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Mister Diamond

Page 111

by Chance Carter

  “Free as a bird,” I replied.

  Alexander grabbed my hand, kissing the knuckles. My knees turned to gelatin and I had to tighten my thighs to keep standing.

  “Give me your number and I’ll text you the details.”

  I did, and we parted ways. Him, walking like he owned the ground beneath him, which I suppose he did. And me, staring in awe at the dark-haired god who might very well be my undoing.

  That night, I showed up to a small Italian restaurant just outside the city center, still wondering if I’d made the right choice. It was simpler than what I expected, and I almost called Alexander to see if I was at the right place. Then the door swung open, and there he was.

  “Find the place okay?” he asked, guiding me inside.

  The dining room was small, with only a few wooden tables and dim light from the chandelier above. There wasn’t another soul in sight. It may not have been what I expected, but it was perfect.

  “Yeah,” I answered. “My question is, how did you find this place? It hardly seems like the kind of place the royal family would frequent.”

  Alexander chuckled and pulled out a chair for me at a table in the middle of the room. “You’re not wrong. My best friend Teddy found it for me. He knows everyone in this part of the city.”

  I sat, nodding my head in thanks. “He sounds like a real mover and shaker.”

  “He’s a hair dresser,” Alexander said, taking the seat opposite me. “He loves it. He gets to talk all day nonstop.”

  Footsteps heralded the arrival of our waiter, who set down menus in front of us and disappeared as quickly as he came. I scanned the menu, digesting the concept that the Prince I was out on a date with had a friend who was a barber. Alexander was turning out to be full of surprises.

  After ordering our drinks and meals, there was nothing left between us but table and I forced myself to look into my date’s eyes. Candlelight flickered over his skin, casting shadows on his strong chin and aquiline nose.

  “I don’t know what we should talk about,” I said, feeling awkward for the first time that evening.

  “Whatever you want to talk about. The weather. Bees. The growth of technological industry in the past ten years.” He shrugged and leaned back casually in his seat. “Personally, I’d like to know more about you.”

  Our waiter came over and filled our wine glasses, and I played with the stem of mine while I considered what to say next. I tried to keep my private life as private as possible, and since I still wasn’t sure what to make of Alexander, I was hesitant to reveal too much to him. It was silly to be on guard so much when he’d gone through all this trouble to get me out, but I couldn’t help it. I’d been burned before.

  “How about we talk about you instead,” I proposed. “I’ve seen bits about you in the media here and there, but I don’t know much except that you’re a hard-partying dog lover.”

  Not exactly the truth, but I didn’t want to tell him that I’d read no fewer than five articles on him and his family in the past few weeks.

  He laughed. “That about sums me up.”

  “I’m not sure I believe that.”

  His lips curved wickedly. “I like all the normal rich boy pursuits. Fencing, horseback riding, judging those lesser than me.”

  His tongue-in-cheek answer stripped away some of my awkwardness and I found myself leaning closer to him.

  “What’s your dog’s name again? I’ve seen pictures. He’s cute.”

  Genuine happiness flooded his features. “Sir Hank.”

  “How’d you come up with a name like that?”

  “I didn’t.” He took a sip of his wine. “At least, not really. He came with the name Hank when I adopted him and I never changed it. The adding of the “Sir” was technically my father’s doing.”

  “How so?”

  Alexander placed the glass on the table and sucked his bottom lip between his teeth thoughtfully. After a second, he said, “Swear you won’t tell anyone?”

  I cocked my brow. “I won’t tell a soul.”

  “Good.” He relaxed a little. “Not long after I first got Hank, my father and brother and I ended up getting sozzled after a boring meal with some politicians. They had all gone by this point, mind you. My father, hammered, got it in his head that Hank deserved the title. He knighted him with the sword above our fireplace.”

  I let out a bark of laughter. “King Henry knighted your dog?”

  “Indeed,” Alexander confirmed. “It was hilarious.” He took on a far-off expression. “Come to think of it, I can’t remember a time since then that we’ve had as much fun.”

  The royal family always looked happy in photos, but it struck me that I never saw Alexander and King Henry laughing together like I did Edward and his father. Victoria, who was around my sister’s age, was hardly present.

  “You guys aren’t very close.” I immediately clapped my hand over my mouth. “I’m sorry, that’s none of my business.”

  Alex shook his head. “No, it’s fine. Most of the people around us know, even if the public doesn’t.” He swirled his glass in contemplation. “My father was never the best at connecting with us, and my mother often acted as a bridge between him and me especially. My sister, too. Edward is more like my father than anyone else I know, so it was easier for him to rebuild that bridge after her death.” He took a sip from his glass, looking more serious than I’d seen him. “I guess we never did. After a while I think we all stopped trying.”

  “That’s horrible.” My forehead wrinkled in genuine dismay. “I don’t see my parents all that often, with my schedule and all, but I can’t imagine not talking to them.”

  “Oh, we talk,” Alexander said with a bitter smile. “We just don’t say anything.”

  I found myself reaching across the table to hold his hand, squeezing and staring him deep in the eye. “I hope it’s not like that forever.”

  He squeezed back but changed the topic. “Now you’ve heard all about the struggles of my privileged life, I want to hear something about yours. Let’s start with your sister.”

  It was only a few minutes before that Alexander had tried to swing the conversation in this direction and I’d all but stonewalled him, but I already felt more at ease. He took a risk telling me all the things he just did. If I were a reporter, or even a greedy loudmouth, I could make a killing selling the scoop on royal family dynamics. It meant a lot that he trusted me.

  “Joanne is a lot to handle at times,” I said, taking a sip of wine and thinking about that morning. “But she’s good. She cares a lot about the people around her, sometimes too much.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She cares too much about what other people think,” I explained. “Rather than just living her life, she’s always looking behind her back to see who’s watching and wondering what they think. I worry that it’s all going to get too much for her one day, but she hasn’t snapped, yet.”

  Alexander smiled and lifted his glass in the air. “To not snapping.”

  “To not snapping.”

  We clinked glasses and drank, and Alex kept his eyes on me the whole time in a way that heated me to the bones.

  The rest of the evening flowed smoothly—steady, uninterrupted, and calm. Alex was just as easy to talk to as he was the night we met, which was a relief. I worried before that without masks I’d find him cocky and arrogant, but he was lovely. He was genuine. When he smiled, I basked in it, and when he laughed I laughed too.

  As we finished off our dessert, I realized I wasn’t ready for the night to be over. All evening his smile had been sending bolts of electricity between my thighs. I had a feeling he knew it. Joanne made a big deal about clearing out of my flat in case I wanted to have a “royal rendezvous”, but I didn’t think at the time I would use it. She probably didn’t either, but it was a good excuse to spend the night at Tristan’s.

  Screw it, I decided. I gave Alexander the benefit of the doubt before and it paid off. Time to let the last of my inhibiti
ons fly away and reward myself.

  “I have an etiquette question,” I said, drinking the last of my glass.

  Alexander smiled. “I’m listening.”

  “How does one invite a prince back to one’s flat?”

  Chapter 9


  The drive to Tamara’s flat could not have been longer. Electricity buzzed a symphony under my skin, and the waves of desire that had been beating against me all night threatened to tear me to pieces.

  I more than wanted her. I needed her. And I was so close to getting another taste of the body that had been haunting my every waking thought for the past week.

  My driver dropped us off on a quiet street lined with rows of red-brick buildings that stretched far up into the night. Tamara grabbed my hand and led me up to the front door of her building, then inside to the stairs.

  It felt like forever until we stopped at the door to her flat, where she rested her hands on the lapels of my jacket and looked deep into my eyes. I thought she was going to say something but she didn’t. The moment passed and she let us into her flat, though I made a silent promise to get those words from her eventually.

  “Well, here it is,” she said airily, dropping her keys in a bowl by the door. “It’s no palace, but—“

  I cut her off, slamming my mouth down onto hers. She tasted of wine and…Tamara. I sucked on her bottom lip, drawing out a sigh of pleasure that made my cock stiffen.

  My hands found her hips and pulled her tight against me. Tamara’s fingers dug into my pecs, her lips seeking mine desperately. Tonight, I had something that I didn’t have that first night.

  Tonight, I had all the time in the world.

  I started pressing Tamara back, toward the open door at the far end of the room that looked to be her bedroom. Her heels clicked over the tile of the kitchen, then the living room laminate, until we reached her doorway, still connected. Her fleshy curves felt sensational in my hands, but I needed more. I needed her skin.

  We entered the bedroom and I flicked on the light, illuminating Tamara in all her dark-haired beauty. The tasteful dress she’d chosen for our date looked sinful as she stood before the bed, tight to her body and creased where my hands had touched her.

  I kissed down her neck, soft at first. I pressed feather light brushes under her jaw, over her pulse, feeling it jump with my touch. Then I scraped my teeth down her throat and she moaned. It was a deep, throaty moan. The kind of moan that made my cock throb.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” she murmured. I wasn’t sure whether she meant to say it out loud or not.

  “Believe it.” I nipped her jaw, then further down to the junction of her shoulder. “I’ll make you believe it.”

  I ran my hand up her back until I found her zipper, then began to tug. The zipper parted easily, revealing her graceful back to my wandering fingers inch by inch.

  I pushed the fabric down her shoulders, and the dress fell to the floor with a whisper. Tamara stood before me in nothing but a matching black bra and panties and her black pumps. I licked my lips and took her in.

  “You’re perfect,” I said. This time I wasn’t sure if I meant to say it out loud.

  Tamara gazed up at me, a fan of black lashes around her amber eyes, and smiled. She set to work on my shirt buttons, popping them open one at a time. I held her hips, sliding my hands up and down her silken body. Parts of her were soft, parts were hard, but all of her felt like heaven under my fingertips. I bent down to kiss her as she finished the last button and guided my shirt from my shoulders.

  Soft fingertips brushed down my back, bringing up goosebumps in their wake. I shivered.

  “It feels so strange that we’re here,” she said between kisses. “In my apartment. No masks. No fake names.”

  I chuckled and sucked on her bottom lip. “Don’t worry. You’ll always be my Kitty Kat.”

  I slid a hand under the hem of her panties and into her slick heat. Whatever retort Tamara had poised on her tongue came out as nothing more than a gasp, and I probed further inside until my index finger stroked her inner walls.

  She was just like I remembered. Molten hot. Wet. Tight.

  I grabbed a handful of her ass and continued pleasuring her with my fingers, rubbing my thumb in circles over her clit as my finger found her g-spot. Tamara’s head fell back in pleasure and I kissed down the front of her, sucking on the top of her exquisite breasts.

  A deep hunger hollowed me, burned me from the inside out. I knew only she would satisfy it. My Kitty Kat. My Tamara.

  I pushed her back to the bed and lay her down with her head on the pillow and her long legs parted. She watched me with half-lidded eyes as I pulled off her panties, her beautiful pink pussy now out for my inspection. My cock pressed insistently against the front of my trousers. I ignored it. Right now, there was only one thing I wanted—the taste of her.

  I crawled up the bed, blowing hot air over Tamara’s calves, thighs, as I went. Tamara’s tits heaved, spilling over the cups of her bra with every panting breath. I stopped at the cleft between her legs, inhaling her musky feminine aroma with a groan of pleasure. I couldn’t wait any longer. No more taking things slow.

  I hoisted a leg over each of my shoulders and dove in, sucking and licking at her clit like a starving man at a feast. Tamara cried out at the sudden onslaught of pleasure, bucking up at my face. I grabbed her ass and pulled her ever closer, holding her in place, licking up and down her sex with the flat of my tongue.

  I swirled my tongue, then sucked hard on her clit and made her scream.

  “Fuck, Alex,” she cried out. “Yes!”

  Finally, she was calling my name. Not Dennis. Me.

  I attacked her with renewed vigor, inserting a finger into her and stroking her g-spot with each lick of my tongue. Tamara was shaking now. Her hands scrabbled against the blankets, holding them in a white-knuckled grip as her moans grew louder and louder. I could tell she was close.

  I lapped up her sweet nectar and thrust in another finger. I twisted them around. I moved them in and out. I swirled my tongue over her clit and then, like a starburst, she broke.

  Her pussy squeezed my fingers but I didn’t let up. I kept licking, kept thrusting, even as she cried out in ecstasy and sank against the mattress. This effort ensured that the moment her first orgasm subsided, a second hit rose up and hit her full force. Tamara quaked and mewed softly. Finally, I let her legs down and sat back on my heels.

  Tamara looked up at me, panting. I smiled and licked her juices from my fingers. She bit her lip.

  Slowly, giving her time to breathe, I kissed up her body. I snaked a hand under her back to release her bra and tossed it across the room. Her fleshy globes bounced free. They were full, soft, with pert dark nipples that begged for my mouth. I sucked one nipple into my mouth, massaging her other breast and flicking my thumb over her sensitive bud.

  “I wouldn’t expect a prince to be quite so...generous,” Tamara joked with a pleased sigh.

  I moved to her other nipple, grazing my teeth over it. “You’ve got it all wrong, Kitty Kat. I take what I want, when I want.” I bit down, just enough to make her jump in surprise. “I’ve been wanting to eat your pussy since that first night. I’ve been dreaming of these gorgeous tits.” I ground my hard bulge against her thigh. “And now I want to fill you so full of my cock that you can hardly breathe.”

  Tamara’s breath caught.

  I chuckled. “Yeah, a little bit like that.”

  I moved to the edge of the bed and stood, grabbing a condom from my wallet and removing my pants and boxers. My cock jutted imposingly, a glistening bead of precum leaking from the tip. Tamara’s eyes widened in appreciation.

  She looked so beautiful, spread out before me like that. Her long, shapely legs, round hips, peaked breasts, a mane of black hair splayed over the pillow. I took a snapshot in my mind. I never wanted to forget her like this.

  Then I ripped open the condom and slid it down over my length before crawl
ing overtop of her.

  Tamara kissed me long and deep. She ran her hands down the muscles of my chest, cupping my balls in her hand and massaging them gently. Fuck, it felt good. Warmth spread through my bottom half, quickly chased by fire. My meat ached. I needed to get inside of her, and I needed to do it now.

  I pressed Tamara flat against the pillow with a hand on her throat and lined my cock up to her entrance, using every ounce of my willpower to take it slow so I wouldn’t hurt her.

  Tamara cooed as the first inch stretched her wide. I bent down to capture her mouth, releasing her neck and holding her face instead. Her pussy was tight. It gripped me like a vice, and my eyes rolled back in pleasure. Tamara grabbed my ass and urged me deeper, faster. It was a touch that said she wanted all of me and she wanted it now. I was only too happy to oblige.

  I grunted and thrust in the rest of the way. Tamara moaned against my lips, biting my lower lip and sending electricity shooting down my spine.

  Oh fuck.

  She wrapped her legs around me and squeezed, holding me deep inside of her while she adjusted. I reveled in the sensation.

  Had sex ever been this good? It was like the first time all over again, each sensation fresh and overwhelmingly good. I pulled out and sunk in again. Then again. Each time faster, more powerful. My long, hard strokes made my balls boil with pleasure.

  Tamara was wild beneath me. She scratched my back, thrust up toward me, kissed every inch of skin she could reach. She was a wildcat, my Kitty Kat, and I’d conquered her.

  I pounded into her mercilessly. My orgasm was on the horizon and I couldn’t wait to cum deep inside of her. I sat back on my knees and gripped her by the hips with her legs over my shoulders, getting deeper than ever before. Tamara moaned and held onto the headboard. The sight was so erotic, so fucking hot, that I nearly came right then—but I wanted to feel her pussy spasm on my dick first.

  I started rubbing her clit. Not fast and hard, just gentle circles to tease her, to build up that pressure inside of her. Tamara met my eyes and the look on her face was almost pleading.

  “Cum, Kitty Kat,” I told her. “Cum on my cock.”


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