A desire come true (The Never Changing Wish Book 1)

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A desire come true (The Never Changing Wish Book 1) Page 12

by Constantine, R. B.

  “Funny as ever, Noble. You came to give it one more try? I can save your time and tell you now it’s a no.”

  “It’s Levi, and I didn’t come for that. You know I lost faith in that dream long ago. I want to be friends. Just that, if you allow me to do so.”

  She finally closes the book, to distracted to actually enjoy it, and takes a glass.

  “Same as always,” I say with my eyes fixated on her every move. Kimberly didn’t have money, a good family, an extraordinary education or career, but despite all that, I could never make her my own. I was nothing in her eyes, just a rich playboy with too much time on my hands. She is the only one to ever slip my grasp, to negate my charm or persuasions. I love her for that, but she doesn't what to see it. She’s to prideful to even look at me and accept her attraction. She made in her mind that I will never have her and until now she kept that promise. I’ve been trying to convince her for years now, with no success.

  “Hey, look at me for a second, can you? I want to see your face. It’s been one full year, if I’m not mistaken, yes?”

  “Like I care about how much it’s been since I’ve seen your perfect face.” She always acknowledged my physical appearance but that’s all she recognized. I showed her numerous times my smart side, but she was not interested. She made me look dumb in comparison.

  “Are you still a virgin?” I suddenly ask eager to find out the answer; that is if she tells me, of course. I had this question on my mind since I decided to come to this shit place. I wonder if she dropped the walls to anyone else or it’s just me she keeps out. Her face answers my question. She didn’t lose it yet. That’s good for me but she is 22 at the moment if I’m not wrong. Such a waste if you ask me. In my book, she is a perfect ten. All about her is flawless: her body, her face, her mind, her soul. I could worship this girl, so pure she is.

  “You didn’t tell me why you are here. Did you come to waste my time? Or are you here to invite me to one of your stupid events? I’m not interested, if that’s what you gonna ask.”

  “Of course not, I’m here to see you. I missed you lately, and I had to see you again. But, if you’re willing to drink a glass with me and share some of your opinions on whatever you like, I would be glad to listen.”

  “Persistent, persistent, persistent. I hate it and I hate you.” She murmurs these words but I can see it on her face she is not so against it. She feels lonely here, I’m sure. I, coming here today must be the best thing that happened to her in the last week. This place is empty all the time; she lives alone and doesn’t have too many friends. Anyone could go crazy in a situation like this. She needs me now more than ever, and she knows it to well. She must say one word and I’m dedicated to fill her time with wonderful experiences. All for her if she just let me in her life.

  “Look here. Come in one week and maybe I will let you have a conversation with me on whatever I feel talking, okay?” I can barely hear it, so shy she acts now. A huge grin arises on my face, so happy to finally get through her defenses. Four years passed since I first tried and only today I finally took a step in the right direction.

  “And drop the grin, idiot. Don’t make me change my mind.” I immediately go blank face, making her smile a little. I’m delighted to see her happy, it fills me up inside.

  I leave her place walking up straight like I won one million dollars. I get home and take a shower. It’s cold but I still feel hot today, or maybe it’s just me.

  Later in the day, I prepare a nice dinner for all the girls, trying of course to cheer them up as well. I can’t be the only one happy in this house. I need to level things up. None of them expected such a treat, but they were glad to devour my hard work.

  After dinner, I spend some time at the laptop, watch a movie alone and then check some mails. Nothing to important. I fall asleep shortly after, tired of my full day.

  I wake up with a knock on my door. Who the fuck is knocking at this hour. It’s not even six in the morning. I get up half naked and open the door. In front of me stands Zoe, still in her sleeping clothes and hair all messed up. She is 17, but in her state at the moment I can give her 14 at most. She looks like a baby in need of help.

  “What is it, baby girl? Did you had a bad dream? Do you want to sleep with daddy?” I ask with a smirk on my face, looking down on her. I like when she is powerless in front of me. Zoe always acts high and mighty, but not today.

  “I don’t feel well, I’m sick. Give me a hug,” she embraces me in an instant, holding me tight. “I’m skipping school,” she adds, head buried in my chest. I blink twice then pet her. She wants to stay home. Hmm…I don’t know about that, she seems fine to me. Let’s test her resolve.

  “Sick you say? How come? You were fine last night…or maybe you’re too lazy to actually learn something today. What is it?”

  “Like you learn anything at school. You yourself told me school is a waste of time. Now you backstab me, you idiot.” I let her slash out, all the negativity drip outside.

  “And if I agree with your idea what will you do for me?” I attempt to force Zoe into doing something productive but I have little hope.

  “Don’t go crazy, big brother. You are still young and I even younger. You stay on your lane and let me stay on mine. Thanks for you understanding. I will go back to bed. Buy me some medicine and make sure not to disturb me. If the school calls, tell them I’m free for the whole week. Bye.” She shuts me down in a second and leaves before I get to say anything. This girl, not giving an inch. I let it go; better for me, better for her. I sit down on the bed, wishing to fall back asleep but with no success. Fuck it. I go play some basketball. I know a nice place that is working all day long. It’s full at this hour already. That place is the best. I eat and take off. As expected, people are already playing. It’s only eight in the morning but they don’t care. They here to have fun and enjoy themselves, as do I intent to do. I change and go warm up. I fill a little slow today, a little off. Extra warming fixes that to some extent, and I roll on the court to play. Today I have some nubs in my team, but they are willing to put up a fight. They run and run and run like their life depended on it. I like that. It motivates me to do the same. We actually win in the end, but because of me of course. I was the star, as always I must add. It’s subtle but I can feel it. I feel the need inside me has filled a little. I glance at my phone to check the time. Not even twelve. I exhale in a loud manner and leave the court full of energy. I clench my hands in excitement, but not knowing what I’m excited about. I feel weird today, out of place. On my way back home I get a call from my big bro.

  “Hey Sam, what’s good?” I ask flashing a grin. He breaks it fast, telling me what he called for. I get serious in an instant, knowing the gravity of what I have to say.

  “Did Oliver tell you what happened? Did he give you the report?”

  “Yes, but I wanted to hear some facts from you, if it’s okay?” I nod in response, him unable to see it of course, but he carries on without an answer. “I assume all loose ends were tied up, correct? I don’t what to handle business again, like in Mexico one year ago, right?”

  “Sure, all was taken care off. Gerald was with us, so he made sure that all was perfect. You know his very cautious when it comes to things like this.” I talk about the dead bodies left behind from the shootings. In the end we had to kill all four of them. We disposed of their corpses and cleaned up the room. Alice doesn’t know about all this and I don’t plan to tell her. It’s better if she doesn’t know.

  “I see. Good then, I hope this didn’t affect you at all.”

  “Of course not. I’m too old for that. I’m not twenty anymore. I can hold my ground with no effort.”

  “Good. Take care.” He hangs up, letting me breathe. I get home and take a nap. Around nine I sit down to watch a movie. I got my meal and drink and I take it slow. I need to relax. I’m in my room, all alone. One hour into the movie I hear a knock at the door. Hmm…I get up and barely walk toward the objective. I open it just to meet m
yself with little Lola, looking down at my feet. What can this be about, I ask myself. She steps inside the room not ever raising her head and slowly walks to my bed, finally to drop on it like dead weight. I stand amazed, not knowing what to do. I close the door behind me and sit next to her.

  “Lola dear, what is it? What is the problem?” I gently ask her, my words soft to the ear. She comes closer to me, her hands warping around my back. Her hands are small, very aesthetic to the eye. She looks so lost, sitting here next to me, all sad and depressed. I can at least comfort her a little. I let her snuggle, feeling her warmth and her pulse. Her heart beats are pretty fast compared to mine. I try to ask her one more time what is bothering her so much but I get only the puppy eyes in response. It’s like she gone mute. Lola, who had the biggest mouth in the whole house, now just a little sheep. That night must have fucked her up real good. It’s even badder that Alice, who left me to take some personal time. I don’t even know what she was thinking when she left so in a hurry. We stand like this for a couple of minutes, either of us saying absolutely nothing. I like it actually. We can just sit here, silent, in each other’s presence, enjoying the peace and relax. Even so, some of us can’t keep our hands to ourselves. Lola moves one of her hands from my chest to my groin area. I let it slip, not moving or reacting. I close my eyes, but the moving does not stop. From there, Lola gets her hand inside my pants. Now this I can’t stand passive. I open my eyes and with them ask what she is doing. I open my mouth as well but swiftly she puts a finger on my lips. Her little delicate finger, touching my lip, turns me on. Even if Lola is the boy of the four girls, she in fact is the most feminine, most fragile. I exhale, not knowing what to do anymore. I should stop this but it feels too good. I want her, I want her touching me, I want to experience the person that is Lola. From the first time I saw her, all high and mighty as she acted, all willing to interact with me, I found that she was way more that I initially thought. Still, I must not go any further with this encounter. I have to hold my ground and not give in to temptation. My mind says one thing, my body another. As she touches my dick from inside my pants, I can shortly feel it fill with blood, growing. I try to stop her but she continues even more fervent. With her other hand she grabs me by the hair and pulls me toward her, kissing me. I pull back a little, but she joins me, not letting go of me. I can’t help it no more. I sink my fingers into her hair as well, silky and black. From her position, she moves on top of me, adding even more pressure to the situation. I can see from this point of view she has no bra or panties on. Her breasts are bigger than Alice’s, heavier to the touch. I grab one of them, caressing it to the best of my ability. Her nipples are rock hard, as well as her pussy is wet. She takes her top off, revealing her perfect body, flawless. I shift my hips, reversing the current positions. I get on top and add her on the bed. I slowly take her pants of, my eyes full with great gratitude. A goddess stands before me. She now knows how utterly attractive she is, consciously sending me signals. I can’t wait no more, but need to fill her inside. I whip my cock out, and place it at the entrance of her vagina. She grabs me by the hips and pulls me, telling me it’s all okay. I slip inside easily, her wetness letting me do so. Her muscles clench, squeezing the fuck out of my dick. I start trusting deep inside, harder and harder.

  I slow down after a while, getting too exited for my own good. I need to take it easy. Actually I need to stop completely, but I can’t. I can’t stop and I don’t know why. My mind says one think but my inner self just ignores all messages. My body is in tune with my animal self, not backing off, no matter what. It needs this, whatever the situation my person is put in. Her breath is high and irregular, and so is mine. I stop for a second, moving my head in her direction. I want to kiss her, but my mind says no. I struggle in thought, not knowing what to truly do. I lose all control as soon as Lola grabs my face and drags me toward her, taking me full. I just let it go, not backing up or resisting. I don’t even know what to do anymore. Fuck it. I go all out, eliminating all reason, letting my beast self take control. She does the same, not caring for any consequences that may result from this event.

  One hour later we are still in bed, one embracing the other, not letting go off her warm body, not wanting for it to end. We stand there, inanimate, waiting for something that will not come. The guilt it’s starting to emerge from the deep, piercing all the layers of my mind. This is not good. How will I explain this to Alice? How will Lola do it?

  Chapter XI

  I left Boston with my heart hurt, hoping to heal it in some other place. A place from my childhood, I place with happy memories that will erase all the evil in my heart. This is the only way I know to fix this. New Haven is where my grandparents always lived, and I have great, so many fun and nice memories, it’s hard not to be happy here. I arrive at my grandparents’ house in the evening. They are so happy to see me. I enter and observe they were eating. They invite me to do so as well, telling me I lost weight. Of course they would say that; they say that no matter my actual size. I accept their offer nonetheless, hungry from my trip. I eat more than I should have, but I can’t stop. The food is so good; I eat until I get sick. I spend some time with my grandma, talking about stuff then go straight to bed. I still have my old room, where I used to live back in the day. It didn’t change one bit. It’s exactly as I remember it, all girly and shit. Good I grew up from that princess state. I can take care of myself now; or I just think that. Either way I fall asleep in an instant, having no dreams at all. I wake up with the intent to relax and blow some steam off. First I have to do some shopping. I go to my regular store that I used to frequent back in the day. I wander around the place, looking at all the new items they have now. I add to my chart all I need and make my way to the cash register. I carefully put my stuff on the belt and casually throw my eyes around. I spot with the corner of my eye a person I used to know. I move my gaze in her direction, staring her down to see if it’s really her. Eventually she looks back at me, locking eyes. She recognizes me and smiles. I respond the same, brainstorming in the same time, trying to figure out her name. I forget names so easily, especially when I need them the most, like in this situation. Of course, I remember it just seconds before she introduces herself to me.

  “Hey, aren’t you Alice?” she asks me with a sweet feminine voice. I nod and respond.

  “Yes, hi. Nice to see you again, Emily,” I go for a small hug, showing my respect. As I come close to her, I can feel something. She has a baby on the way.

  “You are having a baby, right?” I ask already knowing the answer. I try to make some conversation for the sake of it.

  “Yes, I do, thanks for asking. I and my husband are so happy about it. We just married six months ago and we are already having a new member joining our family.” She looks so excited and happy, it depresses me. I listen to her bullshit out of politeness, not giving a fuck about what she is saying. I pay for my shit and walk to my car. She walks with me, rambling continuously about her life. I nod from time to time, like I’m actually caring about what she has to say. She even invites me to her house later for dinner but I strongly refuse. I don’t need any of that fake stuff now. I return home more drained of energy than before. I eat then go for a fast run around the neighborhood. I see all the houses, all the trees and all seems the same. I didn’t come here in five years. I always meet with my grandparents in different places but never at their home in the last five years. Its strikes me now that it’s pretty odd, but whatever. I was busy with my college and work.

  As I take my groceries out of the car, I see, next door to me, a young man working at a window. I gaze for a couple of seconds, eventually my sight meeting his. I break contact immediately, and continue the task at hand. He lingers a little but ignores me after, continuing his work. I enter the house asking myself who was he. Did he move recently or what. Inside my room, I browse around, checking out all the books and games of my past. I remember each and every one of them. It’s funny, cuz I normally forget a lot of stuff but
this things I never did. I guess they are special to me. I open one of the books, slowly reading random paragraphs. I still like them; I still enjoy reading them. In school I was the popular type, but even so, I did my homework and actually paid attention in class. I didn’t love it, but I understood that all was necessary for my future, for my career. I wonder now what all my colleges are doing. I lost all contact with so many of them; I don’t even think I would recognize them. The only one I kept the line hot is my best friend from school, Amber. She was always on my side, no matter what. She is now in New York, pursuing her dream.

  Actually, I am going to call her right now. I want to see what she is doing, and I really need someone with whom to talk about random stuff. I check my phone for her number but I can’t find it. Hmm…I need to go about it on Facebook. I don’t have internet at my grandparents’ house but I see a signal coming from the house next to me. The one with the hot guy. I think about what to do, and I get to the conclusion I need. Go ask him to give me his password. It’s not a big deal anyway. I check the mirror, making sure I look perfect. My hair is pretty long now, almost reaching my lower back. My face is clean, no makeup, but I still look fabulous. My brows are on point, that’s all that matters. Time to get me some internet. I step outside, determinate to convince any opposition. I walk toward the house, but I can’t see him anymore. Maybe he is inside. I go and knock on the door. Nothing. I knock again, this time more powerful. Where did he go? I turn to go back, but I shortly stop, hearing steps in the house. He opens the door, with no shirt on him. He looks good. Abs, chest, shoulders, all there. I move my gaze from his body to his face. He catches my eyes, staring with a small smile at me. He looks a little confused for why I am knocking at the door. His blond hair is in his eyes, all messed from the work he was doing.


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