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Anyone but Him [A Dragon's Growl 12] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 2

by Marcy Jacks

  And yet here he was, and even with his hands tied behind his back in a knot that was surprisingly skilled, one he couldn’t seem to get out of because it tightened the more be struggled, he was a ball of lust.

  He was as helpless to that feeling as though he was still a teenager, struggling with the urge to jerk off four or five times a day.

  This was just like that. He wanted to be fucked. He wanted to be dominated. He’d never allowed himself the luxury of wanting something like that.

  Allowing himself to be dominated, to be taken, was putting himself at the mercy of someone else, and everyone knew that doing such a thing was a one-way ticket into an unmarked grave.

  He was going to do it anyway. Maybe he just had a kink for being tied up and he’d never known about it until now. That was a possibility. He wanted to be tied up, he wanted to be fucked, and he wanted it to happen from this dragon here.

  A man who had kidnapped him and threatened to hurt him.

  The universe was a bitch sometimes.

  Warren wiggled beneath the dragon. He raised his leg, hooking it around the dragon’s thigh, pulling him closer. Wanting him. Wanting him so badly even as he thrust against the man, both of them dry humping each other now as they kissed.

  That was it. That felt so damned good. The friction sent shockwaves of pleasure shooting all the way through his body. He moaned through the kiss, breaking it off and throwing his head back.

  The dragon growled down at him, and Warren heard the smile in his voice. “You like that?”

  It seemed pretty obvious that he did. Warren nodded anyway.

  “If…if this is a trick and you’re going to kill me—”

  “I won’t.”

  “Then make sure you do it after you’ve fucked me. It’s fucking cruel to get me going like this and off me before you get me off.”

  Warren hadn’t known there could be something crueler than the things he sometimes saw on a daily basis in the homes of his betters, but now he knew there was.

  He learned something new every day so long as he kept his eyes and ears open.

  The dragon growled again. This time, Warren didn’t detect a laugh in it.

  Whatever. That wasn’t Warren’s problem. The only thing he wanted was to be taken. He really wanted to get out of his clothes, but there wasn’t really anything he could do about that because, as talented as Warren knew he could be, he wasn’t talented enough to be able to undress himself while his hands were tied behind his back.

  That was some Houdini shit.

  “Get me out of these clothes,” he panted. “If you’re going to fuck me, then hurry up and get me out of these damned clothes!”

  He was getting too hot. He felt too restricted. These were his favorite boxers and T-shirt. Not that he had many sets of clothes, but these were by far his most comfortable, and right now there could have been thorns prickling through his clothes. They were that tight, that suffocating, and that itchy on him.

  Finally the dragon shifter deemed it was possible to do as he was asked.

  The blond-haired man pulled back, his hands pulling at the waist of Warren’s boxers, sliding them down, down, and down until they were off Warren’s feet.

  He wasn’t wearing shoes because when he’d been captured, those had been taken, too.

  His dick, finally exposed, sprung up and fell against his belly. He didn’t have to look down at it to know what he was going to see.

  Thick, hard, dark in color, especially around the head.

  And throbbing. That was important. He was getting blue balls here, and he needed something done about that yesterday.

  “Touch me.” Warren hated this. He hated that he was being reduced to begging. “Touch me, hurry up.”

  The dragon did. He nodded, his eyes sparkling as he leaned in for another kiss, his hand taking Warren by the root and stroking him.

  Warren moaned. He shivered. God, that was so good. He couldn’t believe how good it was. He would much rather feel the dragon’s mouth and tongue around the head and base of his cock, but he wasn’t in a mood to be picky.

  Anything this man wanted to do to him was more than acceptable as far as Warren was concerned.

  He fell back against the bed, the scent of his lust heavy in the air, and the scent of the dragon’s musk coming up and overpowering it.

  Warren inhaled it. He wasn’t sure how to describe the difference, but it was there, and it was incredibly intoxicating. He could really get used to this, and he pumped his hips into that fist, wanting more. Wanting so much more.

  “D-don’t suppose you’re going to let my hands loose?”

  Warren wanted to touch him back. He wanted to run his fingertips down that impressive body. The dragon was still wearing his clothes, and yet Warren already had an idea of what was beneath them.

  He had been grabbed and manhandled by the shifter enough to be aware of how he felt beneath the clothes.

  Warren wanted to see for himself what was beneath them, however. An impressive chest, beautiful abs. He wanted to touch them, to lick them, and even to bite.

  Right, he wasn’t going to lie that he did want a little bit more of the man’s blood.

  Warren wasn’t entirely a vampire, but it was his dominant trait, and the taste of this dragon shifter’s blood was going to his head.

  “Not a chance.”

  Warren growled, and he glared up at the man, feeling something suppressed within himself rising up to that challenge. “I want to touch you.”

  “And I don’t trust you.”

  The dragon’s hand gripped his hair again. It was painful, but also shockingly good.

  So, so good. “You’re lucky you’re even getting this.”

  Warren smiled at that. “Right, whatever. You can’t help yourself any more than I can.”

  The dragon growled at him. Warren growled back, and then his mouth was taken in another hard kiss.

  It wasn’t the touching he wanted to do, but it was much better than nothing, and Warren allowed himself to fall into it.

  He was pushed back down onto his back and then turned onto his belly.

  Warren grunted, and then he moaned again when the friction of the soft bedsheets beneath his cock had an effect.

  “Goddamn,” he sighed, pressing his face into the sheets.

  He looked back just as the shifter undid his belt, the metallic sound of zipper teeth being pulled apart, and then the dragon shoved his jeans down.

  Warren’s eyes widened at the sight of the man’s cock.

  To say he was impressive was an understatement.

  “Holy shit.”

  The dragon grinned. “Worried? Don’t tell me you’re a virgin?”

  Warren glared at him. “No!” he lied. “Just get to it.”

  As terrifying as the size of that man was, he was not about to let himself be cowed by something as simple as a cock.

  He’d seen them before, plenty of times, just none that he knew were going to be inside him, and none that big.

  The dragon reached out for the nightstand. He pulled out a small bottle from the little drawer.

  It looked like hand lotion.

  Warren wanted to snort. He’d half expected something a little less…stereotypical, but whatever. He was going to take what he could get, and he supposed he shouldn’t be too much of an ingrate if the shifter was going to bother preparing him at all.

  He felt the first touch of wet fingers against his hole. It was strange. Warren had played around with himself back there before, but these weren’t his own fingers, or an object he’d found useful, but was someone else entirely. Someone who really wanted to kill him.

  And maybe it was the excitement of it, that very reason that made Warren want to burst and come the instant those fingers touched his asshole, never mind how his body bucked and he struggled to contain himself when they pushed through his hole.

  “You’re tight,” The dragon purred. “Been a while, hasn’t it?”

  Warren nodded. It
felt good, and he was in a good mood. Might as well be honest. It had been a while since he’d touched himself.

  Right. He was strung up high because this dragon was in lust with him. It was having an impact on Warren’s body, and it had been a couple of weeks since Warren had masturbated. That explained this situation he was in nicely. He didn’t have to worry about anything else.

  This was a normal bodily reaction. He wasn’t mated. He just wanted to be fucked.

  Those fingers pushed deeper, slicking deep inside his body. It burned, especially when the dragon scissored his fingers. They were thick, and together they were thicker than anything else Warren had used.

  They still felt good, especially when the dragon expertly found Warren’s prostate.

  He threw his head back and moaned out loud. He didn’t care how loud he was being. He didn’t care if anyone heard him. He just had to shout it out loud.

  Except the dragon’s hand came around and slapped over his mouth, holding the noise in.

  “Shh!” the dragon hissed and then chuckled. “It’s bad enough I brought you up here. You can’t be making noises like that right now. Understand?”

  Warren nodded.

  “Gonna be quiet?”

  Those fingers stroked his prostate again, and Warren moaned, shaking his head.

  He was an excellent thief and assassin, and yet he knew that he wouldn’t have the strength to hold back the many noises he wanted to shout out while the dragon did this to him.

  “You’re a trembling mess. Should see yourself,” the dragon rasped out, and then he chuckled. “I thought you would have a little more finesse than this.”

  Warren growled at the man. He wanted to prove him wrong, to show him that he could have finesse and he could be in control of himself.

  Ninety percent of the time, that was exactly the case and perfectly true.

  It just didn’t seem to be the case right now, and it was entirely his fault.

  “Just shut up and finish this.”

  He couldn’t stand it. He couldn’t stand the fact that he was overcome with this intense lust, that it was taking away his sense of control, that he could barely force himself to function right when all he wanted to do was get off.

  Even when he was horny, he could still control himself. He could still act like a normal person. He’d never been this…wound up before.

  The fingers left his body. Warren groaned from the sudden loss he felt. He glanced back, a terrified thought popping into his head that maybe the dragon was just going to leave him like this instead of having sex with him.

  He probably shouldn’t have bothered making himself worry so much because, when he did look back, it was to the sight of the dragon shifter slathering his huge cock with that lotion, and when their eyes met, the blond smiled at him.

  It was hardly a friendly smile. “When we’re done, you and I are going to figure out how to deal with this.”

  Warren nodded, though he couldn’t help but throw a jab at the man. “Does this mean you’re not going to throw me out into the sun?”

  He heard the low growling noise rising up in the dragon shifter’s chest.

  “No.” He leaned down, curling his arm around Warren’s chest, and then Warren cried out from the sudden intensity of feeling and pleasure as he was stretched wide open and entered.

  It burned, and it hurt, but the pain was nothing compared to the sudden pleasure. The man’s cock touched everywhere inside him that could be reached, and Warren’s legs trembled from the rush of sensation, as though he was being played like an instrument. This man had all the control over him.

  The dragon grunted behind him, as though he was also adjusting to the feeling that just took over. “No one’s doing anything to you except for me.”

  He then seemed to get his bearings, right before he pulled his hips back and then slammed them forward again.

  Chapter Three

  He was tight. And hot. Lasius pounded into him again and again, his inner dragon coming out to join them. He was unable to stop it.

  And it was so damned good. He couldn’t describe how good it was because he didn’t have the vocabulary to invent new words for mind shattering or earthshaking.

  His. His and no one else’s. He didn’t care if the entire house came down on him for this. This was his mate, and he wasn’t going to let anyone in the house hurt him.

  If Lucian could have a vampire mate, then Lasius could, too.

  The way the vampire moaned for him was especially sweet, his hole clenching tighter around his cock as he slid forward and back, fucking into him hard.

  Warren threw his head back, his eyes clenching shut as he moaned. He couldn’t seem to push back against Lasius thanks to the positioning they were in, but Lasius was perfectly aware of the way his mate continued thrusting down into the mattress itself. As though he was trying to get more pleasure for himself.

  Lasius smiled through the lust. He liked that. He liked knowing he could bring this proud vampire to his knees.

  Figuratively speaking, of course, though it would be happening soon enough.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  When Lasius had first seen his face, it was as though someone had knocked the wind out of him. Lasius had nearly killed his own mate in the scuffle outside. It was only by sheer accident that he’d yanked the man’s mask off and was able to get a look at him, was able to take in his scent.

  When that happened, everything had changed. His world tilted, and he’d been angry, but now he didn’t care. He didn’t care about the consequences, and he didn’t care what anyone said or did.

  He didn’t even care if Warren tried to kill him later on down the road. Lasius was going to deal with it.

  He propped himself up onto his hands, staring down intently at the back of Warren’s head. Their bodies were still sloppily half off the bed, which allowed Lasius to dig his feet into the carpet and really punch his hips forward.

  Their flesh smacked together. The scent of musk in the room became heavier, and his mate moaned and trembled as though he was on the verge of losing himself to the pleasure.

  Somehow, it still wasn’t enough, and Lasius growled. “Tell me you want it.”

  He fucked into his mate harder, loving the way Warren moaned for him, the way he seemed helpless against the pleasure.

  It should have been enough of an answer, but of course, it wasn’t.

  “Say it.”

  The vampire gritted his teeth and growled back at him, which was a beautiful sound. Lasius loved that noise and the defiant way his mate glared at him before he gave his answer.

  “I want it.”

  Something pleasant rumbled deep in Lasius’s chest. The dragon was pleased. He tightened his grip around Warren’s chest, slamming his hips forward harder, knowing full well he was pushing Warren’s cock down into the sheets, giving him even more pleasure from both ends.

  “That’s right, you want this, don’t you?”

  “Yeah,” Warren moaned, his eyes closing as the pleasure seemed to become too much for him to handle.

  Then his body tightened. The sounds of his cries in the room became sharper, and Lasius was able to recognize how his body reacted, the way he was so close to the edge.

  Close to coming for him.

  “Do it, baby, come for me.” Lasius groaned when the man’s hole tightened sweetly around his cock. “I want to feel it.”

  No sooner had those words been out of his mouth than Lasius’s already tense body tightened even further, and he shouted, a broken cry as his body trembled in a way that could mean only one thing.

  Lasius smelled the scent of his musk and orgasm after. It was more difficult for the scent to reach him because it was being absorbed into the sheets—fuck, he was going to have to change the sheets—but when that smell did make it to Lasius’s nose, he knew full well that he wasn’t going to hold back much longer.

  And he didn’t want to. Lasius didn’t bother trying as he pumped his hips ha
rd and fast. He pulled back enough so he could look down and watch the way his cock vanished again and again inside of Warren’s body.

  Even as he was so close to orgasm, Lasius felt the need to laugh at himself.

  He was fucking a vampire and enjoying it. That was something he’d never thought he would be doing in a million years.

  He had a nice ass, too. Lasius slapped it, gripped it, and plunged into it with a mechanical speed and precision until his body could no longer contain the pleasure that had been building within him.

  Lasius groaned, his balls tightening, releasing, his release shooting deep inside of Warren’s body, marking him with Lasius’s cum.

  And Lasius couldn’t stop fucking into him. He just couldn’t hold himself back. He slammed his hips harder and faster, milking himself of his orgasm, making sure he lost every drop of himself into the man beneath him.

  When he finished, his legs and arms trembled to the point where he could barely hold himself up.

  He practically fell on top of Warren, only stopping himself because he didn’t want to give the man that kind of intimacy.

  Lasius had forgotten for a split second that Warren was the enemy. Now that he was coming down off the high of his pleasure, it was impossible to forget.

  If he got too close, would Warren bite his throat out? Probably best if he didn’t take that kind of risk.

  “Fuck,” Lasius gasped.

  His cock was still hard, still twitching, and he knew for a fact that it had nothing to do with his body’s normal reactions.

  He could stay hard after an orgasm, but that didn’t mean he wanted to get off again, or that he could.

  Though, to be honest, for the most part, he could.

  No, this was different. Lasius recognized the difference for what it was with the sheer intensity of his body’s reaction.

  He wanted to fuck again. He could do it, too. His body buzzed, ready for it. He could start thrusting right now and build himself back up to another orgasm, and it would be fucking amazing.


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