Anyone but Him [A Dragon's Growl 12] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Anyone but Him [A Dragon's Growl 12] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 4

by Marcy Jacks

  He needed a shower in that time. Badly.

  Seth nodded. “Right. Hurry up.”

  Lasius beat feet to the door. Right, he wasn’t going to stick around here for long if he could help it.

  Chapter Five

  Two weeks into being a prisoner in this house and Warren was not pleased.

  He was supposed to have found a way of getting out of here by now. He was supposed to have escaped, be long gone from this place a long time ago.

  No. He was still stuck here. The fact that he wasn’t allowed to wear clothes unless they were given to him was somewhat of a pain in the ass.

  He’d told the truth to Lasius that first day when he’d come to be here. Warren had escaped some pretty nasty situations before, under much worse conditions than this.

  Not having any clothes should have been no problem.

  Except, the longer he stayed here, the more he was shamed by it.

  Lasius had tied him up and went to speak with his friends. Warren hadn’t been able to escape his bonds in time before the man returned. Given another hour, he might have been able to wiggle his wrists free and then untie his neck.

  No, he didn’t have that kind of time, and when Lasius returned, steam practically rising out of his ears, he untied Warren quickly and dragged him into the shower.

  That seemed to be enough to make Warren’s body melt against the man, and instead of thinking about escape, he became a pliant little kitten.

  Humiliating. So humiliating. He didn’t have the words to describe how much he’d hated that. Worse, he’d thought Lasius was going to fuck him again, which would have been great because one of the biggest reasons Warren had wanted to wiggle his hands free was because of the way his damned dick hadn’t settled down in the time when Lasius had been gone.

  Two weeks later and it still hadn’t. He was trapped in this damned bedroom with a raging hard-on that Lasius refused to do anything about.

  Even in that shower. Warren expected to be kissed, to be stroked, to be thrown against the tiled wall, his feet spread apart as he was taken the way he really wanted to be.

  Nope. Lasius washed his back, touched his shoulders, his thighs. Warren thought he was going to get what he needed, but then Lasius had growled at him and then…nothing.

  Worse than that, his lust had been so great even from the touching and washing that Warren had nearly asked the man to do it anyway. That small amount of physical contact had almost made him snap.

  He held back.

  Warren growled as he paced around Lasius’s bedroom.

  Maybe that was one of the reasons why Warren refused to leave this room now. He was pretty sure Lasius wasn’t even locking the door.

  Warren just didn’t want to go waltzing through the house, searching for a method of escape, when he was constantly hard and smelling of lust.

  No matter how many times he touched himself, it wasn’t enough, and whenever Lasius returned from…wherever it was that he went, Warren looked at the man expectantly, hoping that, finally, now would be the time when the dragon would take him.

  It never happened.

  Warren clenched and unclenched his fists before running his fingers through his hair. The only time he was permitted to wear clothing was when the red dragon wanted to talk to him or that half-breed. Warren knew the man could tell there was something off about him. He probably suspected that Warren was something other than a vampire, but Warren wasn’t about to spill that little secret.

  It was not the man’s damned business as far as Warren was concerned.

  They’d asked him plenty of questions while Lasius stood off to the side, watching, waiting for something Warren couldn’t give.

  Namely because he didn’t want to be skinned alive and fed to Varrick’s dogs. He’d seen that shit happen, and he wasn’t willing to let anyone do that to him.

  So he’d said nothing then, and he’d barely allowed himself to speak a word since.

  Which didn’t help the fact that he was basically a walking, talking erection at this point. Much as his balls were tight and his cock pointed up at him accusingly, he didn’t bother with reaching down to do anything about it.

  There was no point. He would just be hard again in a few minutes, back in the same place, only it would be a hard crash that would leave him strangely depressed and even weakened. He hated falling into that pit.

  Where the fucking hell was Lasius? He needed to get back here right now.

  Lasius refused to touch him, but the ache was still eased when the man was in the same room. There was always that small miracle to be grateful for.

  Warren pressed his forehead against the wall.

  This was the true reason why he’d stopped bothering with the idea of escape. He knew, he knew it right now in the pit of his stomach, that if he got out of this house during the night, he would be pulled right back here because this was where Lasius was.

  The man said they were mated.

  No such thing. No such thing!

  The door clicked and opened. Warren turned sharply just as Lasius walked into the bedroom, finally. The utter prick.

  “Where were you?”

  Lasius glanced up sharply at him. There was a spot of blood on his forehead that Warren noticed immediately. Not just because of his vampire nature, but the bright red against that golden-blond hair was a stark contrast.

  “What happened?” Warren approached quickly then stopped before he could make it halfway there.

  And he was suddenly angry with himself, and with Lasius.

  Angry with himself for nearly running to the man like a worried lover and at Lasius for making him feel those things.

  “You’re bleeding. What happened to you?”

  “Scuffle outside. Don’t worry about it.”

  Of course Warren was going to worry about it. Lasius was an idiot if he thought Warren wouldn’t. “A scuffle with your dragon friends? Or with Varrick’s men?”

  Warren wasn’t important enough to warrant a rescue, and Varrick had all but given up on getting his son back. This would have been a full-on attack if it had been from Varrick.

  Lasius walked to the mirror over his dresser. He hadn’t taken it away for some reason, trusting that Warren wouldn’t break it and use the shards as weapons. “It wasn’t the bloodsuckers, relax.”

  He dabbed at the cut with his finger, cursed, then went into the bathroom and ran the sink.

  Warren followed him.

  He watched with crossed arms as the man who was calling himself Warren’s mate dipped his hands beneath the running water and splashed his face.

  That just seemed to make the blood flow a little more.

  Lasius cursed, reached into the cupboard beneath the sink, and pulled out a first aid kit.

  Warren had already looked through it. All the sharp things had been removed. Lasius pulled out a cotton ball and wet it with some alcohol. He dabbed the cut.

  “Your friends fighting over the bloodsucker in the house?”

  Lasius didn’t answer.

  Warren struggled with the sudden need he had to go over there, to take that cotton ball and start tending to the wound above Lasius’s eyebrow and the other one he hadn’t noticed in the man’s hairline.

  The claws had apparently come out when he’d been getting his ass handed to him.

  “You don’t have to answer me if you don’t want to, but I know it’s obvious.”

  “If you really wanted to help, you could start by talking to them.” Lasius’s eyes met Warren’s in the mirror. Those eyes were cold, distant, just as they had always been.

  And it was still enough to make Warren’s heart ache.

  He sucked it up and squashed it down.

  “Maybe I would talk if you all weren’t such pussies about everything.”

  Lasius slowly lowered his hand. His fingers gripped the edge of the sink, and just then, Warren was reminded of the strength in the dragon shifter’s body. His tight, thick muscles looked more tense than usual.
r />   Like stone. Something that could hurt even him if Lasius really wanted to.

  “You telling me you want me to torture you to get you to talk? Because you’re pissing me off enough that I could think of a couple things.”

  That thumping, aching feeling in Warren’s heart started up again. He embraced it. This was what he’d been looking for. Proof that this mating things was bullshit. Warren was just…being manipulated by all of this. It didn’t mean anything, especially since mated pairs liked to harp on about how they never wanted to hurt each other.

  If Warren could get Lasius to hurt him, then it was the proof he needed to let all of this go.

  Lasius pushed away from the sink. He walked to where Warren stood, getting into his personal space, and Warren hated how the man was taller than he was, broader in the shoulders.

  He was intimidating in his silence. Intimidating with that frosty expression in his eyes.

  He could give any of Warren’s associates a run for their money with a stare like that.

  Medusa’s glare could turn any man into stone. Lasius seemed almost capable of doing the exact same thing.

  Only without the snake hair.

  “You’re suddenly quiet now. Go on, tell me about how you want me to hurt you.”

  Warren steeled himself. “You want to, so why not do it?”

  The man’s lips thinned, and even though Warren had been literally asking for it, he was still shocked when Lasius grabbed Warren by the throat, spun him around so his back hit hard against the door, and then his mouth descended.

  A kiss! This wasn’t the attack Warren thought it was going to be, but it left him just as helpless as anything else the man could have done to him.

  The warm strength of that mouth took him completely by surprise, and then it stole away all the defenses Warren had built up around himself.

  Days of mediation and planning for this exact event had left him unprepared. He’d thought he would be able to handle it if the dragon kissed and touched him again. Not so. He was a long ways away from being a master of his own body if this was how he was going to react.

  Lasius grabbed Warren by his wrists, yanking them high above his head and holding them in place with one large, powerful grip.

  His other hand roamed, sliding down Warren’s body, and his cock swelled with interest until he was throbbing hard beneath his pants.

  Lasius’s body, firm, warm, powerful, and pressing against him like this was his Kryptonite. He couldn’t resist. Too helpless, and he moaned the most embarrassing little sound when he felt the length of Lasius’s firm cock pressing against his thigh.

  He was a helpless little kitten when put up against this man’s touch. Warren never wanted to be helpless. Even when he was being tortured and hurt, he was still in control because he knew what to give and what to take.

  This was different. There was no control here because Warren was totally at Lasius’s mercy.

  It was beyond frightening. Even the pleasure couldn’t erase the terror a thought like that brought about within him.

  But even with his heart pounding, his body trembling, and his mind racing to a million thoughts a minute, none of it mattered because he still wanted more.

  Maybe he was a masochist?

  Lasius continued to kiss him in what soon felt more like a crushing of their mouths together instead of a real kiss, but Warren was still willing to take it because, goddamn, it was good.

  Lasius pulled back with a heavy gasp, his lips pinker than usual, his cheeks flushed, and his breath warm against Warren’s face, but that glare was still in his eyes as he stared down at Warren almost hatefully.

  “Why you? Why did it have to be you?”

  That pain in his heart returned. It felt worse than that one time when he’d been caught by a neighboring vampire family Varrick had sent him after and they’d played around happily beneath his fingernails trying to get him to talk.

  He didn’t think anything could hurt more than that.

  Then Lasius kissed him again, and Warren let him. He kissed the man back because it was the balm he needed to soothe away the heat of his pain.

  He couldn’t wrap his arms around the dragon’s neck, so he settled with curling one of his legs around the man’s thigh, trying to pull him closer, thrusting against him in a sloppy, humpy sort of way that probably didn’t look as sexy as he felt right then.

  He didn’t care if this man hated him, hated that he’d apparently mated with the enemy. Warren felt pretty much the same as he did the night when Lasius had first brought him into this room.

  Hot. Bothered. And he wanted the man’s cock inside him to bring that aching sensation to its desired result.

  When Lasius rumbled a moan against Warren’s mouth, he was pretty sure he had the man right where he wanted him. Lasius let go of Warren’s wrists. He dropped them gratefully, blood flowing back into his hands so he could wrap his arms around that strong neck like he’d really wanted.

  Lasius pulled back from the kiss again, a warning growl rumbling meanly up his throat.

  “If you bite me, I’ll make you regret it.”

  Warren growled back at the man. “I didn’t forget.” His fingers reached down as he fumbled with Lasius’s belt and zipper, the metal teeth grinding as he pulled the fly open and shoved Lasius’s pants down. “You barely feed me as it is.”

  “Uh-huh,” Lasius said, not a hint of caring in his voice as he apparently decided he wasn’t going to take the risk that Warren would bite him and forcefully turned him around to face the door. “Yeah, poor you. Life is hard. You’re lucky you’re even alive right now, you know that?”

  “I’ve always been lucky to be alive,” Warren snapped back, biting his lower lip when Lasius shoved his pants down, freeing his cock, that large hand sweetly touching Warren’s prick. Stroking him.

  Not that he needed to. Warren was ready to burst as it was.

  “Being here is no different,” he said, unable to stop the little moan that tumbled out of his throat.

  “Uh-huh,” Lasius said again, as if that was supposed to be his catchphrase in the middle of sex.

  Then Warren understood why. It was because he was just a touch distracted as something wet and slick touched Warren’s hole.

  He tensed, quickly glancing back. “What the…” He looked at the bottle of clear gel in Lasius’s hand. It was a tiny bottle, and Warren had to wonder if the man had honestly just reached into one of the drawers and pulled it out when Warren hadn’t noticed, or if he’d actually been carrying that around with him.

  The thought of him carrying around a little travel bottle of lube was funny. Enough that Warren laughed a little, even as he moaned from that sweet feeling of being touched again after so long.

  “You’ve been thinking about this, haven’t you?” Warren asked, not to tease the man so much. But there was something about knowing he’d been so wanted, so desired, that Lasius had been torturing himself by carrying around that bottle, waiting for this moment, that tickled Warren somewhere deep inside.

  Lasius grunted, as though his fingertips touching Warren’s pucker was giving him as much pleasure as it was giving to Warren.

  Maybe it was.

  “Not that I mind,” Warren said, and he threw his head back and decided to just let himself enjoy this.

  He wondered if it would be as good as the first time. That was supposed to be another trait of mated pairs. They thought they had the best sex in the world, and while Warren thought for sure that the first time he’d been with Lasius had been mind-blowing, the second time would prove there was something to this.

  One of those fingers pushed inside his channel, wiggling, touching his inner walls and making him sigh with pleasure.

  “God, that’s…crazy.”

  It was just one finger, and it felt almost as good as having the man’s cock inside him.

  Almost. He was definitely close to coming again. He might not even be able to hold out until Lasius was inside him.

p; He thrust back against that finger, sighing when a second finger was added.

  “So tight,” Lasius moaned, and Warren felt the blunt, wet head of his cock sliding against Warren’s cheeks then his crack, as though Lasius was teasing himself.

  He must have been, and it had definitely gotten Warren hot and bothered because now he was a trembling mess.

  “I can’t hold out,” he gasped, and then he clenched his teeth and fingers on the door as the fucked back against Lasius’s fingers and into the man’s fist.

  He came, spilling into Lasius’s fingers, and even on the door a little. It was a shock that it happened so fast, but he supposed that was to be expected when he was still recovering from a two-week drought.

  Touching himself hadn’t counted.

  He glanced back, strands of his hair sticking to his forehead, and he was pleased to see the way Lasius stroked a ridiculous amount of lube onto his cock, making it shiny and wet just before the man kicked Warren’s feet farther apart.

  Warren sighed. “God, yeah, hurry up.”

  “Eager,” Lasius said, one arm sliding around his waist, the head of his prick nudging against his hole before warm breath puffed in his ear. “I like that.”

  Warren nodded. “Never been so eager for it. Do it.”

  Lasius did. The push inside burned, but in the best possible way. It didn’t outright hurt, and somehow, Warren knew he was in good hands.

  Warren had heard the stories from the sex slaves. He’d seen a few of them crying from time to time as they tried to mend each other. Out of pity, he would pretend to drop a few fresh bandage rolls and cotton balls in front of their doors as he did his patrols at night. That didn’t happen often, but he was glad he’d done it, despite the shitstorm that could have fallen on him if he’d been caught.

  As Lasius’s mate—and he still wasn’t admitting that such a thing was real or that it was happening to him—didn’t that make him essentially Lasius’s little sex slave? The man could want any number of things from Warren, and it seemed Warren was going to be forever at the man’s mercy because he was going to be ready and willing to be fucked whenever Lasius happened to want him.


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