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Running Into Love - The Complete Box Set

Page 114

by Annalisa Nicole

  Quinn nods her head, as happy tears stream down her face.

  “In about seven months, you’re going to hug our child,” she says, placing her hand on her stomach.

  “What?” I ask, as a single tear streaks down my cheek.

  She shakes her head yes, as the noise from the dining room registers in my ears. Everyone is cheering and clapping. Tears flow uncontrollably down my face, as I take Quinn in my arms.

  I immediately get down on my knees and place my ear over Quinn’s stomach. I wrap my arms around her and cry, as she runs her fingers through my hair. I place a kiss on her stomach, then look up at her. I can’t thank farting unicorns and dusting fairies enough for bringing me both Quinn and the miracle growing in her belly into my life, only a few short months ago.

  “Quinn Landry, will you marry me?” I ask, looking into her eyes.

  She shakes her head yes. I stand, give my future wife a kiss while holding her tear stained cheeks in my hands.

  As I sit at the table and look around at all the smiling faces. I can’t help but think how incredibly fortunate I am.

  Family is everything.

  The End


  I want to thank you all so much for reading the stories that brew in my head that I type away through my fingers! I hope you enjoyed reading about the Wellington clan once again. I didn’t realize just how much I missed them all!

  I want to thank my wonderful husband for always supporting me in this wild, crazy, wonderful journey! You mean the world to me and I love you so much!

  I want to thank my two boys for always being a constant joy in my life. I love you both.

  Thank you to my fabulous, amazing, lovely beta readers! Kell Donaldson, Kristine Barakat, Amanda Farmer, Cristie Lagarde, Crissy Sutcliffe, and Di Ainsworth. I have mad love for each and every one of you!

  To my amazing, fabulous editor, Lindsay, from LTE Editing, you are fantastic and I love working with you! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

  Najla, from Najla Qamber Designs, you’ve done ever cover for every book I’ve written, and each of them have knocked my socks off, they’re so amazing and beautiful! Thank you.

  Alissa Glenn, thank you for proofreading! You are an amazing friend!

  Thank you, Jennifer, from More Than Words Promotions for hosting the release day blitz! It’s a pleasure to work with you again!

  Tami, from Integrity Formatting, you are a rock star and do amazing, reliable, fantastic formatting! Thank you for always being there for me!

  Julie Franke, thank you for always being a constant in my life. Thank you for always listening to me and encouraging me to live my dream. I love you to the moon and back.

  Kellie Montgomery from Eye Candy Bookstore, thank you for everything you do and for your mad PR skills. You’re a superstar!

  Thank you to the readers, reviews, and bloggers for continuing to stay with me on this amazing journey. Thank you for continuing to read what the crazy characters in my head make me write. Thank you for all the wonderful personal messages, the emails, and the reviews. I read each and every one of them. From the bottom of my heart thank you!


  Christmas Miracle

  by Chance

  A Short Story


  Annalisa Nicole

  All Rights Reserved

  Copyright © 2015 by Annalisa Nicole

  This book is a written act of fiction. Any and all names, places, or similarities are coincidental. No part of this book may be used without written permission except for brief quotations for reviews or blogs. This book may only be distributed by Annalisa Nicole, the owner and Author of this series.


  Never in my life have I done something so stupid. To get straight to the point, I slept with a coworker. Not only did I sleep with Jude, but it’s been going on since by best friend, Shay Wellington, left the firm a few years ago. It’s been nothing but chaos at work since she left SA Architects, when she and her husband, Adrian, adopted their two adorable children, Micah and Makayla. I only say they are adorable, because they’re not mine, thank God. Not that her kids are ugly, or bratty, or anything, kids have just never been my thing and aren’t in my future…ever.

  I love my career and I can’t imagine doing anything else. To my mother’s complete horrification, I keep telling her she’s just not getting any grandkids from me. I seriously thought Shay was exactly like me and she was going to take a few months off, then come back to work, but then she got pregnant. Don’t get me wrong, I’m ecstatic for them.

  Shay and Adrian were high school sweethearts ripped apart by misfortune and misunderstanding. Fate was on their side, though and destiny reunited them after not speaking to each other for seventeen years. After they got married, for the second time, they tried unsuccessfully to get pregnant. Unlike myself, they knew they wanted to build a family, so they adopted. I guess, maybe, all the pressure was off and to their delight, Shay got pregnant with their son, Sammy.

  Motherhood has completely transformed Shay. She loves being a stay-at-home mom and I’m so happy for her. She told our boss, Stewart, she’s never coming back to work. To this day, Shay’s office is just the way she left it. Stewart refuses to believe that an architect of Shay’s caliber can be happy the rest of her life, without working and doing what she loves. But, what he doesn’t understand is, that she is doing just that.

  Jude, too, is obsessed with his work and has no interest in dating, getting married, or having children. I think that’s what attracted me to him in the first place. No strings, no attachment, no pressure. It was just hot, casual, earth shattering, kinky sex that was a one-time thing in a moment of weakness.

  I don’t need a man.

  I never have.

  I have my battery operated friend, Steve, in my side table drawer. He and I go way back together. He never disappoints me or asks me to do anything for him in return. He doesn’t talk, except for his quiet hum, and when I’m done with him there’s no awkward silence afterward…should I stay, or should I go? He just goes straight back in my drawer. The best part about Steve is, he isn’t needy. If I don’t take him out for two or three days, he doesn’t care. On the flip side, he can also perform multiple times a day if needed.

  The problem with Jude is, our hot, casual, earth shattering, kinky, one-time sex turned into an obsession and something I found myself thinking about non-stop during working hours. At five o’clock when the employees started leaving, so did articles of my clothing. Jude and I were like feral cats and we pounced on each other the second the last employee was in the parking lot. Afterward, we got dressed, then we each went our separate ways…until five o’clock the following evening. The only question was, your office or mine.

  Two months ago Jude took a new job in Boston, at a very prestigious architect firm. That afternoon before he left, he called me up and wanted one last kink session. Instead, when he got to my office, I broke the news to him. He didn’t even flinch. He looked me in the eye and said he didn’t want any part of it, that it was my problem. He offered to do his share, by taking out a few hundred dollars out of his wallet. He then tossed it on my desk, so I could ‘take care of my problem.’ I didn’t even know what to say, so I didn’t say anything as I watched him turn his back to me and leave. I haven’t heard from him since and, honestly, I don’t ever want to. I could never just take care of the problem, but I know I don’t want to be a mother. So, I went into denial mode and I’ve just ignored it. Oh, I go to all my appointments and religiously take my vitamins, but I’ve stayed disconnected.

  I miss Shay, now that I don’t get to see her every day at work. She sort of breezed into my life like a breath of fresh air and we had been inseparable since her first day at the firm. Now it just seems like it’s missing something, it feels like the heart of the company is just gone. Selfishly, I sort of blame her for my being weak and sleeping with Jude in the first place. If she were here, I know for a fact I never would have slept
with Jude. She’s been busy with family for the holidays and I haven’t seen her in months.

  It’s late in the evening on Christmas day and I miss her. Above all that, I need her friendship right now. One of the Wellington clan, Chloe, gave birth to a baby very early this morning and I know they’ve all had a really long day. The entire family always gets together on Christmas morning for their Christmas exchange, but I’ve circled the block every hour on the hour, for the past five hours, waiting for their car to return in their driveway.

  This latest loop, they’ve finally returned, but instead of pulling in the driveway, I drive off and head to the grocery store. I can’t show up empty-handed. I grab a bottle of wine, a plastic container of gaudy sugar cookies, a fully cooked turkey… why a turkey? I don’t know. When I get to the register, my cart is half way full of things I don’t want and they most likely don’t need.

  I shove everything in my trunk and drive back to their house. I pull my car up next to theirs and shut off the engine. I grip onto the steering wheel and bury my head in my arms. This is not how my life is supposed to be. I’m a life-long career woman and I love my independence. I take a deep breath, get out, then grab the groceries out of the trunk. Call me crazy, but everything in my life is made into a challenging game, and these eleven plastic grocery bags are no different. They will make it into their house in one trip, even if I have to wrap one around my neck. I load up my arms, quickly walk to their door, and ring the doorbell with my elbow.

  Shay opens the door, looking as beautiful as ever. It’s not just the kind of beautiful that’s skin deep, her beauty exudes from deep within and radiates all around her.

  “Mia!” she screams, then lunges toward me and wraps her arms around my neck. She pulls away when she realizes I’m struggling with the fifty pounds of groceries. “Give me some of those,” she says, then takes a few bags and goes into the house.

  I continue to stand at the door, with the remaining bags in my hand, completely numb inside and out. A huge lump builds in my throat and my eyes fill with tears.

  I’m not a crier.

  I’ve been punched in the face in a drunken bar fight before and I laughed at the chick. I broke my leg skiing and even that didn’t make me cry.

  “What are you doing? Come in, it’s freezing out there,” she says, walking back to the door.

  I can’t hold the heavy bags in my hands any longer and they slip down my arms to my wrists. Shay’s eyes immediately go to my belly. My very pregnant, about to pop in less than a week, pregnant belly.

  I drop the bags on the ground, then bury my face in my hands as the pent up tears break free. I didn’t start showing until my seventh month of pregnancy, but even at that, I wear big sweaters and not a single soul knows, well except for my doctor and, of course, loser baby daddy, Jude.

  “Oh, Mia,” she says, wrapping her arms around me again. “Adrian, can you come get these bags please?” she shouts into the house, then urges me inside.

  I can’t even look at Adrian as he passes me, but I feel his eyes on me.

  “I’ve got them, Doll,” he whispers to Shay, grabs the bags and closes the door.

  I hear him go into the kitchen, then he quietly starts to put the groceries away. Shay sits me on the couch and wraps her arms around me. She holds me while I cry and, thank God, she doesn’t say a word to me.

  After twenty minutes of cathartic, soul cleansing tears, I lift my head from my hands and look at her. Her eyes aren’t filled with judgment or pity, they’re filled with friendship and love.

  “I made a mistake,” I tell her.

  “I’m here for you, whatever you need,” she replies.

  I look down to my stubby, bitten fingernails and I sigh.

  “What is it?” she asks, rubbing her hand on my shoulder.

  “I can’t keep this baby,” I tell her truthfully.


  I felt her distress the second I wrapped my arms around her in the doorway. I’ve never seen Mia like this. She’s always so determined and sure of herself. Nothing ever rattles her.

  Her silence right now speaks volumes.

  “I can’t keep this baby,” she says, running her hand up and down her lower back.

  The second her words are out of her mouth, my mind immediately goes to work. It’s like a bright light just went off and every single detail over the past nine months just fell into perfect place.

  My sister-in-law, Ava, is married to an amazing man, Jax. He has two daughters, Sky and Hope, who Ava adores. Before they were married, Ava was shot, which left her unable to bear children. Over the past year, even though she’s extremely happy with her new family, she misses not having a baby of her own.

  Last week, in private, she broke down and shared with me just how much she feels broken inside, not just literally, but physically. She feels selfish because she’s been given the blessing of Jax’s two daughters, but at the same time, she wants to experience raising a baby with Jax.

  Ava and I share the unbelievable joy of having adopted children, but I wholeheartedly understand what she’s going through. I told her she wasn’t being selfish. I know I can’t comprehend her situation, that it’s completely different than mine, but months ago I, too, felt broken when Adrian and I weren’t getting pregnant. I thought for sure I was just too old. I understand just what she’s feeling.

  “Ow,” Mia says, grabbing her back again.

  “What is it?” I ask, nervous.

  “My back, it’s killing,” she says, then hunches over. “Oh, God,” she says.

  “What?” I ask.

  “My water just broke,” she says. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry about your couch,” she says, looking at me with tears in her eyes.

  “Don’t worry about that! Let’s get you to the hospital,” I tell her.

  “NO!” she shouts.

  “Honey, we have to get you to a hospital,” I urge.

  “No! I can’t do this. I don’t want to do this! I don’t want it!” she cries.

  “You may not be ready, but this baby is definitely ready,” I say.

  “You don’t understand. Shay, I’m dead serious, I don’t want this,” she says, then sinks to the floor.

  She grabs her belly as a contraction hits, then she starts to hyperventilate.

  “Adrian, get in here!” I shout. “Help me get her in the car,” I shout toward the kitchen.

  Adrian comes running in the family room and immediately his face is splashed with terror.

  “NO! I’m not doing this! Just take me home. This is a mistake,” Mia yells.

  I get down on the floor with her and I put my hands on her knees.

  “It’s alright. I’m here. Take a deep breath,” I say in a calm, reassuring voice. “Adrian, go start the car,” I tell him.

  Adrian rushes out of the house, then she looks into my eyes and I see utter fear.

  “This isn’t a mistake,” I assure her. “We’re going to get through this together. Mia, honey, have you considered giving the baby up for adoption?” I ask.

  “It’s too late for that,” she says in pain.

  “It’s never too late. What if I told you this baby’s parents have been waiting their whole life for this moment,” I say.

  “What?” she asks, in a calmer voice.

  “This is going to sound crazy, but I know who this baby’s parents are meant to be.”

  “Who?” she asks.

  “Ava and Jax,” I tell her as another contraction hits.

  She breathes through it, then Adrian comes back into the house.

  “Let’s get you up and to the hospital,” he says, helping her off the floor.

  He helps her outside, then into the passenger seat. He walks me to the drivers seat and squeezes my hand.

  “I’ll get someone to come over and watch the kids, then I’ll be right there,” he says, then kisses me and closes the door.

  Mia is a trooper the entire way to the hospital. Once inside, she’s immediately registered and taken to a

  “Mia, I have to ask. Are you sure about this? You…”

  “I’m positive,” she interrupts. “Call Ava and Jax,” she finishes.

  I nod my head at her.

  “I’ll be just outside the door. If you need me just scream and I’ll run back in,” I tell her, then go out into the hallway.

  How do you make this call? I’m scared out of my ever-loving mind. I know how Ava feels and I know what she wants, but what about Jax? Is this something they’ve discussed or even want as a family?

  I dial Ava’s number and hold my breath.

  “Hi, Shay. What’s up?” Ava answers.

  “Ava,” is all I can say.

  “Shay, what’s wrong?” she asks scared.

  I don’t know what to say. I can’t even begin to think of the proper words to say to something so huge.

  “Do you remember my friend, Mia?” I finally ask.

  “Yes, of course. I wanted to rip her hair out of her head on our pond, ice skating when you ran into Adrian. It’s not a moment I’m proud of, but yes, I remember her. Why?” she answers.

  “She has a gift for you?” I say.

  “She does? That’s kind of weird. I can pick it up tomorrow, I guess,” she says.

  “It’s not that kind of gift. Do you remember our conversation last week?” I reply.

  Ava goes quiet on the other end, then quietly she answers, “Yes. I do.”

  “I firmly believe nothing ever happens that’s not meant to be. There’s always a reason. You’re dad said it best, ‘We have no control over destiny. It’s been written in the stars, each and every member of this family. We cannot see each star yet, but we welcome each and every one of them with love and open arms. A family is not limited to the blood that runs through their veins, but by the love that invisibly flows and binds each and every member.’ Mia has a very special gift for you,” I say.

  “Shay, what are you saying?” she asks in a shaky voice.


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