Tessa, Vampire/Werewolf Romance, (Standalone) (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 3)

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Tessa, Vampire/Werewolf Romance, (Standalone) (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 3) Page 19

by Maddie Foxx

  * * *

  Seth sat there in a stupor almost. He tried to think about the night of the full moon. What really happened that night? Had a full-blood come across Jason and Earl, or had another shifter killed them? The list of suspects could get pretty big since many people might’ve thought Jason was responsible for Carrie’s condition. Since Raphael found that piece of wood, it took another turn. “I hope you don’t think Tessa was responsible here.”

  “What else can I think now? And to think I trusted her.”

  Seth massaged his head, a memory trying to force its way from the back of his mind. Why was it so hard for him to remember what had happened that night? The sound of breaking glass came to mind, but that was where the partial memory ended.

  “Are you okay, Seth?”

  “Y-Yes, I just can’t believe Tessa was the one responsible here.”

  “I don’t want to believe it either, but what other choice do I have?”

  “I’m not sure, but it’s not bringing us any closer to finding the children, now is it?”

  “You’re right, Seth. It’s obvious the children aren’t here,” Raphael agreed.

  “We better cover up the remains. We don’t want the sheriff to find out about Jason and Earl buried out here. They might start to ask questions we don’t need to try and answer. One of the shifters might be responsible, and we don’t need them going down for this. Jason was the suspect, after all.”

  “Yes, but if the sheriff comes out here, he might find the remains just like we have.”

  “So you don’t plan to report what we found?”

  “No, I protect my own even if she’s done the unthinkable,” Raphael said.

  “Let’s not jump to conclusions here. Perhaps that stick fell in the hole when they were buried.”

  “It was quite blood-stained.”

  “Okay, but we can already see what happens when someone acts before finding out the facts. You shouldn’t do it, either.”

  “That’s something I’ll deal with another day. We need to find the children. It’s going to get cold tonight.”

  “They might have packed provisions,” Seth said.

  “Let’s go back to the ATV and check. If there are any, I think they left them back there.”

  Seth made it back to the ATV and only a small bag with one change of clothing was in there, along with two sodas, which had been opened, and probably only missing a sip. Not only were the children missing, but they were out there somewhere without food or water.

  “What now, Raphael?”

  “I don’t have a clue. Where could they have gone?”

  “Let’s search the woods. They have to be here somewhere.”

  Seth led the way and they moved over fallen logs and leaves, searching for the elusive shifter children.

  * * *

  When Tessa drove into Shadow Creek there were cars parked everywhere. Two huge grizzly bears were guarding a Hummer and lifted their heads when they climbed out of the vehicle. That took her aback until Jerome said, “Werebears.”

  Tessa went to the main door and walked in since it was open. Inside, there were maps splayed out with several men discussing plans of action.

  “Where is Paige?” Tessa asked.

  Heads turned in their direction as one man asked, “And who are you?”

  “Tessa, and who are you?”

  “This is Ewan. He’s new to the area.”

  “Hello, Tessa. I hope you’re here to help and not distract us. We’re trying to decide a plan of action to find the children.”

  Tessa’s locked eyes with Ewan. “It’s much more complicated than that, now.”

  “How so?” Brendan asked.

  Paige and Chase drew near as Tessa explained, “As Raphael might have said, a woman named Mira came to warn us that the children left, but it would seem it was all a rouse.”

  “What?” Brendan said.

  “She’s a full-blood. It’s all been a set-up, even Carrie being attacked by a full-blood. If the children hadn’t decided to leave she would have most certainly taken Maxwell, or lured him off Silver Creek.”

  “Then why tell you that the children had left?” Paige asked.

  “To scatter us so the full-bloods can pick us off one by one. When I left Silver Creek, full-bloods attacked the ranch. Well, four of them anyway.”

  “What happened?” Chase asked with widened eyes.

  “The werewolves fought them off. The only way to kill them is if their heads are removed from their bodies.”

  “That works for just about any shifter,” Ewan commented. “But when we fight, we go in shifted form. We’re not strong enough to do that.”

  “Except for us wearbears,” came a booming voice from the door.

  “But apparently that’s not the only way,” Jerome said.

  “When Mira shifted and attacked me, I bit her in the throat. The second time I did I took in some of her blood. She died after that,” Tessa said.

  Paige’s face was ashen. “Tessa, that can kill you.”

  “Who told you that? I have never felt better or stronger. Why didn’t you ask me why I’m able to go outside during the day without dying?”

  “Because of those clothes.”

  “I didn’t get these until I went into town. I wore my regular clothing there with only a baseball cap.”

  “If a vampire bites a shifter it will most certainly lead to their death. Shifter blood is poisonous to us.”

  “This was a full-blood, and the leaders of this group are also part half-bloods. They’ve been bred that way. I don’t believe all of them have the same agenda, but the leadership plans to oust all of the shifters using Maxwell as the pawn. No matter what they promise, he’ll die. They believe he’ll destroy their kind in the future if he ever grows up and becomes alpha,” Jerome said.

  “They can shift at will, same as all of you,” Tessa added.

  “If we can knock out their leadership, you might stand a chance to convince the others how foolhardy their plans are,” Jerome said.

  “They also plan to kill the humans in Creeksboro. We must protect our humans. If they do that, the government might just rethink the rights of shifters,” Tessa insisted.

  “This certainly is a game changer,” Brendan replied. “We need to appoint who will protect Creeksboro and who will go to find the children, rescuing them if need be. I hope it hasn’t gotten to that yet, though. Angus, you’re responsible for keeping Shadow Creek safe. The lives of Katlyn and my children are the most important thing to me.”

  “Perhaps you should send them to Creeksboro,” Paige suggested. “If you leave shifters behind in each shifter ranch, you might not have enough to protect the ranches and the town like Tessa said.”

  “I should go back and speak to the humans,” Jerome said. “They need to understand that we need to band together for all of our sakes.”

  The phone rang and Paige picked it up. “Thanks, I’ll let Brendan know. We’ll send help.” When she hung up, she said, “Raphael and Seth found the ATV the children took. Jason’s cabin was burned to the ground, but they couldn’t find the children.”

  Ewan nodded. “We better get moving then. I’ll have my family protect the town.”

  “What kind of shifter are you?” Tessa asked.

  “Lion. I’m from Africa. I have four sons who are good at what they do, protecting the pride, but not to worry. That can work for your town and shifters, too.”

  The shifters filed outside, handing maps to Brendan and Chase on their way out. Katlyn pushed a baby buggy forward and gave Tessa a quick hug. “I’m so scared. Please be careful, Tessa.”

  “Don’t worry about me; just take care of your babies.”

  “I won’t leave the ranch,” Katlyn said stubbornly.

  Brendan lifted her chin. “You have to, because you won’t be protected here. It will be safer for you in town.”

  “He’s right, Katlyn,” Tessa urged.

  “I hate this. Why does there have to be a wa
r with those shifters? They seem so powerful; what if they kill you? What will happen to us then?”

  “Please, Katlyn,” Chase said. “Don’t even think that way. We’re your mates and we make the decisions that will be best for all of us. We’ll be back just as soon as we can.”

  Katlyn wiped back her tears. “Okay, we’ll go, but please be careful, my loves.” She kissed each of her mates and walked outside with Ewan.


  Melody dragged Maxwell through streams, thicket, and weeds, weaving around trees until they entered a clearing.

  “Would you stop pulling me like that? My leg is throbbing now.”

  “What, you’d rather the full-bloods catch up to us?”

  “No. It’s just th-that….”

  Directly across the clearing was a man pointing into their direction. “Melody, move!” Maxwell shouted. “We need to shift now!”

  Maxwell shuddered, lowering his head as he concentrated on the shift. His body shook until his skin parted way for thick fur. It wasn’t the most pleasant feeling in the world, but he was a much bigger wolf in shifted form than he was even six months before.

  Melody stared wide-eyed at him. “I had no idea you were so big in shifted form.” She clapped her hands quietly.

  Maxwell howled for her to hurry as more men appeared at the edge of the woods.

  * * *

  Melody stared up at the tops of the trees and moved to greet them, leaving behind her skin and clothing. She soared to the heights she had never known with confidence. Gone was the awkwardness of falling from the tops of the trees as she tried to learn to fly. It wasn’t overnight, but gradual and when it did happen, she was amazed at how it felt. She loved it more than her human form, almost. Hawks certainly couldn’t eat raspberry tarts; that was for sure.

  Melody circled Maxwell and led the way in flight, stopping on branches if he fell behind. It was obvious that hawks could fly much faster than a wolf could run, which in a way gave Melody a level of satisfaction although she’d never tell Maxwell that. He was sensitive; too sensitive if you asked her. Sure he had a limp, but that didn’t set him back all that much. Sometimes she thought he focused on it a little too much. Yes, some of the other shifter children had made fun of him, but that particular boy left town with his mother.

  Maxwell howled louder and only then did Melody see the men racing toward them. They were in human form, so surely they’d be able to outrun them. She led the way into the woods where she hoped they’d be able to lose the ones tailing them.

  When they finally exited the woods, Melody had to swoop low to clear a branch and fell straight to the ground. She shook her head, flapping her wings briskly in an effort to try to right herself. She had almost made it back to her feet when whoosh, a net covered her, preventing her flight.

  She was then scooped up with strong hands and held by a woman. “Got you, baby bird.”

  Melody tried to keep flapping her wings, hoping she could free herself, but it hurt her wings so badly she had to stop. At that point, she wasn’t in the position to shift back. She was too constricted because of the way the net was pulled tightly over her.

  A man came forward and Melody didn’t have time to react when she was pulled free of the net and placed into a birdcage.

  There was no way she could escape. She was trapped.

  * * *

  Maxwell raced into the woods, barely catching sight of Melody flying high above him. When the trees were clumped together, he lost sight of her. Loud voices carried over to him and he hid behind a large tree when he wasn’t sure which way to go. Where are the voices coming from? Where should I go next?

  He trembled as he heard a branch snap and his heart beat harder as they drew closer and closer. He fell to the ground, hoping they would pass him by, but then he heard a voice call out to him. “Maxwell…Melody!”

  It was his uncle’s voice!

  Maxwell was up and on his way toward the sound. He heard the growl of a wolf behind him, but he didn’t stop. Branches and sticks crashed to the ground as something quite large was chasing him. When he rounded a large tree, Uncle Raphael and Seth were calling out their names.

  He mustered all the strength he had and ran to his uncle, nearly jumping into his arms. Uncle Raphael pushed him behind him as the wolf-like beast came into view. It was the largest werewolf he had ever seen before. It stood nearly seven-foot with a huge mouth full of razor-sharp teeth, the smell of death and decay wafting over to him.

  * * *

  Get Maxwell out of here, Seth,” Raphael ordered.

  Seth moved to pull Maxwell to safety, but as he did, the beast ran toward Raphael. With one swipe, Raphael was sailing to the ground and groaning. When the wolf went in for a deathblow, Seth tackled it from behind. The werewolf and Seth rolled to the ground together. Seth was struggling to keep the beast’s jaw from ripping his throat out when a vision came to him. Breaking through the window the night of the full moon, the awful pain hit him hard, like he was feeling right that moment. His arms and legs were being ripped to shreds, but when he looked down the wolf hadn’t made contact with him yet. He trembled and watched helplessly as the wolf made an aggressive move for his throat, but another wolf jumped on him. It was Raphael’s wolf form.

  “Get out of here, Maxwell!” Seth yelled in excruciating pain. He watched in horror as the skin of his arms parted and rows of fur appeared beneath. He tried with all his might to crawl away. He reared up and his spine ripped out of his back as claws appeared from his fingertips, bursting out of his shoes, and tearing them to bits. He grabbed his head, feeling the flesh of his face was breached and a large wolf’s snout appeared out of the center. His limbs extended, growing much larger and when he finally scrambled to his feet, he towered above the other werewolf who was fighting with Raphael. He was losing ground fast, and it would only be a matter of time before he was killed by that beast.

  With the pain gone, Seth raced forward and grabbed the other werewolf by the neck. He tossed it backward where it fell against a large tree, and a loud cracking sound was heard.

  He didn’t let it stop there. Seth finished by tearing its throat out. Only then did he turn to face a terrified Maxwell and Raphael, back in human form, standing behind a bush.

  “Seth?” Raphael started. “How? What?”

  “I-Is that Seth?” Maxwell asked in awe.

  “It would seem so.”

  “He’s huge!” Maxwell exclaimed. “Good, we need a werewolf that size on our side. Melody’s in trouble, I think. The full-bloods must have taken her by now.”

  Seth stared back to where Maxwell had come out of the woods and disappeared. He had no memory of shifting until then. He also did the night of the full moon. He could almost taste the sheep’s blood still on his tongue. He was the one who killed them, not Tessa or any of the full-bloods. What he didn’t understand was how or why this was happening to him. When the final memory came, he knew he’d have to find Tessa and soon, before Raphael did.

  But all of that was unimportant right then. His daughter was out there somewhere and he had to find her before it was too late. He just hoped they’d see the value in keeping her alive. If they used her for leverage, she’d be kept alive, but he wouldn’t leave the woods without finding out where they were keeping her. Her life was in his hands and he would not let his little girl down. Hold on, Melody. Daddy’s coming for you.

  * * *

  Tessa stared over to Paige. “So, how many other vampires are there besides us? And why would my bite be able to kill a full-blood?”

  “What makes you think there are more?”

  “The way Joy acted when I picked up my clothes, which I didn’t even know you ordered for me.”

  “Yes, well, the other vampires aren’t anything like us and I wouldn’t say they exactly live all that near to Creeksboro. We can turn a human with one bite.”

  “How can you be certain?”

  “Well, I never turned any of them. There can’t be any more in the
United States like us.”

  “Didn’t you turn some back in California?”

  “Yes, but that couldn’t have trickled down to here. It’s important that it hasn’t. I know for a fact a few vampires in Wyoming have bitten females before and they were not turned at all.”

  Tessa just shook her head. “Lucky me.”

  “Lucky you indeed. If you weren’t a vampire now, we’d never have known how deadly our bite really is to a full-blood, but we’ll need our shifters to help us out. Full-bloods are quite capable of taking off our heads with one bite. I’m not sure how this Mira didn’t kill you.”

  “I wonder that, too. I guess I have a real determination to survive. Without my help, I’m not sure if they’ll be able to find the children and bring them home safe, so we better get going.”

  Tessa led the way outside and sat in the front of the truck with Brendan at the helm.

  “I’ll go in another truck and search another area. It would be better if we split up. That way if one of us is struck down, we won’t both die,” Paige said.

  Chase slid in next to Tessa. The bed of the truck was full of shifters who were in the animal forms of mountain lions, foxes, and one bloodhound!

  “I didn’t know there was a bloodhound shifter.”

  Brendan smiled. “He comes in handy. He’s actually the pharmacist in town.”

  “That’s interesting.”

  Brendan pulled around and they were on their way. Over their heads were two red-tailed hawks. “Are those shifters, too?”

  “Probably Carrie and her daughter, Ariel. There was no stopping her when she found out Melody went in search of Jason.”

  A huge lump was in Tessa’s throat. That was the last thing she needed to hear. When she found Raphael, she’d fess up about what had happened in that cabin.


  When Jerome rolled into town with a band of mighty shifters, people took notice even though they weren’t in shifted form. Sheriff Barnes and Clayton came out of the small sheriff’s office to greet them.


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