idea of being swept into this fabulous love affair. I don’t know. I guess maybe our old high school crushes are better off left back in high school.”

  “I’m sorry, sweetie.”

  “Yeah, me, too. C’est la vie. Anyway, I have tons of paperwork and other stuff to do before the official start of the reunion, so I have to run.”

  * * * *

  Tim glanced at his watch as he waited in the lobby. He’d wanted to find Brandon this morning, but he’d overslept. Now he was supposed to meet Lance in the lobby. His friend was on his way from the airport.

  He’d royally fucked up the night before. In the light of day, Tim wanted to kick himself. To salvage anything with Brandon, he would have to apologize for his boorish behavior. Until Tim had declared he wouldn’t kiss, he’d been certain Brandon was leaning toward agreeing to the affair.

  So what if he had to engage in some harmless kissing? It wasn’t as though he’d never kissed anyone. He might not think it was any big deal to avoid such an intimacy as kissing in short-term affairs, but apparently Brandon did.

  He should have gotten Brandon’s cell phone number so he could call him. Not necessarily leave a message saying, Hey, I’ll suck face with you after all, but to arrange to meet later to talk about it.

  At the moment, it would have to wait.

  Lance had been one of his two best friends in high school. According to the e-mails and phone calls he’d they’d exchanged, the man was bringing his boyfriend, Todd, with him.

  Back in school, Lance had been the quiet, studious one of the trio. Definitely cute, but the kind of guy who preferred not to stand out. He liked to blend in the background.

  Tim leaned against a pillar, his gaze on the double automatic doors that led into the resort. Lance was already ten minutes later then he’d said he would be when he called from the airport.

  A taxi pulled up just outside and Lance got out. He paid the driver and waited while his luggage was unloaded from the back of the cab. Lance spoke briefly to a bellhop, who loaded his bags on a cart and then took off with them.

  Lance, dressed casually in a pair of beat-up jeans, a blue T-shirt, and red canvas slip-on shoes, walked inside. He spotted Tim immediately and made his way over, smiling.

  “Hey, long time, no see,” Lance said.

  They embraced. They hadn’t lost contact after graduation, but it had been close to seven years since they’d seen each other in person. Lance looked good. His mother was from Italy, so he’d been blessed with a lot of her Northern Italian looks. Dark hair, dark eyes, slightly full lips. He wasn’t as tall as Tim’s six-two, but he only missed out by an inch or two.

  “Where’s your boyfriend?” Tim looked around, peered out the doors, but the cab had long since left. “I thought he was coming with you.”

  For a moment Lance’s eyes were filled with intense pain, but it was gone in a flash, and he smiled ruefully. “We’re not together anymore.”

  “Oh.” He frowned. Lance had talked nonstop about Todd. Hiding his surprise as best he could, Tim said, “I’m really sorry. Are you okay?”

  Lance shrugged. “You win some, you lose some. I guess I lost this one. It’s too early to check in, and I’m starved. Why don’t we get some breakfast?”

  He decided not to comment on the change of subject. At least not yet. “Good idea. There’s a café right here at the resort. Let’s go there.”

  After they’d been seated at a booth toward the back of the restaurant, Lance picked up his menu but looked at Tim. “So, tell me. What have you been up to here since you arrived yesterday?”

  “Funny you should mention that. I met someone.”

  Lance smirked. “Why doesn’t that surprise me in the least?”

  A waitress came up to their table. “Coffee?”

  “Yes, please,” Lance said. “Lots of cream.”

  “Me, too,” Tim told her. As she walked away, he shrugged. “I didn’t plan to find someone when we decided to come to the reunion.”

  “No? I thought it was in the great, grand scheme of yours to get laid wherever you went.”

  He had the grace to blush. “You make me sound like a whore.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far.” Lance opened the menu and glanced at the contents. “But you’ve always been pretty open and free with your sexuality.”

  Tim had to acknowledge that at least a little. “I admit I wasn’t opposed to finding someone hot here.”

  “Don’t tell me you have the hots for a bellhop or something.”

  He laughed. “No, although there are some cute ones here. Brandon’s the assistant manager.”

  “And just how far have you gotten with this Brandon?”

  “All the way.”

  Lance shook his head. “You don’t waste any time.”

  “Yeah. I admit I moved fast. But we’re not here that long, so I couldn’t take a lot of time to woo the object of my lust.”

  “Obviously.” Lance rolled his eyes. “So are you now ready to move on from this guy?”

  “No,” Tim said. “Though he’s ready to move on from me.”

  “Don’t tell me you found someone sluttier than you.”

  Tim scowled. “You don’t have a high opinion of me, do you?”

  “Sorry,” Lance said, but he didn’t sound very sincere.

  “Anyway. I kind of was a jackass to him and so I don’t think he’s eager to have a second round. But I love a challenge, so I’m going to try to change his mind.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  The waitress came back with their coffee. Lance ordered bacon and eggs, and Tim ordered pancakes.

  Tim studied his friend for a minute, taking in the false cheerfulness. “Want to talk about it?”


  “You and Todd. You don’t have to, of course. It’s just you seemed really high on him before. Like you were really in love.”

  Lance lowered his gaze, looking at his coffee. “I was. Am, really.”

  “The breakup was his idea?” Tim asked gently.

  “Things were going great, or I thought so. We were living together. I was happy.” Lance shrugged. “I guess I was happy alone. Todd told me one day that it wasn’t working out for him. He didn’t think we were meant to be, so he was moving out.”


  “I’m really sorry.”

  Lance nodded. “Me, too. I thought he was the one. But you know, whatever. I’ll get over it. Maybe I can find a distraction here at the reunion same way you did.”

  “Just make sure it’s not the same distraction. I have dibs on Brandon Collins.”

  “Brandon Collins? Why does that name sound familiar?”

  “Common enough name.”

  “Well, Collins is,” Lance agreed. “But Brandon Collins? It rings a bell.”

  “What bell?

  “Not sure. Anyway, Ashtyn arrives tomorrow.”

  Tim nodded. “Should be very interesting. Did he show you the most recent pictures of himself?”

  Lance laughed. “Yeah. He was always a little dramatic.”

  “To put it mildly. I’m sure he’ll make quite the entrance.”

  “Lincoln Hill may never be the same.”

  Chapter 6


  Brandon looked up from the schedule he was reviewing to see one of the other staff members standing in the doorway of his office. “Hi, Mary. What’s up?”

  “There’s a guest here who insists on seeing you.”

  Brandon set his pen down. “Is there a problem with the room?”

  “He won’t say. His name is Timothy Olfander. Should I send him in?”

  His heart began to slam hard. Tim? What did he want? He shook his head.


  “Yes, I’ll see him. Thanks.”

  He went back to looking at the schedule so that it wouldn’t look to Tim as though he were eagerly awaiting him. He most definitely was not. Brandon couldn’t imagine what Tim wanted after last night.

  Tim entered his office. “Can I close the door?”

  Brandon looked up slowly from the schedule. Tim wore black jeans and a gray button-down shirt. He also still had that sexy trace of a five o’clock shadow. Must be a permanent fixture. Not that Tim’s sexiness affected Brandon in any way. Not anymore.

  “Sure, go ahead.” After the door had been closed, Brandon leaned back in his chair. “What can I do for you, Mr. Olfander?”

  “Mr. Olfander?”

  “Is there a problem with your room?”

  “Yes, it’s lonely.”

  Brandon rolled his eyes. “I’m sure you can find someone to change that.”

  “Maybe. But I was hoping to persuade you.”

  “I don’t think that would be wise.”

  Tim came around to Brandon’s side of the desk and sat on the edge of it. “You look really good. Those suits you wear are sexy.”

  “Is that the best you can do?”

  “No.” Tim smiled. “I didn’t realize you’d have an office. I guess it makes sense with you being a manager.”


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