Book Read Free

Mister Diamond

Page 145

by Chance Carter

  “What does that mean?” Ryan asked flatly, shifting closer to the raft’s centre.

  “Nothing, don’t worry,” Daniel assured, not as convincingly as Joss would have liked. “They can be aggressive animals, and quite curious.” He casually sat back down, as though anchoring himself.

  “Wow, he’s really close,” Joss quavered, certain she could see it looking at them. It swam around the raft, cautiously closing in on them. “What should we do?”

  Ryan looked up at her anxiously, unaccustomed to anything but confidence from her. It unnerved him but he needed to stay calm. He squeezed her hand reassuringly, unsure whether it was for her sake, or his own.

  Suddenly the shark veered towards them, gently bumping their raft, causing it to pitch to the side. All of them gasped, grabbing at the raft for support, too frightened to speak. It circled one more time before returning to investigate. Daniel swiftly stood up, picking up his paddle, and smashed at the water, striking the animal on the head. It pulled back, defensively rolling it’s body away, its tail smacking against the surface of water, the force swamping their raft.

  “Oh my god, Daniel!” Joss yelled reaching out for him. He’d lost his footing and tried to pull himself back, but slipped and fell onto his side, rolling towards the edge of the raft. By the time Ryan reached him, half his body was submerged in the ocean. He quickly yanked him up, just as the shark swung back around, its razor sharp teeth bared for a bite.

  The ruckus nearly capsized them, and they came dangerously close to losing their supplies, maybe even their lives. Joss had never been more frightened in her life. The last thing she wanted was to be a floating entree. Being in the open water terrified her, life jacket or not!

  Surprisingly calm, Daniel shifted out of Ryan’s death grip, gratefully patting him on the back. “I think that worked, mates,” he stuttered, clearly more frightened than he let on, “looks like he’s gone.”

  Joss shifted her gaze from left to right, searching for the creature. She didn’t see any signs of its fin either, but that didn’t ease her nerves any.

  “Christ, that was too close for comfort,” Ryan croaked, hastily rearranging their supplies. “Can we just get the fuck out of here?”

  “I second that!” Joss panted, adrenalin coursing through her veins. She picked her paddle back up, her hands shaking violently. Her nerves were so shot, she could barely catch her breath.

  “I’m good with that,” Daniel agreed, his voice cracking. “I doubt that fucking bloke will come back, but I don’t want to stick around to find out!”

  They used their paddles to right their raft around and quickly aimed for the coast, adrenalin pushing them faster than they otherwise might have moved. Before long they were pulling up on a beach, each of them offering a silent prayer that they’d survived, that it had not been any worse. Speechless, they laid in the sand, allowing their bodies a few minutes to recover from their efforts.

  “Well that was fun,” Ryan said, breaking the silence. “You’d think for an action star I would’ve been less of a pussy. Sorry I ruined the illusion for you guys. Now you know, the movies are all fake.”

  They all cracked up, the kind of full on belly laugh that often follows being frightened half to death. Ryan was always so good at providing comic relief when they needed it the most, but slowly their laughter petered off, their bodies still trembling from the shock. Joss reached out for Daniel and pulled him into an embrace, her tears involuntary and sudden. She allowed him to rock her while she clung to him, emotional and gasping for breath. Ryan shimmied closer so he could rub her back, his eyes pooled with empathy.

  Daniel, sensitive to her needs, held her for a long time, until her sobs became quiet little whimpers, and her breath returned to normal, Every now and then the men made eye contact, as though searching for support. They’d all been shaken up, and although Joss’ tears were not unreasonable given the circumstance, they were unexpected. She’d always been so solid, throughout their entire ordeal, but the close call with the shark was the straw that finally broke the camel’s back. They understood that, and just let her cry it out.

  “You okay?” Daniel asked. He gently moved her hair out of her eyes so he could see her face.

  Joss looked up at him and nodded, wiping away her tears. Always the gentleman, he wished he had a hanky to give her, offering his damp t-shirt instead. She smiled gratefully at him.

  “I’m fine,” she whispered, inhaling deeply. “Sorry I lost it. I don’t know what came over me.”

  “I think we have some idea,” Ryan smirked, making her look his way. “If we weren’t such manly men, we would have been blubbering right along with you.” The truth was, he’d come close to losing it, and even shed one or two tears himself. Daniel too.

  “I think I’m still in shock. I’ll probably lose it later,” Daniel chuckled.

  “I’ll hold you if you do, big guy,” Ryan said, teasing his friend.

  “Thanks mate, you’re a good man, I don’t care what people say,” Daniel winked, coaxing out their giggles.

  Joss offered Ryan a quick hug, then Daniel. “I’m glad I’m here with you guys, seriously,” she admitted. The cry had emotionally drained her, but she felt a lot better. “But enough whining already, we need to get settled in for the night.”

  She looked around, pleased by what she saw. The beach they’d landed on was much better than the previous one, deeper too. She stood up, shaking the sand off her rump, holding her hand out to Ryan.

  “Come on, let’s see what we’ve got to work with,” she encouraged, pulling him to his feet. Daniel stood up too, his eyes to the horizon.

  “I think this might be it, the north side of the island,” he offered confidently. “Do you see how the sun is pitching to the west of us?”

  Joss walked to the raft, lifting her bag to search inside. She pulled out the small compass that had been attached to her survival watch and held it up.

  “Yes sir, we’re definitely in the right spot. We can probably settle in here for the next few days,” she agreed, slipping the compass into her pocket. She placed her bag over her shoulder and picked up a few more supplies, unloading the raft.

  The boys quickly followed suit and before long they had everything up on the beach, far enough away from the changing tide. They built a shelter, once again using the raft as a lean to, quickly filling in the gaps with fronds. They agreed it didn’t make sense to construct anything bigger because their plan was to stay only a few days. Joss made it as homey as possible though, comfortable, while Daniel and Ryan went to collect wood for a fire.

  “Joss!” Daniel called out from the jungle. She turned her head, following his voice, his white shirt acting like a beacon. “Come here for a second!” he waved, gesturing her to join them. “Bring the water container and a few empty bottles!”

  She gathered what he asked for and quickly joined them. “What’s up?” she asked, as soon as they were in ear shot.

  “We found a stream, not too far away. There’s a large rock formation about fifty yards in, Water is cascading down the side of the cliff.”

  “Wow, good job!” she praised, handing Ryan several of the empty bottles. She followed them through the bush, her eyes peeled for edibles, until they came to the spot. It was perfect, and so close to their camp.

  “What a stroke of luck!” she beamed, filling the stainless steel container, black from all the fires it had been steeping over. She licked her lips, anxious for some cold water. She knew better not to drink from the cool flow, but it was tempting, especially since they’d been sipping sun-warmed water for several days.

  “It’s so cold!” Ryan said, the water running over his hands as he filled the vessels. “Refreshing!”

  Joss agreed, and wanted to take a quick shower in it, certain she smelled pretty ripe. She slipped her bag off her shoulders and dug out a small sliver of soap. There wasn’t much left to the bar, dwindling down little by little over the past month, but they could probably get a few more show
ers from it.

  “Do you guys mind if I undress? Take a shower?” she asked, kicking off her boots. She pulled off her t-shirt, baring her breasts. She’d given up the bra weeks ago, opting to use the underwire and straps for fishing hooks. She turned around to find them looking at her, mouths open and nodding, as though there was nothing they would mind less. She looked back at them and smiled, amused by their expressions.

  “Maybe you guys could take the water and firewood back to the camp? I’ll meet you there?” she suggested modestly, waving them away.

  “Oh, ya, of course,” Daniel said first, averting his eyes. Ryan just smiled and shook his head, as though he had no intention of leaving her, half naked, in the jungle, his intentions not noble in the slightest.

  “Go,” Joss giggled, shooing him away. “I’ll come back in ten minutes!”

  They did leave, Ryan looking back several times, playfully challenging her. She finished undressing and stood in the stream, allowing the soap and cold water to replenish her. She had come to appreciate the little things on the island, grateful for any offering it saw fit to give them, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t miss hot showers.

  When she returned to camp, they were waiting for her, a small fire burning in a dug-out pit. Daniel couldn’t help but notice her t-shirt clinging to her, damp from the shower, her perky nipples curiously pressing against the fabric. He swallowed hard and dropped his eyes, pushing back his arousal. She walked over to their shelter and picked up her wrap, pulling it around herself for warmth, then joining them at the fire.

  “I thought maybe tomorrow we could do some exploring? Try to hike up that ridge, elevate ourselves for a better view?” she explained, taking the water that Ryan offered her. She took a sip before continuing. “I’m hoping to find some fresh greens or berries, set some traps for small animals. Maybe we can catch ourselves a couple of rats?”

  “Yummy,” Ryan smirked, tossing her a wink.

  “Better than dried mullet. I’m dying for fresh meat,” Daniel agreed, portioning out their evening meal.

  They ate their simple dinner quietly, still processing the close call they’d had that afternoon, each of them lost in their own world.

  “I might go for a shower too, wash the day’s grime off me,” Daniel said, his words startling Joss out of her thoughts.

  “It’s starting to get dark. Don’t be too long,” Joss advised gently, concerned for his safety.

  “Ryan will come with me, don’t worry,” Daniel assured, slipping off his t-shirt. She smiled up at him, pushing her damp hair out of her eyes.

  “You could use a bath too, mate,” he teased, raising his brows at Ryan. “You’re a little pungent.”

  “Pungent, you say,” Ryan said, playfully exaggerating Daniel’s accent. “Well I say, old boy, lead the way!”

  “Was that supposed to be an English accent? Are you sure you’re an actor?”

  “Ha ha, very funny,” Ryan replied, giving him a good natured shove. “Let’s go, Hugh Grant, I’ll go with you so you don’t get lost.”

  “Why would I get lost?” Daniel laughed, shaking his head.

  “Because you can’t even find a good pick up line...”

  Joss laughed to herself, watching the two friends stroll away. They were a feisty pair, the two of them, always ribbing each other. A sexy duo for sure, and she found herself caught up in their chemistry. As soon as they were out of sight, she ducked under the shelter to lay down, unable to fight off her exhaustion, and waited for them to return.

  * * *

  She must have fallen into a deep sleep, physically bankrupt from the stress of day. She stirred when Ryan curled in behind her, his familiar arms wrapping around her waist, his cock pressing against her ass. It had been awhile since the two of them had made love, and she ached to feel him inside her again.

  “Mmm,” she moaned, squirming closer to him, oblivious to anything but the heat of him against her cool back. She blindly reached for his hand and pressed it against her breast, wordlessly offering consent, begging for his touch.

  Surprised by her response, Ryan felt his semi eagerly twitching beneath the thin layer of his pants, inviting him to play. He discreetly kissed her, his moist mouth lingering softly over her neck. It took everything he had not to sink his teeth into her salty flesh. Joss moaned again, and rolled over on her back, leaning in towards him. God, he wanted her, more than anything, especially after the close call they’d had that afternoon. He wasn’t sure how it effected others, but spikes in adrenalin always seemed to make him horny, sometimes for days.

  “I want you, Ryan,” she whispered, barely awake, her hand inching down his chest. She slipped it beneath the waistband of his slacks, wrapping her fingers loosely around his boner. Ryan looked up, catching Daniel’s eye, who had taken the spot on the other side of Joss, his expression flirting between amusement and surprise.

  “What’s a guy to do?” Ryan grinned, directing his question to Daniel. Joss, using her free hand, pulled him into a soft, dreamy kiss, as though the question was posed to her.

  “Joss, honey, Daniel is here,” Ryan whispered, his lips still pressed against hers. She opened her eyes and stared at him, her lids heavy with desire, as though processing his words. Then she smiled, wickedly flirtatious, as though she couldn’t contain her naughty thoughts. Fuck he was turned on.

  “Then Daniel should get over here and kiss me too,” she teased playfully, just loud enough for him to hear her invitation. She slid her hand out of Ryan’s pants and rolled over onto her back, searching for Daniel, her eyes adjusting to the dark. He was lying beside her, propped up on an elbow, shaking his head with a grin, as though amused with the scene, the glow of the fire mirrored in his eyes.

  “Hello, Danny,” she whispered, unable to hide her blush. “Sorry, I was a little dazed for a moment there.”

  “No need for an apology, I’d rather enjoy a kiss too, Joss,” he smiled, his tone as proper as could be, yet suggesting something more, something indecent.

  She bit her bottom lip, wondering if she was imagining the flirtatious invite, if it was just wishful thinking on her part. Embarrassed, she shook off her naughty thoughts with a giggle, astonished by her own bold impulses. They were so foreign to her.

  “It’s only fair,” Daniel offered, his voice seductively thick. He leaned in and kissed her, slowly at first, waiting for her to match his passion, then pulled her tightly against his body, pressing his own hard cock against her. She tried to catch her breath, surprised, yet completely aroused by what was happening, her brain furiously trying to catch up, to make sense of it all. Did they both want her?

  She pulled away from his kiss and sat up, looking from one man to the other, her bottom lip pouted in confusion. They were both grinning at her, like kids in a candy store, neither of them appearing to be as flustered as she felt.

  “Wait, I dreaming?” she stammered, stifling a giggle.

  Ryan chuckled and placed a daring hand on her thigh, offering her a gentle squeeze.

  “Do you feel that?” he teased, sliding his hand up her thigh, his grip tightening. She nodded. It was delightfully arousing.

  “Then you’re probably not dreaming,” he baited playfully, his curious eyes challenging her. He quickly shifted his gaze towards Daniel, to make sure they were on the same page. Obviously they didn’t plan on things unfolding that way, but he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t fantasized about it once or twice. He’d enjoyed threesomes in the past, but they’d always been with two women. He was straight, and was pretty sure Daniel was too, so why not? He was an open minded guy and they were three consenting adults...all alone. It could be fun. If the tables were turned and he was the only dude with a harem of ladies, damn sure he’d be down!

  “Danny?” Joss turned to look at him too, as though following Ryan’s lead. She and Daniel had not even been intimate yet, not the way she and Ryan had. Did he want their first time to be a ménage? Did she? Fuck, why did she always have to overth
ink everything...

  “Well, I do owe you a rain check, Joss,” Daniel said. He grabbed her hand and pulled her on top of him, wrapping his free hand around her the base of her neck, coaxing another kiss from her. Joss straddled him, her hands landing hard on either side of his head, pressing her mouth onto his, his obvious need quickly heating her up. She smashed her pussy into him, grinding against him, surprised by how turned on she was.

  She had not stopped thinking about Daniel since he’d piqued her curiosity about him. She’d been fantasizing about him non-stop, and now her desire was winning.

  Daniel allowed her to have her way with him until he couldn’t take it anymore. He loved how assertive she was, but he’d not had sex in over two months and he was dangerously close to losing it. He either had to tag out or explode in his shorts, and he wasn’t about to let that happen. He tenderly shifted her off of him, flipping her on to her back, before kissing her again, this time the one in control.

  Ryan took his cue to join in, unbuttoning Joss’ pants and sliding them over her hips. Still kissing Daniel, she raised her ass, making it easier to slip the material past her curves. He tossed them aside, panties and all, exposing her beautiful pussy.

  Until Joss, he’d never seen a fully ‘natural’ woman and truth be told, he was into it. There was something mysteriously tempting about it, exotic, primitive, and sexy. It was like a gift, begging to be unwrapped. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen her pussy, but it still sent a shiver through him. It was like that every time he was with her.

  He shifted between her legs, pressing his mouth down on her folds, eagerly kissing her clit. She gently raised her hips, in silent approval, begging him to taste her. No surprise, he didn’t need much encouragement. He slowly slid his tongue down the centre of her pussy, from clit to opening, teasing and tasting her, enjoying her musky sweetness. She was wetter than he’d ever seen her, clearly turned on by their three way tango. He didn’t blame her, he was fucking amped up too. Knowing she was horny totally pushed his buttons. He licked and sucked on her, mercilessly lapping up every bit of her juices, fucking her with his two long fingers, while she moaned and squirmed beneath him.


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