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A desire come true (The Never Changing Wish Book 1)

Page 5

by Constantine, R. B.

  “Yes, we are in. I’m going to take Alice as well, so tell him that, ok?” I say as I knock at the bathroom door. Alice is still inside and gives no sign of getting out.

  “Ok, brother, I’m going to tell him. I’m done, see you tomorrow, cya!” I reply to him and end the call. I put the phone down on the table in the kitchen and return to the door. I knock again and then open it.

  Alice is in the shower and can’t hear me. Good. This days there is a challenge going on, the ice bucket challenge. All the famous people are doing it. I’m going to do it to Alice as she is in the shower. This will be fun. I take a big bowl and feel it with cold tap water and of course add some ice into the mix. I wait a minute for the ice to work its magic and then slowly walk near Alice. The shower is a cabin shape one and she can’t see me because of all the steam. I walk right next to her and pour the cold water on her. She screams and storms out of the cabin. She sees me laughing, hits me twice but with no effect and asks me why I did that. I answer, telling her all about the challenge. She calms down a little but still mad she warns me that she will have her revenge. I say sorry but she gets back into the shower and continues her business.

  “You are no fun, Alice.” I say to her as I leave the bathroom. One hour later we leave for the funeral. Alice is still pissed but I ignore her. I don’t have time for her moods. I got another call as she was in the shower, taking forever to get out. It was from work and I need to make a short trip to Australia. I will have Alice go alone back to America. She will be sad or worst. We will see after the funeral. We arrive at the cemetery at the intended hour. Dressed in black, as all the rest, we make our way to the front. They are around 30 people here. We pay our respects so to say and then we get in the back to wait for the event to finish. After we leave and go to the hotel, I tell Alice about my trip.

  “Babe, I got a call from work and I need to make a short trip to Australia. You will have to go home alone,” I say to her with a low voice expecting the worst.

  “Really? Ok then, I’m gonna finish the moving until you get back,” she says with a normal voice. I remain puzzled but I agree with her without saying anything else.

  “What is it?” she looks at me as I try to keep a straight face.

  “Nothing,” I say not looking at her. She gives me an elbow and asks me again.

  “What, did you expect to flip out and act crazy? Yea, well, if you think I’m like that then I hope you get me something nice from Australia,” she says.

  “Sure, babe, anything you want it’s yours,” I say hugging her with one hand.

  “When are you leaving me all alone?” she asks grinning at me.

  “Actually, the plane departs in three hours. I will have to go soon. I don’t like airports. All the waiting and checks. Drives me crazy. So what do you want me to get for you?” I ask her.

  “Hmm, I don’t know, surprise me!” she says as I imagine what she would want from Australia. I have no idea, damn.

  “So give me a hint, so I don’t disappoint you, ok?”

  “Na, you can do it yourself, I trust you. You are a smart guy, right?” she says smiling at me. Damn, she really wants to piss me off. Ok then, I’m going to buy her a huge kangaroo and put it in the living room. I can’t think of anything else at the moment.

  We arrive at the hotel, pack our stuff and leave. We make our way to the airport. Of course, Alice’s plane leaves in like five hours but I give her some cash and let her waste the time shopping.

  “Hey, I’m going now, you take care and have a save flight. Don’t forget to call me when you land. My brother will wait for you at the airport. Move the rest of the stuff till I get home.”

  “Ok.” I kiss her for what it seems an eternity and then I take my leave, letting this girl on her own. I hope she can manage. I look back but already people are blocking my view. I turn around and continue.

  Chapter V

  I’m all alone now. There is no one here, beside me. I can feel the coldness of the space you left behind. The darkness starts to emerge, for you were my light, my sun and my moon. I fall without you; I fall down to never get back up. I need you beside me; I need your touch so I can feel alive once more. Damn, I’m so poetic. I stare at the people passing by as I imagine this nonsense. Hmm… ok, let’s see. There are three hours till by plane leaves so I got some time for myself. I check to see how much money Levi left me, around 2k. I guess he is pretty rich, right? Yea, he is and just now I realize this, it’s funny actually. Well if he was so nice I should at least buy him a gift as well. I start thinking of what he would like but nothing pops in my head. Hmm, I can think of anything at the moment. I will have to ask his brother when we meet at the airport, I’m sure he will now something really sweet to buy.

  I go eat something and wonder around for the rest of the time, thinking about new ideas for my books. Time flying, I board the plane and go to a deep sleep, like I always do when I fly. I don’t know why I do this but when I get on a plane I immediately start to feel sleepy, it’s funny. The way back home is pretty long but the hours pass fast. I arrive in Boston at night. Oliver is waiting for me with his car. His alone.

  “Hey Oliver, nice to see you,” I say as I kiss him on the cheeks. We get in the SUV and make our way thought the traffic. As we talk about stuff I remember about the gift I should make Levi. I ask Oliver what to get him. He looks at me puzzled processing the question I just asked.

  “Well, Alice, I don’t think you can buy him something that he doesn’t already have or want. Especially with the money you got.”

  That was blunt, but he is actually right. What can I buy for him? Then I will make myself a gift for him.

  “Say Oliver, what do you say if I make myself a gift for him?”

  He smiles and asks me to be more specific. I tap him on the shoulder and slightly elaborate. He continues to grin at me but I can see his position on it. I’m sure he already imagined a lot of dirty things already, but that’s how guys are. After this he gets me informed about all the stuff that happened in the last 2 days, about the twins and his sister. I hope we all get along. We arrive at the house pretty late, as we stopped at a market to get some stuff. I exit the car and slowly walk toward the front door. As I get 2 steps away from it, it suddenly opens and Lola appears. She hugs me tight and kisses me on the cheeks and mouth.

  “I missed you so much,” she says still hugging me. “I hate that bitch, Gloria,” she continues as I smile without her seeing it. I was sure something like this will happen, after all the things Oliver said to me. I calm her down, trying to explain to her that all will be ok. As we sit like this, Oliver gets the entire luggage and some new faces show up. Liz and Ashley come at the door, smiling and happy to see me. Lola lets go of me, letting the other girls welcome me. We finally get inside after a couple of minutes. The house is empty, only the girls were in it. The twins and Levi’s little sister are out. We all take a sit and talk about the events of the last couple of days. Oliver takes care of my stuff, and then prepares dinner for us. I didn’t know he was so good of a cook. Well, that’s great as when we girls lived together, I and Ashley were responsible for the food. It’s good to have someone do it for us now. After 30 minutes of talking, to food is done, I finish fast as I am starving and the food actually tastes very good. Then I make my way upstairs to check out my bedroom, I mean our bedroom, and the girls’ ones as well. I step inside Levi’s bedroom and immediately I can sense his soft smell that he always has. I love it. I walk around the room, analyzing every object and spot. His room is huge with a royal bed, white sheets with black pillows. The balcony is small but cozy, facing the city. The girls’ rooms are nice too, but of course I like Levi’s the most. I unpack the stuff I got from the trip and I arrange some of my old stuff that the girls already brought here. After I’m done with this I go down to find the girls. They in the living room watching something on a huge TV, at least 80 inches. Oliver is on his laptop, doing some work, I guess. I take a sit between Liz and Lola. Ashley is sleepy, she can
barely stand up on the couch, but she can’t go to sleep yet because of the medicine she needs to take in half an hour. She is sick; she works too much for her own good. Too bad she won’t listen to us. On the TV plays a movie, action one, that I really don’t care to much about, but I still watch it to pass the time. I want to start fresh tomorrow. After 20 minutes of watching the TV and playing around, a knock at the door slightly startles me. I think the twins are back, but as I get up to see who is at the door I find myself face to face with a young girl, around 17 years old. Its Levi’s sister, Zoe.

  “Hey there, Zoe, I’m Alice, nice too meet you!” I say as I give her a small hug. She smiles at me and hugs me back.

  “Hi, nice to meet you too, Alice. I was wondering when you will show up. I heard a lot about you from the girls but you are way more beautiful in reality. I love your hair, I what to make it that color too,” she says in a heartbeat. I return the smile feel, like she is a sister to me also. Ten minutes later, we are best friends so to say. It’s getting late and Ashley already went to bed. Liz and Lola still got energy left. The twins are not home yet, hmm.

  “Zoe, aren’t the twins coming home tonight?” I ask curious.

  “I don’t think so, they sometimes spend the nights at other friends that they have in the zone.”

  “I see, ok, then I’m gonna go to sleep.”

  “Alice, tomorrow we two will go check and take all that is left from the old house, ok?” says Oliver raising his head out of his laptop and looking at me waiting for an answer.

  “Sure, we can go tomorrow but not too early, I can’t get up in the morning,” I say smiling at him.

  “Of course, I can’t get up too. I hated it when I had school and had to get up early. I skipped a lot of classes,” he grins at me and I can totally relate to the sentiment. “We will head out around 12 or 1.”

  “Sounds good. Well then, I’m going to take a fast shower and then I’m off to bed,” I say as I walk up the stairs.

  “Do you need any help, Alice?” Zoe asks me and I reply that I can handle it myself. I say my goodnight to Oliver, Zoe and the girls that seem to already fallen asleep. They always do that, fall asleep on the couch watching TV. The bathroom is big and warm, with a nice sense to it. It’s light blue with a nice Jacuzzi. I turn on the water and slowly take my clothes off. I wait for the water to raise and then add some bath salt. I enter the Jacuzzi and let myself relax, inhaling the nice smell. I sit there thinking about the days that are to come, about my book, Levi and the rest of the family, so to say, that I have here. Without even realizing it I emerge in a state of melancholy, being unable to snap out of it. After a while, way longer that I expected or wanted, I finally get up and dry myself. Fresh towels seem to be always at hand. I grab one and wrap it around my body and another around my hair. I leave the bathroom and make my way to Levi’s bedroom, I mean our bedroom. I still haven’t adjusted and I’m sure it will take me a couple of days to do so. When I enter the room, I instantly get hit again with the same nice low sexy smell that Levi always has. I dry my hair and dress with my night cloths. As I finish someone knocks at the door. I get to see who it is. Lola and Liz stand in front of me, expecting something.

  “What is it?” I ask them, piercing their sleepy eyes. “Go to bed,” I continue without moving my stare.

  “We wanted to say goodnight, that’s all,” says Lola giving me a hug. “You smell so good,” she continues as he sniffs my almost dry hair.

  “Yea, thanks, now go to bed, you look tired. You too Liz, don’t you have stuff to do in the morning?”

  “Hmm…maybe. Let’s go Lola, someone needs to take a nap and I don’t think it’s us,” she says with a low voice taking Lola by her hand and dragging her along. They go into their room that is down the hall. What was that all about? I close the door and crush into the bed. As expected, the huge bed has the same fragrance. I already miss Levi; I miss his soft touch and his cool voice. I should sleep already, it’s getting very late and I need to wake up tomorrow for the trip with Oliver. I set the alarm for 10 AM. I close my eyes and instantly fall asleep.

  The next day I wake up not because of the alarm I get up because of the damn sun. The rays of light shine right through the windows and into my eyes. Impossible to sleep in these conditions. I get up 1 hour before 10. But regardless of this, I slept like a baby and I feel energized and ready for a full day of activities. I go into the bathroom, wash my face, brush my teeth and use the toilet. I check my mail, Facebook and other stuff. All good. I’m hungry so I next go in the kitchen. There I find Zoe already eating some cereals. I say good morning and she returns it. I make myself a bowl of cereal and sit down. I take a spoon and then I ask Zoe about her.

  “Hey Zoe, I heard you like to paint,” I say looking down into my cereal. She raises her head up high, like she is proud of it and says with a pretty loud voice.

  “Yea, it’s true, I love painting and drawing stuff. Would you like to see?” she asks with big eyes staring at me.

  “Sure, of course, I would love to see your work. You can show me after where done eating,” I say, curious now about how good she really is.

  “Tell me more about you, Zoe, I want to know you better.”

  “Ok, sure. Let me see, what I can tell you,” she says with a smile on her small face. Her teeth are white and perfect symmetrical, almost to perfect. She has green eyes, like Lola but darker. Her hair is black and long. After telling me a couple of things about her, I finish my small breakfast and then go upstairs and check out Zoe’s paintings. Her room is big but full of stuff; it’s like a deposit for all kinds of things. She got a lot of stuff, that’s for sure.

  “Here are some of them,” she says pointing to some canvases on the wall. Damn, they are actually pretty good. I’m sure she went to art school or something like that. Or she is crazy talented cuz you could sell them and make some money, I’m sure.

  “They are wonderful, especially that one,” I say pointing at one of the paintings, a panoramic view of the city at night, it almost looks like a photograph. I wonder how many days or weeks it took to make that. Zoe takes the compliments with a pride face, like she was expecting me to do so. Well, it’s good to be proud of you own hard work. I myself am the same when it comes to my manuscripts. I can correlate with all the feelings of an artist. Hmm…, I wonder, Levi writes, Zoe paints, Oliver I don’t know, maybe he is a sculptor, I imagining him making a statue and a smile emerges out of nowhere, so that it seems to Zoe that is standing next to me. She asks me what is it and I tell her it’s nothing. After she’s done showing me her work we return in the living room. I find Oliver sitting on one of the armchairs looking at his phone. When he hears us coming down the stairs, he raises his head and greets us with a Good Morning. We return it and then take a sit on the couch.

  “So, Oliver, I wanted to ask you something about yourself,” I say, my eyes fixed on his. He blinks twice, smiles and says to me.

  “Sure, ask me anything you like, we need to know each other better now, if we are to live under the same roof, right?”

  “Yea, I was thinking the exact same thing,” I say not taking my eyes of him. “So, I was wondering if you, like your sister or brother, have a gift, for I don’t know anything artistic?” I continue with a smile on my face. I break the eye contact and move my eyes from Zoe to him, expecting an answer from either of them. Zoe starts laughing and Oliver grins at me. I look at them, unable to smile too. I wonder what’s so funny.

  “Yea, I got many gifts, so many I can’t even count them all,” he says starting to laugh. “Tell her Zoe, I’m I talented at so many things,” he continues pointing his hands at her.

  “His so bad at everything, so bad that his big brother considers him the black sheep of the family. The only think he is good at is making girls sleep with him,” she says grabbing me by the shoulder and slowly shaking it.

  “That’s ok, you can’t be that bad, right?” I ask them in disbelief.

  “Of course I’m not that terrible,
but hey, you don’t know the standards of this family,” he says on a more serious note. “Ok, now Alice, in 30 minutes we leave, so get ready, ok?” he continues getting up and going to the kitchen. I nod in confirmation, trying to snap out of what he said. I go into my room and change clothes, do my makeup, all the regular stuff.

  Ten minutes later, I and Oliver are on the road. The way to the house is pretty short, or so I remember. After a while, Oliver phone starts to ring. He answers it and of what I can tell it’s Levi. My heart rate goes up a little, not talking with him since we parted. He didn’t even text me, nor do I for that matter but hey, he was busy I’m sure.

  “Yea, I talked with the guys about what you said. Yea, yes, I did all you asked of me. The thing is that Damian said he can get the money in two weeks. I told him all Justin informed me off, bro. It’s good, I know. Aha, I will do that too, sure,” he says not moving his eyes of the road. I listen carefully, expecting him to say something about me.

  “Who? Yea, of course. Actually she is right here, with me in the car. We are on our way to her place, you know.”

  And there is it, he asked about me. Now let’s see if he will want to speak to me.

  “What? Give her on the phone? I can’t bro, I mean she can’t talk right now, she busy handling some, you know, business,” says Oliver smiling. I make a sign to him, trying to get the phone, but he won’t give it to me.

  “O baby, right there, yea, Ooo, it feels so good,” he acts like his being given a blowjob. It’s funny, especially when he acts so well. He silently tells me to join in. I stare at him for a second, thinking about what to do, not being sure if I should make fun of Levi. He insists and I fall for it.

  “Alice, babe, easy on it, be gentle, ok?” he asks me and I respond with a Like this? Levi hears me voice and immediately I can feel he got pissed. His voice level rises so loud I can hear him on the phone 1 foot away from it.


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