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Mister Diamond

Page 37

by Chance Carter

  “I’m not really tired,” Amy said, as we stood in the foyer.

  “Me neither,” I said.

  We stared at each other for a moment. After such a spectacular day, it seemed appropriate that we end it with something just as meaningful.

  “Follow me,” I said.

  Taking her hand, I led her through the mansion, until we arrived at the ballroom where we hosted the cocktail party earlier that week. Now, it was empty. It was grand, but there was something melancholic about it.

  “It’s lonely in here,” Amy said, her thoughts echoing around the room and in my mind.

  “Well,” I replied. “Then I fit right in.”

  She smirked. “We both do.”

  I pulled out my phone, powered it on, and turned on a song that was recorded in the 1940’s, an old favorite of mine. The tune was slow, almost sad, but beautiful. I held out my hand to her.

  “A dance?”

  She took my hand, and I pulled her into me.

  “Do you know how to waltz?” I asked her.

  “Yes,” she said. “I took a dance class once, a few years ago. I’m a bit rusty.”

  “Psh. You’ll be fine.” I placed one hand on her back and lifted the other, stepping carefully, so that she could learn the pattern. She picked it up easily, following my lead, light on her toes. “Impressive.”

  Together, we moved across the dance floor, our steps matching the subdued beat of the music. Having her here, in my arms, I felt my chest tightening—not with lust, as she had so often caused in me before. No, this was something else, something deeper.

  She leaned her head against my shoulder, and it struck me.

  I think I am in love with this woman.

  Could I be? I’d only known her a week. There was no way that, in such a short amount of time, I could feel something this strong. I must be fooling myself. Maybe it was hope. Maybe it was just dreaming. It couldn’t be real.

  And yet, here I was. I wanted nothing more than to voice my feelings, to tell her what I was thinking.

  But I didn’t. I bit my tongue.

  The song ended, and we reluctantly pulled apart.

  Chapter 20


  Yesterday had to be the most amazing day of my life. Adventuring throughout the city with Derek was more fun than I’d had in a very long while. There was something about him, something inexplicable that made everything lovelier. He was addicting, and I wasn’t sure how I was ever going to leave. How would I be able to go back to a life without him.

  Today, he told me that there was a ranch about two miles away where he spent the majority of his childhood summers. Apparently he was an avid horseback rider, back in the day.

  This man never failed to surprise me.

  After lunch, we decided to walk over.

  Derek knocked at the door of the huge country estate. A plump, tan, older woman answered the door. Her eyes lit up when she saw Derek.

  “Derek Rittsman!” she trilled, and pulled him into a tight, matronly hug. “Here I was thinking you’d gotten too old to come visit me. Come in, come in. And who’s this?”

  Smiling, Derek introduced me. “This is Amy. Amy, this is Aunt Joelle.”

  I went to shake her hand, but instead, Aunt Joelle pulled me into a breath-stealing hug.

  “How lovely to meet you, darling! Did you two want some iced tea and biscuits? Or if you can stay a while, there is a loaf of banana bread in the oven.”

  “Mm, I can smell it,” Derek said. “That sounds delicious. I was wondering if I could take Amy over to see the horses.”

  “Of course!” Aunt Joelle chirped. “Take them out, if you want. They’d love to see you. Just promise to come back here and have a visit before you go.”

  “We will,” Derek said, taking my hand and leading me to the back door. We walked across a field, toward a large stable.

  “Your aunt?” I asked.

  “We’re not actually related,” Derek explained. “I don’t have any other living family, apart from my father. Joelle is the sister of my father’s third wife. She was the one who introduced them. Even before that, though, I spent so much of my time over here that she basically adopted me.”

  “She seems really nice.”

  “She is,” he said. “And her cooking is to die for.”

  We reached the stable, and Derek held open the door for me. There were seven horses, each in their own box.

  Derek paused at the first horse, a small, grey mare, and rubbed her nose affectionately.

  “This is Pepper,” he said, his tone fond and nostalgic. “I used to take her out all the time. She was my favorite. We went on so many adventures, didn’t we, girl?”

  The horse nudged him.

  “She’s getting old, now. I’m happy she’s still here. She’ll let you pet her.”

  I held out my hand. Pepper watched me, her eyes dark and knowing, and I stroked her mane.

  “She’s beautiful,” I said.

  “Isn’t she?” Derek beamed. “I have so many good memories with her.” He patted her once more, before gesturing for me to follow him. He led me down the row, and stopped in front of a large black horse with white spotting. “This is Domino, one of the younger horses. He’s only about ten years old. A smooth rider.”

  He opened the door and led Domino out, then handed me the rope as he put a saddle on him. “Have you ever ridden a horse before?”

  “Uhh.” I looked up at the huge creature. “Like, a couple times, on farms and things. Not in a long, long time, though.”

  “That’s fine. Domino is experienced. He’ll follow me. You just have to hold on and try not to lose your balance. Need help up?” Derek held out his hand.

  Steeling myself, I took his hand and let him boost me onto the horse. When I was snug in the saddle, I looked down, feeling pretty far from the ground—but safe, knowing Derek was there. Once I adjusted to the feeling, I quite liked it.

  Derek went to get Pepper ready, before mounting her and glancing back at me. “How’re you doing?” he asked me.

  “Great!” I gave him a thumbs up. Just as I did, Domino took his first step forward, causing me to gasp and grab the horn of the saddle tightly. Derek laughed at me.

  Derek directed Pepper down a path toward a grove of trees, and sure enough, Domino followed after him, trotting happily until he was beside Pepper. I held on tight. When I glanced over at Derek, he smiled easily at me, which helped me to relax a little.

  I slowly got used to the up-and-down, back-and-forth rocking, and felt myself easing into the saddle. Domino was treating me well, following obediently by Derek, perhaps sensing my uncertainty. My grip slowly eased up, and I started to enjoy the ride.

  We reached the trees. The woods were beautiful and serene, shadows speckling the path. The only sound was the distant chirping of birds and the rustle of wind in the leaves. I was overcome with a sense of peace.

  We rode on for at least twenty minutes, before Derek stopped and turned to me.

  “Alright,” he said, “I’m going to show you something that I’ve never shown anyone before.”

  “I can’t wait,” I said, smiling.

  Within a few minutes, we broke through the undergrowth, and I was met with one of the most beautiful sights I’d ever seen. The clearing was shaded and overgrown. There was a small waterfall over the ledge, pouring into a crystal blue pond. It was like something out of a fairytale.

  “I used to come here all the time as a kid,” Derek said. “It was my secret hideout.”

  “It’s magical,” I said.

  As we looked at the lake, an idea wriggled its way into my mind. I glanced sideways over at Derek, a mischievous smile on my face.

  “What are you thinking, Amelia?”

  I lifted my eyebrows. “You’ll see.”

  Taking off toward the falls, I took hold of the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head before dropping it on the ground. Next were my pants. And I didn’t stop there, I stripped off my underwear until I w
as completely naked. Then I jumped into the water.

  Once I was submerged, I turned back to Derek, who hadn’t moved. He was just watching me, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

  “Skinny-dipping?” he called.

  “Bucket list!” I responded. “Jesus! It’s cold.”

  He walked to the edge of the water, grinning broadly, “You’re full of surprises, Amy.”

  I splashed at him. “Come on. Jump in.”

  He studied me for a second, before stripping down, leaving his clothing in a nice pile away from the water and sliding in with me.

  The crisp water felt like heaven on my skin. I leaned my head back and dipped it into the water, letting it soak my hair.

  Without warning, Derek tackled me, flinging his arms around me and twisting me in the water. I squealed, clinging to him tightly.

  We wrestled playfully in the water. I managed to escape from his grip, and the chase was on. I dove into the water and kicked with all my strength, heading toward the waterfall. Derek was close behind.

  I stopped at the wall of water, cornered. Giggling, I held up my hands, but Derek had no mercy. He grabbed at me, pulled me under the waterfall, and kissed me with unmatched passion.

  Eventually, however, we had to come up for breath. When we did, we looked at each other, laughed heartily, and dove right back in.

  * * *

  After we got back into our clothes and returned the horses to the stable, we went back to Aunt Joelle, who fed us generously and chatted our ears off. She told me all sorts of stories about Derek as a child, and the sort of trouble he would get into on the ranch. She had me laughing so hard that my stomach cramped and my eyes watered.

  Several hours passed before we said our goodbyes and returned home. We went straight up to Derek’s room and he headed to the shower.

  I heard the shower turn on, and Derek get in. I sat on the edge of the bed. Something about our horse-riding and skinny-dipping adventures today had gotten me in the mood.

  Quietly, I slipped off my clothes and opened the bathroom door. Derek, unaware that I’d come in, was humming to himself behind the glass. I tapped on it gently, startling him.

  “Can I come in?” I asked, a slight blush rising to my cheeks. Before this week, I never would have imagined making such a bold gesture. But Derek had brought out a confidence in me, a self-assurance that I never would have expected I could have.

  He smirked at me, his eyes grazing over my naked body. “Please do.”

  I stepped in, letting the hot water roll over me, cleaning off the sweat, dirt, and lake water from the day’s excursion. I purposely brushed up against Derek, his hard cock pressing against the flesh of my ass.

  I grabbed the shampoo and poured a dollop into my hand, before lathering it up in my hair and rinsing it out, taking my time. Derek watched me, desire in his eyes.

  After I had thoroughly washed my hair, I took a bar of soap and gestured for him to come closer. I washed his chest, massaging his shoulders with great care. His body relaxed under my touch.

  Setting the bar of soap to the side, my hands wandered lower, wrapping around his thick, hard dick. I stroked his length, and stood on my toes to give him a soft kiss. To steady himself, he leaned back on the shower wall.

  Getting onto my knees, I pressed my lips against the tip of his cock. The water came down around us, soaking me, flowing down my face and body. The extra water made it easier to not only stroke him, but slide my mouth down his shaft.

  I worked my way up his cock, my head bobbing steadily. His hands tangled in my wet hair, guiding my head, pushing me a little further each time. I focused on the balance between breathing in rhythm and sucking on his cock, eager to please him. Finally, I was able to take his whole cock in my mouth, my lips completely around the base of his shaft. Derek let out a long, satisfied moan as I deep-throated him, holding it for a few seconds before sliding back and sucking on just the tip of his cock.

  I repeated the pattern several times, alternating between taking his cock into my throat, and licking the length of his shaft. Whenever I sat back to catch my breath, I continued to jack him off with my hand, my movements quick and tight. Soon, I had Derek breathing heavily, tugging my hair and moaning my name.

  I was fully intent on going down on him until he came, but Derek stood me up before I could finish. He kissed me hard, roughly turning and pushing me up against the shower wall. His hands pinned my wrists above my head, so that I was helpless, completely and perfectly overwhelmed by him.

  He started to kiss down my neck, nibbling and sucking the sensitive skin of my throat. When he was satisfied that he hadn’t left an inch untouched, he moved to my breasts, rolling my nipples around his tongue and sucking on the soft flesh around them, hard enough that he left little red marks in his path. Every time his lips touched my skin, pleasant, electric sensations shot down through my core, making me lust for him even more.

  The next thing I knew, he was on his knees with his face buried between my thighs. All my thoughts went static as the pleasure spiked through my whole body.

  He was sprawled on the shower floor before me, in a position akin to supplication. His mouth and tongue moved as if he was praying. The water fell around us from all sides, and steam filled the air and my lungs. I felt worshipped. I felt divine.

  His fingers entered me, and started to stroke my inner walls. His mouth sucked on my clit, creating a nearly unbearable feeling of intense, building pressure. Derek knew what he was doing, he knew exactly how to touch me in all the right places, and he wasn’t being sloppy.

  “Oh, fuck.” My head fell back, and my eyes closed, as waves of pleasure rolled through me. “Oh, baby. Right there. Mm. That’s so fucking good. Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

  He was quick to listen, not slowing down and continuing precisely as I asked. His tongue worked my clit relentlessly, not stopping to even take a break. He had four fingers fucking me hard and fast, rubbing my g-spot every time he thrust them into me.

  “Cum on my hand, beautiful,” he said, his words vibrating on my clit. “Let me feel you.”

  His command was all it took to send me over the edge. If he hadn’t been holding my hip tightly with his free hand, I might have slid onto the ground, as the orgasm seized my shaking legs, causing them to forget how to function. I screamed, unable to control myself, and dug my fingernails into his arm.

  I had never cum so hard before. It felt like I forgot to breathe for a moment, and it left me gasping for breath. My whole body trembled as Derek continued to kiss my clit with tenderness while I recovered.

  Derek stood up, and started to kiss me again, bringing me into his arms with gentle firmness. His touch brought me slowly back to life, and I moved against him, my craving for him still not satisfied. I wasn’t sure it would ever be and I vaguely wondered if I would always be wanting more and more of him.

  He pressed his cock between my thighs, and slid slowly into my still-throbbing pussy. Both of us groaned at the sensation caused by him filling me up.

  He began to thrust into me gradually, holding me up against the wall so he could get the right angle. We kissed while he fucked me, holding me tightly. Our wet bodies were pressed together as tightly as they could be, making it impossible to tell where one ended and the other began.

  Once he had warmed me back up, Derek twisted me around and guided me to my hands and knees. On the floor of the shower, he started fucking me from behind. This position had become one of my favorites, as the angle caused the tip of his cock to rub against my g-spot every time he thrust into me. He also reached one hand around my body and massaged my clit, driving me absolutely wild.

  Speeding up quickly, he was soon ramming into me from behind. He slapped my ass, hard, the wet skin creating a sharp, loud sound as our skin met. I gasped and moaned, arching my back and begging for him to do it again. Always the gentleman, Derek complied.

  “Where do you want me to cum, baby?” His breathing was rapid.

  “Mm, on my
face,” I said, without hesitation.

  He pulled on my hair to bring me up and kneel in front of him. I took hold of his cock and stroked him fast, positioning myself directly in front of him. It didn’t take him long. He let out a loud, long gasping moan, and cum shot from the tip of his cock, splashing and dripping on my face, mixing with the water.

  My eyes closed, I took the tip of his cock in my lips, sucking the last of his cum and giving him a few more loving strokes.

  While Derek caught his breath, I rinsed off my face, enjoying the smooth feeling of his seed against my skin. I felt him bump into me from behind, and kiss my shoulder.

  In that moment, it felt like the rest of my life. Anything less would be tragedy.

  Chapter 21


  Later that evening, there was a knock on our bedroom door. I got up to answer it.

  To my surprise, my father stood there, dressed in a suit.

  “I want to go out for dinner,” he said. “I want to take you and Amy.”

  Amy peeked around my shoulder, a smile beaming on her face. “Really? Yes! Oh, I would love that. We should go to Cliffside. I absolutely loved that place.”

  I hadn’t seen my father go out in years. “That sounds great. We’ll get ready now and meet you in the foyer.”


  Amy and I quickly got ready. While we dressed, she told me about the conversation they’d had the other day, how he had suggested the restaurant, and how much she had enjoyed it. As I listened, each of her words chipped a mark into my heart. This woman was having a profound effect on me.

  Soon, we were dressed and on our way downstairs. Amy had on an elegant, yet simple, blue gown, paired with gold heels and a loose braid. She looked beautiful, and I could hardly keep my eyes away from her.

  My father wanted to take the Porsche, so I grabbed the keys and led the way to the garage. He insisted that Amy sit in the front with me, while he lounged in the back seat.


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