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Aiden's Betrayal

Page 8

by CT Nicholson

  “I think you just changed the subject,” she gasped when Aiden's hips slammed up, forcing her to take all of him.

  “I did? We need to stop and let me change to a new condom.” He lifted her off him and the emptiness made her want to beg him to hurry.

  When he returned, he lifted her and angled his erection against her then thrust deep. Oh dear, that was so much better.

  Warm, moist heat surrounded her nipple as he sucked her into his mouth and her body flew out of control. Using what leg muscles she had left, she tried to lift up and down. She needed to workout more. Her legs burned with every movement but the pleasure overrode the pain.

  Aiden’s cock hit every nerve until Elle came for the second time. Wow! As her orgasm racked through her body, she couldn't move.

  Aiden rolled them until he ended up back on top with his arms under her knees as she rode out the waves of ecstasy.

  Screams pierced the air and sweat covered their bodies. Her pussy tightened around him, straining to hold him deep. Another orgasm started building in her lower stomach, tightening, waiting to explode.

  “Please,” Elle begged him.

  “Please what?” His voice sounded as strained as Elle felt.

  He kept her immobile as he pulled back.

  Giving up on being shy, she told him exactly what she needed. “I don’t want slow. I want you to take me until all of your control is gone. I need you now.” She forced the words through gritted teeth.

  He moved in fast movements, making sure to slam to the hilt before pulling back out as another orgasm had her shuddering beneath him.

  “Shit, Elle. I’m about to cum. Ah fuck!” He screamed out, his hips giving one last thrust. His neck tightened as he threw his head back and offered the most animalistic growl she’d ever heard.

  He looked beautiful with his control gone. Even the sweat beading his forehead looked sexy.

  His hips relaxed and his eyes opened to look down at her.

  “I don’t think I can move, but I do believe we need a shower and some rest.”

  Swatting him away playfully, she lifted on her elbows. “You better stop or we’ll never get any sleep. And I need you to let go of my legs before I end up frozen in place.” The burn in her body was more noticeable now.

  Hair fell against her breasts as he glanced down at their conjoined bodies. “Sorry.”

  “You’re so small.” Aiden nuzzled her neck as he moved them toward the bathroom where she found a large shower, a Jacuzzi built for four, and mirrors everywhere.

  His reflection made her... “Wait.”

  Aiden froze.

  “You have a reflection.”

  Laughter left his mouth and shook his whole body. “That’s what you’re thinking about as you ogle my body in the mirror?”

  She looked away. “Well, not at first. I was thinking about how I wanted to lick every inch of you. Then it hit me. You’re a vampire with a reflection.”

  “The things you’ve heard about us are wrong. Crosses don’t hurt us, garlic’s okay but it’s not my favorite, and we have reflections. Though as you may have noticed, daylight isn’t really our thing.” He stopped talking to twist the knobs on the shower. “And if you really want to lick every inch of me, don't worry about me stopping you.”

  She looked at his reflection again and smiled.

  “So what? You explode or something?” Elle didn’t like the thought of Aiden being hurt as her smile dropped into a frown.

  “If you licked me, I would definitely explode.”

  She laughed. “I mean in the sun!”

  “I shouldn’t be telling you all of this, but it’s not like you don’t already know what we are.” Keeping her in his arms, he stepped into the shower and under the spray.

  She screamed and slapped him playfully when he laughed. “What? You don’t trust me?”

  His distrust hurt but she understood.

  “It’s not you. I’m a Guardian of my people. Keeping secrets of the Society is something I’ve practiced for over a hundred years.”

  A hundred?

  “How old are you?”

  “I’m over three-hundred. The reason we don’t go into the sun is because when the sun hits us directly, our body grows weak. The sun places us in a vulnerable state where we can’t protect ourselves.” Aiden stopped talking and sat Elle on the bench built into the shower wall.

  “That sucks. Not being older than three hundred. The sun thing.” With his erection right in front of her, she could see every vein and wanted to trace each one with her fingers and tongue.

  He grabbed a loofa and lathered her sensitive skin with soap as she watched his erection bounce with every move he made.

  “It’s a part of my life to stay out of the sun and hunt rogues. Spread your legs and let me clean you.” A wicked gleam in his eyes had her doing exactly what he said.

  Thirty minutes and two orgasms later, she finally managed to get clean although she had to send him away and clean herself or they’d still be wrapped up in the shower. Tonight she would sleep snuggled up to a vampire.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Happiness seeped into Aiden as he woke to the smell of Elle and the evidence of their morning together drifted into his nose and settled deep inside him. He didn't want to get up but he needed another shower and some food.

  All he could think about was how he took Elle against the wall and on the floor as the water cascaded over them. She reacted with such passion to every touch, every kiss and every thrust. The way she screamed and rode out her release without holding back amazed the hell out of him.

  Thinking about her caused his chest to ache. He felt as if he was cheating on Luciana even though she’d been dead for a hundred years. Shaking the negative thoughts away, Aiden stepped from the shower, dried himself, and hurried to put his clothes on.

  He needed to get some exercise and think of a way to save Nicolas. If only his cousin had told the truth.

  Dressed in everything but a shirt, Aiden stood over the bed and admired her sleeping form. Dark lashes fluttered open to reveal her tempting blue eyes. Everything about her tempted him to the edge of insanity.

  She smiled and stretched her arms above her head as the sheet slipped down to expose her breasts and her tight pink nipples.

  “Were you leaving without a goodbye?” She slipped her fingers through a belt loop on each side of his pants before pulling him on top of her.

  If he’d wanted to stop her, he could have. Then again, why would he want to?

  “I don’t want to leave at all.”

  She lifted up to bite his nipple and a shock went straight to his rapidly growing cock. Need tore through his body as his cock strained and ached to be inside of her. Fangs filled his mouth, reminding him how hungry was. He wanted her blood and no other. He always despised having to feed but with Elle the act seemed sensual.

  Her little pink tongue peaked out to slip across her lips as she stared at his mouth.

  Aiden quickly closed his mouth to hide his fangs.

  Shaking her head, she touched his mouth before pulling at his lips until he opened. “I want to see. They don’t frighten me. I don’t understand it, but they don’t.” She ran her fingers over each fang before looking into his eyes. “Are you hungry?”

  He turned away.

  One hand on each cheek, she forced him to look at her. “You’ve done it before. This morning when we... you drank from me then.”

  Man, he hoped she never lost her innocence. “I did but I was caught up in the pleasure and so were you. If I tried without distraction, you’d panic. The memory of your parent's death would cause you to panic as soon as my fangs touched your neck.”

  “Fine. I want you to screw me until I can’t see straight, let alone think straight.” She pulled him down for a slow, sensual kiss. Her small, delicious tongue swiped the roof of his mouth and her teeth nipped at his lips playfully as she wrapped her legs around him the best she could and dug her heels into his ass.

His cock brushed her bare pussy through the barrier of his jeans. Spending precious time to take off clothes really sucked.

  He pulled away to jerk his boots, socks, and pants off. Desire darkened her blue eyes and small teeth nibbled her bottom lip as she watched his cock standing straight against his stomach.

  Elle’s thighs squeezed closed when Aiden’s gaze lingered on her clean-shaven slit. He hadn't realized she'd shaved after kicking him out of the shower and he tsk’d her and forced her legs apart. “I love seeing all of you.”

  Leaning down, he used his fingers to spread her folds apart for better access before he licked from bottom to top. The salty, yet sweet flavors overwhelmed his taste buds.

  A breathy moan escaped her lush lips and he couldn’t wait to feel her squeezing his cock. Tearing the foil packet eagerly, he pinched the tip of the condom and rolled the latex over his erection. He hated the damn thing but he sure as hell wouldn't get Elle pregnant.

  With his cock pressed against her entrance, he took a deep breath then slammed into her. Hard. Fast. He sucked in air as she squeezed him to near pain. The tight clutch of her pussy felt like paradise. Nothing else could describe how it felt to have her pussy squeeze him and hold him tight. He had no problem with staying.

  Gritting his teeth, he pulled back slowly before plunging back in. Over and over he did this until he nearly exploded. His fangs pissed him off and he could only think about her demand that he fuck her until she couldn’t think straight. She wanted him to feed without worrying about scaring her.

  Her head turned and her eyes squeezed shut as her body fought for release. The vein in her neck throbbed, beckoning for him to take from the life source. Without further invitation, he dove in.


  “Oh yes!” Her body shuddered and jerked as her release tore through her like a tornado. The sharp puncture and the pulling on her neck combined with his thickness stretching her to the limit threw her into the ride of her life. Screams filled her ears as she rode out her orgasm.

  She thought for sure people didn't really scream out in real-life during sex but with Aiden, she couldn't seem to stop herself.

  The walls of her vagina clamped around him as he slammed one last time then froze. His ass flexed and his own groan vibrated against her neck before he threw his head back to let out his own shout of ecstasy echo into the air. Heat filled her and his cock throbbed with his release.

  She noticed a tickle against her neck. She reached to feel but Aiden stopped her as his tongue swiped across her neck.

  “Sorry. I didn’t realize how far gone I was. You drive my mind and body crazy.” He nipped at her chin playfully.

  “I know what you mean. I have no clue how I’ve survived these mind blowing orgasms.” She reached up to touch her neck. Tender to the touch, she felt amazed at how such a simple act felt so damn good. “Why do you lick the bite after?”

  “Since we have our teeth to satisfy our need for blood, we also have a healing agent in our saliva. After drinking, we swipe our tongue across the puncture to close the opened wounds. You felt blood before because I forgot to close the wound.” He almost looked embarrassed as he turned away.

  “Jodi told me you were born a vampire.”

  After a few moments of staying quiet, Aiden finally spoke. “I was never human. We are a different breed completely. Stronger, faster, we survive on blood. Some older vampires of the Society think of humans as only a food source. Then there are the Guardians, like me, who protect humans. We don’t quite think like the older vampires. Though Julian's older, he doesn’t feel like the others.”

  Even after Julian chewed him out, Elle saw his love and respect toward the prince. “How did Julian become the prince?”

  Aiden laughed. “He's a descendant of the first vampire. A long way down the line of descendants. He’s older than me but I remember when I first met him. I was only maybe eighty and he was at least five hundred. He taught me to fight and eventually we we’re running around the world together causing trouble.

  “My parents loved Malachii, Julian’s father, the king of that time. They didn't care for me hanging out with Julian, the wild and spoiled prince. When Malachii and Juliana were killed along with Julian’s sister, Milly, Julian was forced to take over the kingdom. He never wanted to be king but everything about him changed after the murder of his family.”

  She placed her hand against his cheek. “I’m sorry.”

  “After that night, he didn’t speak to me much and with him becoming the new king, he couldn't be running around causing trouble anymore. He still hates being known as the king. He says that was his father and he'd prefer to stick with being the prince. I went off with Nicolas until around a hundred years ago when so many of our ranks started turning rogue. I saw Julian only a few times during that time until he brought us in and created the Guardians to protect humans and hunt down the rogues. Now we're one of four different units. We stay spread out unless any of us need help from other Guardians outside our unit.”

  Aiden tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “What happened after your parents were killed?”

  After a slight hesitation, Elle decided to tell him what she remembered. “The vampire—the rogue attacked me. When someone finally found us, I was the only one breathing. Barely. They said my heart stopped more than once before they were able to get me stable.”

  “I'm so sorry.” Aiden swiped away Elle’s tears.

  “It wasn't your fault.” She still felt at a loss over the feelings Aiden, a vampire, caused her.

  “Finding your parent's and sister's body was something you shouldn't have had to deal with.”

  “I only saw my parents, which was terrible, but not finding my sister was worse. I always wanted to believe she'd come back home but we never found her body.” Truthfully, Elle still prayed her sister would show up out of the blue. It was silly, she knew that. But it didn’t stop her from dreaming.

  A yawn escaped her.

  “Let’s get some sleep. Tomorrow night is going to be long.”

  Yawning again, she kissed his chest. “I thought you were leaving?”

  “I’m just going to exercise and get a drink.”

  He lifted and pulled her into his arms on top of the cover. With her head resting against his chest, she could hear the steady beat of his heart and she listened as his breathing evened out which let her know he'd fallen asleep.

  Elle paused for a moment and thought about the situation. The Guardians were searching for Nicolas because they thought he’d turned rogue. And, Elle still wanted to check on Anya. She wanted to see for herself that her friend was okay.

  She didn’t want to fully trust vampires which meant she would find about her friend herself. Since Aiden wouldn’t agree with her plan to leave, Elle opted to go without him. Since she was the only one around able to stand the sun, it shouldn’t be a problem.

  She slid slowly out of the bed and froze when Aiden moved. Her breath caught. After the longest two seconds ever, he stopped moving. She wanted to kiss him but refrained. While she knew he’d be angry with her, she prayed this wouldn't be her last chance to be with him.

  Glancing around, she found the clothes Jodi had given her last night. Thank God! She pulled up the jogging pants and the snug t-shirt. She slipped the shoes on then looked out the door.

  The hinges creaked and relief flooded her when Aiden didn’t budge. His breathing stayed steady.

  Moving through the halls, she saw the first door she tried after nailing Aiden with his lamp. She was happy she went through the wrong door the first time she tried to escape, because she would've missed her time with Aiden. But this time she had no choice. She had to leave.

  Creeping down the steps, she came to the huge door. She noticed the cameras but had no way to avoid them. She only prayed Ethan still slept. Opening the heavy front door just enough, she slipped through.

  Elle didn’t like the looks of the gate about a hundred yards away but unwilling to give up, Elle ran u
ntil she reached it. Why was the damn thing open? Didn’t they protect their home better than that? No one would have to break in this place—they could easily walk right in.

  Moving down the sidewalk, she heard a crunch behind her and she whipped around only to find no one there. Maybe she should've stayed with Aiden She turned back and walked faster.

  Another crunch, footsteps, then a throat cleared. Elle spun around again but this time she found she wasn’t alone.

  The woman had red hair cascading down her back that fell in large curls. She looked beautiful but her cold eyes sent shivers down Elle’s spine and her sadistic grin made Elle’s stomach roll. Then the woman’s fangs came into view. The only reason she left the mansion was because she thought vampires couldn’t go out in the day. Had Aiden lied?

  Chapter Fifteen

  She couldn’t believe her luck. Getting the gate open was a task, but when she saw the door open and a human sneak out, her curiosity got the best of her. Imagine her surprise when the human turned out to be Aiden’s current lover.

  Stupid humans didn’t realize the true dangers around them. She loved being one of those many dangers. She licked her fangs in excitement as she watched the dumb human turn, scared.

  If only the human didn’t carry the stench of Aiden all over her. She made a noise on purpose to frighten the girl. Clearing her throat, she grinned as the girl spun, her big blue eyes widening when she caught sight of her.

  “You should've stayed with Aiden.” She laughed when the human gasped and stumbled backwards. “Boy, do I have plans for you. My son would love to have you for his ‘needs’. Of course he has someone at the moment, so I think I’ll torture you before I let him take you.”

  The stupid human turned and ran. Rolling her eyes, she took off after the girl. The human had no chance against her speed. Laughing, she struck the girl hard enough to knock her out cold.

  What fun she planned with the human whore. Her son was getting too attached to the other human they took from Nicolas. She knew she should've changed her idea when he seemed all too eager to kidnap the blonde. But the plan had already been put into motion. She needed to hurry and send the blonde on her way.


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