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Sons Of Justice 4: Her Beast of Burden (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Tears?” he asked. He was a hard man, a drill instructor, a bad-ass mean son of a bitch, and yet here he was feeling badly because this woman he was attracted to and hardly knew had tears in her eyes.

  “I can’t do this, Flint. I can’t pretend to be like other women around here or others you and your team have flirted with, fooled around with, hell, slept with. I don’t sleep around. I’ve had one boyfriend, one lover, and he hurt me. I don’t need this right now.”

  He swallowed hard.

  “He hurt you. Broke your heart. That’s why you’re resistant.”

  She stared at him as if she were trying to read his mind. She really was distrustful.

  “I was in love once. I put all my trust and faith in him. I gave him all of me. My virginity, my innocence, my heart and soul, and he…” She took a deep breath then whispered, “He cheated on me. More than once, and he struck me when I confronted him and told him off.”

  Flint saw red. He despised men that cheated or abused their women.

  He stroked her cheek.

  “I just can’t do this.” She went to move.

  “Wait,” he whispered. “I understand your fears, I do. That guy you dated was a dick. No woman deserves to be disrespected or struck. My team and I know better. We’re older, more seasoned in many ways, and perhaps that’s why you feel this attraction to us, like we feel to you.”

  “How old are you?” she asked, surprising him.


  She licked her lower lip. He stroked her cheek then her lip with his thumb.

  “And you?” he asked.

  “Twenty-four in a week.” He flinched slightly. She was young. Jesus, she was incredibly sexy and mature though, classy, tough, and he wondered about this ex-boyfriend of hers.

  “And this guy that hurt you, broke your heart and your trust in men, how old is he?”


  He felt the hit to his stomach. The lousy fucking bastard had a woman this gorgeous and perfect and he fucking cheated on her.

  “What a fucking idiot.”

  She snickered and went to lower her eyes, but he wouldn’t release her cheek and chin. Instead, he pressed closer.

  “His loss, our gain.” He moved closer and closer, and when Sam didn’t turn away, he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her.

  It was slow, sensual, and easy until her hands gripped his hips and she pressed closer. He deepened the kiss, released her hand, and explored her lower back and then her ass. He squeezed it and loved how her one ass cheek fit in his palm, and he moaned into her mouth, turned her to press her back against the side wall, and they got wild. When he heard voices and people approaching, he pulled from her lips and turned her away, hugging her close, and walked her toward the parking lot and his truck.


  “Easy, darling, we need privacy. To…discuss things.”

  When they got to his truck, he unlocked it and helped her up into it.

  “I should really stop this from going any further. We aren’t even dating.”

  “We will be.” He closed the truck door, hurried around to the driver’s side, and got inside. As soon as he closed the door, he was grateful for tinted windows, and he pulled her over toward him by her neck and shoulder, and she came willingly.

  In an instant she was pressed up against his chest and kissing him back. He slid his palm up her shirt to her breast, and she moaned and pressed closer. He dragged her sexy, slender body up over his lap, and she straddled his leg, gripped his hair and head, and kissed him fully.

  He pinched her nipple, and she gasped and pulled from his mouth, eyes sparkling and looking so gorgeous he wanted to tear off her clothing and claim her as his woman. He was shocked. They were both breathing rapidly, and he leaned forward and kissed her neck. She gripped his shoulders.

  “You’re as hard as steel,” she whispered.

  “That’s an understatement.” He rocked his hips upward.

  She worried her bottom lip. “Then we went too far and should stop right here.”

  She went to climb up off his lap, but he gripped her waist, feeling how feminine and light she was, and gave her a squeeze. He could feel every luscious curve of her ass in these spandex pants she wore.

  “You stay put. We’ve got things to discuss.”

  “Like what?” she asked, pushing her hair back and then releasing the ponytail and redoing it.

  He looked at the V in her long-sleeve shirt and how it dipped, revealing some cleavage, and then how small she was in comparison to him. He could haul her around with one arm. Hell, he imagined tossing her onto his bed after she teased him about being unable to catch her. He’d catch her all right and pin her down, kiss her everywhere, and explore this sexy body.

  “I think we should get out of the truck,” she said, and he shook his head.

  “I think I need another taste.” He pressed closer, slid his hand under her hair, and drew her in for round two.

  * * * *

  “Why are you teasing them if they’re texting you? Just tell them where we are,” she said to Flint, still sitting on his lap in his truck. The music was playing low, and they were just having small talk. It was a better pace than the man’s making-out techniques. She didn’t have much control when Flint kissed her. She played with the button on his shirt as he ran his palms up and down her thighs.

  She wondered if this could work. Could she take another chance and get involved in a ménage relationship? Maybe she could seriously be happy. Maybe get the job at The Filling Station, look for a place to rent for the time being, finish up her college classes, even on line so she could work. Could she put Cass, her mom, the debt, and Vinny behind her? She wanted to. Staying here, being held by Flint and flirted with by the others as they showed their interest in her, made her feel like it was possible. But what about the five grand and Vinny? She needed a few more weeks.

  “What are you thinking about? Not disappearing I hope.” He slid one hand up her shirt to stroke her breast.

  She pushed it down and away and shook her head.

  “Hey, this body is going to belong to me and my team pretty damn soon. You need to get used to our touches, our need to possess you and protect you. In fact, where do you live? Where do you work? Why do you only come around here on the weekends?”

  She cringed a moment, and as she went to try and explain, the passenger door swung open.

  “Well, lookie here. Keeping her all to yourself, are ya?” Tiny asked and looked at her sitting on Flint’s lap. His hand was still up her shirt.

  Tiny climbed up and into the truck, leaving no room for her to escape. He reached over, took her hand, and brought it to his lips. She watched him kiss her hand. His dark brown eyes held hers, and then he was pulling her toward him.

  “I was just saying we should get out of the truck.”

  “Nah, bad idea.” Tiny pressed his lips to hers. She had to lift up slightly and bend to the left. In doing so, she felt Flint’s hand move up and down her thigh and then over her ass then up her shirt to her breast.

  Tiny pressed his tongue into her mouth and kissed her with vigor and desire. She nearly lost her balance.

  “Is this a tattoo?” Flint asked and started to push the elastic of her spandex pants down. She pulled from Tiny’s mouth and grabbed onto Flint’s hand.

  “What?” Tiny asked.

  “What is it of? It seems low. How low?” Flint asked her and licked his lips.

  “Let me see.” Tiny slid his palm along her waist.

  She pulled back. “I think we need to get out of the truck.”

  “I like it in the truck with you.” Flint gave her a wink.

  “Me, too.” Tiny caressed her thigh.

  She inhaled and then released it. “How many times have you guys pulled this routine on some unsuspecting female?” She fixed her top and then her lips, sliding her finger along them. She could still feel their lips, and it was so hard to not want more of them.

The door opened again.

  “What the fuck?” Big John stated, and she jumped.

  Flint grabbed her hips. “Don’t be scared of him. He’s all bark,” Flint said, sliding his palms up and down her thighs, and then she saw Reeves and he looked upset with her. She’d really screwed up with him.

  “Okay. I really need to get going.”

  “Get going? You’re coming to lunch with us. Your friends are, too, and the guys. We’re heading to The Filling Station,” Big John told her.

  “Okay, well, I need to freshen up and to drive my car. That way I can head home from there.”

  “Let’s not talk about you heading home just yet,” Tiny said and then cupped her cheek and leaned toward her to kiss her again. He didn’t release her too quickly and made it pretty obvious what they’d been up to in the truck. When he pulled back, he gave her a wink.

  “I’ll drive with you, honey.” Tiny slid out of the passenger seat. As she started to lift and head toward the passenger seat, Flint stopped her, cupped her cheeks, and held her gaze.

  “Slow and no more lies. I get it now, okay? The others will, too.”

  She felt embarrassed. They would need to know why she hesitated getting involved with them. He pressed his lips to hers, and then she slid to the seat, only for Big John to lift her out of it and then let her slide down his body. His palm landed on her ass, and he squeezed then pressed his lips to hers.

  Why am I being resistant again?

  By the time she and Tiny got to her car, she didn’t care about Vinny, Jerry, the debt, or her fucked-up family. She thought about getting rid of all her burdens and starting a new life right here in Repose.

  * * * *

  “So she was in love with this guy, he cheated on her, and when she confronted him, he hit her?” Reeves asked, leaning against the bar at the Filling Station.

  “Yes, and it’s mainly the reason why she’s hesitant to get involved with us. We talked more. It’s our ages and sizes she fears. The dick is thirty-four, and not sure if you guys realize, but Sam will be twenty-four in two weeks.”

  “Shit. She is young. Yet so mature and sexy,” Big John said to Flint.

  “I know. I kind of cringed a moment, but then I realized that I’ve never really had this type of instant attraction to a woman, nor have the four of us ever had it at the same time with the same woman. It isn’t something to ignore and blow off,” Flint said to them.

  “What about this guy? She still love him? Is that why she said she was involved with someone and it was complicated?”

  “No, Reeves, it sounds like there’s more going on in her life. She mentioned trying to get a job at the Filling Station and is having an interview right now. Just from her talking it seems like she wants to move from where she lives now,” Flint said to him.

  “Well, where does she live and with who?” Reeves asked.

  “Don’t know. She isn’t really giving up that information or where she works either. It’s somewhere in Cadenville or close to it. She was there that day and saw Bo’s Jeep. That saved Bo,” Flint said.

  “We need to exchange numbers with her and keep the lines of communication open. That way if she gets cold feet, then we can keep on her encouraging her to trust us. We’re in no hurry either,” Big John said.

  “Make out with her and feel her sexy curves and then tell me you aren’t in a rush to claim her as our woman,” Flint said, shaking his head. They chuckled as Reeves watched the hallway by the bar, waiting for Sam to emerge after her interview with Brooklyn. He hoped that she got a job and would be moving closer to Repose. There was so much uncertainty and things to learn about her. He had to admit he couldn’t wait to see her and talk to her and maybe work on this trust issue.

  When she emerged smiling, along with Brooklyn, he knew that she’d gotten the job, but as she headed toward them, his team’s eyes glued on her, too, he hadn’t expected three guys to stop her. He stood straighter, sensed Big John do the same and even Flint and Tiny.

  “Hold up. Don’t do anything rash. Over-aggressive behavior could be taken the wrong way by her,” Flint stated.

  “Fuck that,” Tiny said as they saw the one guy take her hand to stop her, but then she shocked them. Well, Reeves at least. She pointed over toward Reeves, Tiny, Big John, and Flint. She said something, and the guys all looked disappointed but then nodded to her and watched her ass as she headed toward them. The second she was close enough Reeves took her hand and pulled her between him and the team.

  “So, what are we drinking?” She went to move toward the bar, but Reeves wouldn’t let her. He squinted down at her.

  “What did those guys want?” he asked.


  “You know who, the guys at the bar that stopped you,” Tiny said.

  “Oh, it was nothing.”

  “It didn’t look like nothing,” Reeves asked.

  “They wanted to buy me a drink. I told them that I already met some really nice guys who were waiting for me with a drink. They asked where the guys were, and I pointed over toward you. That was it.”

  “They didn’t push for you to stay and have a drink with them?” Reeves asked.

  “I didn’t give them the opportunity to. Besides, I’d say one look at the mean expressions you all had on your faces and they chose wisely. I was even a little intimidated to come over here. So, one drink and then I need to head out.”

  He was shocked.

  “Damn straight they didn’t ask her again. One look at me and they knew I’d tear them to pieces,” Big John said.

  “Bullshit, it was me,” Tiny stated and then downed the rest of his beer.

  “Oh great, see what you started,” Flint said.

  “What I started? I don’t understand,” she replied.

  ‘Once these two start going, it can turn into a bit of a competition. Wouldn’t be surprised if they challenged one another to a fight. That usually doesn’t end pretty,” Reeves said to her.

  “I’d kick his ass.”

  “Not if I got a double arm bar in on ya, Tiny.”

  “Want to try?” Tiny asked and stepped forward.

  “Oh no. Oh please don’t do that.” Sam pressed between them.

  They took complete advantage of the situation and started pulling her close. Tiny cupped her cheeks and kissed her lips as Big John kissed her neck and pressed up against her back. Reeves took her hand, and Flint took her other hand and kissed them. When Tiny released her lips, her eyes remained closed and she exhaled.

  “I’m in a hell of a lot of trouble,” she said, and they all chuckled.

  There was no way she was leaving early to head home. Not tonight.

  Chapter Three

  Spending the day with four very large, charismatic military men like these guys, walking through a fair as if they were an item, and allowing them to touch her every chance they had, was a bit overwhelming. So when Tiny slid his hand along her ass and was about to pull her down the side street for another one of their make out sessions, she needed to put on the breaks. She side stepped and then took off running to the truck with him on her heels.

  Tiny scooped Sam up into his arms, making her gasp and hold tight before he set her down on the back bed of the pickup truck. He pressed between her legs, and she grabbed onto his shoulders. He slid his hands up her thighs to her hips and pulled her close.

  “You’re a pretty fast runner.” He pressed his hands down on either side of her on the metal bed where she sat. She ran her hands up and down his shoulders and chest, feeling how hard and tight he was, so filled with muscles. His face appeared chiseled from stone, and his dark brown eyes had specks of caramel in them. He was rugged, attractive, and manly. He licked his lower lip.

  “You were right on my tail the entire time.”

  “The view was motivational.” He slid a hand along her lower back and pulled her closer before he kissed her lips. She kissed him back and grabbed onto his shoulders as he lifted her slightly so he could caress her backside. He really
seemed to have a need to do that often. To caress her ass or just hold her close and keep a hand there. In fact, all four men had a tendency to keep a hand over her ass except in public. They were respectful around other people and certain to not make her feel uncomfortable. She was pretty sure they already understood her shyness with public and even private displays of affection. Perhaps she was holding back out of fear still. He released her lips, and she hugged him tight, closed her eyes and relished in the feeling of security and safety she felt in such a large man’s hold.

  “Hey, where’s my hug and kiss? It was my idea to come to the winter festival together,” Big John said as he, Reeves, and Flint joined them by the truck.

  They had already walked through the festival, seeing all the crafts and gift ideas for Christmas. The holidays always made her feel sad. Despite her attempts at trying to make them fun and looking forward to giving baby Evan Christmas gifts, it was never a special magical time for her.

  Tiny started to pull back, but she felt the tears in her eyes and squeezed him tighter. His large hand slid up and down her back then under her sweater, making her feel the cool temperature. She pulled back and pushed her sweater down.


  He squinted his eyes. “Hey yourself. What’s wrong?” he asked and cupped her cheek.

  “Nothing is wrong.”

  Big John cupped her other cheek as Tiny released her and he pressed closer.

  “You sure?” he asked.

  “Everything is perfect.”

  He pressed his lips to hers. She slid her hand up and down Big John’s arm, impressed with his size, the muscles, and how his beard tickled her lips and cheek as he kissed her. When he pulled back, holding her gaze with that seasoned, concerned, hardcore expression of his, she nibbled her bottom lip. He stroked her jaw.

  “I could stare into your eyes, look at your beautiful face, and kiss your sexy lips for hours.”

  She was shocked as he kissed her again and caused her to stop worrying her lips and instead focus completely on his commanding words and tender kisses.


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