Just Friends

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Just Friends Page 11

by Billy Taylor

  We sat and ate breakfast together. If her and Ethan weren’t together, this would’ve been the perfect start to my birthday. We both agreed that if his nightmares continue after we finish the movie, then we would get him a psychiatrist. As I entered my trailer that morning, there was a small white card on my side. I slid the card off the edge of the table.

  Happy birthday my dearest dwarf. Look outside x

  It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that it was from Ethan. I frowned at the card. I returned to my trailer door and peaked out of it. Nothing caught my eye. I opened the door fully, still nothing. I shrugged and shut the door. The card definitely instructed to look outside. I shuffled around, still analysing the card. And there he was, sat in my chair.

  “How are things?” Ethan asked, holding a bottle of foundation, looking upon it with mystery.

  I rolled my eyes at him. “Can you never use a door?”

  I walked over and hugged him around his neck. He was wearing one of his tartan ties. I bought him this one for our seventh Christmas together.

  “You know me. I never like to do anything simple.”

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Nothing. Your presents are over there.” He pointed at a two bags and a box lying on the sofa.

  “Thank you.” I said, kissing his cheek and patting his shoulders.

  His eyes met mine in the mirror for a second. I was hoping my eyes read I love you, pick me so I wouldn’t have to say it myself.

  “Right, open them before you have to go.” He stood and picked up the bags, placing them on the floor and sitting on the sofa. “This one first.” He passed me a small bag as I sat beside him. I squeezed it before looking inside it felt soft and squishy, an item of clothing. It was a pair of socks.

  “You always need a boring gift on your birthday don’t you. They have a letter A on them though. I chose wisely.”

  “You’re so clever.” I joked.

  Ethan passed me a package. It was a book. They’re easy to identify. It was a brochure of an apartment called The August Sky. I flicked through the pages to view the most breathtaking property I had ever seen. It was like something you would see a villain use in a spy movie. Everything was so bright and modern and pretty. “I don’t understand. What’s this?”

  “This, my dear, is our new apartment in New York. I bought it the same day I met Eleanor. I named it after you.”

  I nodded calmly, “Cool.” I dropped the book onto the floor and scratched my nose. Then flung myself at him and hugged him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, this is the best gift ever! Its so pretty and beautiful!”

  I was tempted to ask him how much it cost. I thought it’d be best not to ask that question yet.

  “August you’re choking me.” He said wheezing through my grasp. I let go. And he passed me my final gift. This box was only small. I emptied its contents into my hand. It was a key. It appeared to be a key to a car.

  “Your final gift is outside, but before we go we need to uphold our tradition.” Ethan pulled a Polaroid camera upon a tripod out from behind the sofa. He unfolded the legs and adjusted the height. Then shuffled closer beside me and puffed my cheeks together with his hand, whilst kissing one side. I crossed my eyes and focused on my nose, since smiling wasn’t an option. The camera flashed, followed by the photo slowly printing out. I snatched at it and wafted it as the image faded onto the paper. We looked so cute and happy. Well he did, I just looked like a girl with crossed eyes and a guy kissing her puffy cheeks. I popped the photo onto the table and walked to the door.

  “Come on, I want to see this final gift!”

  He covered my eyes with his hands as we stepped outside. “No peaking until we get there.” He whispered as we awkwardly dawdled forward.

  “August we need you on set in two!” Someone shouted.

  “Okay, I’ll be there!” I shouted in reply.

  I couldn’t stop laughing because I kept stepping on Ethan’s feet. He removed his hands after a minute or so. I blinked a few times as my eyes readjusted to the light. Before me, parked on the road outside the station, was an identical car to the one I saw Ethan driving, but in white. I turned to Ethan speechless. He dangled the keys in front of me like he was taunting a child. I snatched them off him and skipped towards the car screaming. I unlocked it and slid inside. It was so pretty and the leather interior smelt and felt so good. It was so beautiful and it was mine! I screamed with excitement and stamped my feet. Ethan joined me in the passenger seat. The car only has two seats, but I don’t think I’ll need anymore if it’s only going to be Ethan and me living together.

  “We’re not going to drive it since you have to go on set now and the last time we were in a vehicle together it didn’t end too well. I will allow you to start it though.”

  I grinned wildly and started the ignition, and the car roared into life.

  “This is really loud.” I said to Ethan.

  “Yeah it is!” He replied.

  I turned the ignition off and the car calmly quitened.

  “In the boot are a few pairs of running shoes and running bottoms. I know you don’t run, but I know you like to wear them because they’re comfortable.” He said as we got out of the car. He opened his arms and waited for me to enter them. I walked over to him and hugged him tightly.

  “Thank you, Ethan.” I said against his chest.

  “The address for the apartment is in the brochure. Once you finish up here, you can drive to it and I’ll be there, waiting for you. The car is all registered, so you don’t need to worry about that. It’s ready to go when you are. Oh, I’ve sorted all our visa’s and permits and things! Your Mum and Dad were very helpful with those, I didn’t have a clue what to do!”

  He rested his chin on top of my head. Our embrace parted, and we smiled at one another. I turned and began to walk back towards the station without another word being said. Nothing else needed to be said. I glanced over my shoulder to check on him. He’d vanished of course. I smiled and picked up my walk to a jog. Stanley was waiting at the bottom of the stairs to the station with his arms folded.

  “You two make me sick.” He said in a sarcastic tone.

  I raised my eyebrows at him. He held the station door open for me as I jogged up the stairs. “Is that a hint of jealousy I am receiving from you, Stanley?”

  Stanley shook his head and whispered, “Of course not. Who would wish for their best friend, who they’re in love with, to spoil them with cars and apartments? Terrible gifts, just terrible I say. Happy birthday by the way.”

  I laughed and thanked him as he closed the door behind us.

  August 17th

  As far as birthdays go. Yesterday topped the list. The talk with Eleanor, and Ethan visiting were exactly what I needed. Obviously all the amazing gifts I received from Ethan weren’t too bad either, they cheered me up a little. It’s good that if I’m ever in need of any help or advice, I can talk to Stanley. Since he’s been in my situation longer than me. Jasmine returns in three days. I’m super excited to see if anything happens between them. I hope something does. It’ll give me hope that maybe one day Ethan and I will work out. It no longer feels strange when I picture Ethan and me as an item. Is that weird?

  Today we filmed Rachel witnessing the murder and running to the station like a mad man. We did ten takes, from different angles. I had to stand in the middle of the road and pretend to see someone be murdered, then set off sprinting down the road. A track was set up at the edge of the road for the camera to run along. The best way to describe it is that it looks like a tiny train track. The cameraman was sitting on a seat that was fixed beside the mount holding the camera. As I ran, it ran alongside me. It was very distracting because all I wanted to do was look at it. For a couple of takes the camera ran slightly in front of me for a different shot and then behind me for the same reason. They wouldn’t let me put on some comfier shoes while running so my feet were in agony by the time we’d finished. I’m not the quickest or the fittest, but
I was proud of myself at the end of it for not complaining about it once or asking for a break. When all the special effects are added and the takes of me laughing are cut out, this movie should actually be very good. I can’t wait for the premiere! I’m eager to see how the world reacts to me. I hope they like me. Otherwise what I’ve been striving for all my life has been a complete waste of time and I’ll have to find something else to do.

  August 20th

  Ethan’s clock read 5:20am, and another knock came at my hotel door. What does Eleanor want now? Unless she is pregnant, engaged or snuck out last night to marry Ethan in Las Vegas, I was most definitely not interested in a conversation with her at this time of day again. I rolled off my bed and kept the covers wrapped around me as I dawdled to the door, again. I pawed at the door with my eyes closed in search of the handle, again. After a horrific battle in search of the handle I eventually opened the door to find Stanley stood there.

  “You look terrible.” He said.

  “What do you want at this hour?” I replied with closed eyes.

  “We’re picking Jasmine up from the airport in an hour, so move it!”

  I sighed. “Ok. I’ll get ready.” I shut the door and stumbled into the bathroom. I tied my wild hair into a messy bun and grabbed one of Ethan’s hoodies I had stolen off of him and put up the hood. Somehow I didn’t look that bad. I don’t wear much make up anyway so it was no different to my normal look. Maybe my tired eyes had lied to me.

  Stanley drove to the airport. I scrunched myself up into a ball in the passenger seat and took a nap. The hood of Ethan’s hoodie acted as a pillow. It still smelt of him as I snuggled into it. Not getting enough sleep is the number one thing I despise. It is for a good purpose though.

  I insisted Stanley purchased a bouquet of flowers from a florist in the airport. He obliged and bought a huge bouquet of red roses. So big that it covered most of his face when he held them.

  We arrived at the Jasmine’s gate with fifteen minutes to spare. Stanley bit his nails as he stared at the door from our seats. He didn’t move his eyes off the door for a second. There was a crowd of fifty to a sixty people waiting for family and friends to depart from the plane. We sat and waited. And waited. And waited. Until the door finally opened. Stanley jolted upright, picking up his bouquet.

  “Here I go.” He said glancing back at me.

  “Good luck.” I whispered.

  He slowly strode forward. It was lovely to see members from the flight running over to greet their loved ones. Others wearing suits just paced into the airport. Then the moment Stanley had been waiting for arrived. Jasmine’s face searched amongst the crowd of people hoping to find a familiar face. Stanley lowered the bouquet and raised his head over them. Jasmine’s face lit up once she recognised him. They slowly walked towards each other and stopped shoe to shoe. I felt like I was watching a romantic movie live, not behind the scenes. The fairytale was taking place right in front of me. I could feel Stanley’s nerves in my stomach. I watched on as Jasmine and Stanley were in deep discussion. Suddenly Jasmine placed her hands over her mouth and swung her arms around Stanley. I felt like crying, it was the sweetest, cutest, romanticist thing I had ever witnessed in my life, but the only thing I wanted to do now was go back to sleep. They hugged and kissed, Stanley passed Jasmine her flowers.

  “It’s about time.” I heard her say.

  Stanley turned back to me, giving me a thumbs up, which I feebly returned. They walked over to me, Stanley pulled Jasmine’s suitcase as she hid behind her flowers. She poked her head around them, producing a shy smile. “Can I go back to sleep now?” I asked, shutting my eyes.

  They both laughed at me. “Let’s get you to the car first.” Stanley replied.

  August 27th

  It’s the final day. This movie has changed my life forever and it will always be in my heart. I’ve had so much fun! My first movie ever… I hope it isn’t my last. It’s not been a bad first film, to say Stanley Tennant was the director and Eleanor Walden was my co-star. I can’t wait for it to be released now! Stanley gathered everyone around on set to make an announcement before our final takes.

  “It has been an unforgettable time with you all. I may be grumpy sometimes, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you guys.” He paused while everyone laughed. “So, lets get this over and done with so we can all go home early.” The crowd cheered and clapped before dispersing back to their stations.

  Today, Eleanor and I filmed the last couple of scenes of us stumbling out of the station. Eleanor’s character twists her ankle, so she has to limp and place her arm around my shoulder. The first take we did we made it down the stairs, then our feet got tangled up and we fell over in a heap. We couldn’t do another take for a while because we were too busy laughing at one another. We’re the only two left alive after the eventful evening. Then we continue limping off into the distance. Once we’d finished laughing, of course. That’s when I’d assume the end credits would feature. Eleanor hugged me firmly after the final take.

  “I’m so happy I met you.” Her voice squeaked.

  My bottom lip started to tremble as everyone started to hug. Was it like this at the end of every movie? I hope not. I’ll be a mess every few months. I flicked my eyes over to Jasmine and Stanley, they were kissing. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy, I just smiled at them. Now I wanted to grab my things and meet Ethan at our new apartment. I’ve been dying to see it. I want to drive my new car, too. I haven’t driven it since Wayne still chauffeurs me everywhere. I was desperate to hop in it and speed away. I didn’t want to hang around much longer as I’d become an emotional wreckage. Before I did anything else, I had to say goodbye to Jasmine and Stanley. The three of us embraced as I walked over.

  “I’m going to miss you guys.” I said to them.

  We separated away from each other swiftly and shook hands before we all started weeping.

  The car roared into life as I turned on the ignition. The car hadn’t moved an inch, and I was already in love with it. Eleanor shuffled herself onto the passenger seat as I entered the address into the navigation system.

  “Ready to go?” I asked Eleanor.

  She nodded with a bright face. Then I remembered Ethan saying there was something else in the boot for me. I slid out of the car and clicked it open. Laid amongst the boot were several pairs of Nike running shoes and bottoms. “He knows me too well,” I said to myself. I returned to the driver’s seat.

  “Ethan said to be careful.” Eleanor said, peering down at her phone.

  I’m sure Ethan was saying something super cute like I love you baby girl, see you soon. I wanted to snatch her phone off her and throw it out of the car window. I beeped the horn as we departed from alongside the station. As weird as it may sound, I will miss that place. I’d spent so much time that it had started to feel like home. We popped back to the hotel to collect our things before rushing back to the car. I was in that much of a rush I almost forgot Ethan’s clock. I had to sprint back inside and collect it.

  As Eleanor and I cruised along in my wonderful new car, I thought to myself, what should I spend my earnings on? Jewellery? Clothes? Invest it? I don’t want anything. Maybe get a house in England, but Ethan has that taken care of, too. I’m not sure what inspired him to purchase an apartment in New York, but I’m glad he did. I’ve always wanted to visit New York, now I’m going to live there! It’ll be a test for me to survive without my family. I’ve managed three months so far and survived. I really want to see them, though. They said they’d visit during the holidays when Madeline finished school. I miss Madeline so much. I want to squeeze her and plat her hair.

  As I gazed out of the window, a suggestion popped into my mind. Why don’t I hire, Leonard Phillips, the magician Ethan grew up watching. He could help me solve how Ethan switched seats with me in the car. Leonard Phillips wasn’t a magician on a kid’s television show who’d pull a rabbit from his hat. He performed ridiculous stunts. Like burying himself underground in a coffin or hang
ing himself upside down from a rope over a tank of sharks and then setting the rope on fire. I know this because Ethan use to make me watch Leonard’s shows all the time. Every Saturday at eight o’clock. We never missed one. We were only eleven or twelve. Leonard was the only magician who made Ethan really think about how he did his tricks. He figured them out after a day or two. We’d watch the show Saturday and by Monday afternoon, when he walked me home, he’d explain how they were done. I always found it fascinating listening to his explanations. Leonard must have given his wife a heart attack every time he performed. Her blood pressure must have been off the scales. I’m sure after a discussion, he’d be able to help me. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to ask. I grabbed my phone and text Stanley while we waited amongst the queue of cars. I figured he would know someone who knew Leonard.

  August 28th


  Hey August. Why the sudden interest in such magician? Surprise for the love of your life, perhaps? I’ve given my friend who knows his agent your details. I’m sure they’ll be in contact soon. S x

  Today is my first full day in my new apartment. It is the most luxurious place I’ve ever set foot in. I pull up outside in my car. A man, dressed all smart, takes my keys and parks my car for me. Another man in a suit then opens the door for me and they call me the elevator. Out of twenty-four floors, our apartment is the sixteenth. Coincidental isn’t it? Each apartment takes up a whole level so they’re big. You walk along a spotless hallway to your door, opening it with your key. Entering the apartment is like entering another world, filled with beautiful colours, turquoise and white mainly. To your left, behind the centre island granite block, is the kitchen. Equipped with loads of ovens, stoves and utensils. The kitchen will be disappointed when I make scrambled egg on toast. As you walk forward to the open living room you will find an eleven-seated L-shaped black sofa, positioned infront of a sixty-inch television. You’ll encounter a staircase to your left. A wonderful, winding pearl white staircase. After you encountered this staircase. There is a balcony stretching out the full length of the apartment. You go out a door before the staircase on your left, or you can walk straight through the living room to the other door. But I won’t be going out there much because I’m afraid of heights. At night I could maybe go out onto it, because at night I can’t really see what’s below me. But during the day it’s a definite no go. Walking up the wonderful, winding staircase you’ll find three bedrooms. Ethan had already called dibs on the biggest room. That’s fair since he paid for everything and, dare I say it, he will be having Eleanor over to stay. The apartment is full of furniture, but it lacks things to make it feel like home. Adding Ethan’s clock and my photo frames to the mantelpiece helped a little, but I still need to bring things over from home. Maybe now would be a good time to mention we have a gym upstairs. I only poked my head around the corner, but it has plenty of equipment in it. My bed feels like heaven, too. It’s so soft.


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