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Aiden's Betrayal

Page 11

by CT Nicholson

  Nicolas reprimanded and gently took Anya’s hand. Glancing back at Elle, she followed reluctantly behind him. “I’ll give you blood.”

  Aiden heard the gesture meant for her. Someone needed to feed her soon before she hurt someone else. Aiden’ body had started to weaken as Elle’s mouth kept pulling on his wrist so Nicolas would care for Anya.

  “Let me.” Drake stepped forward.

  A growl rumbled in Aiden’s chest. Having a mate sure was aggravating. He wanted no one near her, much less touching her. When Aiden met Luciana, he didn't remember being quite as possessive or jealous. “No. I’ll feed her. But I’d appreciate it if I could take from one of you until we get back to Sanctuary.”

  Drake nodded.

  “Now that we have that settled, I’d really like to get home and lay down with some blood for myself.” Julian pushed off the wall and started out the door.

  “We’ll exchange once we’re on the road.” Breaking his wrist from Elle was tough as she kept grabbing for his arm. Her eyes stayed closed but her soft moans and licks caused his dick to strain against his pants. Damn!

  “Let's go then.” Julian headed out the door with Lena trying to help.

  Aiden stood with Elle in his arms and followed suit with everyone else trailing behind him.

  Julian, Lena, Collin and Gregory got into one vehicle but not before Nicolas and Gregory loaded Lucian into the back.

  That was good since Aiden wouldn't risk Elle in the same SUV as his son. Nicolas hopped into the driver seat and Anya joined him up front.

  Drake sat beside Aiden and held his wrist out. “Drink.”

  Without moving Elle from his hold, Aiden grabbed Drake's wrist and bit. The blood felt like heaven as he took it into his body. He didn't take much before pulling back and biting into his own wrist to feed Elle.

  She held onto him and took everything he offered.

  Aiden closed his eyes. He couldn't believe she was alive. Someone nudged him.

  “Hey! Aiden, you have to stop her!” Drake reached to pull Aiden's wrist away.

  “Don't!” His fangs exploded from his mouth. “No one’s to touch her.”

  Elle whimpered when Aiden forced her to quit drinking but it didn't last long as she settled against his chest with a sigh.

  Drake spoke again. “I'm sorry but you were letting her take too much from you. She's been drinking for a few minutes and you looked like you’d fallen asleep.”

  A few minutes? Aiden didn't realize she took so much blood. “Thank you.”

  The SUV slowed but not at the Sanctuary. “Drake, will you drive the rest of the way? I need to speak with Aiden and I can give him more blood so he doesn't fall out in the floor when he attempts to walk.”

  The men switched places then they were on the move again.

  Nicolas turned to face Aiden. “This is my fault, Aiden. You asked me to kill Luciana after she turned and I agreed because I knew how much of a burden it was on you. The night I went to do as you asked, the home was on fire and she was screaming. I couldn't go in there and I couldn't stay to listen to her scream so I left. I thought she was dead and that I got off easy. You're my family and that made her my family, too. I didn't want to take her life so I broke my promise to you.”

  Aiden didn't want to hear any of that. “It's not your fault. I forgive you. I would've done the same thing if it were the other way around.”

  Nicolas gave a curt nod before he held his wrist out. “I want you to take my blood so you can carry your mate to your room.”

  “Thank you.” He bit into his cousin's wrist and took only what he needed before pulling away. After a hundred years, Aiden finally knew what happened with Luciana and how wrong he'd been about her.

  “We're here.” Drake came to a stop and everyone got out.

  Aiden felt weak but still strong enough to carry Elle, thanks to Nicolas. The walk seemed like forever and yet not long enough because he wasn't ready to give her up. Jodi's eyes were filled with tears as Aiden stomped past her.

  “I've got your room ready with the IV's. It'll work quicker and she'll have less pain if we get the blood going directly into her,” Jodi spoke as she followed Aiden down the hall.

  “She needs her own room.” Aiden wouldn't force her to stay with him, he knew what she'd feel once she realized what he'd done.


  “She isn't going to want to see me when she wakes.” Aiden stopped at one of the empty rooms before turning toward Jodi. “Thank you for having everything ready but will you please bring them to this room. This will be Elle's room from now on.”

  Jodi narrowed her eyes at him, crossed her arms, and spun around to go to his room.

  “Women.” Aiden didn't understand them and should've been happy to stay away from Elle. They caused drama. Inside the room, he lay Elle on the bed and stripped off her clothing.

  Underneath her blood soaked clothes, Aiden spied her torn and mangled skin and skin. Luciana had been brutal with her.

  Once he had the bath warm enough, he placed her in the tub and her eyes fluttered open before closing back. He knew she'd be in and out of consciousness. Using the washrag and the only soap in the guest bathroom, Aiden started washing her body as he tried to keep his mind away from the feel of her skin and the damage Luciana had done.

  Jodi had already changed the sheets, giving him less time to hold Elle. Reluctantly, Aiden placed her softly down on the bed, wishing he could hold her a little longer.

  “I got her some extra clothes. I figured we'd leave her with some dignity.” She nodded toward the door. “I'll dress her then get her IV set up. If you want to leave her, I suggest you go now.”

  Jodi started dressing Elle without giving Aiden another look.

  Aiden wanted more than anything to crawl into bed with Elle until she woke and make love to her over and over but that time was lost. He left the room and headed back to where they held his son.

  Standing in front of the steel door, Aiden looked up into the camera. The lock clicked and the door popped open. Ethan never missed his mark.

  Aiden stepped in cautiously expecting his son to attack. Lucian stood in the corner of the room with his head bowed but Aiden knew his son watched him closely.

  “Are you hungry?”

  Lucian didn't move or speak.

  “I can get you some blood or just food if you want.” Aiden tried to get something out of his son. He didn't want to starve his son on their first night together.


  “Okay.” Aiden sat down in the empty chair across the room and watched Lucian. His son. He was still unable to believe he had a son.

  Aiden felt like he should thank Nicolas because even if his mother had turned the boy against Aiden. Typical.

  “Where can I find Luciana?”

  Aiden caught sight of the tick in Lucian’s jaw, the only sign he actually heard Aiden.

  “Your mother is a murderer. She’s killed so many humans and tried to pin the murders on Nicolas, your cousin. She tortured Elle. At least I hope the knife marks lining her arms and face came from her and you weren’t responsible.”

  Lucian jumped up from the chair and slammed Aiden into the wall. Identical silver eyes glared at him.

  Aiden didn’t care. Getting any kind of reaction made it worth some bruises.

  If Aiden didn’t want Julian to order his son’s death, he needed to work fast at finding out what had happened and what his son believed.

  “Are you just like her?” The words were low and labored but Aiden knew Lucian could hear him.

  When his mouth lifted into a snarl and his eyes narrowed to only mere slits, he knew for sure Lucian heard him.

  “I am like her but she’s not the killer you lie about. She didn’t mark that girl, you did. And she didn’t kill those innocent women, Nicolas did. I’m sure you helped with those too, along with the rest of the Guardians.” Lucian let go to stomp away.

  Watching different emotions play across his son’s face showe
d some uncertainty. The boy was confused. “She’s lied to you all this time, son. I’m just sorry I didn’t find you sooner. If I had known—”

  “No! You mean you would have killed me sooner. That’s why you didn’t know about me.” Lucian jammed his finger into Aiden’s chest as he argued.

  Aiden didn’t move to attack or protect himself when the large fist came toward his face. The blow threw his head back into the wall, causing the plaster to crack.

  “What’s your problem?” Lucian's brows knitted together in thought as he watched Aiden with a blank expression.

  “I don’t have the problem. You do.” Aiden stood up, straightened his coat and walked to the door. Giving Lucian time to think would be best.

  “Why aren’t you fighting back?”

  He glanced over his shoulder. “I don’t want to fight you. When you realize that, maybe you’ll be ready to listen to what I’ve got to say. Hopefully you’ll believe me then.”

  When his son’s jaw dropped, Aiden left without another word.

  Aiden needed to see Elle one more time before she woke and realized what he’d done to her. He made his way down the hall and took a deep breath as he grabbed the doorknob to her room.

  Aiden stepped inside to find Jodi sitting in a chair near the bed. “I’ll only be a minute, you can stay.”

  Truth was, he needed her to stay so he didn’t end up giving in to his needs and joining Elle on the bed. To be there when she finally woke would've been the perfect life but perfect didn’t happen for Aiden.

  “You should stay. She’ll need you when she wakes.” Jodi crossed her arms and pursed her lips as if she’d make him if he didn’t agree.

  Shaking his head, he leaned down to kiss Elle’s sleeping form one last time. “I put her and her friend in this position. She’ll hate me and right now, I don’t want to see the hurt I’ve caused her in those blue eyes.”

  He paused. “They won’t be blue.”

  Aiden grimaced. He had adored her blue eyes.

  “Idiot! You’re all just idiots.” Jodi threw her hands in the air before crossing them over her chest. “You’re making this about you and you know what, it’s not about you. I know you’ve just found out your rogue mate is still alive and you have a son but her life has changed, too. I saw how you two were together and if she wakes up without you to help her, well that’s a damn shame. She loves you.”

  He opened and closed his mouth, unsure what to say.

  “Did she tell you she loved me?” He held his breath and his heart pounded as he waited for the truth.

  “A...well, no. But I can tell she does. She asked questions about you, she worried about you, and the look in her eyes told me everything.”

  Aiden stepped to the door before speaking again. “I’ve got to go. Luciana’s still on the loose and I need to find her before anyone else gets killed.” H left the room and went straight to the training room.

  Drake, Collin, and Nicolas looked up from strapping weapons. Ignoring their stares, Aiden started loading weapons one at a time.

  “You’re an idiot.” Nicolas said as the others nodded and grunted in agreement.

  “Why the hell is everyone calling me that?” He finished hiding the last dagger before he turned to stare at them.

  “Because it’s true. You have a mate, something all of us want, and you’re blowing it for no reason. And while your mate is waking up from the turn, you’re going out into probably the most dangerous situation you could get yourself into,” Nicolas snapped. Even his fangs extended in anger and for the first time, he showed the loneliness they all felt after living so long without someone to love.

  “Why is she the most dangerous? She can’t beat me. You’ll all be there.”

  Nicolas stepped toward Aiden until they were nose to nose. “She was your mate, too and she turned rogue. She's the biggest threat you have right now. You feel guilty about how her life turned out. Elle’s change is only going to increase your guilt.”

  “I don’t give a shit. I’m killing her. I'll make sure it gets done this time.” Aiden knew his words were a cheap shot but Nicolas pissed him off. Knowing Nicolas was right didn’t stop him from walking out the door without waiting to see if they all followed.

  He searched for Julian first and wasn't surprised to find him in his office. Aiden lifted his hand to knock until Julian spoke.

  “Come in.” He didn’t look up from his desk right away.

  “I need to talk to you. I want to be transferred to another quadrant.” Aiden held himself steady as he waited for his prince's pissed off look. That's not what happened.

  Instead, Julian glanced up for only a second before his attention went back to his desk. “Okay.”

  “After tonight.” Aiden didn't want to be around with Elle there. He couldn't promise not to grovel for her forgiveness if he stayed. He didn't deserve her.


  Aiden wasn't sure if he should've been shocked or grateful. It didn't matter. As he started to leave, the scrape of the chair had him turning back around.

  Julian stood up to his full height and shook his head. “I was going to stay quiet but I can't. I'm not sure I understand completely what’s going on. I thought you changed Elle because she's your mate, yet you want to leave. Is she not truly your mate?”

  “She's my mate. She'll hate me when she wakes just like Luciana did. If I'm not around, maybe she can deal with the change easier. Her best friend is going through the same thing and they could learn together. I'll be in the way and I can't chance repeating the past.”

  “You're a dumb ass.” Julian stepped around the large desk. “I guess I still don't understand, but you're lucky enough to have found your true mate yet you’re leaving by your own choice. That's idiotic. Hopefully she'll find another male who'll treat her the way she deserves. She'll be the perfect mate. Maybe I'll court her the way she deserves or maybe Drake can. He's seems fond of her.”

  Aiden clenched his hands into fists and tried to hold back his growl. Julian was trying to piss him off but Aiden refused to give in to his goading. “I'm leaving now.”

  Outside, in the hall, Aiden punched a hole into the plaster beside Julian's door. Yep, that was calm. He made his way to the front door and was proud he didn't go back and punch his prince.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Elle grew tired of waking up in strange places but seeing Jodi sleeping slumped over in the chair beside the bed was better than some crazy rogue. Waking to find the redhead would've been a major disappointment. Pushing up onto her elbows, she searched for Aiden.

  The room had a TV, bathroom, and kitchen, much like Aiden’s, but no Aiden. Why wasn't she in his room? Her chest tightened. Maybe he didn’t want to be here after she turned from his kiss. She saw the hurt on his face but when she saw Anya on the floor. Elle could think of little else. Elle needed to let him know she never meant to turn from his kiss. No matter what happened, she didn't want to lose him.

  The anger she felt at him for not telling her about the redheaded vampire vanished once she saw him. She knew Aiden didn’t have anything with the crazy woman any longer and Elle really wished he stood over her with those adorable worry lines creasing his forehead so she could kiss him.

  Someone must have been cooking nearby because she smelled some really good bacon and could even smell eggs and toast. Hmm, Elle never realized eggs or toast had a smell. Standing, she knew something was wrong.

  She felt light as she walked across the room. Looking down at her body, she gasped. Running a hand across her stomach showed evidence of her weight loss. Maybe she’d slept a lot longer than she realized. No wonder her stomach growled loud enough to wake a hibernating bear. She needed to find Aiden. After that, she was going for the bacon.

  “Elle?” Jodi said her name and followed it with a big yawn.

  Elle walked over to her, still confused on how fluid her movements felt. “You didn’t have to sleep there.”

  “We didn’t want you to awake alone and
panic.” Jodi stood up and hugged her. “We were so worried about you.”

  Elle sniffed. “You smell good. What kind of perfume do you use?”

  Jodi laughed before her face turned to stone. “Maybe you should sit down.”

  Even as she suggested, Jodi pushed Elle down to sit on the bed.

  “What’s wrong? Where’s Aiden?” Jodi averted her gaze but not before Elle saw sadness and regret. Like wings of a mockingbird, her heart started to beat faster and faster. Hairs prickled on the back of her neck and arms. Breathing became nearly impossible.

  “Elle? Elle, stop! Aiden’s okay.” Jodi grabbed her shoulders and forced Elle to look at her. “I’m sorry I frightened you. Aiden’s alive.”

  Her heart and breathing started to slow but her body still shook. “Then what’s wrong?”

  Different scenarios spun in circles around her head, none of them pleasant.

  “Maybe you should calm down before I tell you.” Jodi handed her a glass of water.

  Taking one sip, she handed the glass back. “I’m not going to calm down until I know what’s going on.” Her stomach started to turn as the water flowed down her throat. Water wasn’t what she needed. The bacon sounded like a better option.

  “Aiden’s out looking for Luciana.” Jodi admitted as she picked at her pants. She was hiding something.

  “Who’s Luciana?” Maybe the redheaded bitch. The thought of that vampire touching him caused her blood to boil and her gums started to ache right before... “Oh no!” Her words came out in a mumble and she slapped her hand over her mouth.

  “And you’re a vampire.” Jodi spoke as if Elle’s world hadn’t just done a complete one-eighty.

  A vampire. A for real vampire. The same species that killed her parents and sister? No! Fear grabbed her in a fierce grasp. “Will I turn into a rogue?”

  Jodi laughed. “You’re the last vampire who'd ever turn. I just don’t see you doing anything bad. Even if we tried I doubt we could turn you into one of us blood sucking demons.”

  Elle tilted her head. Vampire? The last thing she remembered was seeing Anya sprawled in the floor and her new silver eyes glaring as she watched Elle. She gasped. “Anya did this.”


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