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Page 9

by King, Thayer

  Once more, his hands pressed her thighs apart. He used his fingers to hold open her pussy lips. She was panting by the time he licked her, long and slow. Then he circled her clit before teasing her with a series of flicks that had her hands clenching at her sides. “Please,” she moaned when she couldn’t take any more of his teasing. She lifted her pussy to him. “Please, suck it.” As though her command was what he’d been waiting for, he latched onto her clit with his lips and suckled. His growls were almost as loud as her moans. He penetrated her with a finger, thrust it deep, and hit her G-spot. Her pussy clamped down on the digit in an orgasm immediately. “Oh, God, Aidan!” He stayed with her, his mouth covering her clit and his finger deep in her cunt, as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her.

  He sat back on his haunches and surveyed her. One hand was wrapped around his thick shaft, pumping up and down. She watched as he lifted the other hand, wet from her dew, and licked it clean. Her thighs were still shaking in the aftermath, but she wanted this, wanted him. She needed to feel him stretching her.


  “Please, what?”

  “Please, fuck me.”

  His grin was wicked and sensual. “Oh, I aim to.” He hooked her knees over the crook of his elbows. She moaned as he filled her with slow thrusts that opened her and stretched her around his cock. “How are you even tighter than before?”

  She whimpered. It felt so good. “It’s the…pregnancy. Oh, God,” she gasped as he pulled back and buried his cock halfway. “Swollen t-tissues,” she tried to continue her explanation. “Oh, Aidan!” Janelle gripped the bedding as he filled her cunt and began to fuck her hard and deep. Her breasts jiggled with every thrust.

  “Squeeze your nipples,” he ordered in a near growl.

  Eyes locked with his, she cupped her breasts and tugged her nipples. Each tug made her channel spasm over the thick shaft invading her. Janelle threw her head back and moaned. Even though she’d come recently, she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold out for long.

  “You’re so hot and tight. You’ve got the sweetest pussy I’ve eaten. Don’t want to scare you, but I’m probably going to want to eat you every night. And when you wake up tomorrow morning, it’ll be with my tongue buried so deep in your pussy—”

  Janelle screamed as her cunt closed over his plunging cock. Aidan began ramming her G-spot and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Electricity sizzled in her toes, up her thighs, intensified in her cunt and nipples, before rolling over her neck and face. She wouldn’t have been shocked if her hair stood on end. Aidan gritted out her name as his dick swelled inside her. Wet heat filled her. His body trembled as he moved to her side. He reached for her and pulled her into his arms.

  “Snuggling is officially my favorite pastime,” he panted into her hair. Janelle giggled.

  * * * *

  Janelle had assumed that it was just sex talk. But the next morning when she woke, she was on the cusp of an orgasm, Aidan’s fingers plucking her nipples and his tongue buried in her cunt. He growled his enjoyment and she came with a scream, arching her hips up to him.

  “You’re awake. Good.” With gentle hands, he turned her over and drew her up onto her knees.

  She was panting, still getting her bearings when he plunged into her from behind. At the first thrust, her arms wobbled and she went down to her elbows. Aidan gripped her hips and he sank deeper. The feel of his cock parting her tight tissues accentuated the already exquisite spasms racking her pussy.

  “You feel so good,” he groaned. He set a hard and fast pace. She cried out at each penetration. He pushed her hair to the side. “Are you okay?” Unable to answer, she moaned and nodded. “You like this?” He gave a particularly hard thrust. When she didn’t reply, he said, “Maybe I should stop?”

  She spread her legs wider and backed into his thrust. “No, please.”

  “Then answer me. Do you like it?”

  “Yessss,” she moaned.

  “Good,” he grunted. They moved together, the room filled with the sounds of their hips slapping together, her moans, and his grunts. “Janelle, this is my pussy. Mine.” He reached beneath her and pinched her clit. “And I don’t share. Ever. Understand?”

  “Yes,” she whimpered. “God, yes.” She didn’t think it was possible, but he slid deeper, nudging her womb. She gave a strangled cry as her pussy rippled and sucked his rampaging cock. He shouted her name and held still as he filled her with his hot cum.

  He rolled over onto his back, taking her with him. She was sprawled on his chest. Her heart thumped. “What was that?”

  “It’s how I say good morning.”

  She gave a breathless laugh. And then she looked at the clock. She gasped. “We’re both going to be late for work.”

  “I don’t know about you, but my boss is very lenient with me.”

  “Mine is a bitch. She complains if the shop isn’t open at nine sharp.” She tried to move, but his arms closed around her. “I have to shower.”

  “Janelle, what do you say to a late honeymoon?”

  “You said you couldn’t take time off on short notice.”

  “We could go to the beach house this weekend. We can plan a longer vacation later.”

  She rolled over so she could look into his eyes. “I like the sound of that.” He released a pent-up breath. “You thought I’d say no?”

  “Well, I would understand if you didn’t want to return to the scene of the crime.”

  She arched her brow. She sensed that the weight of the guilt burdening him from that night was far greater than she had known. “I’d be glad to go with you.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “A weekend at the beach. That sounds great. I should suggest something like that to Timothy.”

  Janelle looked up from the rack of dresses she was straightening. “You and Timothy, eh?” she inquired with a grin.

  “So I called him last night. And then he came over.”


  Dionne shrugged. It was a poor attempt at appearing casual since she was grinning from ear to ear. “And we’re officially dating.”

  “That’s great. We’ll have to go out to dinner with our men some time.”

  Dionne blew out a breath. “I’m glad you and Aidan patched up your misunderstanding. I hated the thought of you in a bad marriage after I encouraged you to go for it.”

  She’d given Dionne a brief outline of the previous evening because there was no holding in her joy this morning. As she’d showered, she’d expected to experience regret for not waiting longer to make love to Aidan. But she didn’t. They were married. There was no use putting up barriers between them. And she wanted to enjoy sex with him while it was still comfortable for her. She’d been waiting to get to know him better, but she realized she knew some of the most important things about him already. He was smart and driven to succeed, but that hadn’t caused him to become unkind or selfish. She thought back over everything he had done since that night at the beach. He could have believed the worst of her, but instead, he’d been an honorable gentleman, offering her support every step of the way. Tears pricked her eyes. Darn hormones! She was not a person who cried at the drop of a pin.

  “I’m glad, too.” She sniffed and wiped at the moisture at the corner of her eyes. “You know, I’ve been thinking, I should design some maternity wear. Not an entire line, mind you. Just some nice tops and sweaters. And maybe a few slacks.”

  Before Dionne could reply, the door was flung open with such violence the metal arm at the top rattled and the glass vibrated. Both women turned to stare at Jerome as he burst into the shop. He turned crazed eyes on Janelle before storming over to her. “You married him? How could you? How’d you convince him to do it?”

  Janelle was shaking from the shock of seeing again as much as from his loud entry into the boutique. Swallowing, she stiffened her trembling limbs. “Jerome, what I do is no longer your business.”

  “I introduced the two of you. You were mine—”

  “Then you should have treated me as such.”

  “Janelle, do you want me to call the police?”

  Janelle shook her head. Jerome glanced over at Dionne before turning back to her. “Can we go someplace where we can speak alone?”

  She took in his appearance. He had a wild look in his eyes and he was more disheveled than she had ever seen him. Instead of a fashionable suit, he wore a cheap navy-blue blazer over a white shirt with a coffee stain that extended to his khakis. Janelle knew for a fact that he hated khakis. On his lapel, he wore a name tag. Shaking her head, she asked, “What are you wearing?”

  “It’s for my job. The only thing I’ve been able to find is as a night manager at a cheap hotel. There aren’t a lot of executive positions open. And the few I’ve applied for, I haven’t heard back. I suspect that your husband had me blackballed.” His gaze flicked over her from top to bottom and then he zeroed in on the hand she held over her belly. “No,” he murmured. “You’re not…” Then he grinned. “This is perfect. You can help me get my job back.”

  “I can’t and I won’t.” He was so incredibly self-involved. He didn’t even care about losing her. She couldn’t believe she’d been fooled by him for so long. He was already attempting to find a way to turn her pregnancy to his advantage.

  “You owe it to me. After all, he’s a good catch, isn’t he? Look, they’ve got me working this shit job when we both know I can do so much more. You’ve got to help me.”

  “I don’t have to do anything.”

  He moved closer. “Don’t turn your back on me. That could just as easily be my baby as his.”

  Janelle backed away from him. She didn’t believe he’d hurt her, but she was repulsed by the idea of him touching her. “That’s not true and you know it. We haven’t been intimate in months and we always used protection.”

  “Yeah, but will Aidan believe that if I tell him the baby could be mine? Think about it. You’re just a pretty face and a pair of spread thighs to him—”

  Her hand acted of its own accord. Before she knew it, she’d slapped him.

  “You bitch—” He made a threatening step forward.

  “I’m calling nine-one-one if you don’t leave right now,” Dionne said, her cell held high.

  Jerome paused. He glared at Dionne as he backed away. “Remember what I said, Janelle. Get him to give me my job back or I’ll tell him that baby is mine.”

  “What a psycho!”

  Janelle made her way the couch she’d purchased for customers to relax. She bit her lip but it didn’t stop the tears. Dionne joined her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “I’ve never seen him that desperate.”

  “Do you want me to call the police?”

  “No. Once he calms down, he’ll regret his behavior. I-I should call his mother.”

  “You should call your husband.”

  Janelle took a deep breath. She started to argue, but realized that it would only cause more trouble if she didn’t call him. “I will. I guess I’ll have to tell him about Jerome’s ugly allegations before he gets the chance to.”

  “There’s no truth to that is there? This isn’t Jerome’s baby?”

  She nearly gagged. “Thank God, no. It’s Aidan’s.” With a sigh, she stood. “Best to get this over with. Can you cover the store while I talk to him?” There was no one in the shop as of yet, but it was before lunch on a Tuesday.

  “Sure, you go ahead.”

  Janelle sat behind her desk and pulled out her phone. Aidan answered on the second ring. “Miss me already?” he asked.

  “Yes, of course.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  She was surprised that he could hear the upset in her voice based on three words. Taking a deep breath, she decided the direct approach would be best. “Jerome was just here.” Silence greeted her. “Aidan, are you still there?”

  “Yes. What did he want?”

  Closing her eyes, she sighed. “He came about us being married. He was so angry. He wanted me to get you to give him his job back—”

  “Fat chance of that happening.”

  “I told him that and then…then he threatened to tell you that the baby was his instead of yours.”

  “How did he know about the baby?”

  “I had my hand over my belly. Aidan, he was so desperate. I don’t think he would hurt me, but—”

  “But he scared you.”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I wish he’d just leave me alone.”

  “Don’t worry about him anymore. I’ll handle it.”

  She tensed. The last thing she needed was Aidan getting into a physical altercation with Jerome. “What are you going to do?”

  He laughed. “I’m not going to kick his ass, which he so richly deserves. No, I’m going to call him and tell him that if he doesn’t leave you alone we’re going to take out a restraining order on him. He’s career driven. He’s not going to want that sort of thing on his record. We can get a copy of his messages from your phone company if we need to. Proving harassment should be a breeze.”

  “I hope it doesn’t come to that.”

  “You’re too sweet for your own good. What are you doing for lunch today?”

  “Nothing special.”

  “How about having lunch with your husband?”

  “It’s just what I need.”

  * * * *

  In bed that night, Janelle settled into Aidan’s embrace, her head cushioned on his shoulder. She stroked the dark hairs on his forearm. “I enjoyed lunch with you today.”

  He kissed her temple. “You told me that at dinner.” She could hear the smile in his voice.

  They’d been snuggling for about ten minutes. She didn’t want to spoil the peaceful atmosphere, but she couldn’t stop fretting about Jerome’s visit this morning. Though he’d expressed no concern, she wanted to make sure he had no doubts. “Aidan, I promise you, this is your baby.”

  Aidan shifted so that he was balanced on his elbow. He looked down into her face. “Janelle, I know that. I trust you.” His gaze dropped to her collarbone. “And I have a confession to make, but I’m afraid it doesn’t show me in the best light.”

  “I can’t imagine such a thing is possible.”

  “Have I told you today that you’re fantastic?”

  “Not yet.”

  “You’re fantastic.” He leaned over and kissed her. He licked at her lips until she opened her mouth and the kiss deepened.

  Janelle pushed him back. “Your confession,” she reminded him.

  “Oh, yeah.” He sighed and ran his hand over the back of his head. “The first time I saw you, I guess you could say I was smitten.”

  She grinned. “I’m liking this so far. What was it about me?”

  He rolled his eyes, but couldn’t hide a grin of his own. “You were beautiful and sexy as hell, but so full of class. And then I talked to you and that husky voice of yours washed over my ears like music.”

  She laughed. “My voice? You’re the one with the deep gravel voice that makes women throw their panties at you.”

  His eyes lit up at her description. “Then what took me so long to get into your panties?”

  “I’m not that bright.”

  He laughed. “Don’t insult my wife. She’s brilliant.”

  She hooked her hand in the waistband of his pajama bottoms. “Thank you. Now back to the story.”

  “You’re the one who keeps derailing me.” She made a show of zipping her lips. “Well, I was fairly obsessed with you. I couldn’t steal you from Jerome. That’s not my style. But it ate me alive to think that he’d be touching you. Every chance I got, I sent him out of town on business.”

  Janelle gasped. “I can’t believe you’d behave in such an unprofessional manner.”

  He lowered his head. “I can’t believe it either. I admit I took advantage of his ambition. I knew he wanted the VP promotion and I had no intention of promoting him.”

  She propped herself up on her elbows. “Then w
hy did you keep inviting him to dinners and parties?”

  His gaze dropped to her breasts. They were fuller because of the pregnancy. The lace of her gown stretched taut and held them up for display. She had to nudge his chin to regain his attention. He cleared his throat. “Sorry. I’d think that much would be obvious. Even if I couldn’t have you, I wanted to see you.”

  She was speechless. Her mind whirled with the implications. His behavior had led Jerome to believe that he had a chance at the promotion. That could account for Jerome’s lack of ability to grasp the reality of losing his job. Aidan’s behavior was wrong, but it in no way excused Jerome giving her to him as a sexual plaything.

  “You’re disappointed in me. I know it was a shit thing to do. Whatever you need me to do to make it up to you, I’ll do it.”

  She tugged him down for a kiss. “Even without your interference, Jerome and I were headed for a breakup. I was never a priority for him.”

  “I love your mouth.”

  She grinned. “Want to see what I can do with it?” Aidan’s eyes narrowed and he growled. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She placed her hands on his shoulders and eased him back onto the mattress.

  “Wait.” He seemed confused. “You’re letting this go just like that?”

  “I recover quickly.” She tossed the covers to the foot of the bed and crawled over her husband. He was like a man buffet. And he was all hers. Starting at his temple, she pressed little kisses down the side of his face. Detouring only briefly at his mouth, she continued down to his neck. He moaned and shifted his head to give her better access.

  His hands came up to hold her waist as she moved lower, kissing his collarbone. She bit into one nipple while pinching the other. Aidan grunted and his hands clenched the silk of her negligee. She licked her way down his flat abs and flicked her tongue in his belly button. His eyes blazed with the heat of desire as he watched her stroke the line of hair that led down into his pajama bottoms. “You’re a beautiful man,” she murmured.


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