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Aiden's Betrayal

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by CT Nicholson

  Aiden's Betrayal

  written by CT Nicholson

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  Cover Artist: Carl J. Franklin

  First Edition

  ©2013, Rebel Ink Press, LLC

  Chapter One

  Why did she agree to this torment?

  Ell regarded herself in the mirror and would've gasped if it hadn't been the twentieth time she’d looked in the past five minutes. The red dress barely covered her ass and her red shoes were too high. Tonight she knew falling would be inevitable and she just felt too old at twenty-eight to start clubbing and wearing dangerously high shoes.

  The makeover made her feel like she was asking to be ravaged by men and truly, maybe she needed to be. Brushing her hair once again to remove the tangles materializing every minute, she realized she did look pretty damn good thanks to her friend, Anya. If she could lose fifteen pounds and grow a few inches, her ego might boost up a little more.

  Nothing wrong with dreaming.

  “Isn’t it a little cold to wear something so... slutty?” She glanced over her shoulder at Anya who stood a foot taller with legs that never ended, legs men loved. Her sea green eyes gleamed with excitement as she twirled strands of her short blond hair. No man ever turned Anya down. Except if they pulled for a different team. Then again, even some of them might change sides for a chance with her.

  “First of all, thanks for calling me a slut. Second, you look freaking fantastic. You’re getting laid tonight.” Anya laughed as she inspected her perfectly manicured hands.

  “I don’t need to get laid.” She so did, but that wasn't really the point. Everything ended in sex with Anya and Elle liked having her alone time. If Anya found a man early, Elle planned to sneak back home. It was a likely situation.

  Anya blew a raspberry. “Don’t get pissed at me, Ellie. You’re the one who sits at home painting and running your precious Bed and Breakfast. You need to have fun. And you need a man to screw your brains out.”

  Elle ignored the hated nickname and the inappropriate comment.

  “I had a date a month ago and I have fun all the time.” Not really. Maybe she should listen to Anya. Or not.

  “You mean the lawyer where you excused yourself before the food came then never went back.” Anya grinned. “I would've at least eaten dinner on his dime. And, well… You know what else I would've done.”

  Oh yeah, she knew. “We were there for fifteen minutes and he stayed on the phone for ten. The other five he spent getting the waitress's number.”

  Of course Anya would have stayed because she loved men and he would have never stayed on the phone with Anya sitting in front of him.

  Sea green eyes narrowed. “Fine, forget him. What about the blind date I set you up with? He was cute and a complete gentleman with me.”

  Anya pursed her lips in the mirror and applied what seemed like her third coat of lipstick.

  Elle laughed then stopped abruptly when Anya didn’t. “You’re kidding!”

  Anya’s nose scrunched up and her smile turned down into frown.

  Not kidding. “He was gay! Hot, but gay.”

  Sometimes Elle grew close to pulling her hair out when Anya tried to weasel with her love life. Her life was just that, hers. She didn't have time or the patience for Anya's constant meddling. If meeting a man was meant to be then it would happen but until that day came, Elle just wanted to be left alone. She definitely didn't want to go clubbing.

  “Okay, Okay. I won’t hook you up with any more gay men.” Anya's hands stayed in the air as she backed toward the door.

  Elle threw a pillow at Anya before she disappeared down the stairs way too fast in her six-inch heels. Looking up at the ceiling, Elle prayed she survived the night in one piece. Would it be too much to ask?

  A cold nose nudged her hand for attention and she smiled down at the shaggy haired dog that acted more like her spoiled child than a beloved pet. “I know girl, that crazy lady is mean. You should bite her.”

  Elle laughed when Princess gave a low growl. She grabbed a treat from the container on the nightstand and Princess took it quickly from her hand. “That's my girl.”

  “I heard that! Now hurry up!” Anya yelled up the stairs.

  Elle kissed her fingers then touched them to the picture of her parents and sister sitting on her dresser. Afterward, she sauntered down the steps praying for the night to end quickly and painlessly. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “Don’t be so grumpy. Live a little.”

  She was living or at least thought she had been. Grabbing her keys, Elle headed out the door with Anya still complaining about her ‘boring’ life.


  The line to the club went around the building, and at the rate the people moved forward, Elle doubted they’d get inside before closing. Fantastic.

  “Oh man, I guess we should go home.” Elle tried to sound upset but failed miserably.

  “Ha! Like I’m letting you off the hook that easy.” Anya grabbed Elle's hand to drag her toward the bouncer standing at the door. “Hey sexy, I’ve missed you!”

  “Anya, it's been too long.” The large bouncer, with too many tattoos and piercings, wrapped his arms around Anya.

  The man actually has a
real Mohawk. Elle didn’t miss the fact his hands grabbed Anya’s ass during their hug, or the way Anya pressed her barely covered breast into him. So much for going home.

  “I’ve been away but I’m back for a while. My friend here is in some serious need for sex and I brought her out to have a little fun. Seems the club's pretty busy.” Anya’s lip popped out and her lashes fluttered as she looked at the crowded line then back at the bouncer.

  Seriously. Did she really sleep with every man she met?

  “The club's been busy since the new band started playing on Friday nights, but you know you don’t have to flirt with me to get in.” The bouncer unclipped the red velvet rope and waved them through.

  Elle’s cheeks warmed as the waiting throng of people made disappointing ahhs and offered a few curses.

  Great, now she’s one of ‘those’ girls.

  Inside the music blocked every word Anya screamed at Elle as they neared the bar. Every person she passed brushed against her and she really regretted having so much skin on display.

  The music wasn't something she normally listened to but the lead singer's voice sounded smooth and hypnotic. He looked the part of the typical rocker wearing his jeans with holes, black t-shirt with more holes and more than one piercing.

  I really don't fit in here.

  When they got to the bar, a young man with short blonde hair, blue eyes and dimples came straight to them, staring at Anya. “What can I get for you sexy ladies?”

  Elle thought his words might have sounded flattering if he didn't have to yell them over the music. Bottles of booze lined up behind the bar and Elle had no clue what any of them are. “I'll have a coke!”

  The bartender’s dimples disappeared with his smile. “What do you want in your coke?”

  Elle leaned closer since the man clearly didn't understand her. “I just want a coke!”

  “She's not getting a coke,” Anya yelled over the music to the bartender. “I want a sex in the shower and she wants a...” Anya paused as she studied Elle closely. “Screaming Orgasm! Literally!”

  At this rate, Elle was sure everyone in the club would know she officially had no sex life.

  “I don’t want a screaming orgasm!” Elle attempted to scream over the music and damn her luck, she picked the perfect time for the music to end. Unlike what she'd seen in the movies, the whole club didn’t hear her but the people nearest her and the bartenders heard her just fine. A few men winked at her and instead of being flattered, she wanted to throw up.

  Anya laughed so hard she nearly fell in the floor. “I think they all know you do now.”

  Elle grabbed her unwanted drink and didn’t waste time swallowing the disgusting liquid. The vodka burned and she coughed uncontrollably. Even her eyes burned. Why did people like this stuff?

  “Woohoo! Let’s get her another!” Anya paid the bartender then handed Elle another shot.

  Elle shaking her head didn’t stop Anya. “I don’t need another one.”

  She needed to go home and sleep.

  “You’re going to take this and drink with me. I can’t get plastered on my own.” Anya clinked glasses with Elle and forced the overflowing glass against Elle’s lips.

  The liquid seemed worse the second time around. After sputtering and looking like a complete idiot, Elle watched as Anya scanned the crowd until her lips lifted into a devious smile.

  “There’s the man who'll make all your dreams come true, Ellie.” Anya nodded to two men strolling their direction.

  Elle looked at the first man and immediately sensed he wasn’t her type. With his shaved head and tattooed neck, Elle made him out to be more Anya’s type. The man behind him however…

  Muscles. A whole lot of ‘eat me up’ muscles. Dark hair hung around his strong jaw and swept his broad shoulders. His brows pulled together in deep thought as his friend spoke to Anya. Why did he look so angry?

  Elle liked that his attention stayed elsewhere. It gave her more time to ogle his cover model body. He seemed to glide weightlessly across the floor. The perfect Scottish warrior stood right in front of her, close enough to touch and Elle knew she had no chance in the world to get with him.

  Too bad. For once she might’ve thrown her morals and shyness out the window for a shot with the warrior.

  “Alright, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for you to find your partner for tonight. Be adventurous. Grab a stranger. Kiss them head on. Who wants to go home alone?”

  The crowd boo’ed.

  Really? Did Anya put the band up to that?

  She wouldn't mind kissing him. He had her body reacting in a way she'd never felt before. Suddenly her mouth became dry and her heart pounded. The strange reaction had to be the shots of screaming orgasm working its magic on her body. He could give her a screaming orgasm anytime.

  Wow, Elle didn’t need to drink ever again. She practically mind-raped the unsuspecting man. She felt as out of control as if he had some kind of spell on her.

  She gasped when his silver gaze looked at her. She thought his body tempted her like no other but those eyes seemed to lure her in some sort of trap. He would be the one who could change her thoughts about having a one-night stand.

  She'd jump at the chance if he were her option.

  Chapter Two

  Aiden scanned the room for rogue vampires. The dark, smoky club didn’t impair his sight from noticing even a fly on the wall. Sweat, sex, and blood overloaded his sense of smell. Beating hearts and rushing blood tempted his ears but he refrained. His job revolved around hunting and destroying rogues, not feeding on innocent humans. If he could then he'd stick with bag blood at all cost.

  Beside him, his cousin Nicolas didn’t seem to feel completely the same. His gift seemed to be watching and flirting with every female around them. He was always the one having fun while Aiden worked his ass off. Not that Aiden cared about joining in on his cousin’s fun.

  “Do you ever get tired of fucking every woman around?” His gaze stayed on the crowd as he waited anxiously for the rogue to finally make a mistake.

  Nicolas peeled his eyes away for a split second to shoot Aiden a devilish grin. “Do you ever get tired of being a bore? Just because you’re a dull being doesn’t mean I have to be. Let’s face it, women are my life.” With that, Nicolas gestured with open arms to the ladies dancing provocatively in front of them.

  Two women grinded against each other and it was no surprise when they started kissing. One snagged a hand full of hair and jerked the others head back to bite her way down a slender neck until she took the shot held between a generous set of breasts.

  Nicolas whooped then whistled while Aiden yawned. He should've been excited to watch and maybe even want to join them like most men might. But they didn't excite him and he didn’t want to join.

  No emotion.

  No desire.

  He felt nothing.

  Life for him revolved around the Society. He worked as a Guardian for the Society. After Luciana’s death a hundred years earlier, he bored of everything except killing rogues. At five hundred, there wasn't much he hadn’t experienced. Now he hunted rogues, a life he lived surrounded by decapitation and decomposing bodies.

  When the time came, Aiden trusted Nicolas to watch his back. No matter how much Nicolas preferred to play and screw around. Nicolas stood over six feet and was three hundred pounds of pure power. He could manipulate any weapon to destroy their enemy.

  “The band's good tonight. Jaxon knows how to draw in the ladies.” Nicolas laughed.

  The whole front stage was over-crowded by only women who never took their eyes from Jaxon. Of course using his hypnotic vampire voice helped him. Not that Aiden could sing like Jaxon.

  Aiden shook his head when Nicolas stalked toward two unsuspecting women and ambled after to stop him. They had a job to do and little time before the rogue took his next victim. The sadistic rogue kidnapped and butchered young women he found at clubs like the one Aiden and Nicolas hunted in. What should have been an easy ass
ignment had turned into a four month hunt.

  “Hello ladies. I’m Nicolas and this grouch here is my cousin, Aiden.” Nicolas slapped him on the shoulder.

  Shit. Nicolas slapped him again as he walked to the dance floor with the long legged blond. A woman Aiden would have taken for a couple of rounds at one time. Now, he felt nothing. Nicolas nodded toward the second female.

  There was no time for him to waste. No matter how little he cared, Aiden didn't want to hurt the woman's feelings. He felt her eyes on him but tried to ignore her. Grinding his teeth, Aiden turned to let her know he didn't plan on hooking up with her or anyone else for that matter.

  That didn't happen.

  Her big blue eyes held him mesmerized. She wasn’t the type he used to go for. Though she dressed like the other women in the club, her face stayed refreshingly clear of makeup. No jewelry or piercings covered her body, leaving a clear view to the vein throbbing in her neck. She was curvier than his Luciana but he liked it.

  His fangs protruded from his gums. Damn! What was wrong with him? Not since his transition had he had trouble controlling himself yet his fangs prevented him from speaking. He took a deep breath and tried to control his need.

  Taking a deep breath turned out to be a huge mistake. Her blood smelled so sweet and free of toxins except for the small amount of alcohol she’d ingested. His cock grew painfully hard. He clenched his fist to keep from grabbing her. Then she spoke.

  “My name’s Elle.” Her voice came out so quietly. Brown hair fell forward to cover her neck as she tilted her head, and her little pink tongue moistened her lush lips.

  His cock jumped and he barely retained the growl threatening to escape his lips as her gaze jerked to his lips. With fangs filling his mouth, he couldn’t talk. Without them, he'd have no clue what to say anyway. Talking wasn't really what crossed his mind. The fantasies playing in his head had more to do with taking her up against the wall or anywhere as long as he could bury himself deep inside of her. That sounded like a better plan.


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