Anyone but Him [A Dragon's Growl 12] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Anyone but Him [A Dragon's Growl 12] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 5

by Marcy Jacks

  Lasius could be into all kinds of terrible shit. He could be into tying Warren up and letting him hang from the ceiling with his mouth gagged, eyes sewn shut, being fucked to within an inch of his life, and Warren would still want it.

  Thank God the man seemed to be kind of vanilla. Maybe it was good karma for those bandages.

  Good karma or not, Warren wasn’t sure what it was he’d done to deserve having such a generous lover. For a man that continued to growl and grumble about how he wished he didn’t have Warren for a mate, this was the second time they were fucking, and just like the first, it was pleasurable. It was something Warren relaxed into as he felt himself pushing back against Lasius’s chest, his body aching for more.

  The door banged against the wall almost comically. Warren was desperate for something to hang onto, but he couldn’t seem to get a proper grip. He tried reaching for the doorknob, but that didn’t help either, and the banging noises were amplified by the fact that the bathroom was all tiled floors and walls.

  The noises bounced. Everyone in the house probably heard him, and Lasius didn’t care. He didn’t care how badly he was probably embarrassing himself. He just wanted more.

  More. More. More.

  “That’s it,” Lasius growled, kissing the side of his throat, a possessive tone in his voice. “Just like that. I knew you wanted this.”

  Had Warren been moaning out loud? Shit. Begging for more wasn’t going to go well with his desire to be aloof and distant.

  Whatever. He was going to worry about that later. Right now…right now, he just wanted to focus on the now. Nothing else. Because there was nothing else.

  Warren felt it when Lasius’s pleasure came to a head. He could tell by the way the man grunted more deeply than before, by the way he fucked into Warren with a mechanical speed, harder and faster than ever before.

  Then Warren felt it, the hot, wet seed of the man behind him spilling deep inside his body.

  And Warren moaned. He’d wanted that. That was important. He wasn’t entirely sure why, but having the other man come inside him seemed incredibly important in that moment.

  He panted for breath, his body feeling incredibly sensitive, almost painfully, so even as he fucked back into Lasius’s still-hard cock, he was trying to bring himself to orgasm again.

  Lasius’s hands on Warren’s hips, stalling him, made him gasp for breath when the dragon shifter pulled out of him.

  Warren thought nothing of it at first. Especially when Lasius turned him around, took him by the chin, and kissed him hard on the mouth, his tongue coming forward and sliding against Warren’s in a possessive, sexy stroke.

  But then, that, too, was gone, and Lasius stepped back, as though thinking about something.

  Warren blinked, not understanding what was happening. He reached for the man and grabbed him by his hands, pulling him closer. “Okay, finish what you started.”

  Lasius pulled his hands back quickly, as though he couldn’t bear to be touched by Warren.

  And now Warren was starting to feel pretty stupid, standing there with his pants down, his dick still hard, being stared at by this man who proclaimed to hate him again and again.

  Warren glared at him, getting his defenses to come back up so he could yell at the man when Lasius, all of a sudden, grabbed Warren around the waist and threw him over his shoulder.

  “What are you doing?” Warren tried to roll off the man, then to hit him, but Lasius seemed to know all the right ways to keep his grip on Warren without letting him get the shots in that he wanted. He kicked his feet out of his pants and walked out of the bathroom.

  “Put me down!” It was lucky enough that Warren’s dick hadn’t been hurt. He was still hard, and he’d nearly slammed his cock the wrong way against the man’s powerful shoulder.

  Lasius did eventually drop him, but it wasn’t in the way that Warren wanted him to. He let Warren flop down onto the bed and then was on top of him. He straddled Warren, preventing him from moving, holding him down, staring at him with that cold expression on his face.

  It was such a shock to see that look on his face that, for a moment, Warren was completely disarmed by it. Then he felt Lasius grabbing him by his wrists, and he started to fight. “Let go!”

  Lasius didn’t. He brought Warren’s hands over his head again, holding them down onto the sheets and pillows, preventing him from moving.

  Warren glared at him. “Should’ve known the act wouldn’t last long.”

  Lasius glared back at him. “You’ve got some sick fantasies in your head, don’t you?”

  “You’re the one holding me down, you stupid fuck!”

  Lasius’s mouth tightened. His free hand clenched into a fist, but he seemed to regain control before using it.

  “You are going to give Seth the information he wants about Varrick’s new house. You’re going to tell him about how the guards work, when they change shifts, how many there are, what kind of training they get, and most importantly, you’re going to tell me every little detail I want to know about you.”

  “Or what?” Warren snapped. “You can’t do anything to me that no one else has already done. So do your damned worst!”

  Something flickered in Lasius’s eyes at those words, but then it was gone again.


  Lasius let his free hand slid down Warren’s body. Even with how furious Warren was with him, with everything, the heated touch of the man’s fingers against the bare skin of his belly, and then down his pelvis, touching his cock, made him shiver and suck back a deep breath.

  Lasius seemed to watch this reaction with a note of pleasure in his eyes. “Or I won’t get you off again.”

  Lasius took a moment to take in Warren’s reaction to this news. Warren tried not to react at all, but he wasn’t going to deny that, in that moment, it was kind of a horrifying thought.

  “I’ll keep you on the edge for hours if I have to. I know I won’t be fucking you, but I’ll still be able to touch you.”

  “Get off me. Don’t touch me.”

  “What? You mean like this?” Lasius’s hand curled around Warren’s cock. The pressure wasn’t enough to make Warren lose control, but it was enough to remind him of how close to orgasm he’d been before Lasius had pulled out of his body.

  And Warren’s stupid body, traitor that it was, arched and thrust up into that hand, giving himself away.

  “You want me to touch you.”

  “N-no, I don’t. You’re just…you’re just sick.”

  “Said by the man who was willing to break into the house where I and three dozen omegas sleep. You were going to kill people. You were going to take some of the omegas, probably Miles, back to Varrick to be put back to work, so you don’t get to talk about what’s sick.”

  Lasius pulled his hand back, sitting up just enough to stare down at Warren. “Besides, don’t flatter yourself. I want to fuck you, but I’m not about to rape you. You, on the other hand, well, I don’t want to know what kind of twisted things you were doing to the omegas you had to watch over.”

  A new rage filled Warren’s gut. Rage that was fueled on by the hurt that Lasius could think something so dark about him.

  “Probably getting your work benefits out of some of them on your time off or something.” Lasius mouth twisted, his nose scrunching as though he was disgusted. “Christ, I don’t even like thinking about it. It’s hard enough to look at you—”

  “Fuck you! I’m not telling you anything! I’ll never tell you anything! You goddamned bastard!”

  And he wouldn’t. He wasn’t going to tell this complete asshole what he wanted to know, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to tell him that he’d been a virgin before this all started.

  Not that the man would believe it anyway. He’d clearly made up his mind about what Warren was.

  “Uh-huh.” That hand stroked his cock again, and Warren shivered, his orgasm building again, even through the anger. He could smell the musk of Lasius, the naked skin and…and…he
still wanted him.

  Warren wanted to get off. Whatever state of mind this was, Lasius had played his cards well because he was going to keep Warren here until he sang like a bird.

  And Warren already knew that he would sing. If Lasius was patient enough, Warren would crack. He’d crack because as much as he hated this man right now, he wanted him.

  Warren wanted Lasius, wanted his approval, wanted his touch so badly that it was hurting. Physically, emotionally, all of it.

  “Tell me you want me to put you out of your misery, and I will,” Lasius promised, leaning down and pushing up the T-shirt Warren wore. His mouth and tongue played with Warren’s exposed nipples.

  Even that felt good. Good enough that Warren’s betraying body arched up into that mouth.

  “Just tell me what I want to hear, and I’ll make it better for you.”

  He was so fucked.

  Chapter Six

  Lasius wasn’t going to lie. He was shocked, and impressed.

  An hour and a half. The longest hour and a half of his life of sitting above his mate, kissing him, teasing him, touching him, keeping him on the brink.

  There were a couple of times when Lasius had thought he’d gone too far, that he was going to make the man come with his fingers or tongue alone. Warren was good at hiding his reactions to things. He was able to keep his face impassive through much of it.

  Though there were other times when the man was strikingly beautiful when his lips parted and he threw his head back and moaned.

  So beautiful that it hurt to not be inside him again.

  No. That wasn’t the point to this. That wasn’t what Lasius was going to do. This was just about denying Warren.

  Denying him that two weeks had apparently done nothing but make them both frustrated, and Lasius, and the other dragons in this house, needed their answers. They needed to get to the bottom of what Varrick was up to, and that meant taking some drastic measures.

  Lasius had been sweating by the time Warren demanded to be fucked. Not just demanding but begging, promising to tell him whatever it was Lasius wanted to hear so long as Lasius would put him out of his misery.

  It might have been the smarter move to hold back, to make Warren talk before Lasius slid back into his tight little body and made the bed shriek with protest and the lamp shade rock back and forth on the lamp as he gave both of them what they needed, but Lasius had been thinking with his dick at that point.

  Warren begged, so Lasius gave. When Warren got off, he begged again, so Lasius gave it to him again.

  Three orgasms later for the both of them and it felt more as though he’d drained both of their energy levels completely dry.

  Lasius flopped down next to his mate, panting for breath, his body wet with sweat and the entire room smelling of their sex, and it was only then that he realized his mistake.

  Shit. Now that Warren had gotten what he wanted, he could easily choose to not say a damned word.

  Lasius had growled, expecting the man to wander back into his stubborn shell, but when Lasius looked at him, Warren refused to look back.

  “Go get your alpha. I’ll tell him what he wants to know.”

  Lasius frowned. He pushed himself up onto his elbows, staring down at the man, confused. “Just like that?”

  Warren glared at him. “That was the deal, wasn’t it?”

  “Well, yeah, I just didn’t think you’d—” He cut himself off before he could say something that would insult the man and put them back at square one.

  Unfortunately, Warren caught that and had apparently finished what Lasius had been about to say in his head.

  “Just go and get your alpha! Hurry up before I do change my mind!”

  “All right, all right.” Lasius pulled himself out of bed, feeling better than he had since Warren had come to this house. He got dressed. No time to shower off the sweat and lust that still clung to his body like a sticky perfume. He kind of wanted the entire house to know what he smelled like anyway, especially Marxus, who had fought with him earlier.

  Lasius got some clothes for Warren. He would need them now that he was going to be talking.

  As he dressed, from the corner of his eye, he noted the way Warren put his clothes back on, how he wouldn’t face Lasius.

  As though he was hurt.

  Lasius’s gut clenched. Had he gone too far? Was it even possible to go too far with someone like his mate? A killer? Even if he wasn’t a killer, he was someone who worked for killers.

  Lasius scrolled through everything he’d done in that bed with Lasius. Nothing hadn’t been consensual, but he supposed he could see the negative emotions that would be associated with withholding an orgasm from a mate in the middle of a mating heat.

  Warren wasn’t an innocent, and Lasius hadn’t hurt him. He’d just made the man work for his relief. That was all.

  That was what he’d told himself when he left to get Seth.

  James had insisted on coming along again, as well. Seth invited the two humans along, Josh and Zane, to once again get their perspectives on the situation.

  When Lasius returned, he was just shocked when Warren was finally cooperating with everyone.

  He didn’t change his mind. He sat quietly while Seth and the others came into the room, and he didn’t back out of the deal.

  Lasius’s heart gave another little twist at the thought of how callous he’d been. He’d thought for sure Warren would back out of the deal. After all, what did a vampire like him know of honor?

  It didn’t happen, but what did happen was Warren asked to be able to speak without Lasius in the room.

  Lasius tensed, a fury rising up within him that he would be asked to leave his own bedroom while several other men remained alone with his mate.

  Seth, however, put him in his place and did it quickly. “We’re not going to gang up on him and beat him. You don’t have to be here to protect him.”

  Lasius wasn’t so sure that was what he needed to worry about.

  He stared at Warren with suspicion, and curiosity, and he eventually left the room.

  What the fuck? Why did he have to come out here and stand in the hallway like this? It was such bullshit. He could hardly believe that a man like Warren had such delicate sensibilities that he would want to be away from Lasius.

  Lasius put his ear up to the door a couple of times, just to make sure everything was going smoothly. He didn’t do that enough to be accused of spying, not really, but at the same time, it was good to hear calm and rational voices whenever Lasius did get a little too close.

  Sometimes he heard Seth speaking, and other times it was Warren, and even a few times after that, it was James.

  The mood in the room seemed somber, but there was nothing to suggest Warren was being intimidated or harmed.

  So why ask him to leave?

  It was another hour later when Seth and the others emerged. Lasius stepped back from the door, as he’d been about ready to get close to it again so he could listen in on what was possibly happening.

  He was shocked to see Warren standing with Seth. Well, not with him, but he was definitely next to the man, James on his other side, with Josh and Zane behind him.

  They looked as though they were getting ready to escort a prisoner.

  “What’s going on?”

  Seth looked down at Warren and then at Lasius. “We’re going to set up a meeting with the others in the house. Call the others to the library. We’re going to plan out our attack.”

  * * * *

  “Right, are we seriously going to trust the word of a bloodsucker? No offense, Sorin.”

  “None taken,” Sorin said, sounding tired as he sat next to his mate.

  Lucian growled at Marxus.

  Lasius growled at him, too.

  “You know, I know you don’t like Warren.”

  Marxus snorted, crossing his arms.

  Lasius continued. “But maybe you should think about keeping your stupid mouth shut about the whole bloodsucker thi
ng. Sorin’s a vampire, too.”

  “Right, and he’s the only good one in this house.” Marxus glared at him.

  Lasius glared back. “If you don’t cut that shit out, I’ll—”

  “Okay,” Seth said slowly. “The both of you, shut the fuck up for two minutes. Marxus, cut it out with calling Warren a bloodsucker.”

  “I’m not calling Sorin a bloodsucker! And that’s the nicest thing I could call him.” Marxus glared at Warren, who stood off in the corner, nearest the shut-up window and the edge of one of the bookcases.

  “Call him that again, and I’ll smash your fucking teeth out,” Lasius threatened.

  “Because that worked out so well for you the last time,” Marxus mocked, and then he smiled at him. “You’ve still got some blood on you. Want me to help you clean it up, or do you want to leave it to your little bitch over there?”

  Lasius stormed forward. Marxus shot to his feet.

  The only thing that prevented a fight was when Evzen grabbed Lasius by the shoulders, yanking him back, and Lucian grabbed Marxus around the shoulders, halting him in his tracks.

  Which didn’t stop the yelling.

  Until Seth slammed his palms down hard onto the desk. “That’s enough!”

  The snap of his command was so great that Lasius couldn’t help but obey. When he looked at the desk, he was pretty sure that he saw a giant crack down the middle of the wood from where Seth had slammed his palms.

  “Enough fighting, I don’t give a shit anymore. Marxus, keep your mouth shut. We’re trying to work this out without giving anyone else a reason to fight. Warren’s part of the clan now.”

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!”

  “He’s Lasius’s mate. What the hell do you want me to do?”

  “Kill him for a start,” Marxus muttered, and it was enough to make Lasius charge forward again. Except Evzen’s grip around his shoulders tightened.

  “You are so fucking lucky that Evzen’s holding me back.”

  “Oh, whatever, you don’t even like him.”

  That wasn’t what Lasius wanted Warren hearing right now. Even though it was sort of true.


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