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Just In Time For Christmas (BlackPath: Oklahoma Book 1)

Page 4

by Vera Quinn

  “I think it is about time that I start that cabin. One of these days I’m going to need to start slowing down so some of the younger brothers can start earning their way.” I know that was hard for Rye to say.

  “Truth brother.” The three men are following me to my small shop. I keep different projects in here that I tinker with. I put the code in the security box to get in and open the door and we all walk in. “It’s warmer today but if we don’t hurry up we are going to freeze our asses off.” I walk over and pull the soft cloth covers off the two bikes that Rye and I have been working on for years. These are our favorite two motorcycles that we have owned. They were pieces of junk when we bought them, and we have replaced them with shinier new bikes, but a man never gets rid of his first love and these were ours. We already gave Whiskey’s first bike he loved to Chief and he has since passed it on to Tazer. Rye and I thought some day we would pass ours to Chief’s other two sons but since Rye found out about Joey and me about Tara, we rethought our decisions. Since Rye has Joey now and Rome and Tara are together these two seem like a better fit for us to pass on our past to. I had thought about teaching Tara to ride but the thought of me having enough patience to do it properly doesn’t seem likely. I see the surprised looks on both Rome and Joey’s faces when the soft tarps are removed. “Rome, I am giving you my 1984 Wide Glide. All the bikes I had before this one was just that, ordinary motorcycles, but this one has been my baby from the start. When I found this lady, she was in shit shape, but I rode her for five years and let me tell you, there were many of times my girl left me on the side of the road, but I never gave up on her. I bought me a newer bike, but I put my lady up until I had the money and time to restore her. Today she would bring a mint, but she is never for sale. There are only a little over eight hundred in existence. The old man I bought it from didn’t know what he had, and I should feel bad for not telling him, but I don’t. If you hurt my daughter I will put you to ground but if you hurt my baby I will make you wish I had put you to ground.” I look at Rome to be sure he knows exactly how serious I am, but he has a smile glued to his face. I feel the same way. “I see you feel me. One promise I do want from you is this will be passed down to one of my grandchildren and you will teach Tara to ride.”

  “I can do that.” I step back away from the bike that has meant a lot to me for, so long. Rome steps up to it and he is checking everything out. “Can I leave it here until I have somewhere proper to store it and a good enclosed trailer to haul her?”

  “You can leave her here as long you like. Just let me know when you are coming up to get her.” I tell Rome.

  “Joey, this one was Rye’s. Tell him about it Rye.” I look at my brother and I can tell this is hard for him. Rye has never adapted to change very well.

  “This wasn’t one of my first bikes or even the most expensive, but she is one that I fell in love with. It’s a 1983” Rye doesn’t get it all out.

  “Sportster. It was barely street-legal and fast. Some drove them every day, but they were used at the track for racing too.” Joey finishes. “Thank you!” Joey looks at Rye and Rye back at him. The emotion in their eyes says it all. Rome steps over to me and puts his hand out to me but I don’t take. I pull him into me and give him a half hug like we men do.

  “I’ll handle her with care and respect.” I know when he says it he is talking about the Wide Glide and Tara and that I can accept without a word.

  “Hey, can I crash this party? Damn, those are some serious rides.” Devil says. He’s early. Him and Callie weren’t supposed to be here until much later. I see he has Kellan and Killian with him.

  “Cool bikes.” Kellan says.

  “Cool bikes.” Killian repeats his brother. I have spent a bit of time with the two small boys being they are my nephews and I have spent some time at their home. They remind me of Whiskey, Rye, and myself when we were growing up. I think when I see these two together is when I miss Whiskey the most. Since he has been gone it’s like a piece of me is missing, a piece of us is missing.

  “Ma said for me to tell everyone it is time to eat.” Devil speaks up.

  “I thought you were coming up later.” Rome says to Devil. Devil laughs.

  “That was the plan, but we had our alarm set for four this morning, but Katy Bug woke up around midnight and she woke her brothers up before us, so as soon as they had everything open and we ate, we got on the road.” Devil explains.

  “Mama is having another baby. We think it is a boy this time.” Killian says.

  “Damn, get a fucking hobby and leave that woman alone. Nearly every time I have seen my niece since she was eighteen she’s been knocked up.” Rye spits out laughing.

  “Why fix what’s not broken?” Devil comes back. “As far as I am concerned we will be having as many babies as Callie is physically able to have. Callie is a terrific mom and she is woman enough to handle us all so until she says it is enough or the doctor says it will hurt her then we are going to keep going. Don’t worry Rye, if we need a babysitter you are the first one on our speed dial.” Devil laughs.

  “You keep knocking up Chief’s daughter and he is liable to cut your balls off.” Rye counters. The rest of us are just listening. Killian pulls on Rome’s pants leg. Rome bends down to Killian’s level.

  “Papa won’t cut daddy’s balls off, will he? I don’t want my daddy hurt.” Rome looks up at Rye. Rye does not look in the least bit sorry.

  “No buddy, your papa wouldn’t hurt your dad.” I even laugh at that one. Chief would hurt Devil, if he hurt his baby girl again, but Killian doesn’t need to know that.

  “Unca Rome, what is knocked up?” Killian asks. Rome looks at Devil and then stands back up straight. “Ask your dad bud. I think it is time to eat.” Joey and I both laugh. Rome hands one of the tarps to Joey and he picks up the other one and they cover the bikes carefully.

  “Come on boys let’s get washed up for lunch.” I tell Killian and Kellan. Kellan comes over by me.

  “Uncle Bourbon, we are going to stay the night with you tonight. Grammy Kat said we could.” I have a feeling that my plans for the night have just been put on the back burner for the rocking babies part of Kat’s claiming. That’s alright for once on Christmas day I am not drowning my sorrows in the bottom of a bottle or in a faceless piece of ass. For once I am completely happy with my life and it Is Just in Time For Christmas…

  The end for now…

  I didn’t think everyone was ever going to leave. It’s nice having family close I have come to find out but it is even nicer when they go home. For a while at least. I have held Kat close for the last two nights and it has been better than I remembered. Not that she ever let me hold her before, not for long. I know now she was building up walls to protect herself but that doesn’t mean I like it any better. I showered and now I am laying here just waiting for Kat to finish in the bathroom. I am giving her this time. Hell, this woman has me doing things I never thought I would. I have never been a man who would take being put off or being claimed. Where the hell did Kat even come up with that one? My cock was hard as steel as Kat stood there with her hand on her hip telling me she was claiming me in front of all our family, well most. I know Rye is going to ride my ass about it from now on, but I have no fucks to give about it. I loved every minute of it. I heard the shower cut off a few minutes ago and I am trying to be a patient man and not beat down the bathroom door but if she is not out soon that is exactly what I will be doing. Since Christmas day I have thought about putting a ring on Kat’s finger but do people at our age do that? I’ve never been so off balance about something before. I don’t want to push too hard too fast. I hear the bathroom door open and I look at Kat standing in the door and damn she takes my breath away and my mouth and brain are not connecting because all my blood has headed south. The room is dark, but Kat has the light of the bathroom behind her and she is a sight to see. I reach over and turn my bed side lamp on to get a better look.

  Kat’s hair is flowing around her, and it is
beautiful as always, but my woman is dressed as the sexiest temptress I have ever had the joy of laying my eyes on. Dressed in black lingerie including a garter belt and stockings and the sexiest red fuck me heels. “Damn Kat, get the hell over here.” Too long. I start to get up and she walks over to me, slowly and as she walks I relax back in the bed holding myself up with my elbows. “Are you trying to give your ol’ man a heart attack? You are one hot piece of…”

  “Do not finish that sentence if you want me in that bed with you.” She pushes me flat on my back and pulls the covers off me and climbs on top of my body. Grinding her pussy down on my cock. I grab her around her waist and grind her down more. Fuck, this woman is going to undo me.

  “I need to ask you something and I want you to hear me out before you answer.” Kat looks into my eyes, as if she is trying to see inside my head.

  “Are you sure it can’t wait until in the morning or at least later?” I buck my hips up again and Kat moans. Softly, but it’s there and I’ll take it since it is the only sign that she wants me as much as I want her. “Woman, I am trying to be patient with you.”

  “After I tell you this and ask you a question, then never be patient with me again.” I look at Kat and I see she is serious. I take my mind off what I want to do and try to listen to not only what Kat is saying but what her body saying without words. When dealing with a woman it is the only way to go.

  “You have my attention and my silence but get on with it.” I tell Kat simply.

  “I am a strong woman, Bourbon. I don’t know when I transformed from the needy young woman I was when I first started hanging around the Feral Steel MC clubhouse. It could have been the many times I was left alone to raise my children while Steel ran the club. It could have been when I realized that my husband was not going to share all his life with me or even care what my opinion was on most things or maybe when I had to bury my Kimberly. She was my baby and that liked to have destroyed me.” This is not a talk we are having with this woman sitting on my cock. I wrap my hands around Kat’s waist and sit her beside me on the bed.

  “If we are having a talk that you talk about your pain then it is going to be with you beside me.” Kat shakes her head in understanding. “Now go on.” I turn on my side and wait for Kat to go on. I reach over and bring her hand to my mouth and kiss it gently. Kat finally begins again.

  “I never want a watered- down version of you, Bourbon. You are a hundred- proof smooth, strong and will kick you in the ass drink of man. I know you are a hard man to most people, but you give me your heart the same way I give you mine. I don’t want half of it. I am a greedy bitch and I want it all, for once. I want all of you. The good, the bad and the sexy and to get that I need to accept you the way you are. We get each other. You are a damn biker and I want all of that and all of you. I know you won’t be able to share everything with me but what you can, I want.” Kat is saying everything I have wanting to hear from her for so long. This little vixen is seducing a sure thing with her deep sultry voice but when I glance at her face I see the seriousness. “I want you to marry me old man. I want us to be in those rocking chairs on our front porch for years to come. I want to be on the back of your bike and by your side.” I grab Kat and bring her to me and devour her mouth. I want to devour her whole body. Kat is my home. We break apart, but I bring her down to lie beside me.

  “Why now? What has changed in the last couple of weeks since I left you at Devil’s house? You have been adamant you did not want me for more than a night since we first started whatever was going on between us. You said it was only damn good sex and I agree. It always is but it was more. You told me I was a walking, talking vibrator. So, explain yourself and what changed because we are both too old for games and miscommunications.” I just need the words, but Kat needs to get there by herself.

  “I haven’t wanted a man in my life to dictate my every motion or emotions since Steel had been gone or maybe even before that. We were so disconnected before all the stuff with Kimberly and Keifer happened. We just hid it well or I think we did.” I have noticed since Steel was killed that Kat has started calling him Steel instead of William.

  “I don’t want to dictate to you and I never have, but you will listen to me when it comes to your safety and when it comes to the club. That is nonnegotiable. You are mine and I take care of what is mine and no other man will touch you.” I tell Kat.

  “I know all of this and when we lost Sarah and Tara’s child it drove it home to me that no one knows when their time on earth is over. Sarah was so young and still had so much life to live and then Tara and Rome’s baby didn’t even get a chance to live. I want to share what I have left of my life with you, Bourbon. I love you and I am tired of trying to fight it. I am tired of keeping you at arms- length and fighting what I want. I just want some happiness and you Bourbon when you are not being an ass, make me happy.” Kat looks up at me and I see the tears she is fighting. “Will you marry me you, big oaf?” I smile at Kat.

  “I don’t know. That wasn’t the most romantic proposal. What I don’t get flowers and shit?” I wink at Kat and she smiles. I just want to bring my smiling Kat back, but I get serious. “I’m not now or ever will I be Steel. I understand that you and Steel had three children, a marriage, and many years together. History. I want history with you, so the answer is yes. I will marry you, but you need to understand, a few things. First, I am the one with the dick here. You can have your say when we are alone, but I will protect you with everything I am. I will love you until our dying day. I will make decisions without consulting you, but I am sure there will be times that you will do the same. I’m not your boss but I am your man. There will be no other women for me and no other men for you. We talk things over as we go, and we will have bumps in the road but there is nothing that we can’t overcome as long as we are honest with each other.”

  “Sounds reasonable but I warn you now, I can be a total bitch at times. Just ignore it.” Kat tells me.

  “I can do that as long as you give me the same space. I’ve seen the bitch come out in you before and I am not scared of it. Respect is a necessity in this.” I get an eyebrow raise when I say I have seen the bitch rise before. “Don’t go there, woman. You have seen the asshole come out of me many times and it is no different. I don’t sugarcoat things for anyone either. When I see bullshit, I call bullshit.”

  “Boy, do I know that one. It’s one of the things I love about you.” Kat says.

  “I love you Kat. That’s what it comes down to. I want to get married and spend our days together.” I need Kat to know I love her. I have never told another woman I loved her.

  “I love you too. Show me what you got ol’ man. Less clothes and more skin.” I laugh.

  “Damn woman, I thought we would never get to this part. You look completely fuckable.” I pull Kat to me.

  “Less talk, more cock.” That is all I need to hear.

  “Stand up and take those fuck me heels off. Take the thong off and put one leg up on the bed and roll the stocking down slowly.” Kat gets out of bed and when she does I get up and go to my chest and open the doors up. I look back at Kat. “Just one minute and I will be there.” I take out my tube of lube and my box of new toys. I turn back and go to the bed. Kat is standing there waiting just the way I told her. I take the box and sit on the bed, so Kat can’t see it. I take the blindfold out and step in front of Kat. “Do you trust me?”

  “Always.” Kat raises up on her toes and gives me a soft kiss and pulls back. Kat knows what is coming or part of it anyway. I am a man that needs control especially when it comes to sex. Kat is strong woman, but she is a woman that needs directions when it comes to sex. Kat’s head gets in the way. Kat needs me to keep her out of her head and take the decisions away. I take the blindfold out and put it over Kat’s eyes.

  “Foot up on the bed and roll the stocking off slowly.” Kat unhooks the stockings from the garter belt. With her foot on the bed I have a clear few of her trimmed pussy. I move over in fr
ont of Kat and bend down. She has started rolling the first stocking down. I take the butterfly wand out of the box and put just a dab of lube on the vibrating tip. Kat widen her legs to be able to roll the stocking down and when she does I place the tip on Kat’s clit and put the control on a slow pulse. Kat stiffens a little but relaxes when she feels the pulsing motion. “Feel good babe?”

  “Tickled at first but it feels very good now.” Kat says.

  “Other stocking.” I tell Kat and she puts the first leg on the floor and lefts the other one. I move the tip over the lips of her pussy softly and then make my way back to her clit. I turn the speed up just a bit and I hear the moan escape her. I take my other hand and remove my boxers. I keep moving the vibrating tip and move it back to Kat’s slick opening and then back up. I see the moisture on the tip. I grab my cock and stroke down and then up and repeating. Kat has her stockings off. I take the wand away and bend down close and Kat’s clit is swollen and so pretty. I reach over and run my flattened tongue over the tip of her bundle of nerves. I flick my tongue fast repeatedly but not putting much pressure and then I go down and suck her clit into my mouth and suck and flick it with my tongue. I feel Kat’s legs quiver. I release Kat’s clit and stand up. I unhook Kat’s bra and take it off her. I spin Kat around and feast on one nipple and the next. Lavishing each hardened nipple with my tongue. I slide my hand between Kat’s legs and insert one finger inside her feeling she is so hot and wet. I twirl my finger around and then slide it out and bring it back to her clit and rub ever so gently, Kat is moaning. I reach for a pillow and throw it on the floor. “Step back from the bed.” I sit on the side of the bed. “Put your knees on the pillow.” I help get Kat situated while I run my hand through the back of Kat’s head and feel her silky hair. I pull Kat’s head toward me. “Open baby. Taste me.” I bring Kat’s mouth to my cock and she brings her hand up and grabs the base of my cock. Kat takes my engorged head into her mouth. Licking and sucking it in. I lay back on the bed and enjoy the firestorm going on in my balls. Kat takes me to the back of her throat and swallows and the vibration dislike no other. Pulling back up and licking the head with the swirl of her tongue and then falling back down and deep throating me. “FUCK!” I almost yell. Up and down, swirling tongue and sucking all thoughts out of my head. “Deeper, oh shit, that’s it!” I feel the tingle in my balls and I don’t want this to end this way. “Stop.” Kat responded immediately. I bend over and kiss her. Taking her mouth savagely. I pull Kat up and move her around and help her on the bed. “I need to feel your heat.” Kat is spreading her legs wide for me. I go straight for her hardened nipples and kiss and run the tip of my tongue over each one. I make my way up her body kissing and sucking. Trailing my tongue up her neck. I kiss up to her ear and whisper. “I’m clean Kat and I have not had another woman since the first time we were together. I don’t want anything between us. Have you had another man Kat? Can we do this without regret?”


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