A desire come true (The Never Changing Wish Book 1)

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A desire come true (The Never Changing Wish Book 1) Page 13

by Constantine, R. B.

  “Sorry for my appearance. Can I help you with anything? You live next door, right?” his voice is smooth and gentle, melodic to the ear.

  “Yes and yes,” I respond not moving my look. I fixate him, waiting for his eyes to waiver, but it doesn’t happen. I myself eventually break contact. This never happened to me. Maybe with Levi, but no one else.

  “Ha-ha, you seem distracted, do you need to sit down or something?” he continues like his truly concerned for me. I like that.

  “No, I’m good, thanks. In fact, what I needed was your Wi-Fi password. I don’t have internet and I really need it now. If you could help me that would be great.” I try to anticipate his answer. I can’t read him, his face too hard to discover. Why is that? Why can’t I figure him out, like I always do? What is so special about this random guy?

  “My Wi-Fi password? That is an interesting request. Didn’t have anyone asking me about my Wi-Fi pass. Sure I will tell you; how can I refuse such a cute girl like you. Come inside, I need to check the router.” I listen to him and join into the house. He said cute? Me, cute? Hmm…I don’t know about that. I’m beautiful as fuck, but cute? To soft for me.

  “Make yourself comfortable, and of course, sorry for the mess. I will get your password right away. Give me a minute, ok?” he says while I look around his house. I move my head in sign I understand, letting him go upstairs, where I presume is the router. I stick to where I stand, not wondering around the house. It’s weird I don’t have Amber’s number in my phone. I remember having it, or maybe it was in the last phone I had.

  I’m hungry. I’m hungry as fuck out of the sudden, not even knowing why. I just ate two hours ago at most. Outside is getting colder and colder. In Boston is even worst. Summer is over for sure. Well, in Boston I can’t say its summer even when it is. Maybe I should go to Miami; I have a couple of friends that would surely have me for a week or so. I should call them too, to check up on them. Who knows what interesting things happened since I last heard of them. I normally have a close circle of friends that I always stay in touch, like Ash, Liz, Lola, and I have a bigger circle, when I sometimes even forget to call for months. I don’t like having too many friends. Even in high school, when I was the queen of the school, I had a small group of trusted friends. I don’t like to associate with plain people, with nothing to offer me but their existence.

  Wait, I don’t even know this guy’s name. Hmm…I will ask him. I’m sure his a William or something like that. He looks like he would be a William in my book.

  He shortly returns down the stairs, with a shirt on this time, having my password on a piece of paper. He hands it to me, folded twice. I take it with my small hand, and we touch for a split second. His hands are rough, but his face is soft and gentle.

  “Sorry, I didn’t tell you my name; I’m William,” he says expecting for my name in return. OMG, I can’t believe I was right. I’m so good.

  “I’m Alice, nice too meet you. Well, thanks for the favor. I really needed this. See you around, maybe?” I say walking toward the door.

  “Yea, why not,” he murmurs with his hands in his pockets, slowly walking with me.

  I leave his sight and enter my house. What a nice guy, I say to myself as I check the paper he gave me. I open it and see two lines. One is the password, the other is his number, I presume. This guy, like I was trying to pick him up. Hilarious. I ignore his number for now and try out the pass he gave me. It works. I do my business, finding out all I need. I eat good then call Amber.

  “Hello, Amber dear, how have you been!” my voice pitches like crazy. I try to fix it as fast as I can, not to sound like an insane bitch.

  “Hey, Alice babe, long time no see, or should I say hear?” he has the same tone as me. I start laughing and so does Amber. We look crazy, for sure. Good no one is here to see me. I don’t know about her, but who cares, right?

  “How is New York?” I ask. “I bet is way cooler than Boston,” I continue.

  “I’m not sure about that, but it’s pretty nice. The people are all rude here, but you manage after a time. I met a guy last week, and I’m not sure what he is up too. He seems the player type, but I don’t know if he really wants a relationship or just sex, you know?” I listen to her with my head down in the ground, like it would help me hear better. As I hear of her little problem, I instantly imagine Levi. He is the exact type as she mentioned. The player that doesn’t know if he should settle down or just play around some more. They are the worst, but the sex is really great.

  “I have the same type of boyfriend right now, dear. It worked out, I could say, but he is very desired and hard to keep on a tight leash. It’s a double edged sword, if you know what I mean,” I talk like I had many problems with Levi, but actually, he never once strayed from me. I should appreciate that more, coming from him.

  “Really? Well, I guess I will give it a try. I can’t lose anything, right? I’m getting old, I must find a husband soon,” she murmurs over the phone like it’s a big secret. She is just 24 now, so I don’t think she is that old, but she has a point. I’m the same age, and it will take around three years at least to make sure I want to marry a guy or not. I will be 27 at that time. Eh, I feel like I’m 20 at the moment. Let’s forget I even mentioned anything about age and stuff like that. My mind wandered too far too fast. I go back to the conversation at hand.

  “I was in NY a week ago with my boyfriend, but I couldn’t stay for long. Maybe next time I come there, we can meet and have a real talk. I’m sure you have some crazy stories to tell me. I have some too.”

  “Yes, for sure. You can bring you boyfriend and have a double date or something. It would be fun.”

  I wake up around 7PM. I had to take a nap after I hanged up the phone with Amber. I felt tired for some odd reason. I’m better now, but I have a weird hole in my chest. It’s like I’m missing something. I check my laptop, surfing the web as always, wasting time. After a while, I get bored. What should I do now? I look around the room and see the piece of paper William gave me. It has his phone number on it. Let me see. I stare at the thing for two straight minutes. I’m bored, so I might as well call him. Just to check out what he is doing, nothing more. I get my phone and slowly type in the number. I stare some more at it after I’m done, wandering if I should text him or call. Maybe I should go to his door, but that would be rude, right? Yes, it would be. At his hour, especially. Well, it’s only seven, maybe he went to sleep. I’m sure he was very tired from all the work he did today. Na, that’s impossible, no one goes to sleep at seven. Let’s text him something. I start typing a small message. Hey, how are you? I didn’t except to find your number here, but I think it was a good idea to add it. I press send and wait for a response. I wait one minute and start to worry. Maybe it’s not correct. Did I type it right? Let me check; I did. Maybe he write it down wrong. Hmm…Let’s wait some more, probable he didn’t even see it. I wait two more minutes; still nothing. I go take a glass of orange juice and chill on a kitchen chair. I sip from time to time, imagining all kinds of stupid stuff. Ten minutes later he texts back to me. I look at it. Hey, little one. I see you had the courage to write me. If you don’t have any important stuff to do, and I’m sure you don’t, you can come over to my place and have a drink with me. Don’t text me back. I will wait for you at my door in twenty minutes top. See you then, Alice. I am amazed of what he wrote. Who does this guy think he is? My boss? No, no, he can go fuck himself for what I care. I finish my glass then go back to my room, slamming into the bed, as dead weight. I stand like that for a while, and then check the time; 15 minutes have passed. Why I’m even thinking about that guy. Fuck his attitude. I won’t go anywhere. I’m fine just as I am now. No need for anyone at the moment.

  Five minutes later I’m at his door. What I am doing here, I don’t know, but I will fix his stupid attitude, that’s for sure. I knock at the door, hard and decisive. He swiftly arrives to open the door. His casual dressed, but better looking from this morning. Maybe cuz his washed now.
His blond hair is in his eyes. I don’t know what it is, but his eyes are always smiling to some degree. It’s hot, but irritating. His saying: I’m better than you with his look. I don’t like that.

  He opens his arm making way for me to come in. I enter the house, going ahead, he remaining to close the door behind me. Now that I think about it, I shouldn’t be in a stranger’s house at this hour, alone with him.

  “Here,” he offers me a glass of red wine. He has one too, but only half full. Mine is up to the top. Is he trying to make me drunk? Not going to fall for this shit. I take a sip then put the glass on the table in front of me. Its good, seems expensive. I can’t see the bottle, but even if I see it, I’m no expert on wine. I smile at him, and he smiles back. He has a cute smile.

  “Let’s play a game,” he says after he grins at me. “Example, I say: I am from…, and you have to guess the right answer. If you are correct, I take a sip of wine; if you are wrong, you take one, okay?” he continues with smooth voice.

  Pretty simple game. Does he try to know me better? Well, I can’t lose at a game like this. I’m an expert when it comes to people. Let’s give it a try.

  “Okay, I’m in. You first,” I say eager to test my abilities. He squints at me, like he is thinking very hard. Just say something today. I raise my eyebrows, asking for a question. He delivers me the most random shit I ever heard off.

  “What is the last site I went on?” he murmurs. What the fuck, like I would know something so random. Fuck this shit.

  “What? What kind of question is that? Try again, this time something more easy.” He stares at me like I said nothing. Damn, this mother fucker is pissing me off. I snap my fingers at him, attempting to catch his attention. He looks like he is in a trance. I should punch him straight in the face, maybe that will do the trick. I actually go for it and lightly hit him in his jaw. He slowly moves his eyes from my fist to my eyes, like I did nothing. This guy is crazy. My anger surfaces really fast.

  “Hey, stupid, are you brain dead? What the fuck are you doing? I’m out of here,” I say standing up. He suddenly grabs me by the hand, stopping me in my track. I turn my head to see him. He starts laughing so hard, it makes me smirk too.

  “You don’t remember me after all, Alice,” he says standing up as well. “I’m Jacob, your old friend. This is my grandma’s house. You remember when you came and we played together in the park with Jimmy and the rest.” I stare at him, amazed. Is this true? I search in my head, browsing my memory for information, and it’s all there. This guy is right, I remember now. He doesn’t look the same as back then. Damn, this shit is crazy. I examine him again from head to toe, wondering how he got so, different.

  “You must be joking, right? It can’t be you! You look so changed, in a good way. You got so tall and handsome, it blows my mind.” I really don’t believe what I’m seeing. The Jacob I know was a little boy that was not so good looking, but had a good heart. He always help me out with stuff. In that time, I looked at him more like a cute dog, than a human; he was coming with me anywhere I went, always happy to see me, doing everything I said. But now, his so different, I can’t even imagine doing the same thing. His so masculine, his presence is so powerful, I really like him now, not just as a friend, you know.

  “Some people change, other don’t. You don’t look like you changed at all. Well, in your case, I don’t think it’s a bad thing. You look wonderful as ever,” he whispers these words to me, his tone so unique and smooth, its mesmerizing. I take a sip out of my wine glass, actually drinking some out of it, and not just taste. It’s good, silky and sweet. I could drink a full bottle with no problem. He does the same as me, going full out with his. He pours another for him and refills my half glass. It’s funny how things can change in an instant, so easily influenced by certain facts and factors.

  “So what we do now, Mr. Jacob?” I roll my tongue in my mouth, going over my teeth. I’m not sure what to expect anymore from this guy. When he was little, I easily anticipated him, but now, I don’t know anything about him. He is a mystery to me, and I like mysteries; to turn them in and out, finding the right answer, or in this case, the wrong one. From his current position, he slowly stands up and moves his body closer to mine, right next to me, on the couch. My heart starts beating faster. I don’t know what to do anymore, so I take a drink. All that happened this last weeks, all the good and especially the bad stuff messed with my mind. I am a changed person now, from the moment I met Levi to this point. I stand here, now, my heart racing to no clear end, telling me to lose all control. I take another sip and finish the glass. Jacob’s smell is close enough for me to feel. It’s intoxicating. He just stares at me as I collapse under my own weight. I don’t know what changed, but it did. I can no longer be the women I was anymore. I need to do things different now, or I would disappoint my inner self. The wine is slowly but surely clouding my mind, giving me courage to do dangerous things. I should leave this place right now, but even so, I can’t make myself get up and walk for the door. It’s like I’m bounded to this sit, unable to exert any power over my body. I’m frozen, awaiting my doom. He eventually grabs me by the chin, making me completely meld to his will. I want to make all the pain stop.

  He gently pulls me towards him, piercing me with his eyes. I avoid his look, but come closer to him. He kisses my lower lip, giving me a shiver down my spine. At first I don’t move at all, but after a couple of seconds I embrace his touch. I kiss him, pushing him with my lips and whole head. He pushes back, caught on fire in the moment. We grab each other’s head, trying to lead the way. I won’t let him take control of me. I will be in charge this time. I’m tired of being the girl in the bed. I will be the man from now on. I will show this dude who is the boss. I pull back and slap him hard across the face. Then I continue to kiss him, kiss his lips, his neck. He doesn’t say shit about what I did. Good, let him be my bitch. I grab his neck with both my hands and squeeze. I force him to lie back on the couch, mounting him. My hips spread apart, ready to receive what is mine. I move back and forth, shaking my ass on his lap. I can feel his dick growing beneath me, getting harder and harder by the second.

  I look at his face and get a better idea. I get off him, standing next to him, taking my pants and panties off. He wants to get up but I stop him, telling him to stay where he is.

  “I’m not done,” I whisper, this time putting my hips in front of his face. His eyes move from my pussy to my eyes, up and down. I raise an eyebrow, asking what is he waiting for.

  His lips touch my clit, barely making contact. Next I feel his tongue coming out of his mouth, ready to do some damage. I immediately moan with pleasure, constant and powerful joy. I arch my back and take the rest of my clothes down. I’m completely naked now, a string of shivers cross down my spine. I love it.

  “Make me cum, make me cum now,” I murmur without breath, to exited to even talk straight. He hears my request, taking it all out. Great pleasure builds up, forcing me to close my eyes and open my mouth. My hair loose, covers parts of my face. I grab his head, not knowing what else to do with my hands. I climax shortly after, releasing all the pressure. I calm down a little, but I’m not done yet.

  “Make me cum again, finger me until a come again,” I whisper into his ear, my lungs pumping air like crazy. He follows my order, getting me off him and sitting me on the couch, with my legs wide open in front of him. He spreads them even more apart, one of his hands working down on me, the other gentle squeezing my neck. His fingers massage my G-Spot, as he starts kissing me rough. His good! I play with my nipples, caressing each of them. I’m full with joy at the moment, been able to forget the rest of the outside world, all the problems and the stupid shit I have to face every day.

  I release again, my whole body going crazy. I smile at him, fully tired. He does the same, then I close my eyes and fall asleep.

  In the morning, a sudden powerful constant sound wakes me up. Someone is hammering something, and it’s coming from inside this house. I look around me, an
d for a couple of seconds, I don’t realize where I am. I’m in Jacob’s house, still here from last night. I’ve fallen asleep right after I finished. Did he do anything to me after that? I check myself down there, all seems fine. It’s hard to tell anyway, as wet as I was last night. Anyway, I get up, look for my phone, check it, and then find a shirt to wear. Then I’m hit by a subtle smell of bacon, which is coming, of course, from the kitchen. I gentle cross the room and enter the small but comfortable kitchen. On the table, a plate with eggs, bacon and some broccoli sits there, just waiting to be eaten. On the side I have a bowl of oats and I big glass of lemonade. I take a sit from the latter, very sweet and delicious. Must be a lot of sugar added to this mix. All the food is still warm, perfect temperature to be devoured. I dig in, finishing all of it. I am hungry, but with the help of this food, all the pain goes away like it never was to begin with. In the meantime the knocks continue upstairs. It must be Jacob, working hard to fix something. I tiptoe my way up, checking on him. When I get 3 feet away from him, he suddenly stops and turns him face toward me. I make my cute face, waiting for him to say something. He shrinks his eyes, smiles for a second then walks closer to me. Next to me, his one head above my height, so I stare at him from below, and him from above. It gives him an air of superiority, which in this case, I don’t mind. I blink several times, still waiting for him to say something. He finally opens his mouth, and murmurs.

  “You still look great in the morning, but what you did last night wasn’t cool. I hope today we change roles, eh?”

  “I see you started hammering something else, if you couldn’t do it with me,” I smirk at him, stroking his penis through his pants. “We will see. Now get back to work,” I continue, then walk away, going downstairs. He doesn’t follow me, so I take my shit and go to my place. I need to chill down a little, alone.


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